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Messages - nabokov9

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Drow Debating
« on: May 02, 2005, 03:19:00 pm »
"  But, that brings you into the daylight adaptaion feat.  Those that take that feat are basically saying that they have been on the surface long enough that they got used to the light, and are not as sensitive any more.  (is that right?)  "

conceivably though, you could say that the feat isn't actually indicating a physical change to the drow character, but rather indicates some kind of adjustment in clothing, helmets, perhaps even protective eyewear/lenses.    

therefore, those drow without the feat are unable to craft or just properly wear such things so as to gain protection from daylight;  in other words, gaining the feat shows that the character has studied proper protection techniques or even been shown techniques from other experienced drow....

just an idea to make explaining the feat easier, i dunno.....

Layonara Server / RE: Fire bombs = Alchemists fire
« on: April 29, 2005, 03:21:00 pm »
ah yes...the incendiary skills of those skeletons are frightening to behold.    they catch you off guard sometimes and then - wow - does it hurt.    my characters have felt that a few times too.

hey, if people kept coming in and stealing your knuckle bones all the time, you'd be mad too.....

Just for Fun / RE: Familliars
« on: March 26, 2005, 10:45:00 am »
lonnarin - 3/10/2005  9:55 PM

Eyeballs are NE.  I just HAD to choose one for my CG inventor gnome for the ongoing nefarious rebellion factor.  I RP him as a biological experiment gone horribly wrong, an oxes eyeball accidentally stored in a bottle of enchanting oil, warped by the fluctuations in the weave cause by his spellcasting.  As he was born a hideous freak without hands, Mr QUimby is a very bitter and twisted individual bent on revenge against his maker Brilligimble, and the rest of the world out of rageful hand-envy.

Pretty much a huge beholder swarm CDQ of betrayal in the making ;)

slightly off topic, but my characters have met Mister Quimby in game once or twice, and it is indeed a twisted but hilarious little bugger.    nice work !

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Poison Crafting Suggestion
« on: March 10, 2005, 06:26:00 am »
i like the idea set forth by EightBit - lots of thought and work there   :)

just as a purely philosophical point, i don't view poison in this system as evil - i think that the term 'poison' has us all equating it with evil because in our minds it's something that is used against other people - but clearly in this server, thats not possible.  therefore, doesn't it seem then like any other enhancement - we add electrical, fire, or frost enhancements to weapons, which are initially made from CNR (the glass rods) like poison, we cast darkfire (or other spells) on our weapons to give them extra punch, and so forth.  

traditionally, yes, poison is a sneaky, dangerous substance employed by those of questionable alignment/values, but here, with a flourishing and legal rogue class, isn't it just another CNR based enhancement?

just thinking out loud....

Server Rules / RE: character death after crash
« on: February 15, 2005, 07:59:00 am »
yes, thanks - actually Ollom relieved his frustration by meeting a few friends and paying a return visit to the gnolls.

a good time was had by all - - except the gnolls, of course.  har!

Server Rules / RE: character death after crash
« on: February 14, 2005, 07:51:00 pm »
orth -

perfectly problem.  just wanted to get an official response.  


Server Rules / RE: character death after crash
« on: February 14, 2005, 07:33:00 pm »
okay....haven't seen any responses, so let me add this:

there is a discussion thread here regarding a kind of 'safety net' for relogs after server crashes - see orth's and Leanthar's posts near the end of the thread.  

if this is being discussed, is there any plan to help us now, until this gets implemented?  40K in XP, or even 20K after returning to the grave marker, is tough.


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Houses
« on: February 08, 2005, 05:03:00 pm »
I like all the discussion here  - i've learned a few things about the housing process, actually. i just wanted to add a few things:

the last time i inquired in the Krandor real estate office (no more than two days ago), i only got the "End Dialogue" option from the merchant, which leads me to believe there are no houses currently available in the town.  anyone else have updated info on this?

secondly, is there a place where all this information is compiled, rather than finding it in bits and pieces through forum threads?   things like storage chests and use only by the player who purchases it, multiple keys, floorplans (are there two or three standard layouts, for instance, or are the layouts random?), customization (can you change the floorplan?), re-sale rules, locations of houses for sale (by continent or even town/area), and so forth  - - -  it might be good if there was an online document detailing this stuff, which might alleviate time consuming responses from GMs and Leanthar  - -  obviously they have more than enough to do with coding and updates, etc., so if there is a summary of the housing process, maybe someone could post it and let these guys worry about the bigger issues.

thanks for the discussion!

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Houses
« on: February 08, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
as someone desperately trying to scrape together the coin to buy a house, i agree.  low level housing with a level limit for eligibility is a nice idea.......heck you could even expand the Inn to include a second floor where characters could rent rooms, which might make the Inn more of a roleplaying center than it is now.

or else, what if provisions were made to even allow higher level characters who own a house (or houses) to rent them out?  a new merchant class could be developed, that of landlords.

more random thoughts.....  any ideas?

Server Rules / RE: Items lost during a crash...whats the scoop?
« on: January 31, 2005, 04:33:00 pm »
sorry to hear about your bad luck - have Katrien send Ollom a note if you are unable to recover the final box of goods that he delivered to her earlier in the day.  he'd be happy to make the trip to provide another box.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: druids and craftiing
« on: January 31, 2005, 04:29:00 pm »
agreed, and note that the v3.5 Player's Handbook has the same list.

Rumour Has It / RE: From the notes of Lt. Jursen
« on: December 12, 2004, 10:39:00 am »
*scratches his beard in thought*

hmm....der was a black robed figger that appeared in Hlint before the drow troubles.  he was wearin a skull helmet too, 'is face was all covered and he tellin' people dat dey couldn't enter the crypts.  anybody remember dat?

Ollom Hammersong

Layonara Server / RE: Donate to keep this server alive
« on: November 21, 2004, 09:13:00 am »

a check will be on its way...

Layonara Server / RE: Donate to keep this server alive
« on: November 19, 2004, 12:20:00 pm »

please post your mailing address for personal checks please.  thanks!

General Discussion / see ya
« on: August 04, 2005, 10:19:00 am »
i haven't been around in awhile....playing other servers, actually.

please delete my characters and end this account.

Layonara was the first NWN server i ever played, so for that reason it will remain a pretty good experience.  
other things have soured me a bit on the world, but that's a matter of personal preference i suppose.  

thanks again.

good luck to all, especially Yashilla and Connor.


(((Ollom Hammersong, Eylianna T'irendil)))

Server Rules / character death after crash
« on: February 13, 2005, 09:57:00 pm »
my character ended up smack in the middle of the gnoll horde, Haven outskirts upon re-logging after the recent crash.  he got cut to pieces.

i spoke to orth in the Gamespy chat room about where i might end up upon re-log....but obviously it was a bad place to end up...i lost about 40,000 XP.  any chance of getting that back?


Roleplaying / why are you waving that sword at me sir?
« on: November 04, 2004, 03:21:00 pm »

just something a few of us were discussing the other day:

it might help RP a bit more if, when in town or in a merchant hall, inn, etc..., characters weren't constantly wearing their armor, helmets, carrying shields, swords, axes, and so forth.  it seems a little silly that we should always have our 'smashing gear' on.  imagine the poor merchant NPC who has to deal with people running into his shop brandishing weapons....wouldn't they be a bit reluctant to sell you something?  and what kind of captain of the guard lets us roam the streets armored to the teeth and bristling with weapons?!  and nothing is more annoying than having a pleasant conversation with a character whose face you cannot see because of their stag horn helmet, massive tower shield, and swinging morning star!  yes the world is a dangerous place and the towns are sometimes 'frontier posts' or whatever, but i still believe we miss a cool aspect of RPing when we ignore the non-combat types of clothing available in the game.

most characters probably have a set of these 'street clothes' (or should have at least), and they should be probably be worn when in town or talking in a safe area with other characters.  it only seems to make sense, and i know that i have put them in a quick slot so that i can 'change' quickly upon entering a town or building (and armor/weapons/helmet are in their own quick slots as well).  it also adds a bit of drama when everyone in your group has to don their armor, tighten the straps on their shields and draw their weapons as soon as they leave the safety of the town gates or head down into the crypts.  you can even RP that as well ("Give me a moment, comrades....must buckle this breastplate tightly...." , and so forth) with a Custom Text Macro.

just a thought - i'd like to hear if other people have thought about this as well!

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