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General Discussion / Cander Capers Reschedule - Tuesday
« on: September 07, 2015, 03:42:02 pm »
Got quite a few tells saying that they wouldn't be able to make it today as it's Labor Day.  Family obligations and such.  So I'll be pushing it back a day for tomorrow on Tuesday 9/7/15 at 8pm EST.  Sorry for the inconvenience for those looking for it tonight!
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Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue, Part IV
« on: September 05, 2015, 04:11:29 pm »
Time passes with most of the world being blissfully unaware of anything that happened in the Mountains of Madness or its significance. Across the world, Fastrot is considered to no longer be a danger, and quarantines are lifted. Leveraging rumors of some sort of confrontation or activity in Milara's domain, Rael declares Fastrot to have been the work of Milara himself, who sought to create a plague to afflict upon the people of the world. He further claims to have discovered its nature and was thus able to defend the residents of Rael against it most effectively, though he stops just short of taking credit for discovering a “cure”.Of note, a collection of similar stories begin to circulate through the world involving a confrontation between a dragon and the people of a town. The details vary depending on the teller and the region. Sometimes the village in question is nameless, or it is a small place on another continent. Sometimes the “hero” of the story is a farmer, a seamstress, a shopkeeper or a teenaged girl (though often braggards will insert themselves into the protagonist role). Sometimes the dragon is stunned, sometimes it is burned, shocked or otherwise sent away. In all cases, the dragon leaves and bothers the town no more.A full two years, give or take, from the recovery of the Conduit, the people of Layonara look up into the night sky to see another change. Of the seven deities who converged in the sky several years prior, all had returned to their usual places in the Heavens. There was no movement, no shifting and no warning. Simply, one night, they were back where they “should” be. Grannoch too and retaken her place. Only Toran, Rofirein and Pyrtechon remained displaced, but these only for a few additional nights. All was now as it was to be.
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General Discussion / Community Update - Ravemore
« on: September 01, 2015, 10:20:10 pm »
Just an FYI... We had a large windstorm in the Seattle area over the weekend and I'm swamped at work... so there may be some delay in responses, ongoing IRC RP, etc. I do not anticipate having to reschedule anything though. So, if you're waiting for a reply, I'll get to you as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.-Rave
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Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue, Part III
« on: August 31, 2015, 11:43:15 pm »
Another two months pass before the Conduit is fully disassembled and prepared for relocation. Near the end of this, scouting parties have found what is believed to be a passage through the Deep that will lead to Mistone and eventually the Hall of Seven, however, it is not without its perils, and such a large group passing through with the added load of the Conduit pieces would surely draw unwanted attention. In the interest of expediency, it is ultimately decided to take the Conduit overland to Anger Bay and from there to sail for the subterranean docks of the Ulgrids with the aid and capacity of the Toranite troop ships, and eventually traverse into the Deep for the last part of the journey.The Conduit is moved in five main efforts, each conveying the parts for one fifth of the Conduit, based on the notion that should any section be lost, it could be recreated using their plans and the others as a template. A key piece of each section of the Conduit is taken and moved through another means. The gnomes refuse to answer questions about these pieces or how they are moved, referring to them only as “essence” or “heart”, though there seems to be some disagreement among them as to the correct way to translate the specific word.The transportation of the Conduit back to the Hall of Seven is every bit as painstaking as its disassembly, yet the challenges along the way remain well within the abilities of those serving as scouts, protection or both. Every consideration is given to the safety of the pieces. Reassembly within the Hall begins as soon as the pieces begin arriving. After the better part of a year from the discovery of the Conduit, all pieces arrive safely within the Hall. All those who aided in its transport and protection are thanked, offered provisions and a time to rest, but they are asked to depart as soon as possible. “Our work...” they are told. “for reasons given by the gods themselves, must remain secret. The Five will soon be reborn to disappear among the peoples of this world. Remember all you have learned. Respect what you were told. When the skies change next, you will know the meaning.”
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Layonara Server / "Back to School" Bonus event -- September 2015
« on: August 29, 2015, 11:24:16 pm »
Greetings everyone!We hope everyone has enjoyed their summer.For the month of September, we will be running a bonus event, with extra XP, GP and Fortune for the duration.The event will start sometime on September 1st, most likely evening CDT sometime.Enjoy!
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Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue, Part II
« on: August 28, 2015, 10:43:21 pm »
Days of work by the gnomes turns into weeks and more. Slowly but surely, the Conduit is separated from Milara's modifications and disassembled. It's parts are tagged, catalogued, cross-referenced and documented. New diagrams are drawn with very explicit illustrations and directions for reassembling this very special and intricate artifact. They answer very few questions about their work or the Conduit itself, and only those questions asked by those who solved the puzzles are given any consideration at all.During this same period, things are relatively quiet. No sight, sound nor event attributable to Milara is noted. No passages in this chamber or the caves that link to it lead anywhere into Milara's personal domain (though he most certainly claims the whole of the Mountains of Madness at a minimum). The giants themselves are patient with all the traffic through their caves. While there are some tense moments, they honor their part of the agreement and seem much more at ease when the adventurers and the troops at their disposal consistently honor the giants' requests as well. They eventually even prove useful in keeping the path back to Bloody Gate somewhat safe and secure without the need for a large presence of troops. A few times, the impaled head of a dark elf is presented as a show of continued good faith.About three weeks into the gnomes' effort, with still a fair amount to go, the leader Ehkaheic addresses Acacea with a request. “We think Milara brought this through the underground,” he says. “Safest and quickest way back may be through the same. We need scouts...and protection when it is time to move...and perhaps messengers.”In one particular shipment of supplies, a crate arrives containing a collection of shields and rods which are distributed to the adventurers who recovered the Conduit as a token of thanks. Each device bears clear signs of gnomish design and craftsmanship.
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Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue, Part I
« on: August 01, 2015, 10:23:38 pm »
With little warning, the fortress of Bloody Gate is suddenly a hub of activity. It began a short time ago with the arrival of several persons whose names would be recognizable by the stories told of them. Not long after, a brigade of soldiers bearing standards of Toran made landfall in Anger Bay. The force, numbering a thousand or more troops based on observations, began to march through the wilderness of Morholt, apparently taking pains to avoid centers of population by a wide margin, at least until reaching Bloody Gate. The troops settle into a camp just outside the walls, resting and waiting for something.The wait ends up being not long at all, and with a few more arrivals of storied (and even legendary) persons, the troops begin to mobilize. Joined by a sizable force of Voraxian troops from Bloody Gate itself and a small contingent of scouts sent by the Wolfswood Rangers, a coordinated march into the Mountains of Madness to the east of Bloody Gate begins, led by the same prominent individuals who arrived not long before. And so began the campaign into the mountains, with the mighty adventurers securing the path and the army of troops holding the lines of supply and communication.The expedition proceeded into a cave, and at that point, the details get spotty. From outward appearances, the activity and troop distribution would suggest holding position, yet only a few waypoint camps are established along the secured route, suggesting no permanence to the effort. Observations also suggest a regular rotation of troops through the lines of fortification, some going as far back as the camp outside of Bloody Gate. Rumors of an alliance with mountain giant tribes long left undisturbed since the long-expired truce with Milara circulate among the forces. As could be guessed, such rumors are met with varying degrees of acceptance.Likewise, stories circulated among troops rotating out of the caves speak of a large machine of some sort being secured and kept for study.Within a month or so of the incursion into the mountains, a half dozen gnomes arrive at Bloody Gate. After being allowed to rest and refresh from their journey overnight, the gnomes were escorted along the supply lines and into the cave. A week after the gnomes' arrival in Bloody Gate, a trio of riders bearing insignia and flags of Morholt arrive and demand audience with King Rory.Though precisely unknown at the time, the last recorded case of “Fastrot” occurs two weeks after the mountain incursion with a man who stumbles into Fort Homestead, collapses and almost immediately liquifies. (( more to come... ))
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Rumour Has It / Not Frosty the Snowman...
« on: July 21, 2015, 07:07:40 pm »
Meep Widershine burst through the doors of the small tavern in Dalanthar. He was disheveled, dirty, bloody, and by all appearances out of his mind. As he made his way to the bar the other patrons went back to their drinks and conversation… but it was obvious they were listening to what Meep was babbling about to the bartender.“They were ravenous animals I tell you! Yeti in the Thunder Peaks… but nothing like I have ever seen before! They were upon our camp before we knew what hit us. I watched them tear apart poor Birtle and eat him… Shoving chunks of my poor nephew into their gaping maws! They were fast and vicious! Uncanny in their strength!” He shuddered and quaffed no less than 8 shots of hard liquor in the span of about 15 seconds.Granmine, an elegantly dressed chap smiled from a table in the corner. Something new for his collection he reckoned. He scrawled a message on a small piece of paper, and as he left he pinned it to a bulletin board near the door.200 True per pelt. Yeti in the Thunder Peaks. Leave word for Granmine with the bartender.--------------// This is a static quest and it has been placed in-game. Feel free to use this thread for RP/Forum posts. Significant posting will also be rewarded at the conclusion of the quest.This is a tough one, and it is possible to see bad guys well above CR30. The soul mother is active and a balanced group is advised. You have been warned. Rewards have been placed in game as well.Good luck! PS - DO NOT sneak in invisibly and steal the quest rewards. At the conclusion of the quest, please send me a private message and let me know what loot you found to confirm fair play. Also, the boss has been assigned a special XP bonus for this one.-Rave
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Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue
« on: July 20, 2015, 10:08:25 pm »
Sorry for the teaser here.I just wanted to let everyone know that we're working to write up the epilogue to the Ancients Legacy plot. As you might guess, there are a lot of little parts at work here, including reward items, RP and lore consequences/benefits/etc., and we want to make sure it all works out correctly. In addition, we allowed ourselves a little down-time, after having spent so long on the plot in general and on the preparation for the Finale.So anyway, it's coming. Thanks for your patience.
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Just for Fun / Concening Hobbits
« on: July 16, 2015, 06:00:25 pm »

Rumour Has It / Goblin Raids
« on: July 16, 2015, 03:39:18 am »
A patrol from Fort Llast was ambushed while on a routine long range patrol near the borders of the Goblin Wastelands. The battle was short, but fierce. The raiding party was estimated at about 50 in strength and two soldiers were slain before the attack was beat back.Scouts from Hlint have also reported increased activity much closer to the town than is usually seen. One caravan has not made it to Hlint as scheduled and is presumed lost. Alicia Nefzen, Commander of the Hlint defense has put up a 500 True reward for information on the lost caravan, but has expressed the towns desire not to have any forces or troops based inside their walls. Large mercenary companies or other military units will be turned away at their gates. // This is a static quest and it has been placed in-game. Feel free to use this thread for RP/Forum posts. Significant posting will also be rewarded at the conclusion of the quest. Use caution, it can be a tough one if you are solo. This is geared for a strong party of mid-level PC’s 10-20th. The soul mother is active and a balanced group is advised. You have been warned. Rewards have been placed in game as well. Higher level PC groups may run through with no problems, so if you want a challenge and good XP, forgo the super epic characters... but accept the consequences.Good luck! PS - DO NOT sneak in invisibly and steal the quest rewards. You will be punished if you do so in a creative and not-so pleasant manner. At the conclusion of the quest, please send me a private message and let me know what loot you found to confirm fair play.-Rave
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Ancients Legacy / //// Be on the lookout....
« on: July 12, 2015, 07:10:14 pm »
.... for an Arms event to follow up this whole affair with story and song. I'm on vacation for a few weeks, but I'll be looking for a spot on the calendar for an IG event to commemerate the finale. ////
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Ancients Legacy / Sindolin's Remains Salvaged
« on: July 11, 2015, 05:33:21 pm »
After the battle the smoke began to clear and the adventurers stood dumbfounded.  They were alive.  And what more than that, they had faced down Milara and won, making him run with his dark tail between his accursed legs.  While Milara got away, his two bodyguards were not so fortunate.  Kurn and Tyra lamented over the bones of Milara's Pet, for Plen's mighty blow utterly shattered its skull into dust and nary a skull or even a salvageable tooth remained.  Then, digging through the rubble, they found it.  The remains of Milara's Triumph.  The one formerly known as Sindolin.  The dessicated corpse whithered and lifeless, free of the curse on undead at last, resting peacefully."Oi, this un should have a proper burial, lest we'd never hear the end of it from Bumblefeet!"  So Kurn and the adventurers gathered his remains and carefully placed them in a series of boxes to be later purified and interred for a proper burial.  Penning a message to Acacea and the other friends of the late Sindolin, he asks who would like to do the honors and where to deliver the body of the late hero for his final rest.
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Ancients Legacy / From Failsafe to Conduit
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:20:07 pm »
Messages are sent out to those adventurers known to have been traveling alongside the Failsafe and especially those who have been known able to use it to please meet in Fort Llast to discuss their next move and how to use the Failsafe. //I'm sorry this is so last minute, but I can get in game tonight with Daniella if anyone can come on and meet with me.  I will award WL xp to those able to show up for plot-related rp.  Thank you.  I will be on at 9pm EDT unless people are able to get on earlier and need me to log in sooner.
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Rumour Has It / Moonlight Shadows
« on: July 08, 2015, 11:26:52 pm »
//This will be a thread for an upcoming event that will occur at a time to be announced later. For those players wanting to become involved, please begin posting here in this thread. As with all of my quest story lines, this will run for a couple of weeks and help to flesh out and give the online portion direction. As always, I award fortune for forum involvement. Easy experience if you ask me….------Not far from Lake Ravine in the Silkwood a dark shadow moved through the underbrush, wisps of moonlight occasionally brushing thick tangled hair on arms and back. It snarled as Ausir’s light touched its form. Muscles and sinew rippled under dense fur. It stopped and sniffed the air, intense on capturing a scent. After taking in the smells of the surrounding area it howled and returned to the hunt.------Arin was used to the woods and its creatures, but the sound of an eerie howl carried across the wind to his small home. He was well acquainted with all of the local wildlife, and there was an immediate sense of wrongness about this sound. He had lived in the small cabin near the neighboring village of Rho for nearly a decade. The smoldering fire on his hearth cast reddish light throughout the interior of his cabin. He grabbed his crossbow, loaded a shaft, and opened the door to check on his chicken coop.------He ran for Rho, his now empty crossbow clasped tightly in his hand. His breath came in ragged huffs and immediately fogged and dissipated into the cold night air. Arin knew his life was probably at an end, but he ran anyway. That’s what his father had always taught him… never give up. Never. That was the last thought that flitted through his mind before the beast leapt upon him and tore his throat out. His gods were merciful and allowed him to expire before the creature began to feed.------Two militiamen from Rho looked around the thick brush, weapons at the ready. The woodcutter had reported the torn up body earlier that morning. It lay not far from them, mangled, half eaten. Some personal effects on the dead man identified him as Arin, a homesteader that lived not far from their village. He was a good man and well liked. The evidence at the scene indicated Arin was running when he was ambushed. Large canine tracks were found everywhere. Larger than any they had ever seen before. They collected the body and made their way back to Rho to report their findings and to give Arin a descent burial.Later that day messengers were dispatched to nearby towns for assistance. A 1,000 true reward was posted for the head of the responsible animal. 
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Rumour Has It / Angels - A Detour From Somewhere to Somewhere Else
« on: July 06, 2015, 11:31:36 pm »
A bedraggled halfling with mud nearly to her knees uses a runed walking stick to knock at the "Angels Only" (so to speak) door in the fields. Beside her is a horse who looks to have been better taken care of than herself, despite its old scars. She eyes the lock thoughtfully, rattling the keys at her waist, but then mutters to herself and gestures to make a considerably more impressive series of booming sounds than her more mundane attempts.HALLOOOO! I need to see a man about a Door! And things. And maybe a discount. ALSO IS MOUSTACHE IN?

((Apologies that I cannot be in-game until Thursday at the earliest, so I thought I would take to the forum.))

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Introduce Yourself / Hello!
« on: June 27, 2015, 06:16:47 pm »
Hi everyone!

Thought I would introduce myself. I'm Edd and I've been a long time fan of Neverwinter Nights. I've played it on and off over the years and just came across Layonara online. I'm fairly new to roleplaying and hope you guys would be patient with me as I'm learning the ropes. I'm trying to get a few of my mates interested in playing Layonara online so we can play together. It's a shame it's not more of a popular server! The impression I get here is a high quality and fun server, the crafting system sounds fun too! I'm going to have a think about my character and what sort of story and background s/he should have. Plus, I'll do some reading around the lore and look at some of the maps to try and get them to fit in somehow. 

So, Hi everyone! It's nice to meet you all! 

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Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Finale Preparation -- IMPORTANT
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:01:38 pm »
All,As a reminder, the Ancients Legacy Plot Finale will happen on Saturday, July 11th, 2015. We are planning on a quest of about three (3) hours...ideally less than that...hopefully not much more.The last of the wrap-up RP from the prior quest session is concluded. We're now just over two weeks away from the Finale event itself, you have a goal (and if you don't have any idea what it is, ask someone), you have some idea what you might face (ditto), but if you do nothing to prepare before the quest (last minute investigations, following of clues/suggestions, seeking assistance, etc.), you will be at a significant disadvantage when the Finale starts.To that end, and because Rowana and I have a lot to do to prepare for this and little time to do it, please get all your requests, questions, desired actions and intentions to Rowana and I no later than Saturday, July 4, 2015 to ensure we have ample time to respond and address them. Any requests received after July 4th will be handled on an as-possible basis, and we cannot guarantee they will receive the necessary attention after this date. We will make every best effort to wrap up anything started prior to that date.In addition, at least one of us is generally on IRC throughout most of the day and evening, Central US time, so that is a viable option for asking us plot-related things. This also works well for brief interactions with NPCs.Simply put, that with which you collectively start the quest will have a direct impact on your chances of success.  If you wait until the day of the quest to rally support or figure out where you're going, you will eat into the time set aside for the quest, and your chances will be far less than if these things are at least initiated before the quest. Please plan accordingly.With that all said, our PM boxes are open!
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Layonara Server / Version 3.58 is online!
« on: May 31, 2015, 01:05:41 pm »

Version 3.58 is online!

Just a couple of bug fixes and an area update.


  • Fixed an issue with the quickbar deletion and replacing not working

  • Fixed an issue with the spellbook saving system not saving clerical domain spells properly

  • Fixed an issue with some spider cocoons not respawning



    Area update[/li][/list]


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Ancients Legacy / Gnome At Last
« on: May 25, 2015, 01:46:01 pm »

Ehkaheic: The Five are Faltering.... We fear for the world...Charm : Who five. Who two?Daniella Stormhaven: We haven't given up hope yet. Nor should you.Ehkaheic: *he nods*Kurn Blackwater: Yeah, Goran six or seven?Zigruum Frostbeard: aye the contingencyEhkaheic: *he looks to each of them as the speak and his brow creases briefly*Acacea Thistletounge: "How did these people even make it in here?" *she says aloud as if trying to read minds, then giggles*Charm: Ya wonderin' rather to serve drinks with the sancks, aren't ya?Tyra Dragonheart: Charm... *she holds a finger over her lips*Charm: *ignores Tyra*The two robed gnomes move a bit closer to the group, and to each other. The elder male motions for silence. He waits for a few moments to give people a chance, then begins to speak, whether or not it is silent. He looks to those who are obviously listening with very serious intent.“We are the keepers,” he says carefully, “We have waited centuries for this moment, as have those who came before us.” He smiles again at them, “We are overjoyed to have witnessed those who have been able to pass the tests. It is now time for you to go to the next step. You must use the Failsafe to find the Conduit. A new batch of families must be gathered to receive the gift of the Gods.“Their numbers are dwindling,” he says, becoming very serious, “Since the alignment, something terrible has begun and those who are Gifted with the blessing have begun to disappear at an unnatural pace. We fear the elves will soon lose their blessings all together.” He frowns with this.“As we offered before, you may take your rest here,” he nods a little, “Then you must go to the Conduit. The Five must not falter.”
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