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Messages - Dorax Windsmith

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Introduce Yourself / Re-Introduction
« on: September 25, 2008, 09:58:05 am »
Hey, I just wanted to say Hi to all the people who've come into this place in the one year that I've been out of it. I'm back now and I look forward to meeting and making friends or atleast aquantences with as any of you guys as I can.
 My name's Jess, I'm gonna be 20 this December (oh gods Im OLD >.<), and I like...well ..Roleplay obviously. My other interests are music (singing, playing violin and viola), writing of any kind, and....I need some outdoor hobbies bad. :( I need a bike again *nodnod*
 As for who I played. I really just had one character: An Illusionist named Rhynnala Asantiani with an astounding hatred for the slave trade. She's actually in hiding from the remnents of the Silver Crescent, and where she is she hasn't yet gotten the news of Sallaron's victory, though if she did she'd be proud.
 Ill be playing a Mistite wizard as soon as she's approved.
 I'm a 3rd year magazine journalism student, and I want to wind up writing for videogame magazines. I actually hope to, sometime before my career is done, be able to interview some of the developers here on what they're doing >.> and get a peice out about them. Who knows, maybe I can pitch it to game informer or something.
 Whoah, tangent.
 Anyway, I also happen to work in gaming retail , its hell, but it can be fun. No, you can't have my discounts =P!
 Anyway, Ill put some contact information here, so if anyone wants to talk or anything feel free :D I don't shun anyone! =P
 PS: To L: Bummer about the whole server thing. That sucks. Hope you find a new host.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Segem Story Arc
« on: September 20, 2008, 09:45:14 am »
// A thread to discuss the  "Stone Head"(1), Well, Well, Well, and Cruel To Be Kind story arc. Children In The Temple occurred out of "Well, Well, Well" and led into "Cruel To Be Kind", thanks largely to Jaelle Thornwood's efforts. Grim Faces In Vehl, Grisly Find In Vehl, and Horror In Leringard come out of "Cruel To Be Kind". //

[SIZE=10](1) "Stone Head" was originally ran as one of Pseudonym's Monday night regulars (not titled as such) way back when. I don't have logs that far back and thus can't provide the calendar event for it or who was actually involved (apart from my own character), but there are a few characters around who participated in it.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Wren starts to put things together
« on: September 20, 2008, 12:26:35 am »
Wren has heard of the demon issues in Kuhl and has even had a run in with a half demon just trying to find a safe place to live. He has heard of some dragon cult trying to capture or kill dragons. He had heard of some kind of ancient poison that can be used to kill dragons and that maybe had some strange effects on people touched by it. And lastly he was confronted by a woman that exuded power. She questioned him about the place where Blood fell and how the crater was formed. He told her the story as he knows it and she told him that he needed to get his facts straight. She seemed to hint that maybe the blood pool was not destroyed or that it was not the cause of the destruction. Then she called on some man that told us to leave. We left he seemed like a serious guy. Wren wants to investigate this over all the other things he has heard about. He has spoken about it with a few folks but none that could shed any light on it. He would like to form an investigation team and go down into the crater to see if there is anything to help shed some light on this.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Going to be gone for a while
« on: September 17, 2008, 04:50:15 pm »
I'm sorry to say that work is demanding more of my time. I can not play online as much as I would like. It looks like it will be like this till about Feb 09. I'll still troll the forums often, I just can not a lot much time to actual play.

The RP reason for Beli's absence is he needs to spend more time in the family mine and with his newly developed family. Buddy has gone as well to help in the mine and will surface when the time is right to strike.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / New web IRC interface
« on: September 15, 2008, 09:33:07 am »
Hi all,

I've integrated a new web based irc widget which is provided for free by .  It seems to be a bit more featured then our existing one, specifically being able to handle private conversations.

For those who use IRC via web, please give it a try and let me know what you think.

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Rumour Has It / You step onto a dock in Leringard...
« on: September 08, 2008, 09:11:26 pm »
[SIZE=32]...ambling past the working sailors and shiphands to find the ticket man. Your ears can't help but snatch up the conversation between a particular captain and one of the dock-hands. The captain is grizzled and grey-bearded, but might not be more than fourty years of age. The dock-hand, you can tell, has seen his fair share of sun and wind, skin leathery and hair stringy.

"Aye, sir. Finally got the new dock finished, all spick and span it is. Sanded smoother than a baby's bottom. And the first ship's due in tomorrow." The dock-hand points to the pier at the far end of the dockside with one hand and runs a greasy hand through greasier hair with the other. The sea captain squints one eye, reaches up to block the sun.

"Don't look so happy, lubber."

"And why not, salty? Afraid that dragon's coming back?"

Looking from dock to dock-hand, the old captain scowls and shivers. "By the Tempest I hope it don't, but that ain't my beef. No, I do regular trade between here and the port o' Hempstead."

"Back to business then, eh?"

"Back to something." The captain takes a tri-cornered hat from his head and wipes a bald brow. "I secretly wished that there new dock for Vehl trade ships would never be finished."

The dock-hand spits. "What? You been hitting the bottle a bit too hard, mate." He folds his arms. "Or stuck on land too long, maybe. That new trade route's bound to bring in some good money."

"For the likes of you, I can see why you consider it good, what with more to load and unload thanks to the extra ships. Aye, surely there be some new jobs for this city. But I tell you what, that there new dock represents competition, it does. And on top of that it signals the end of Brelin's need to aid Trelania's Leringard."

"You think?"

"I know. Ain't no need for that trading council in Brelin to keep the trading tariffs lowered anymore. They just did that to help Leringard get back on its feet. Them and the city on Alindor, Marinor's Hold. Got special treatment because of the calamities."

"Calamity is an understatement." The dock-hand slaps his knee and whistles. "Dragons and tidal waves. That stuff's just not supposed to be bothering the likes of us. This wouldn't have happened under Alluriel's reign. No sir." A wagging finger narrowly misses the captain's nose.

The captain shakes his head. "I tell you though, I've come to rely on them tariff breaks when I bring my goods into Hempstead. Now with the relief no longer needed, they're coming back, you can be certain. A drain on my pocket, bleeding tariffs."

"Well, what you expect, salty? Rich folk like staying rich, eh." Nodding as though he'd just said something profound, the dock-hand scratches at the yellow of his tooth.

"But them tariff's are going to be worse than before, mark my words."

"That don't make no sense. What, they going to make up for lost time?"

"No, they going to make up for that trade that used to go through Hempstead before making it to Fort Vehl now going directly there. Thanks to that bleeding new dockside. Not to mention, them Co'rysians don't much like the Brelins; the feeling's mutual for the Brelin's from what I've seen. Just ain't sure how this new route from here to Vehl's going to go over. But I know it can't be good for my business." He lets out a sigh, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeve, pulling at his captain's beard.

"You're worse than a gloom." The dock-hand snickers and shakes his head, poking the captain in the chest. "You know Vehl's sending more trade ships up to Hempstead, aye? Vehl's opened up all new trade. That's a good thing, mate. A good thing. I'm thinking them Brelin merchant trader council fellows or whatever they are got to know that they should be helping the new trade along not squashing it with tariffs."

The captain makes a face and throws up his hands. "Bah! What do you know, lubber. You don't trail these waters. Loading and unloading crates all day and you think you understand the intricacies of ocean trading and commerce."

"I know that you married my sister so you got to put up with me. Now how about a drink to ease them worries. I know just the place. And maybe the Gypsy will sing for the crowd tonight."

The two turn away, and you realize that you had paused to take in the whole event. You move on, finally, destination in sight: a fat man with tickets. The next day you board a passenger frigate with white sails. It sets sail for Fort Vehl.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Here we go again
« on: July 19, 2008, 09:49:46 pm »
Yep, its that time again. I will be going back out to sea soon for several months. Everyone have fun and I will see you all when I get back.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Layonara Server / Bioware NWN 1.69 Released -- DO NOT UPDATE
« on: July 09, 2008, 09:30:46 pm »
Bioware has apparently released patch 1.69 for Neverwinter Nights.  When you start your game, it may ask you to update.

It is very important that you do not update to 1.69 at this time. You will NOT be able to play on Layonara if you do.

At this point in time, we have not yet decided whether or not to update to 1.69. When we do, you'll be advised.  It is OK to download the patch directly from Bioware's web site as long as you do not install it.

If you do mistakenly update to 1.69, you can revert back to 1.68 using a download from Bioware.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Introduce Yourself / Another belated introduction ~ Lynn1020
« on: June 30, 2008, 06:04:54 pm »
[SIZE=16]I finally caved in to do an intro myself. My real name is Tiffany. Lynn1020 comes from my middle name (Lynn), 1020 is from my wedding anniversary, October 20th. I am a southern girl and from what I have found out, I still have a very southern accent. I grew up in Kentucky until I married and moved with my husband. After moving to several different states (including a three year vacation in Hawaii) we now live in the Northwest, near Seattle. It never fails though; anytime I speak I am asked where am I from.

I have been a military wife for almost 18 years now, and also a stay at home mom to three kids (four if you count my husband). Two boys aged sixteen and thirteen, who both play Layo from time to time, and one girl age six. She plays the NWN single player version. I had to finally tell her she could start playing with us when her reading and writing improves. She will lecture me when she watches me play. "Mom do you want to keep playing Emie? Well stop going out alone and wait for your friends!"

I have to say I love that I get the chance to stay at home with the kids, even though you will often find me moaning and complaining. Especially now that I have been nursing a broken foot for the last couple of weeks, and the kids are out of school for the summer and I can't even drive! But at least it does give me an excuse to be in Layo even more.

My husband played Layo for two years before I started. In that time I have to say I hated Layonara. All I knew about it was that it was a game that kept my husband on the computer for hours!! Many times he tried to get me to watch him and try it out. I refused. I was happy with my scrapbooking and Zelda games. Then it got worse! He got our two sons playing it! It drove me nuts having to listen about it all the time. Well to make a very long story short, he finally got me to try it. Emie was born! That was almost two years ago so needless to say I was hooked and haven't left since. Now the whole family plays together at times. I never thought a game could make me laugh and cry as much as this one has.

I have never played any type of D&D game before Layonara. So there was so much I didn't understand and I am still learning. That being the reason Emie started out a lot like me...shy and quiet. Boy has she changed in the last two years!!
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Mixafix July
« on: June 29, 2008, 11:18:47 am »
For anyone involved with ther mixafix plots or characters.

I will be absent from the game for much of July starting next weekend, might make the forums.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Rumour Has It / The Passing of a Bloodwar Legend
« on: June 28, 2008, 06:34:29 pm »
**Notices are posted in most areas where dwarves and adventurers travel**

[SIZE=24]The Crimson Shield[/SIZE][/I][/B]
regretfully announces the passing of
[SIZE=32]Dorax Windsmith[/SIZE][/B]

Bloodwar Hero
Master Weaponsmith and Armorsmith

Funeral services to be held at the great temple of Vorax

Open to all, closed to none

Any and all who fought along his side during the last moments of
[SIZE=18]Sinthar Bloodstone[/SIZE]
during the Bloodwar
are specially invited to attend.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / To all the Dad's out there...
« on: June 15, 2008, 08:24:46 am »

[SIZE=24]:) A special first father's day to Chongo!  :)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]Thank you for everything you do for your families!![/SIZE]

Hope you are able to relax and enjoy the day.

[SIZE=16]~~Also a special thanks to my hubby.  We really do apprecate everything you do for us. ~~[/SIZE]

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Server Rules / Dead Magic areas
« on: June 13, 2008, 08:54:56 pm »
This question has seemed to come up quite a bit lately, both within the community and the GM Team. As such, it seems appropriate to clarify things for everyone so that there is no confusion.
First, let's define what, exactly, a Dead Magic area is.
 Dead Magic
Dead magic area is an area where there is no Al'Noth so you cannot cast anything. Also anything that requires activation by magic, or magic to maintain itself would not work, because there is no Al'Noth to support it.
So, the casting of spells, use of scrolls, activation of wands and other things that produce magical effects and any other sort of action that requires or calls upon the Al'Noth to activate, function or maintain simply do not work in dead magic, nor will they continue to work when entering such an area.
However, there are some things, items and spells, which, while magical in nature, are not affected by dead magic. For example, spells cast on weapons and armor prior to entering a dead magic area bring about physical changes and/or energize the objects such that they do not require the Al'Noth to sustain them but rather sustain themselves for as long as their energy holds out.
The same can be said for summons. A creature that is called to the caster will remain for a set amount of time. Entering an area of dead magic does not banish the creature.
Other examples are items such as jewelry and other worn items that enhance stats and skills as well as enhanced/enchanted weapons. Again, while magical in nature, their energy comes from within, not without. As such, the effects these kinds of items do not get removed when entering an area of dead magic.
Everything else should be considered to not function at all in dead magic areas. This includes supernatural abilities and feats that come as a result of class and/or subrace bonuses and which are linked to the Al'Noth in some way.
While this is not necessarily a comprehensive list, things such as Darkness, Divine Might, Divine Shield, Epic spells, Bless Weapon, Holy Sword, Deafening Clang, and Blade Thirst are examples of abilities that should not function in places of dead magic. To this list I also add the arrow-enhancing abilities of Arcane Archers and the weapon-enhancing abilities of Spellswords. They are very dependent on the Al'Noth and simply do not function at all without its presence.
One item-based example that I wish to point out is Ioun Stones. While possessing a power of their own to a degree, their energy to remain in the air around the user and impart their benefits comes from the Al'Noth. As such, Ioun Stones would not work within dead magic zones.  Any such active stones would fall from the air upon entering.

I'm sure this will raise a few questions as well as a disagreement or two based on what can be observed in-game, so I will continue.
 Mechanics vs. RP
Bioware, whether by design or oversight, has left us some mechanics which are often difficult to work around. On the same token, they have also left us some rather nice things, which make other things possible. Among the most relevant to this topic is the spell hook system. This nifty little system gets called at the beginning spells and spell-like abilities and lets us have things like dead and wild magic. However, and this is more often true for our custom content, not all such things are properly "hooked" for dead and wild magic. This unfortunately may leave some instances where something may appear to work mechanically even though the RP of it all says otherwise.
There are a wide range of things we can adjust and easily manipulate, but there are also some things which are needlessly difficult. Of the things I've listed above (and which will also be listed below for ease of reference), some can be corrected easily enough, while others cannot.
Regardless of whether they are possible to use in a dead magic situation (i.e. the mechanics permit it), in these cases, the RP limitations and denials shall take precedence. At the moment, we're aware of several abilities that should not function in dead magic but do. Whether these will be fixed and the timing thereof are not known at this time. It is currently a matter of available time and resources versus the benefit gained. So we ask for a bit of common sense in the decision as to whether or not something should work or be used in dead magic.
 The Bottom Line:
Now that the GM Team's position on this matter has hopefully been explained, here's a list of things which are and are not permissible in dead magic areas. Note that this list may not be comprehensive and that we may add to it or change it as new cases are found or as our opinion shifts on the matter.
 - Allowed -
The following are permitted uses of magic and magical items, effects and abilities in relation to dead magic zones. These things are not considered exploitive and are in fact considered acceptable.
  • Temporary weapon enhancements applied prior to entering a dead magic area. This may include, but is not limited to, spells such as Greater Magic Weapon and Flame Weapon and abilities such as a Spellsword's Imbue feats.
  • Temporary armor enhancements applied prior to entering a dead magic area.  This may include, but is not limited to, spells such as Magic Vestment.
  • Items that enhance stats, skills and/or saving throws that are worn or equipped (clothing, jewelry, accessories) and that provide a "permanent" benefit to one's attributes and bonuses.
  • Summons of any kind, provided the summoning is performed prior to entering the dead magic zone.
  • Permanent weapon and armor enhancements, such as elemental enhancements, silver and titanium coatings and elemental resistances.
As mentioned above, the key here is that these things do not rely upon the Al'Noth to sustain or maintain them, having received all their energy from either the casting itself or the energies inherent in the application of the enhancement.
 - Not Allowed -
The following are not permitted uses of magic and magical items, effects and abilities in relation to dead magic zones. Even if mechanically permitted to do so, the cases below are prohibited, and players should not knowingly engage in such practices.
  • Ioun Stones.  It does not matter whether or not these are activated prior to entering the dead magic zone or not, they are simply not permitted to be in use in dead all. They rely upon the Al'Noth to keep them circling around the character, and in its absence, they will fall to the ground. Bioware does not enforce this mechanically, but we will enforce it administratively.
  • Active magical and supernatural abilities that would draw upon the Al'Noth in some way, whether divine, arcane or natural. They may possibly persist when moving into a dead magic zone, but should not be activated or used from within a dead magic zone. These may include, but are limited to:
  • Racially-granted feats and abilities (i.e. Darkness)
  • Class-based feats, abilities and powers (i.e. Divine Might, Divine Shield, Bless Weapon, Holy Sword, Deafening Clang, Blade Thirst). This also includes the abilities of Spellswords and Arcane Archers to imbue their weapons and/or ammo with special enhancements.
  • Epic spells (i.e. Epic Warding, Epic Mage Armor, Hellball)
Again, it is possible that these things may be activated or used prior to entering a dead magic zone, but they should not be activated while within a dead magic zone.
 [/INDENT]The basic gist here is that any ability or item that requires the Al'Noth to activate or maintain cannot be used within a dead magic zone.
The GM Team hopes that this clears up the various questions, for GMs and players alike, on the subject of dead magic and what should or should not be allowed. Especially in the "Not Allowed" list, there are probably a list of things that are not explicitly stated but which still fall into the category. Again, we ask that players apply common sense to these things and err on the side of caution, or at least ask about a particular case if it is unclear.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Layonara Server / Lifting of the ban on McLeve41/Naiather
« on: June 13, 2008, 01:33:00 pm »
After quite a bit of discussion we have decided to lift the permanent ban on McLeve41.  This was a difficult decision but the circumstances in the end led us to give him a second chance.

The player was very new when he broke the rules and never had a chance to own up or apologize since he stopped playing well before we even realized he had broken the rules.  Typically what we do in this case is ban the player then wait for them to check the forum and/or PM one of the administrators to plead his case.  In this case it never happened as his interest from Layonara faded.  So we just left the ban as permanent.  His maturity and commitment to be a positive member of the community at this point in time 2 years later led us to believe it would be beneficial for the community and him of course to lift the ban.

Additionally he could have just bought a second copy of NWN diamond or whatever and been right back in game without us being the wiser but he's taken the time to try to do this the right way and be a positive member of Layonara.

We will not be reinstating the Naiather player as his bank account and inventory are tainted, uncertain what truly belonged to him. But we're giving him another chance with a new character.

Please make him feel welcome and trust that he will bring a positive role to the world.  

If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Layonara Server / The Gauntlet: Quest Announcement
« on: June 11, 2008, 10:37:30 pm »
[INDENT]The Gauntlet - Quest Announcement.

Esteemed archaeologist and retired adventurer, Terrance Copper The Third, has spent most of his lifetime in and out of dungeons collecting artifacts of obscure, powerful, and rare nature for dealers, collectors, and artifact connoisseurs worldwide. But now days he is a "retired" adventurer who is purported to have felt the icy grasp of the soul mother one to many times. Meanwhile, something he has sought for years, the pinnacle of his career, and his magnum opus of finds is finally within his reach.... but simply out of grasp without aid.

His search goes out for adventures across the land. He solicits an agile, strong, and intelligent group who is willing and able to seek this item for him.

But.. there is a catch. Rather than risk the chance of a lifetime on any such group Terrance and his wife Jonina Copper have devised a trial to test the hopeful adventurers, since only the best of the best will do.


This timed quest pits individual teams of 6 (PC levels 4-17) against the clock, and consequently against one another. The winning team (The one who completes the trial with the best time) unanimously earns Terrance and Jonina's respect and The Contract to help him in completing his life's work. The Contract will be a summer quest series run by the two of us in the winning team's time zone. The Gauntlet is currently scheduled for five time slots*, spanning [strike]four[/strike] three different time zones between June 24th and July 8th as marked on the calendar by .  The time slots will be first come first serve (and yes, there is one for the Aussies!) and can be reserved by the team captain by PM-ing the two of us your 6 team member’s names. All sessions will be run on QUEST server unless otherwise noted.

So now for a few rules and helpful hints:

1. PC must be between levels 4-17** at the start of the quest.
2. There must be 6 PC’s in your party.
3. Your party is on a timer at the moment they start into the Gauntlet.  We will pause this for a short 10 minute AFK at an appropriate time if requested by your party.
4. Resting: Resting is not restricted*** but must be done, as a group, and it will cost you.  Each time your PC’s  “rest” it is considered a full nights rest and will add 1 RL hour to the clock (unless otherwise noted).
5. Skill checks should be put to silent (/o C toggle check_silent) at the start of the quest..
6. Emoting precisely what your PC is doing will get you furthest.  If you merely emote that your PC “Looks around the room.” We get to decide what they are looking at.
7. Think outside the box.  NWN has limitations that the mind does not. Don’t be afraid to get creative. If you have a question about the appropriateness of something, ask.
8. Please, do not spam the dm channel with skill rolls.  Most of the time if you do something that merits a roll, we will request it.  In some cases we may just take a peek at your character sheet and make the roll ourself.
9. Each player  can only have one character participate.  Nobody will be allowed to have one character on one team, and a different character on another.
10.  Keep it IC.  It is to your benefit as a player not to tell others who have yet to be tested what is on the test. (If we find out about you doing this OOC your team will be disqualified and the series is subject to being canceled). With that said however, If your PC does figure out through IC means the members of another team, feel free to mess with their heads, if your character would do so that is..
11. Your actions have consequences.
12. Finally, this is meant to be challenging, exciting, and above all.. fun.  

Interested parties please keep an eye out for in character posts, rumors,  and opportunities to roleplay into the quest, as well as more helpful hints.


[SIZE=16]Anank? & Pyro[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10]The fine print:[/SIZE]

* If the five time slots fill up we will try adding another at one of the same times listed.  Please show some initiative ~ and let us know if you have a group and still need a spot.

**We realize that in an improtu intro to the quest some parties were mis-informed that the level limit would be under 20.  After careful consideration we feel that this is a better balanced challenge for players below 17 and above 4.  We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope that those who this may affect have characters that will fit the level requirement as they are now.

***Resting still must be done in an RP appropriate place.  5 feet away from angry frost giants.. not a good idea.[/SIZE][/INDENT]


EDIT 6/15/08:  Due to certain circumstances and our summer/work schedules we had to remove the Sunday GMT time slot from the quest line up.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

EDIT 6/17/08
:  Forgot to mention that the quests will be on quest server.

EDIT 6/18/07
: Updated the fine print.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / Locked Out!
« on: June 06, 2008, 01:52:08 am »
I am so sorry to everyone who signed up for my quest - here are the trials and tribulations of the past few hours.

I left work early, at 6:30, to allow plenty of time for setup.

I arrived at the apartment at about 7, to discover (to my chagrin) that I had left my keys in the apartment when I left this morning.  Unfortunately, Carillon is not here right now, so I couldn't buzz up to be let in.

No problem, thought I, I'll just ring the managers. They're always in.

As it turned out, this assumption was in error.  Earlier this afternoon, it appears that my landlady won a dinner cruise for her husband and herself.  So, at 6 PM, they had left the building.

Fortunately for me, they'd keyed the buzzer to their cell phone, so despite a poor connection, they recognized my voice and let me into the building proper.  This, however, did not get me into the apartment, nor to the computer at which I now sit.

I then proceeded to while away the intervening four hours reading magazines left by the laundry room, composing little ditties for my bard and cursing the luck that allowed all these events to coincide with the delightfully involved little quest I had planned for tonight.

So.  That's why I was a no-show.

Although the timing developed by my Rumours thread will now have to be stretched, slightly, I am relocating this quest to Saturday, same time, so as not to step on OsxMallard's toes with his fun-sounding Beetle Quest.

Once again, I apologize to those who signed up for my quest, and to Dorg, who doubtless loaded up Quest for me.  I ask your forbearance, and hope most (or all) who signed up for Thursday are equitable with the move.

The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Rumour Has It / The Tale of the Broken Arc
« on: June 03, 2008, 10:59:48 pm »

[SIZE=16]*A group of bards gather from around Layonara in the town of Dalanthar. A circle forms, a crowd behind, listening in awe as the sky glows red on the crumbling Horizon of the Thunder Peaks. An elf in subdued blue garb opens his mouth slowly as he stokes the fire before the crowds. His voice is melodic, composed, and suddenly as he speaks his plain garb seems to reveal the sparkling of perfectly placed hidden accents of rubies*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Listen well friends, listen well enemies... for the fate of a king of kings hangs on those horizons.. and it is by both your hands that it crumbles. It began with the High Boyer, sensing the storms of the giant known as Essrantor Aldtorskel approaching too near to the cities of his domain. He sent word for adventurers, and adventurers they came. Dozens of the best known warriors of our time heeded the call, though they knew not what stood in their path. And for that path I'll start with the end, for the beginning of things never truly start with any other place then where we've just ended no?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*He takes a deep breath as the skies darken all but his red-lit face over the fire*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Four figures stood, a grey hued giant with a stone crown upon his head, a dwarf of fire and ore, an elf of bone and flame, and the mist of a spirit of an adventurer sacrificed. Ever fading, the ghostly adventurer stood. His name was Fenrir Thornaxe, and as the story tells, he was the blood birthright of Axela and Thorn Losthammer, of the dwarves of olden spirit in these peaks high above us. Fenrir stood, fading and distant, until the king spoke the words of release, and reborn his physical being was. Behind him the mists of the veiled lake swirled about in turmoil. The sounds of crashing echoed so loudly that the hair of the many heroes surrounding waved in the wind of the noise. A tower on the horizon of the lake crumbled, and the stone of the great Thunder Peaks fell around the scene. You see... Fenrir had led the assault on Essrantor Aldtorskel the Ether Giant known for his Arc Clan. And now he stood before his Thane by blood, redeemed of a treacherous past in kin. So how did a spirit thane, a dead lord, and a olden Giant come to redeem this dwarf before his allies amongst the falling skies of Thunder? That is a tale unlike any I have told dear listeners, and not since the days of Bloodstone's fall have will you witness such deeds so heroic.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The bard slaps his hands together over the fire, causing sparks to erupt in a swirling cloud of air over the fire* Thunder Struck! ...over the armies of three. One army to hold a pass, one army to perform the ritual, and one to storm the tower of storm itself. Their journey had been long, through deep drifts of snow, threats of falling into the wintery abysses around them, and venturing in the realm of spirit's minds of ages long past. It had begun with a battle on the outskirts of Essrantor's realm, at the foothills of the peaks. Clashing with an army of infinite horizon, the armies looked upon each other before they set off into the snows. They each knew their tasks, and they knew that'd they relied on the success of the other. Many would fall in their efforts, some would find the soul mother's grasp upon them. But the war was more important then any one adventurer, and it would be their friends who's lives would one day soon hang on the outcome of their efforts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The first party of adventurers would seek out wisdom of old. A hammer they sought and a ritual of times past which might break the seals of Storm Tower. The second party would set off for the ruins of Losthammer in the great chasm of bridges. They would need the knowledge of the dwarven spirits from whom Essrantor had stolen his secrets. The last group would split on itself many times. For many battles needed fighting, and many questions needed answers. To uncover enemies of the Arcs they would set themselves toward so that their fight would not be in vain with such an overwhelming army ahead. This last party knew that they would one day hold the key to defending the high passes so that others might succeed, and all would hinge on their success.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The many warriors of many epic tales set off in a large group toward the ruins of the Losthammer Clan. They'd retrieved the knowledge of an ancient blood rite in which they might see the past of a kindred clan. So with the wisdom of the Runic Anvil they found themselves before the great chasm of Losthammer. The rune was drawn, the words spoken, and three dwarves of different clans spilled their blood upon the stone of Losthammer. The tale they tell is one of great wonder, for as the first drop hit, time stood still. The dwarf known as Grohin watched as his blood circled the rune, and time slowed around the group. They found themselves looking upon a scene of old, as the history of the clan reversed around them. The wars waged between the giants and dwarves upon the magnificent bridges, and they watched as the scenes unveiled themselves. A young giant, a young Essrantor, stealing the pages of the runic tome of Losthammer from scribes throughout the years. The war waging, the battles lost, their own magics and materials turned against them. The dwarf known as Fenrir Thornaxe watched as his kin fled in cowardice to save their only child, but only later would he find the truth of the scene being of his own blood. The final blood drop fell from the dwarf known as Kobal Bluntaxe, and in a grand room the group found itself, time still working it's way around their ethereal reality. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*He stamps his foot on the ground in rhythm, stoking the fire with a stick to spray sparks around into the crowd* [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]A Thane stood before 15 warriors and 3 lords. The walls around them thundered. The war was lost, the Thane of Losthammer now spoke of it. Behind them stood a book, the tome of so many secrets that Essrantor had now stolen. The group of heroes watched helplessly as the Thane spoke the final rites. An oath to the clan, an oath to Vorax, and they ran toward the tome in unison, a roar of dwarves echoing throughout the already deafening halls. One by one they perished, and their souls turned to fire. The oath was made you see... and they would forever defend their clanhome from the Arcs... for they had offered their spirits in a final and lasting defense. The dwarves died willingly so that they might fight forever, and the heroes now watched as their souls transformed into a lasting hatred of Essrantor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*He claps his hands over the fire and looks to the crowd dramatically* And suddenly they stood before a dwarf of ore and fire. A soul of burning fury, demanding that they explain their use of the blood rites on the Losthammer clanhome. For the king had sensed the blood of a Losthammer, the blood of a dwarf who's soul would honorably be a spirit fighting still for the clan. He grabbed Kobal at first, lifting him by his head off the ground to look in his eyes and touch the blood from his arm, then he grabbed Grohin. Both were cast aside, thrown across the great throne room, sliding with great speed into the stone walls, and left unconcious. Finally, the king grabbed Fenrir and roared with fury and confusion. How could a Losthammer bleed blood still![/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]That of course, is a question that needed answering. But the story was unravelling beyond the chasm with the other parties, and not until we understand their tales will we understand where Fenrir Thornaxe's fate lied.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The bard turns to an elderly human who steps forward with a book in hand. Without looking up he begins to read, a slow and steady elderly voice which seems to rattle with the vibrations of the winds around you.*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]A few notes have I, a few tales to be told. Many of you know me as Nus, and many stories have I heard to find the peices to this tale, this tale that ends with the fires in the peaks. Hear them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]No sooner had a plea gone out for heroes to rally to the cause of Boyer when one by one, each with their own tale to tell on the why and how they were there they arrived; Argali, Jin, Ferrit, Grenna, and Arkolia.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Though none had been there to hear the pleas on behalf of Boyer they came nonetheless having heard the call for aid second or third hand. Indeed it appears they had hoped to meet with others with first hand knowledge but none were there and time was pressing that much they knew. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]They petitioned Amoran IIyon, the elder sage of elven lore, for knowledge, certain that much of the lore of the rise of Assrantor could be found at Willows Weep. This information was not so easily obtained, Amoran seemed reluctant to have the group stir trouble, but soon realized the scale of events, he handed them a solitary scroll; a song, Elphonse's reposte. This it appears was the only surviving document, however it's very nature alluded to the existence of further hidden lore. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]First though it demanded in verse that three key words be found to gain the support of magic, nature, and healing. The would be heroes rightly assumed this was some test of resolve and character. The secrets were held among the faithful of Aeridin at North Point, the Druids of the Wilds and a shrine to Lucinda. Time prevented them gaining nature's word and this was later to prove a troubling loss.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Solving some remaining verse they decamped to Thunder Bridge and quite out of tune I might add began singing the song...soon birds appeared and eventually a man who declared himself a wizard of the Higher Path, and duty bound to help the bearer of the scroll. He impassively revealed only that of which he was asked and then provided a way to a concealed crypt. Key words were spoken and they entered to find undead and nature's defences still intact. They fought them all without turning, without complaint, aware others needed there absolute effort. Two fell and were nearly lost forever and so when they found a runed hammer mentioned in the song they turned back, not certain they would survive if they remained. What lore lay beyond their grasp we may never find out....[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]By magical portal they returned to an oak that marked the way and stood in a high mountain valley...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The elderly human coughs and takes a breath and flips to the next chapter* Counterpoint...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Below an army of Boyer was spread across the valley intent on distracting Essrantor's forces. Serg a wizard with that army quickly joined the heroes on the mountain and explained the armies movements. Torn between helping the army which looked to be in trouble or taking the hammer to the lead groups. I am told it was with no small discussion that they decided thus; the hammer was to be taken to Kobal and the lead group bypassing the army, and another group poised to divert Essrantor at a fort ahead. Bypass they did, turning aside for none they climbed, caved and sneaked there way to the lead group, and made splendid time as to be mentioned in Boyer dispatches. However they did not leave Boyer's army to certain doom for Arkolia, one of there number alone turned back to warn them of hidden dangers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*He looks up, clearing his throat and catching eyes over the fire to be certain all listen* Boyer's Dispatches...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]From the shadows four figures arrive at Kobal's campsite high in the thunderpeaks. Two half-elves, one male and one female, a human in wizard robes, and a dwarf. As they enter the light they are revealed, the Mystic Jin Lun Lee, the Scout Ferrit, the Mage Serg, and the Defender of Vorax Argali. How they reached there through the lines of giants is certainly an epic story.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"Greetings Kobal. The Grace of the Longstrider to you and your companions."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Jin Lun Lee looks over the dwarves in the group. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"Is that Master Grohin?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"Well here I have an artifact for you. Ragnor's Hammer. As well as this poem, by the bard Elphonse."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"It is likely that this Hammer can be used to destroy the pillars of Essrantor's Veil and restore the use of the weave. The there are four rune on the hammer. The first three we have discovered: Heal-Aeridin, Magic-Lucinda, and Nature-Katia. The fourth rune we do not know and cannot read. Our best guess is that the forth rune is Craft-Dorand."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Jin hands Kobal the hammer and note. He looks across to the tower.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]" You have in your hands an artifact of rune magic. May the Longstrider Guide your path that you may use it with wisdom."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The old man slams the book shut and nods to the crowd*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The rest is a tale to be told, not now, but very soon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The ruby-adorned bard leaps forth toward the crowd and begins to speak*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Elsewhere, in the peaks high above the storms suddenly raged down on a band of adventurers set forth toward a different task! Seeking the kin of the Arcs they were, and they would soon indeed find them, for the cards of fate spelled doom for all, and that doom came in the form of falling snowflakes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*His fingers dramatically wiggle from above his head down and he gazes about the fire*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The storm was relentless they say, burying the adventurers to their knees, then waists, then necks... and then the storm struck and they found themselves tumbling and turning and blowing with the winds and snows and Essrantor's rage in the form of storm itself![/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The bard tumbles and rolls about on the ground as he sees a few frightened children listening. He rolls around one of them, winking at each passing and turn of his eyes to the scared child until the young girl begins to giggle. He renews his tale and his eyes flash over the fire*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]They found themselves in the whitest of white lands of snow and ice. And buried around them they found giants! But not living were these giants, but rather stone! The adventurers devised a plan, and soon they found the means to revive one. Before long their stood the proud and intelligent Ether Giants, kings amongst all, rulers of the storms and skies... still furious at the betrayal of the Arcs in times past. One stood higher then the rest, a king of kings or lord of lords! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The bard skips to the side and gestures toward a gnome who steps forth with a parchment in hand, and he begins to read*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The Ether. Here is my record of what the adventurers told.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The gnome takes a deep breath then begins*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Helmuut looked down. The little people faced him, and his fellow giants surrounded him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"Sit, and I will grant both wishes." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]All complied. Helmuut, standing a head taller than even the tallest Ether, surveyed the crowd. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"For what you have done," [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Now he looked directly at the humans and solitary elf staring up at him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"I will pledge myself to your cause. I have faced no other Arc as merciless and cunning as Essrantor. You will need all the help you can get, though I fear you may have brought us back only to have us march back to a swift demise. Now, as to the state in which you found us. I should begin with a small bit about the history between the Ether and the Arc. Though cousins by divine creation, we are not family. Enemies. Ours is a relationship built on an eternal feud. Of all giant-kind, none can compare to the cunning and wit of the Arc. None except the Ether."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Hemuut paused. He spread his arms, each one thick as a tree trunk. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"We are all that remains of the Ether that settled the mountains you call the Thunder Peaks. The Arc's jealous hatred wittled us down into near extinction. And herein lies the distinct difference between the Ether and the Arc: We, the Ether, crave peace and learning. The Arc craves nothing but power. Though we were truly no threat to them, in the mind of the Arc we are an afront to their supremacy, not to be subjucated like all other creatures, but hunted, tortured, and killed. We fought back, of course, but we are admittedly not as skilled in killing. Such has never been the focus of the Ether. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"As I said, we are the last, were the last, and thus at the time I made a decision. Two pillars of thought supported this decision. The first is that we, as a people, were destined to die at the hands of the Arc, and we had no where else to go. The Arc followed the Ether to these peaks, and we had no reason to believe they would not chase us were we to leave. The second is that we believed the destructive nature of the Arc would eventually lead to their demise. Such is the natural way of things. We did not, however, anticipate the rise of Essrantor. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"I decided, and the Ether agreed, that we should go into hiding until such a time that the Arc had moved on or destroyed themselves. Knowing that if we yet lived, the Arc would find us, we chose to die, if but for a time. We turned ourselves into stone. Granite statues to outlive the ages, and buried ourselves in the mountain snow. Only one remained alive."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Again, the great giant paused, this time bowing his head. A stillness settled over the gathered. Even the mountain winds hiss became a whisper. The moment passed, and Helmuut began anew. He spoke a name, loud and reverant and sad. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"Rorch. My son. A talented weaver of the Al'Noth. He would hide himself in magic and lie in wait until such a time that he might release us from our self-inflicted curse. You can imagine my surprise when it was not my son but an elf that restored me to flesh. But then you tell me what Essrantor has done. Severing the Al'Noth doomed Rorch. He had poor health for an Ether, a fact he made up for with his grasp on the Al'Noth. Had he tried, I suspect he would not have survived the trek down from the mountains without the use of the magic. He must have realized this, and chose instead to die near us, as you found him, a statue of ice instead of a statue of stone. My son, my loyal son, who can never be replaced. If we survive the attack on Essrantor, the Ether will take the proper time to mourn him, and I will open for him with my bare hands a proper grave in the mountain cliffs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Helmuut squated down, yet even like this, only the tallest humans could look him in the eyes, those great orbs of green that pierced the adventurers Helmuut now faced, sincerity and determination flooding their senses.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"Rise, small ones, and face me. I have answered both requests. Now you must tell me everything you know of Essrantor and your fight with him, that I may devise something to help in the coming battles......."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The gnome bows and steps into the shadows as the ruby adorned bard takes a long drink of ale and presses on in his tale*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Meanwhile in the peaks other battles were being waged, other tasks brought to measure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]In the thick mists of the valley fellow adventurers were vying in a political struggle for the allegiance of the large bandit village we of Dalanthar have come to despise. It was rumored that a relic of the runes was kept amongst the bandit lords, and that should it take blood, it must be retrieved for those above to succeed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The bard scratches his head a moment and looks around*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]I did tell the tale of their goal and cause aye?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*A man, wobbling drunk in the crowd yells "no!" and the bard jumps up on a boulder by the fire*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The pillars you see! They were to fell the pillars of antimagic. For with the pillars gone, so would the magic and domain of Essrantor, and the Boyer Kingdom safe from rogue lords of the peaks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]So you see.... these rune were the peices of puzzle to break the many curses laid upon the pillars of storm tower, the pillars that once shot into the sky with antimagical energy so great the world has never again witnessed![/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The adventurers in the mists prevailed you see, and both rune and allies they secured.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*He jumps down from the boulder and hovers again over the fire, using it to illuminate his face dramatically for the audience*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Another group of the armies of adventurers had in these times found their way up Warrior's Ridge to seek council with the great glacier dragon of the peaks. Once a myth, the drake Iliarn was known to sleep on the mountainside, resting and creaking, covered in the ice of old as he slid down toward the lowlands below. This, of course, is partly false. For the Drake known as Iliarn is not the glacier, but he does indeed sleep within it's snows.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Within the halls of coldest ice and wind these adventurers delved in search of the drake. They had a task, to secure the last of the old allegiances... the great dragon spirit Granarock the Silver. They knew not how to call this spirit, nor if he would hear their request in aid against Essrantor. Nor even did they know if the ancient Iliarn would know the means to call his part-kin dragon of old, or if he would desire to aid them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]You see... Iliarn has been known for some ages by adventurers.  Reclusive, impatient, unwilling to speak to the mortals of the lands below. Sliding beneath the ice and snow of the land he rests, avoiding all save for what he must eat. But the adventurers delved into his caverns, and called forth for his meeting.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The bard jumps forth and rattles a young boy's shoulders in vibration*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The earth trembled! The ice of the cavern's ceiling crumbled... and suddenly! *He points behind the crowd to the distance* ... a sight rarely seen appeared on the horizon... something moving beneath the snows, through the ice... a large beast burrowing below toward them. *The bard claps his hands loudly* And suddenly the ice drake Iliarn shot forth from the snows below to stand before the adventurers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Would he know of the means to call the olden Granarock... would he aid the adventurers... or would they be eaten in their insolence of entering his domain....[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]That is a tale you will soon find the end to...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]But first we turn our eyes to the tombs below the ancient grove, and a runestone in Fenrir's hand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]The weeping widow kneeled, blue tears of magic everlasting dripping forth toward the puddles forever swirling below her. Wisps of written words swirled in the pools of tears, words that spoke of the sorrow of the Le'tennodins.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Fenrir stood with his group of adventurers before the two runestones of warding which blocked the entry into the Le'tennodin Catacombs. Their venture they knew was hopeless, for most of them knew of what lay beyond... the foes of undeath that even the bravest and capable of heroes knew to fear. Only three times before had adventurers dared brave the catacombs... and always would they turn in fear or carry the body of a friend away, their souls gone forever.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]He pulled the runestone from his pack, and held it to the stones before him. He knew not what to do, but he recited his willingness to succumb the magic of the Losthammer Rune. At once he doubled up, seizing on the floor in agony they say. He could not breath, he could do naught but writhe on the floor in pain. And soon he lay dead. The adventurers amongst his group were horrified, for the means to their salvation were to have laid in the magic of this rune and Fenrir's blood. Strange and old winds began to pass over his lifeless body, his skin and body began to wither away. And then he lay, but a skeleton on the ground.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The bard goes silent and leans back from the flames and into the shadows of the crowd, allowing silence to fall over them. Suddenly he springs forth from the other side of the crowd with a loud clap*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]It stirred! The bones of Fenrir stirred and rose, and he found his voice still within, his mind still within. He looked down at his hands of bone... even then they seemed to be still withering away, and a light aura incapsulating him. The group of adventurers were in shock, their dwarven friend now in the clutches of apparent undeath. Fenrir now passed beyond into the realm into Essrantor, his allies followed. The Keepers... the most dangerous of undead stood at the entrance beyond, their headless bodies seemingly staring at the adventurers as they approached.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Fenrir spoke, he spoke that he of the Losthammers had come to call on Le'tennodin's allegiance still. The hall fell silent for an uncomfortable time... then the echoes of voices in unison peirced through the silence.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]"And how is it that a Losthammer defies the curse of the Ether abomination and enters these hallowed halls..."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]Fenrir held the hammer of Cainforge Mountlus Losthammer and spoke, that he was the last of the Losthammers and he had come to call on the allies of old. The Keepers were distant, their minds almost an echo of reason... but they heard the ring of the hammer of old and told the party of their allowance to pass. But fear they should this group of the living... for the minds of the cursed below would not hear the voice of ally nor friend.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]And so the adventurers passed beyond into the darkness of the catacombs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]What would happen to them you wonder? Aye, as I heard it from their mouths I wondered it as well. But the night has been long, and the many children of our fine audience show weakening gazes. Tomorrow we bards of the lands will assemble again, and tell the end to this tale of ages.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]*The bards of the circle bow and smile to the applause around them, as the crowd withers into shadows under moonlight, candles lighting in windows of the town in succession as the crickets come out again to dominate the silent landscape of noise under the peaks of broken thunder.*[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]Thank you to Mixafix and Milty for their contributions thus far.  More to come with the rest of the tale.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / My Fellow Americans...
« on: May 25, 2008, 11:53:20 pm »
(and all others who honor those who have fought and died in the wars the Wars that have kept us free)

Happy Memorial Day!  Take some time today to remember those who fought and died not only for America's Freedom, but the United Kingdom's, Australia's, Germany's (Whether they like it or not), Poland's and all other free Nations.

And don't forget those who are still fighting for freedom! (even if the natives aren't to thrilled about it)

Happy Memorial Day!

[SIZE=10]//Please don't take the humor the wrong way  >.<[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Rumour Has It / Mariner's Hold washed away
« on: May 25, 2008, 01:18:14 pm »
[SIZE=16]Conversation overheard in Port Hempstead[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 1: "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]I tell you friend I have never seen anything like it in all my days.  The wall of water was taller than the harbor lighthouse.  Snapped it like a twig it did as it rolled into the city.  No warning except a rumble in the earth and then the wave.   Was only chance that my wife and I were on that hill.  If we'd have been with the ship, well I know I would not be here today."[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 2: "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Any idea why it happened?"[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 1: "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Why does anything happen?  Draws from his pipe  I heard sailors on the trip here saying there was a bright green light on the ocean just before the earth shook, but you know how superstitious sailors are.  Some of them were even saying they saw a sea dragon. Shakes his head in disbelief[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 2:  "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Sea Dragon. Believe that when I see one."[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 1:  "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Me too.  Some pointy eared elf in one of those robes of  Voltrexian silk tried to tell me it was a surge in what he called the Al'Noth.  Something about someone tampering with things they did not fully understand.  But, those magic type blame everything on magic."[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 2: "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Yeah they do, still not sure who I'd believe a sailor or an elf."[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 1 : "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Maybe Mist decided the streets of Mariner's Harbor needed cleaning.  Who knows?  All I know is my warehouse is in the bottom of the bay along with the fastest ship in my fleet. I got dock workers pleading to me to pay them even when there is no docks.  Families to feed and all that.  You'd think the simpletons would put something away instead of drinking it ."[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 2:  "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]How badly off is the city?"[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 1:  "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Most of the docks are gone. It will take months to dreg the harbor of all the debris.  I'm sending my ships to Lans'port till the mess is cleaned up.  All those boarding houses and ware houses along the docks turned into toothpicks.  The brick buildings are still standing but the flooding and dead fish are already bringing sickness.  Those of means and good houses just got flooded.  It was the dregs of the city that got washed away. Some looting but most things got sucked back to the sea when the wave retreated."[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Merchant 2:  "[/SIZE][SIZE=16]Sounds like I might be able to make a bit of true on building materials.  Thanks for the information friend."[/SIZE]
 // Of course there is no module change to reflect this , but boat service out of Mariner's Hold will be patchy for a few weeks.  Ships will still be sailing into the port though. Please RP this appropriately.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

General Discussion / It's time
« on: May 21, 2008, 04:26:57 pm »
t probably comes as no surprise to anyone in here, but it's time for me to face up to it and step down as a GM :(
I've been putting it off for a pretty long time now, largely kidding myself that things would work out so that I could pick up the reins again, but it isn't to be.
Some of you will be aware, that great Demon, "Real Life" has been relentless in its attack. If you include travelling, I now seem to work an average 55 hour week. Add in childcare and all those family-type responsibilities, and I've not even had time to play in what seems like forever - nevermind put a quest together. To top it all, my Boss (no, not DMOE - the other Boss) has now decided that I need to be fully qualified to "Enterprise level" in Windows Server 2008 by the end of the year. Combined with the exam I still need to achieve 2003 Security Specialist, that adds a serious amount of study to my so-called "free time". Ho Hum.
May I take a moment to thank L in particular, and indeed all of the team for the fun times and the support. And thanks to you - the players; without whom the quests would have been pretty dull!

There's been some fun times!

I don't plan on quitting Layo.  Darn it, I swore that Ell would make WL one day! ;)

See you all on the flipside, as soon as I get chance, an as often as I can
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

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