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Author Topic: You step onto a dock in Leringard...  (Read 261 times)


You step onto a dock in Leringard...
« on: September 08, 2008, 09:11:26 pm »
[SIZE=32]...ambling past the working sailors and shiphands to find the ticket man. Your ears can't help but snatch up the conversation between a particular captain and one of the dock-hands. The captain is grizzled and grey-bearded, but might not be more than fourty years of age. The dock-hand, you can tell, has seen his fair share of sun and wind, skin leathery and hair stringy.

"Aye, sir. Finally got the new dock finished, all spick and span it is. Sanded smoother than a baby's bottom. And the first ship's due in tomorrow." The dock-hand points to the pier at the far end of the dockside with one hand and runs a greasy hand through greasier hair with the other. The sea captain squints one eye, reaches up to block the sun.

"Don't look so happy, lubber."

"And why not, salty? Afraid that dragon's coming back?"

Looking from dock to dock-hand, the old captain scowls and shivers. "By the Tempest I hope it don't, but that ain't my beef. No, I do regular trade between here and the port o' Hempstead."

"Back to business then, eh?"

"Back to something." The captain takes a tri-cornered hat from his head and wipes a bald brow. "I secretly wished that there new dock for Vehl trade ships would never be finished."

The dock-hand spits. "What? You been hitting the bottle a bit too hard, mate." He folds his arms. "Or stuck on land too long, maybe. That new trade route's bound to bring in some good money."

"For the likes of you, I can see why you consider it good, what with more to load and unload thanks to the extra ships. Aye, surely there be some new jobs for this city. But I tell you what, that there new dock represents competition, it does. And on top of that it signals the end of Brelin's need to aid Trelania's Leringard."

"You think?"

"I know. Ain't no need for that trading council in Brelin to keep the trading tariffs lowered anymore. They just did that to help Leringard get back on its feet. Them and the city on Alindor, Marinor's Hold. Got special treatment because of the calamities."

"Calamity is an understatement." The dock-hand slaps his knee and whistles. "Dragons and tidal waves. That stuff's just not supposed to be bothering the likes of us. This wouldn't have happened under Alluriel's reign. No sir." A wagging finger narrowly misses the captain's nose.

The captain shakes his head. "I tell you though, I've come to rely on them tariff breaks when I bring my goods into Hempstead. Now with the relief no longer needed, they're coming back, you can be certain. A drain on my pocket, bleeding tariffs."

"Well, what you expect, salty? Rich folk like staying rich, eh." Nodding as though he'd just said something profound, the dock-hand scratches at the yellow of his tooth.

"But them tariff's are going to be worse than before, mark my words."

"That don't make no sense. What, they going to make up for lost time?"

"No, they going to make up for that trade that used to go through Hempstead before making it to Fort Vehl now going directly there. Thanks to that bleeding new dockside. Not to mention, them Co'rysians don't much like the Brelins; the feeling's mutual for the Brelin's from what I've seen. Just ain't sure how this new route from here to Vehl's going to go over. But I know it can't be good for my business." He lets out a sigh, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeve, pulling at his captain's beard.

"You're worse than a gloom." The dock-hand snickers and shakes his head, poking the captain in the chest. "You know Vehl's sending more trade ships up to Hempstead, aye? Vehl's opened up all new trade. That's a good thing, mate. A good thing. I'm thinking them Brelin merchant trader council fellows or whatever they are got to know that they should be helping the new trade along not squashing it with tariffs."

The captain makes a face and throws up his hands. "Bah! What do you know, lubber. You don't trail these waters. Loading and unloading crates all day and you think you understand the intricacies of ocean trading and commerce."

"I know that you married my sister so you got to put up with me. Now how about a drink to ease them worries. I know just the place. And maybe the Gypsy will sing for the crowd tonight."

The two turn away, and you realize that you had paused to take in the whole event. You move on, finally, destination in sight: a fat man with tickets. The next day you board a passenger frigate with white sails. It sets sail for Fort Vehl.[/SIZE]
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