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Messages - swoop

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Just for Fun / For All Our Ancients Legacy Plot Questers...
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:47:26 am »
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Rumour Has It / Rare Artifact offered for sale
« on: May 14, 2015, 11:02:28 pm »

Word among collectors of antiquities, artifacts and all things unusual is that several pre cataclysm art pieces are being authenticated and readied for sale via a Hound Auction. Time and date of the auction to be announced from the Vine and Dove, Leringard.



It has also be noted that Toranite Commander Stormhaven has been seen frequenting the Vine and Dove seemingly to enjoy its amenities .

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Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Plot Status -- 14-May-2015
« on: May 14, 2015, 08:37:59 pm »
Hello all!We are getting to the final days of this plot.  As a reminder, the next plot quest session will be on Saturday, May 23, 2015.  Check the calendar for the time.This session will likely be the most important one so far and probably the most important one besides the finale, which, if everything goes well, will be held on the following session. If you want to be involved or have been involved, this coming session is definitely not one to miss. Clues are in place, some with characters, some in-game. If you plan to attend, regardless of your participation in the plot so far, we strongly recommend attending this pre-quest gathering on Saturday, May 16th. Rowana and/or I plan to hover around for at least part of this, but it is not an actual quest event. If you cannot attend, please get together with someone who has before May 23rd.We are intending to keep this next session as close to three (3) hours as possible, due to some feedback we've gotten about sessions running too long. As such......there will be very little time at the beginning of this next quest to play catch-up, so please handle as much as you can before that.We will start regardless, so it is in your best interests to get caught up before the quest.If we have missed any questions or responses, or if you have new avenues to take, please PM us as soon as possible.
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Rumour Has It / Fastrot fears
« on: May 08, 2015, 11:01:13 am »
Between the growing belief that the emergence of magical abilities, disappearances and the affliction called "Fastrot" (and other colorful and descriptive names) are somehow related, parents have become rather fearful of the fates that might await their children. Meanwhile, others blame the dragons for the disappearances and the affliction, with a few even saying that both are retribution for the war waged by Molvaren and the "curse" visited upon dragons during that time.
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Rumour Has It / Brazen dragons
« on: May 07, 2015, 11:01:14 am »
Dragon activity seems to be increasing. Those who know about such things claim that the dragons in question are not fully mature, though they admit they are still plenty powerful individuals. A troubling and recent shift in behavior suggests that some of these “upstart” dragons may be working together. Whether true or not, people all around the world are watching the skies during the day as much as they have been watching them at night. Attacks and demands made by the beasts have gotten bolder. As yet, none of these sightings have been near heavily populated areas.
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Ancients Legacy / Leaving the Academy, Meeting Place
« on: April 28, 2015, 12:21:12 pm »
Before leaving the Academy, Acacea thanks Zang for his help and gnomish practice, and asks that he make at least a token effort to keep the matter reined in for a time. She mentions that if he wanted to reach her, she'd get word at Al's Place eventually, but Spellgard could reach her more urgently. I'd be interested in knowing if anyone else came looking, she grins.

Outside, she seems antsy or unconsciously impatient, tapping keys together or twitching belled wrists in the bouncing, repetitive rhythm of someone unaware or uncaring of their habits.
We should talk. Before we go further. She glances to Plenarius and then away again to the others remaining. Somewhere quiet, she adds, stressing the word despite the noise.

I... know a place safe from ears and blades, but... We'd need to take a portal and there are... considerations. If there is another place even half as safe from intrusion we might go there, instead. She hesitates before adding, If the intent is to make-safe, we could also go to the treehouse for munchies, but we'd be dependent on our own wards... which is as good as saying we are dependent on no one trying. I think we should send to the others, too, and wait until we can all meet - it will also give people time to gather what they have. Moustache, Door, Andrew-in-the-Red-Coat, Tyra, not the dwarf? Unless - She seems to have a thought but glances up and doesn't say it aloud.((Just getting plot-huddle meeting time/place out there for consideration/agreement, particularly those who were not on the last session. This Saturday regular plot time work for most people? Also, just suggesting if anyone had any information they needed to clarify that they do so ASAP so a DM has time to see it beforehand. Lastly, if someone has missed any session or all sessions, especially the last one, and would like to participate but be caught up beforehand to avoid info-overload in the 'meeting,' your character can contact Acacea and we can hook up so she can catch you up as much as she is able. Alternatively, you can PM me and she will contact you (providing the character is not a known enemy), if you would like to be involved but don't think your character would message her.))
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Ancients Legacy / Voyage from Huangjin
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:42:42 pm »
A few days after the semi-secret meeting at the Citadel, a series of ships depart from the port city, each spread out over different days and carrying a fraction of those who attended the meeting accompanied by a number of relatively unknown faces. The latter consist of guards from the Citadel as well as others that accompanied the Lucindite contingent...all of which are dressed in plain clothing without indication of their affiliations. Of note, Rork O'Mallory departs on the first ship while his assistant Maala, the Rofireinite Daniel Benjamin Poetr and Katia's Bird Lord Plenarius Ashaley depart on the second. The remainder spread themselves out over the three vessels. Notably absent is Commander Daniella Stormhaven, who was not seen boarding any of the three vessels. Each of the three ships depart in different directions.With the possible exception of the presence of Plenarius and his rather obvious wings, most observing the departures would not think much of them.Some time later, a series of three ships arrives in Spellgard. Rork O'Mallory steps off the first and proceeds with purpose toward the Temple. Over the next few weeks, the other ships arrive, with the one carrying Daniel and Maala arrives last. In the case of this arrival, the passengers are escorted to the Temple, which seems appraised of their arrival and the reason behind their presence.

----Days pass, and there is extensive consultation between all involved parties. At the end, a counsel is held and the following analysis is provided:

  • The book is heavily warded, which comes to the surprise of no one
  • The book has several layers of magical warding applied, and seemingly from multiple sources. At least one of these sources is extremely old, though if its origins are true, this fact is not surprising
  • Some of the wards can be relatively easily removed over the course of a few weeks time
  • There seems to be a consensus about the danger suggested by the notebook in an intellectual sense, and, at least by the Lucindite philosophy, it does not particularly advance Magic nor suggest means to break or damage the Al'Noth, there seems to be no particular negative to the destruction of the artifact
  • Full removal of all protections and wards of the artifact might well be a lifetime (in human terms, at least) endeavor, but they believe it can be accomplished possibly at the expense of the knowledge contained within
  • There is absolutely no resistance in within the Lucindite hierarchy to the idea of placing the artifact into the Vault
Given this analysis, and with deference to those with an investment in the overall cause, the Lucindites open discussion on the fate of the notebook to those who have brought it to their presence, seeking their input and perspective before its fate is decided.
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Layonara Server / Version 3.56 is online!
« on: April 11, 2015, 03:36:06 pm »

Version 3.56 is online!

Another small update which includes the new Map enhancements.


  • Fixed a bug with the quickbar saving system saving dual wield slots

  • Fixed a bug with the Dynamic Name system not refreshing the player list properly

  • Don't allow GMs to use the dynamic name system, this caused bugs

  • Fixed a bug with the quest system populating too many quests 

  • Fixed a bug with the quest system not creating new quests due to a certain condition

  • Fixed a bug where logging off with your ox pack off would make it unattainable



    New Map Enhancements System, type =c map and read this.[/li][li]

    Add =c refresharea command to portal you to a void area and back to faciliate reloading areas[/li][/list]

Other updates:

  • Few performance improvements in crafting


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Layonara Server / Coming Soon! Enhanced Mapping
« on: April 05, 2015, 09:23:35 pm »
Another fun feature coming to the next update includes some nice enhancements to the minimap system. 

Map Pins

Let's start off first with the map pins. All map pins will now be persistent, they will save over server resets and be there for you forever. Included with the map pins update is the ability to set, list, delete and rename the map pins via commands. This can save you some time if you want to custom macro a command like =c map set Path to Fort Miritix for example and then use that key many times as you travel. The commands associated with map pins are:
  • =c map set Pin Name - This will set a map pin at your current location with the name you designate.
  • =c map list - This will show a numerical list of map pins for the current area.
  • =c map delete # - This will delete the map pin with the number you define (as revealed in the =c map list)
  • =c map rename # Pin Name - This will rename the map pin for the numbered pin for that area (as revealed in =c map list)
  • =c map save - Saves all of your map pins.
Note: You will not see map pin updates until you re-enter the area when using the commands as opposed to using the regular NWN map pinning UI. A bit more on this later.The system automatically saves your map pins when you log out but if you wish to be entirely sure you can use the =c map save command as well.

Area Mapping

The second feature is an ability to map out an area which exposes the entire black area for good. To perform this, you purchase a Magical Map Book from the Magical Vendors. Proceed to use it, then travel around in the area and you'll be notified about your mapping progress. The length of time it takes to map the area takes many things into account such as your Intelligence, your Wisdom, your Lore, your Gather Information, your Ranger levels, the size of the area, the time of day, whether it's above ground and whether it's an interior area. The minimum time it will take is 3 minutes and the maximum is 10 minutes.Just because you may be able to run around the area quickly and expose all the "black" on the minimap won't expedite the procedure. Mapping progress pauses when you rest, engage in combat or if you remain in the same general vicinity. Mapping progress is cancelled if you die or change areas.Once you complete your mapping the entire map will be exposed. After a server reset if you wish for the areas you have mapped to automatically be revealed to you then use =c toggle automap and then when you enter an area you have had mapped the minimap will be exposed.If you prefer to not automatically have the maps revealed to you but would rather expose them on an area by area basis then use =c map reveal in an area where you wish the map to be revealed.

Map Sharing

Once you have an area mapped out you can share your information about the area with other players using =c map share Plen (use their dynamic name) for example. Map sharing reveals the entire area to the other player as well as copying your map pins over to the map for the person you are sharing with. The player must re-enter the area to see the updated map pins.Note: To facilitate some of the commands that I've been introducing that require you to re-enter an area I've created a command that will portal you to a very small area then back to the location you were standing. Use =c  refresharea if you wish to use this instead of manually leaving the area and coming back.This update should be out some time this week.-orth
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Forum Discussion / Forums/Web Site Moving
« on: April 11, 2015, 03:14:32 pm »
Good afternoon folks,Just giving you the heads up that I'll be moving the forums to another server some time this weekend. I will have to take down the old server temporarily for about a half hour or so to transfer the latest db over to the new server. Once this is done the web site will be running concurrently on the old server and the new server while the DNS propagates over. If your DNS is slow to update then you will probably see a bit of a performance loss as you connect to the old web server which is interacting with the db on the new server.The new web server is faster and you'll notice a speed increase while browsing the site and forums. To summarize, you don't have to do anything, but you may experience some latency until your ISP recognizes the DNS change. At the most this should be 48 hours but in general folks should be fine very shortly afterwards.-orth
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Quenton Bowstringer (Swoop) was voted probationary member of the Angels Guild and will need access to our forums.  Quenton, you will need to speak up here for the dms.  Thank you for your help in this matter.cbnicholson
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Ask A Gamemaster / Trade up chest idea
« on: March 29, 2015, 03:24:51 pm »
I've had this idea for a while now and wanted to ask if it would be okay to do this. The idea is a chest (either placed like in Center) or in a house/shop.Example: My character places an item in the chest with a value of 4 gp acording to Lens of Pricing. Player X comes along and decides he/she wants this item. But for them to take it they must place a new item in said chest that is greater than 4 gp (according to Lense of Pricing). The next person comes along and wants this new item... so they again must place another item of a higher value still. This goes on and upwards and hopefully some neat and fun trades come from it. A parchment will be placed inside explaining the rules of the trade as well.I realize placing a chest outdoors runs the risk of it and its contents being erased on a server crash/reset. So I figured the safest place to do one would be indoors using a furniture placeable chest.... but if the item you're trading in gets erased by a server reset whats the difference than if the next guy came along and traded it right?I wanted to run this past the GM team before hand to be sure something like this would be allowed. ThanksG-452 
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Layonara Server / Version 3.55 is online!
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:20:21 pm »

Version 3.55 is online!

Just a small update which includes the new Quickbar saving system.


  • Fixed a bug which would have new players' journals not being initialized properly

  • Fixed a typo in introductory text in initial area

  • When using the spellbook system, if the current spell in the spell slot is the same as the one that gets restored there and it's not used up yet then keep it unused

  • Make the smokeable pipeweed awarded in the adventuring kits for the RNQ to be Herbal and thus give benefits



    New Quickbar Saving/Restore System, type =c qb or read this.[/li][/list]

Other updates:

  • Few performance improvements here and there

  • Cleaned up on client enter a bit more


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Layonara Server / Coming Soon! Saved Quickbars
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:43:26 pm »
As I mentioned in my post on the Spellbook save/restore system I have been working on the same sort of system for quickbars and it will be available in the next update. It works much like the spellbook system. The system does not differentiate each bar, all three bars are saved and restored as one set when using the commands.So for example Plen might have one of his bars typically used for buffing party members and himself. He can set it up then do =c qb save buffs then once he goes out to battle he can restore his offensive spell bar (that he set up earlier) with =c qb restore offensiveYou can even save the custom macros to switch to a different bar as a slot. So for example in my previous case I may make Ctrl-F1 on my buffs[/b] bar be a Custom Macro slot with the label Offensive and the command =c qb restore offensive[/b] then my Ctrl-F1 on my offensive[/b] bar to be labelled Buffs and the comand =c qb restore buffs[/b] This way I sort of have a quick toggle between the two.Perhaps your player has many items that they like to use but the bind of equipping/using/equipping what was there previously can use up a costly 3 slots. This shouldn't be a problem anymore.  You can even create quickbars for varying types of equipment depending on where you're going.The commands are:
  • =c qb save name
  • =c qb restore name
  • =c qb delete name
  • =c qb list
  • =c qb describe name
  • =c qb replace name
Replace name with whatever you wish to designate that set of quickbars as.I tried to find every single case for binding to the quickslot but if you see anything weird then let me know. I may not have caught every possible quickslot binding possibility.-orth
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Wild Surge Inn / Restoration of Vale
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:12:19 am »
*Posted on a big sheet of parchment*  

Seeking information about the destruction

of the village, Vale, on Dregar!


Post here and I can meet you. I am going to try to restore the village and Katia Temple.




*brief description of herself given here* //Looking to start a CDQ or whatever is needed to start restoring Vale and adjoining area. I just need some catching up on the history of it.

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Layonara Server / Version 3.54 is online!
« on: March 21, 2015, 01:14:42 am »

Version 3.54 is online!

A lot of performance improvements under the hood that probably wouldn't excite you much and a few new goodies.


  • Complete reworking of rest logic. No more double messages, nicer coloured feedback. Interrupted rests now only require player level/5 minutes before another rest. So a Level 15 would only have to wait 3 minutes. Any interrupted rests now reset the player's HP to what it was before resting. DMs can now drop a safe rest tent anywhere with =c makeplc dm_safe_rest

  • Fixed the spell tracking system to be much more efficient. Also spells should cast a fractionally quicker time

  • If a player is bound to a no longer existing bindstone then set it to Center

  • North Point Craft Hall stairs should no longer get players stuck

  • Fixed an issue with the Wildflower Heaven token.

  • Crafting Top 10 now shows active players in last 90 days in the top 10 not just those that have recently crafted (and gained crafting XP).

  • Server status now keeps a better track of players logged in instead of a lag before they're off it should be fairly immediate (well within the 1 minute refresh)



    Updated Cave of the Snake on Dregar[/li][li]

    New Spellbook Saving/Restore System, type =c sb or read this.[/li][/list]

Other updates:

  • Significant reworking of the database. I'd get into the nitty gritty but I doubt many people would be interested.

  • Move some variables from the database to the Gem of Rememberance

  • More performance improvements in many areas, crafting, death, logging in

Also thank Guardian-452 for the update area, hopefully more to come!


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Layonara Server / Coming Soon! Saved Spellbooks
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:22:16 pm »
Are you tired of constantly rearranging your spellbook depending on where you're heading or who you're with? Well I'm please to introduce a new system that saves your spellbooks to the db which you can restore at any time.Here's how it works:Get your spellbook all prepared and then use the =c sb save command and specify a name for your spellbook, for example =c sb save defaultNow say for example Plen is going to craft a bunch of raise dead scrolls so he replaces all his spells at Level 5 and Level 9 with Raise Dead (he uses Quickened Raise Dead spells so he can craft more at once). Once he's done he can restore his spellbook with =c sb restore default and all the spells he had set up before are replaced once again. Note: When using this system all spells are restored as used up, so it's best to do this right before resting.Now Plen realizes that it would make sense to actually set up a spellbook for crafting Raise Dead scrolls, so before I craft my scrolls I'll set up a spellbook for that with =c sb save craftraisedead that way before he crafts Raise Dead scrolls again he can just use =c sb restore craftraisedeadNext time Plen is out with a group of people he may want to save his spellbook once it's all set up, he may have many depending on how many people are with him or perhaps his planned role (healing/defensive/offensive). So he might do =c sb save partyof5 once he's all prepared, then he can restore that again later in the future when he's with close to or the same sized party.Other associated commands:
  • =c sb list will list all your spellbooks
  • =c sb describe bookname will show all the spells (and their metamagic if applicable) for each level in that book
  • =c sb delete bookname will remove a spellbook entry
  • =c sb replace bookname will overwrite the current entry for that book with your current spells
The system takes the first class that is a caster class with a spellbook (Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard) when using the =c sb save command. If you have more than one casting class with a spellbook then you must use one of the following commands:
  • =c sb savecleric
  • =c sb savedruid
  • =c sb savepaladin
  • =c sb saveranger
  • =c sb savewizard
So for example if you had a Wizard/Druid character (Wizard being your first class), if you used =c sb save default for example then it would save your wizard's spellbook under the name default. Then you would have to use =c sb savedruid defaultdruid for the druid's spellbook. Note, all spellbook names must be different per character, even if they're for different spellcasting classes.If for some reason you have more spells memorized in a spellbook then you have slots available for restoring (maybe you were wearing more modifying jewelry when you saved) then it will just fail to populate those missing slots but everything else will work.If you just type out =c sb[/b] you will be told all the available commands.I hope you enjoy this new feature, it should be coming with the next update which won't be too long away. I'm also working on a similar system for Quickbars too. Not sure if that will be ready in the same update or will be in one down the road. 
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Wild Surge Inn / Reward Offered -- posted in many well-frequented inns
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:51:43 am »
A reward of 25,000 trues, total, is offered for assistance in the capture of Garnet of the Silver Fist, thought to be a dark-haired halfling man with one garnet-colored eye and teeth that glitter in many colors.  He dresses like a fancy bard, with lots of jewelry.  Subject is extremely dangerous and is thought to be a trained assassin.  We would strongly prefer that he be taken alive, as he may give information on his employer Mortissar Bael, who is also sought.All Angels and all other interested parties are called to help end this scourge.  We will meet in Center one day hence (8pm-11pm EST 03/10/15).~~Ferrit Pandorn
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Rumour Has It / Murder most foul
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:20:22 am »
Coming out of the Angels guild hall in Hempstead a few days ago, I heard a piercing scream. I ran into the craft hall to find Delia pointing to a severed head on the gemcraft table. Polished garnets glittered in the poor fellow's face in place of eyes, and a note was jammed into his open mouth. The neck separation was ragged, looking like the head had been hacked off with a gem chisel. Shaking, Delia declared that the head had belonged to Ash Ludwig, a relatively unskilled student of gemcraft. Asked about other persons seen in the hall, she said that a dark-haired halfling man wearing lots of jewelry had exited as she entered.  She thought that he had been gemcrafting, too. Upon further questioning, she remembered that he had winked with a garnet-colored glittering eye as he left whistling the tune to the gnomish song, "Her Many Facets." Although she couldn't be certain whether he was gnomish or halfling, she was able to give a good description, stating that the suspect had teeth that glittered in many colors, a fancy pinkish-purple shirt (like a bard's or noble's), and a hat with a red feather. Delia noted that the feather was missing when the fellow left. Celador then read the note, which appeared to have been written in blood: "So many flawed gems.. This one's clumsy meat hands do gemcraft a great heresy.  Well no, would-be crafter.. it is the gems that wear you. ~ G" Looking about, Cel found the rest of the body in a nearby furnace, and I noted footprints in the gemdust, roughly size seven. The rest of the craft hall was unremarkable. Jako went to inform Captain Trent and check the guild store, while Olmae followed a trail of garnet dust to the public part of the Angels guild hall. We found blood all over statues in the guild hall, wall decorations slashed, sixteen eyeballs floating in the fountain, and what looked like lich poison in the refreshments chest.  Worst of all, Daniel Poetr's statue had been defaced with a chisel and on the wall behind it was written "I'm coming for you, Danny Boy!" (The current Daniel Benjamin Poetr is the grandson of old Daniel.)  Strangely, Mercas's statue was unharmed, and on the wall behind it was written in blood: "Now there was an artist!" Upon hearing noises behind the stage curtain, Ferrit demanded that the intruder show himself. A small gem on the ground shook and grew into a huge diamond golem, which was dispatched by the party, leaving only a diamond heart and a bit of dust.  The remains and the bottle of suspected lich ichor were left in a labeled chest for our guild wizards' inspection.  The eyeballs were sealed into a container and put out behind the building. Jako said that Captain Trent thought the man might be assassin Garnet of the Silver Fist (a band of mercenaries broken up by the Angels), and Oly remembered that the guard said that Mortissar Bael, who employed the Fist, has a skeletal arm. As this was the second murder and defacing of our property, we all agreed that it was time to post that reward and gather to end this outrage. All Angels and all other interested parties are called to help end this scourge.  We will meet in Center one day hence (8pm-11pm EST 03/10/15). ~~Ferrit
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Layonara Server / Version 3.53 is online!
« on: March 08, 2015, 03:08:11 pm »

Version 3.53 is online!

Just a few tweaks and additions here and there.


  • Fixed Leringard Arms not having the onenter script defined

  • Fixed two of the Deep areas having the same tag

  • Fixed house key reporting as useless when they weren't really

  • Make sure the player list gets updated after dubbing and when new players login

  • Clean up the logic for when encounters are exhausted to hopefully help the issue where encounters would respawn soon after they were all defeated.



    Added a new furniture item Easel. The Easel can be written upon for signs for shops or notifications to players entering your home or perhaps innkeepers with notices. Deeds available at the furniture merchants. They're around 200 gold.[/li][/list]

Other updates:

  • Moved tracking of hunger/thirst and cold from the db to the gem of rememberance

  • Removed some more unused scripts related to an ox system from 2003

  • More DB improvements specifically related to merchant discounts and temple donations

  • Removed hard coded easel from Angels guild so they can use the furniture item.

  • Removed a quill warning which was no longer applicable since SetName was added by Bioware.



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