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Topics - lunchboxkilla

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NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Little Golems....
« on: January 28, 2005, 09:08:00 pm »
This is mainly for the peopel who follow gods and the clirec get the golems.... Say I make a wizard of Lucinda or a Wizdar that follow oh.....Berly.... How about a little golem for their... thing?
I think we could shrink a stone golem down... I men you guys made a huge bug so why not a small golem?
As the spell flinger levels the little golem gets Golemish feats... IS perm damage reduction, golem attack feat, Stone it thows slow, iron it does a poison breath, and the nice little list of Imuities...

And the best part is people can do CDQs to get them IE GMs like L will hand them out to the only chosen few to stop player from all being wizards of Lucinda with mini power houses...
And since they are small.... they get half the stats of their bigger brothers... IE My Stone stats are STR 24 so if i had a mini he would be 12...and as he levels up he could have a STR of say.... 18 or 20 by the time I hit 40 or some thing...

Heck if any one knows Cel or me I love golems... Heck my whole mage knight army is nothing but golems hehehe

Stilly idea I guess it will never happen

Development Journals and Discussion / Celgar Magnus's Journal
« on: October 28, 2004, 05:38:00 pm »
The first page is dated 1349. the month and day were wiped out due to age....

"This moring my father woke me from my peaceful slumber. It must of been really early the sun did not come up. he told me we were going to go dragon hunting far into the Dragon moutian ranges. Excited u smiled at him. Egerly I quickly put on my tunic and quickly scrambled out into the strets of waterdeep to get myfather's war horse, Ichia. Some day I will be like my father that I am sure of! I quickly loaded up all my father's lances and what not. He was with mother last i seen him she must be putting on his armor for him. I waited by the stable wheni saw te light of his blue ring glow and light up the streets like those gas lamp posts made by the gnomes here in my home town."

the next page reads.

We made it to this place safely My father was greeted by a dwarf, a small boy that was as tall as me but look a lot older than me, he wore black leather and held two daggers. Also 2 other men walked up to greet my father both wearing robes. One looked really old anf the other young.  It seems i could trust the younger one in the robes. He laid a hand on me and told me of his god Lucinda or some thing, saying that she thanks me for being brave. I smiled at him and nodded not understaning what he said. But I have never felt so better after he laid his hand on me. It felt like i was stronger. At the time I feared for my father. I have on many times brought the broken and battered armor of my father to the smith.but after the young man in the robes talked to me it was gone. My father told me to wait by his horse and...."

There was a huge ink blot in the middle of the page.. inking out the rest of the passages till one date stood out.


Father died today from horrble wounds Tagura His long time friend couldn't help his wound they were too deep. It seems the dragon that he hunted and who got away 5 years ago has gotten him today. I looked to my father as he was nearing death. His left arm missing along with both his legs gone bore into my mind. As tears filled my eyes, my father laid a bloody hand on my cheek. smiling he told me I will be alright and to take care of my mother.I held hid hand till he left out his final breath.

the next three pages were blank....

Mother sold every thing of my father's to pay for rent on our home... the only thing i have left of him is just a memory.....

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