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Topics - miltonyorkcastle

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[SIZE=24]For the first time ever, in rememberance of those great card sharks of the past- Aleister, Yardislan, and the Norseman, to name a few- the city of Leringard will host... [/SIZE]


[SIZE=18]In order to join the tournament, you must pay to the house a two thousand True buy-in.

- The First place winner receives 50% of the buy-in.
- Second place receives 25% of the buy-in.
- Third place receives one-month free rent at the Arms. /// one week RL ///
- Fourth place receives a free meal voucher at the Arms.

Tournament rules are as follows:

1) Opponents face each other in three match sets. The best two out of three takes the set.
2) Double elimination. If you lose two sets, you're out of the tournament. The winners of the first round play each other, creating a "Winner's Bracket", and likewise the losers of the first round play each other, creating the "Loser's Bracket." From that point forward, The first time you lose you play the winners in the Loser's Bracket, the loser's from the Loser's Bracket being eliminated.
3) When the opposition narrows to two individuals in each bracket, the sets change from three matches to seven. The winner from the Loser's Bracket seven match set will play the winner from the Winner's Bracket seven match set for the first and second place prizes. The loser from each seven match set will play each other for the Third and Fourth place prizes.

[SIZE=18]If you think you're a top-notch player, or just wish to meet the best players in the world, you don't want to miss this event. FREE food and drink will be provided by the Leringard Arms until we run out. That's right. FREE. [/SIZE]

Date and Time of the event.

~For questions or comments see Steel, current Steward of the Leringard Arms.~

//// Unless advised to do otherwise, let's assume the discussion in this thread starts sometime shortly after Jaelle has recovered from the ritual, perhaps in a camp the group makes on their way to another destination. ////

"Mm. Let's consider everything we know up to this point."

**Steel regards each, Sala, Kyle, Jako, Argali, Jaelle, in turn.**

Just for Fun / 4th Edition DnD: What it is and what it isn't.
« on: December 16, 2008, 04:24:53 pm »
This thread is for discussion of the new edition of the pen and paper role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. Please keep comments constructive and critical, rather than destructive and snide, or else I'll rip this thread from the world faster than you can say "swiss cheese" ten times.

I'll start with this:

4th edition doesn't try to deceive itself; it doesn't pretend to be an RPG that fits all styles of the "sword and sorcery" environment. 4th ed. DnD is an RPG in which the PCs are heroes (whether good or evil), the best of the best, from the get-go, thrust in a dark world full of magic and mystery, engaging in combat as dramatic as it is extraordinary. If you want to play in the "sword and sorcery" environment as a non-heroic (i.e. average joe, comic relief cripple, etc.) character or with less dramatic, perhaps grittier combat, then don't play 4th ed. DnD. That's not to say 4th ed. combat isn't deadly (good gods HP flies around like crazy in 4th ed.), or that you couldn't play a cripple (a cripple with devastating physical or magical attacks :p ) in 4th ed., it's just not what the game is about.

My (supposed) credentials: Since 3rd ed. DnD came out, I've played and GM'd extensively, and as soon as 4th ed. appeared, I did the same with it. I've also played PnP games with GURPS (a d6 system), Modern d20, RIFTS, White Wolf's World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, etc. A d10 system), the HERO system, as well as various homegrown systems and who knows what else. Oh, and playing and GMing here. I consider myself something of a "munchkin" and good with numbers.

General Discussion / The Troll King presents: The Explorer Series
« on: December 11, 2008, 11:36:39 am »
I'm introducing a new series for the rest of this month and the next month (and maybe longer) that highlights the dungeons of Layo, and especially the new content. Primarily, the purpose for the series is to allow for those that have yet been unable or simply won't be able to explore the various dungeons/adventure areas due to time constraints, since many of the dungeon areas require a significant time committment to visit.

This series is.....

.... regular adventuring but with added GM spice/help/porting in and out.
.... an effort to give our casual/family gamers who have a hard time committing five+ hours to adventuring a peek at what's out there to be explored.
.... an effort to help people develop new adventuring groups as well as play with their current one.
.... an effort to help new players become familiar with the world and with older players.
.... an effort to allow for slower and more directed, meaningful exploration, without the feeling that "if we don't rush through these areas, this will take ten hours instead of five."

This series is not.....

.... a set of conventional quests with plots and stories.
.... a way to gather CNR.

The format goes like this:

1) Name the area we'll visit and a starting location. Most locations will require multiple sessions, so often the session will end and start within the dungeon. Therefore, the primary duty of the GM is to port folks in and out for these short sessions.
2) Give level req's (I'll aim for high, mid, and low levels areas).
3) Each session runs for two hours, two and a half max.
4) No XP will be offered, save for maybe 500xp RP bonks. The payoff is the exploration and monster XP.
5) The party closes after it enters the dungeon. The party opens again when it's time to visit a new dungeon.
6) Gathering CNR during the trip is prohibited. However, dropped loot is kept and split by the party as usual. This doesn't mean that we can't go to places that have CNR, but gathering CNR is not the purpose. Exploration and PC interaction is the primary goal here.

The purpose of this thread, other than to explain the new series, is to allow for everyone to make requests on dungeons/areas people wish to explore. So, with that said, request away! You've got slightly less than a week to choose the first place to go.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Descending, the Aftermath: A Discussion.
« on: November 10, 2008, 02:23:48 pm »
////// use this thread for the comments and discussion among those who returned from the Deep, what might have been spoken on the long journey back to Miritix. //////

"Curious dragon. I can see why some might choose to side with him over Fisterion. He proved slightly more tolerant than his cousins. Still pompous, but wise enough to be patient. I look forward to speaking with him again. But first, time to speak with Mighty Fisty, Alexander of Hilm, and the deposed Queen....... oh, and the Black Wizards."

General Discussion / Reminder! Daylight Savings Time: Fall Back.
« on: October 31, 2008, 10:10:14 am »
That's right. This weekend all of us North American folk will adjust our clocks one hour backward meaning we'll get an extra hour of sleep (or partying ;) ). This also means that we need to double check our calender events to make sure we show up at the right time. :p

Rumour Has It / Couriers deliver...
« on: October 10, 2008, 03:46:44 pm »
... a scroll. Recipients include those who responded to Steel's proposal, and perhaps others. The contents are not secret, and are as follows:

To the interested:

Meet me this coming Sunra just after the sun is at its highest point. Plans will be made, advances given, and reasoning shared. The place of meeting is the Leringard Arms. Drinks and food are provided.

May Wicked's crooked edge guide your steps.

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*

///// The above corresponds to this thread and this calender event.

Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy or trade for...
« on: October 09, 2008, 09:53:27 am »
... a mithril scimitar. Leave a note indicating where we can meet to discuss terms for the rare item.

*signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther*

General Discussion / Notice: A New Hope...
« on: September 29, 2008, 10:13:29 am »
... has a good chance of not happening this week due to the server issues. So, if the servers are up, it's likely a go, but if not, well, we just have to wait. For that reason, I'm not putting it on the calender just yet. I'll post in this thread if/when I find out for sure.

Rumour Has It / Posted in taverns, mercenary camps, and...
« on: September 16, 2008, 12:02:12 am »
... all places soldiers of fortune and adventurers are apt to frequent.

[SIZE=18]My name is Steel. Dread Blade mercenary of Leringard. Born in the demon lands of Belinara, I've travelled extensively, seen the worst and the best... Drank a lot of ale.

So I'm looking for the best. The toughest independent blades and brightest spell slingers. More importantly, I'm looking for those that are just a little crazy.

The job is one that few ever contemplate, and fewer still would dare. If you think you have what it takes, if you can stare death in the face, or if you just want to go out in a flash of glory, find me.

We will discuss the job and the terms of employment.[/SIZE]

The document is signed and stamped with the shadow of a panther.

//// While this suggests an event for PC's of higher level, if your PC feels they have what it takes, please feel free to role play that. Here's my OOC warning, however: Steel didn't suggest you needed to be a little crazy for nothing... ////

Rumour Has It / You step onto a dock in Leringard...
« on: September 08, 2008, 09:11:26 pm »
[SIZE=32]...ambling past the working sailors and shiphands to find the ticket man. Your ears can't help but snatch up the conversation between a particular captain and one of the dock-hands. The captain is grizzled and grey-bearded, but might not be more than fourty years of age. The dock-hand, you can tell, has seen his fair share of sun and wind, skin leathery and hair stringy.

"Aye, sir. Finally got the new dock finished, all spick and span it is. Sanded smoother than a baby's bottom. And the first ship's due in tomorrow." The dock-hand points to the pier at the far end of the dockside with one hand and runs a greasy hand through greasier hair with the other. The sea captain squints one eye, reaches up to block the sun.

"Don't look so happy, lubber."

"And why not, salty? Afraid that dragon's coming back?"

Looking from dock to dock-hand, the old captain scowls and shivers. "By the Tempest I hope it don't, but that ain't my beef. No, I do regular trade between here and the port o' Hempstead."

"Back to business then, eh?"

"Back to something." The captain takes a tri-cornered hat from his head and wipes a bald brow. "I secretly wished that there new dock for Vehl trade ships would never be finished."

The dock-hand spits. "What? You been hitting the bottle a bit too hard, mate." He folds his arms. "Or stuck on land too long, maybe. That new trade route's bound to bring in some good money."

"For the likes of you, I can see why you consider it good, what with more to load and unload thanks to the extra ships. Aye, surely there be some new jobs for this city. But I tell you what, that there new dock represents competition, it does. And on top of that it signals the end of Brelin's need to aid Trelania's Leringard."

"You think?"

"I know. Ain't no need for that trading council in Brelin to keep the trading tariffs lowered anymore. They just did that to help Leringard get back on its feet. Them and the city on Alindor, Marinor's Hold. Got special treatment because of the calamities."

"Calamity is an understatement." The dock-hand slaps his knee and whistles. "Dragons and tidal waves. That stuff's just not supposed to be bothering the likes of us. This wouldn't have happened under Alluriel's reign. No sir." A wagging finger narrowly misses the captain's nose.

The captain shakes his head. "I tell you though, I've come to rely on them tariff breaks when I bring my goods into Hempstead. Now with the relief no longer needed, they're coming back, you can be certain. A drain on my pocket, bleeding tariffs."

"Well, what you expect, salty? Rich folk like staying rich, eh." Nodding as though he'd just said something profound, the dock-hand scratches at the yellow of his tooth.

"But them tariff's are going to be worse than before, mark my words."

"That don't make no sense. What, they going to make up for lost time?"

"No, they going to make up for that trade that used to go through Hempstead before making it to Fort Vehl now going directly there. Thanks to that bleeding new dockside. Not to mention, them Co'rysians don't much like the Brelins; the feeling's mutual for the Brelin's from what I've seen. Just ain't sure how this new route from here to Vehl's going to go over. But I know it can't be good for my business." He lets out a sigh, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeve, pulling at his captain's beard.

"You're worse than a gloom." The dock-hand snickers and shakes his head, poking the captain in the chest. "You know Vehl's sending more trade ships up to Hempstead, aye? Vehl's opened up all new trade. That's a good thing, mate. A good thing. I'm thinking them Brelin merchant trader council fellows or whatever they are got to know that they should be helping the new trade along not squashing it with tariffs."

The captain makes a face and throws up his hands. "Bah! What do you know, lubber. You don't trail these waters. Loading and unloading crates all day and you think you understand the intricacies of ocean trading and commerce."

"I know that you married my sister so you got to put up with me. Now how about a drink to ease them worries. I know just the place. And maybe the Gypsy will sing for the crowd tonight."

The two turn away, and you realize that you had paused to take in the whole event. You move on, finally, destination in sight: a fat man with tickets. The next day you board a passenger frigate with white sails. It sets sail for Fort Vehl.[/SIZE]

General Discussion / A New Hope- reminder
« on: September 02, 2008, 11:05:08 am »
Since I forgot to put it on the calender (until today) for this week, this is a friendly reminder that the show continues tomorrow, same troll-time, same troll-channel.

You're still due XP, if you wish it. You know who you are. Find me in-game and I'll give you what you earned.

I probably should have done the token warning I did at the beginning of the first installment of the series. Hope your fun wasn't too ruined by a Pit-Kind ripping your character to shreds O.o .

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Poison Dex check
« on: July 29, 2008, 03:02:48 pm »
Yeah, so, this is probably too little, too late, but here goes anyhow.

Why is the dex check to apply poison so high? I mean, you don't want to poison yourself, but most poisons you put on a weapon won't hurt you if you get it on your skin. The poison has to enter the bloodstream for it to have an effect, hence why it's put on a weapon. Moreover, couldn't you apply the posion to the weapon even if you spilled some of it on yourself? Or is that actually how it works, that the poison is applied, it's just a dex check to see if you poison yourself in the process? (I've never really tried it, though others have tried to explain it to me.... I have some poison, maybe I should give it a shot)

Or am I am entering this discussion so late that the point is moot?

General Discussion / Werewolf Saga delayed.
« on: July 26, 2008, 09:27:34 pm »
Happy (jrizz) isn't feeling well, and I can't really run this last chapter without him. So I'm going to have to bump the slot. Since we're trying to keep it on a weekend time and during a slot that hits several time zones, it will have to bump two weeks from now so as not to conflict with other quests. I'm sorry if this causes problems for anyone.

IC, those working with Harrigan are under the impression he is still researching and experimenting to perfect what he's working on.

As for anyone else who was previously involved or would like to be involved, the final chapter, like all the chapters before it, is self-contained, and anyone can join. By this time, lots of people (PCs) have some info about the whole werewolf issue, so ask around if you want to know.

Rumour Has It / On your way through Blackford town.
« on: July 21, 2008, 09:59:07 am »
[SIZE=24]North of the Blackford Castle and parked along the roadside, the day's travelers noted a caravan of wagons and mules. Each wagon sported an armored escort complete with a crossbow-man and mounted militia. Two men, one on horseback, walked the length of the wagon train, from front to rear. The man on foot, a Master Bixle, carried a parchment, which he periodically studied, but only after he first studied the contents of a wagon. Lieutenant Jarro rode the horse that kept pace with Master Bixle. Finally, they reached the end of the line.

"Everything looks to be in order, Lieutenant. This is the last of it. Be sure it gets there."

"Yes, sir. After this last run to Leringard, I am due at the east coast, by order of the Queen. Since I won't be back to Blackford for some time, perhaps you could do me a favor?"

Jarro produced a rolled up letter, sealed with wax, which he held out to Bixle. The old quartermaster squinted at the object, like he was trying to peer through to its contents.

"Another note for my daughter, eh?"

"She expects no less."

"I expect a bit more."

Jarro flashed his best elite-soldier smile, the colors of Blackford showing clean on the uniform, bright on horseback. Bixle snatched the letter, shoving it in his belt.

"Get on with ye, Lieutenant. One crate from that supply train goes missing, and I'll be sure the Queen herself knows who lost it."

"I've lead all twenty-two of these supply runs to Leringard without so much as spilling a speck of sand. Should I lose the whole supply train this last trip, I'll pay for the loss out of my own pocket."

"You're bleeding right you will. Off the sweat of your back. Can't afford to lose anything these days, not with the pirate attacks, dragon attacks, and foreigners thinking they can buy into our bloody good graces by sending rotten wood every time there is even a hint of disaster."

"Thank you, Master Bixle, for reminding me of that most important understanding yet again. Now before you yell at me for starting my journey too late, I'll remind you to tell Harmony that I already miss her and that I wish her good luck in tomorrow's longsword competition."

Bixle's face steamed deep red, a snarl showing off one brown tooth.

"Tell her yourself. You already owe me for all this letter delivering, not to mention her joining the army in the first place!" Bixle spits. "I didn't name her Harmony so she would join the army."

"She's at least as ornery as you, which is why she'll do fine."

"Fine getting herself killed fighting pirates."

"She's in the Queen's army, not the Queen's navy."

"Pirates have to come ashore sometime."

"Of course they do. Farewell, Master Bixle."

Lieutenant Jarro spurred his horse to the front of the caravan, leaving the grumbling quartermaster to make his way back to the castle granaries and eventually to his daughter, still practicing her best moves for the longsword competition.[/SIZE]

Rumour Has It / Found on a bloody hill...
« on: July 13, 2008, 06:22:26 pm »
.... a body, identified as Shiff Dragonheart. The bindstones refused his soul. His effects were returned to his family in Haven.

General Discussion / Warning: Whining ahead.
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:41:47 pm »
Stop tempting me to make a new character! I just don't have the time!

*grumbles about so many neat-looking quests belonging to below lvl 20, despite recalling a time when many grumbled about so many plot quests being only 17+*

;) ;)

For instance...

[SIZE=10]Disclaimer: I'm glad the GM's choose the levels appropriate to the quests they're running, and I'm especially glad there are those for lower level players, especially since we actually have a plethora of lower level characters again. Moreover, there is usually at least one open quest per week... if only I didn't need to sleep. And yes, I run open quests and quests aimed at higher levels... but if I'm running them, by default I don't get to play my character in them, heh.[/SIZE]

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / The Tossed Coin
« on: May 27, 2008, 01:48:00 pm »
Two weeks after Snowtooth laid waste to Leringard's docks, Steel bursts into the Arms. The hour is late; most are asleep, weary from the work to restore the city. He slams the doors, marching into the tavern area. He marks a direct line. All in his way, tables and chairs included, he tosses to the side. Finally stopping in front of the statue, in front of the sword, Steel rips off his masked helm, tearing apart the customized straps designed to hold the helm in place. A moment passes, the sound of the helm bouncing off the floorboards echoing through the empty tavern. Steel falls to his knees, pounding both fists into the ground, hard enough that the wooden boards splinter and his blue knuckles bleed. He screams and roars and cries in a single breath, loud enough to be heard throughout the tavern, and even those nearby in the streets. The statue, however, hears something else, almost whispered.

Forgive me. I chose poorly.

Those who answer the scream and investigate the tavern find the broken helm, over-turned furniture, and blood-stained floorboards, but Steel is not to be seen.

General Discussion / The Thunder Peaks and the Impending Update.
« on: May 14, 2008, 10:13:20 pm »
As a direct result of the Essrantor's Veil quest series, the Thunder Peaks changed quite a bit. This change will be reflected in an update that is very soon in coming. (Thank Chongo, and wish him well. He's having his first child this week. The update will happen after he settles into that fact.)

Until the update, we ask that travel to the western Thunder Peaks be avoided. Really, traveling through the Peaks right now would be like your character is leaping backward in time to before Essrantor's Veil and its aftermath. We will place NPC reminders around the area, but even if you don't see them for some reason, please avoid the Thunder Peaks until we notify everyone that the update has happened.

Also, to clear up a few things in-character, new rumors and bard's tales are on their way. Hopefully this will help people get a better idea of what actually went on in each separate leg and how they connected in the end.

EDIT: The "Thunder Peaks" refers to a rather large mountain range. While we show off a bunch of areas in the western part of this range, Essrantor actually only rules a section of the mountains, and that is the part with which most seem to be familiar. I didn't want to say the whole mountain range is off-limits, because technically it's not. Only that part affected by Essrantor's rule, which is, in fact, the western half of the mountains. The Western half of the Thunder Peaks is also not to be confused with the Darkland Mountains. The Great Rift separates the two mountain ranges with the Thunder Peaks to the east and the Darkland Mountains to the West. Mechanically (what you see represented in-game) you can only reach the western half of the Thunder Peaks through Dalanthar, as ScriptWrecked pointed out. You can visit other parts of the Thunder Peaks, however, and again, they are not off-limits as they are not affected by Essrantor's Veil.

Feel free to comment and ask questions in this thread, so long as it stays civil and constructive (the usual requests).

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