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Topics - eltalstroneves

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Wild Surge Inn / New Years Day; Voraxite Holiday
« on: December 18, 2006, 02:25:34 pm »
*A notice is placed at the Wild Surge*

Kinsmen an all followers o' Vorax. Da first day o' da new year be approachin quickly. While we can't be seein da Justice o' him in da night sky we must be piously observin our holiday as a day of great importance. Da reafirmin o' life an rebirth o' good an righteousness an the sheddin o' evil an corruption needs t' be acknowledged. Great things has been undertaken by Voraxites dis year an we needs t' be continuin in da same fashion in da New Year. I'll be in Hlint on da New Year an I'll be glad t' engage in a prayer an a ale wit any beard or Voraxite dat be around.

Thorgist Frostgrip

Trade and Market Hall / scouts bracers for sale
« on: December 04, 2006, 05:41:10 pm »
*A note posted outside the xin smithy*

I has one of da bracers o' da scouts ((AC+1 Armour mod, Camouflage (5) 2 charges/use, Darkness (3) 1 use/day lvl 8 rqd)) 2800 true fer dems each.

I'll gives a discount o' twenty five percent t' any followers o' Vorax, Rofirien, Toran an Dorand.

*a detailed description is provided of Thorgist Frostgrip*

Post a message 'ere or sees me in Hlint

Thorgist Frostgrip

Trade and Market Hall / For sale scimitar iron
« on: November 10, 2006, 03:12:11 am »
Notice pinned up in the Wild Surge

Attention druids: Iron Scimitar obtained from a hill giant fer sale. 1500 true. See Thorgist Frostgrip in Hlint. Followers o' Corath, Branderback and all other foul and evil persuasions need not waste yer time!

This is followed by a detailed description of the little red fella.

//Send a tell if you're keen.

Name: Thorgist Frostgrip
Race: Dwarf
Age: 155 years at Dragon Summoning
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful good
Deity: Vorax
Domains: war and protection

Thorgist Frostgrip runs a hand over the scar across his shoulders. A clear recollection fills his mind with his youth and what lead him along the path of Vorax. Thorgist was brought up near the village of Lar. His Father Thain and mother Hildra are working folk of no great consequence. His mother is a tailor and his father a smith specializing in the production of quality gauntlets, but also making all manner of things from rudimentary weapons and tools to armour and horseshoes. Thorgist spent some time hovering about his father’s forge and anvil as a youngster and earned his keep by stoking the forge and operating the bellows. While his mother’s trade earned some gold it was the heat of the furnace that helped the family to live a modest but respectable existence.

Thorgist also became a fighter of some repute amongst the local Dwarven lads (especially whilst drinking). Though he took his share of drubbings (as most fighters do) he won more scraps than he lost and gained the reputation of not being one to be idly taunted. His skill as a fighter was not appreciated by his mother and therefore not condoned by his father. “Now keep your hands to yourself boy. Your mother gets embarrassed by them carryings on.” This did make some impression and Thorgist learned little of the skills of weaponry as a result and stuck to what he dismissed as “play fights” to his mother.

Karturz his younger brother by 15 years took his turn as he grew older to help keep the furnace hot and advance the fortunes of the family. As the two brothers grew older they became entrusted with taking goods to market and buying supplies in Hlint and Fort Llast. In this way the boys became better acquainted with the countryside and learned a bit about the common languages and customs of the humans that did abide in the lowlands. “Don’t you two be spending our profits at the inn mind lads.” Would be their gruff but loving father’s warning each time they headed out on their journey.

The boys had on occasion skimmed a bit off the top for a pint or two (or a dozen) and had one day been discovered by Thain at the inn. He had come down to Fort Llast himself just to check up on the boys as this canny fellow had thought the profits had seemed a little thin lately. Thain reminded them with some sharp kicks to the backside all the way back to the Grey peaks why it was wrong to steel and especially to dishonour your family by steeling and telling lies. “You two should be greatly ashamed and must make amends!” Thain bellowed at them “you’ll not be getting a share of the profits for the next three market trips understand?!”

On the next market trip the boys had been given word after selling their wares that there were bandits of a most malevolent nature on the highway. The Hlint quartermaster informed them that they had best stay put until the threat had been eliminated. “I’ll not be keen to catch father’s wrath if we’re home late. He’ll not be happy that we’ve spent money at the inn again.” proclaimed Karturz. Thorgist weighed up the situation and ruefully thought back to his sore backside on the last trip home. “I believe your right, I’d rather catch the bandits ill temper than father’s Karturz.” The two headed out wary of trouble down the now foreboding road home. There was nothing more for their defence than a pair of new smith’s hammers that the two had purchased for their father.

As they neared the pass into the Grey Peaks they were most certainly ambushed by a group of thieves who seemed to be demanding both their money and their lives. In the ensuing melee the two put their hammers to good use but were overwhelmed by the superior numbers of the filthy brigands. Thorgist received a slashing blow across his shoulders and cried out in pain. As all hope was leaving the two another Dwarven traveller came upon the fight having heard the skirmish. Seeing that the two were outnumbered and knowing well the goings on of late, the traveller ensued to help the two. Verily they found themselves strengthened and emboldened while the bandits began to waver and cower. They felt the tide of the fight turn and started striking blows as if hitting hammer upon anvil. The stranger then entered the fray and the bandits were soon routed screaming and wailing as they went.

It turned out that upon conversing with this stranger that he was a religious man and in fact a priest. My name is Glono Swiftaxe and I am a battle priest of Vorax “I’ve never seen a priest who can fight like that!” Was Thorgist’s flabbergasted reply. The boys were still most excited by the heat of the fight and became most enamoured with the strangers abilities in combat. They asked him all manner of questions about the way of arms. “What race be the best fighters” they asked? “What are the most bandits you’ve defeated on your own” they questioned? “What be the best of all weapons?” To this the stranger firmly replied “My axe has never failed me!” “But…” He continued. “You lads seem to have a talent for using them hammers and The Father of Battle asks only that you be prepared at all times to defend the just and righteous of the world. That is why I did help the two of you.”

The two decided then and there that this was their new calling. Glono agreed to accompany them to their home and was welcomed by Thain and Hildra for saving their boys. Their mother was not however, hearing of her boys becoming warriors. Thain, seeing the anguish on the two boys faces and knowing the lawful and upright tenants of the order made an interjection. “Well hold on me little gem. I agree, Karturz be too young yet to leave home and I do yet need help with the forge. But it is high time that Thorgist was off to see the world and make a Dwarf of himself.” Karturz protested vehemently but Thorgist promised to return home at regular intervals to teach his brother what he had learned. Thus he wandered the lands for a time learning the philosophies of Vorax and the ways of fighting.

Development Journals and Discussion / Januk a victim of society
« on: October 18, 2006, 06:42:52 pm »
Name: Januk Jarnarsker
Height: 6'2"
Hair: Redish Brown
Eyes: Blue
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Neutral Good

Murder and exile

About twenty years ago, when he was only a lad, Januk Jarnarsker's father and mother had to flee their home in the Northeast of Dregar because of "some killings", as the veiled family history recounts. The family settled in a Bleak area near north point. Januk grew up living a hard existence with no formal schooling and learning little of the outside world. His father drowned while fishing some years ago now and his mother became largely dependent on Januk for income.

He was a decent but often frustrated boy and gradually Januk grew into a sturdy man with strong hands and the temper of a Dire Wolf. He made a decent living through fishing and hunting and became known as a fair but hard master of several servants. As providence would dictate, in much the same manner as his father, 20 years after his family's exodus, Januk fell foul of the community and was banished for several "murders". According to local accounts, his neighbor Thurgust borrowed a few wooden bench boards and when they were not returned to Januk, he sought out an explanation. When Thurgust refused to return them, Januk aquired them back. Januk was pursued by servants and Thurgust's two eldest sons. In the following chase, Januk defended himself and killed Thurgust's two sons using only a bench board as a weapon.

The second crime for which Januk was held accountable occurred when he insisted upon revenge for the deaths of two of his servants who had "accidentally started a landslide" on Valithjof Grimtong's farm. Valithjof, a dwarf of fierce temper and agressive disposition, murderously punished the servants for this misfortune. Januk did not take kindly to this and so confronted Valithjof. In the ensuing fist fight the Dwarf was killed when he fell and hit his head on a mill stone. Januk was eventually convicted of the murder and was forced into exile from the colony.

This event led him and a small group of followers including his mother, to travel by sea across the top of the continent north east, with the intention of finding a place to settle. During the early stages of the passage a fierce storm gripped the expedition's small but sturdy craft and forced it towards land. At the height of the storm, land was sighted only a short distance from the craft and in a failed landing attempt the craft was dashed upon the rocks and all onboard perished apart from Januk.

The winds have calmed. In the morning gloom a dejected and utterly exhausted Januk finds himself shipwrecked and on a rocky windswept beach in a strange land. "All of this trouble was surely not of my own making! Why have the Gods punished me so"?! He vows to start anew and wander the land rather than trust in community. His sense of dissatisfaction with society's laws has shaped his belief that trust is not something to be invested in society and a transient life lies before him. He wanders the north and generally keeps to the wilderness hunting and fishing for survial.

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