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Topics - lonnarin

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General Discussion / Sons of Strife Scheduling
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:05:43 pm »
Booked all day with interviews and family functions so the next session will not be tonight.  I also heard that Armand won't be able to make it tonight as well due to business.  Was wondering about rescheduling out weekly sessions to a better time for all of us.  Midweeks have been a bit hectic for me as of late since that's when most interviews wind up being scheduled.  Weekends might be a bit better I think, perhaps even a bit earlier than we've been running.  How about 6-7PMish EST Friday, Saturday or Sunday for our weekly sessions?  Let me know your availability and I'll try to find a common meeting time that works out for most of us. I also have a pending CDQ for Corky that will involve a small gnomish clan in Krashin.  I can run this as early as this or next weekend if that's ok with you.  What time EST would be best?

Long-running Quests / CDQ - Sehky
« on: February 04, 2013, 07:59:52 pm »
Here it goes!  Slated to start this one around 10PM EST this Wednesday or Friday evening, 2/6/13 or 2/8/13, whichever Sehky and crew deems appropriate.  This forum will serve as the rumors board and RP correspondences for the quest.  The theme will be decidedly Ilsarian, goodly in nature and involve vampires of the Broken Halls.  Let us begin with gauging what day you folks prefer!  Please also note that as this is Sehky's CDQ, he has the final say on who he wants to invite, and that there will not be standard Quest XP rewards given per CDQ policy.  This will not preclude us from having an awesome adventure and making an impact on the world, however!

Just for Fun / Keys and Lockpicking
« on: January 22, 2013, 11:03:10 am »
Two images I stumbled across online.



General Discussion / Back to School Bonanza
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:39:24 pm »
A heads up to all that I will have limited internet & game time this month due to back to school rush.  Should die down in the month, but until then I will be working 10 hour shifts and passing out after work in an exhausted heap.  Seeya soon!

Just for Fun / When you fail your climbing check...
« on: December 12, 2012, 11:11:48 pm »
Snow and ice make China's Mount Hua pilgrimage especially dangerous

The pictures from this hermit's pilgrimmage remind me of the Deadman's Pass obstacle course.

Rumour Has It / Harvest Day in Lockwood
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:52:41 am »
Come one and all to the cozy town of Lockwood as we celebrate Harvest Day with a feast before the long winter.  This year is a joint effort with the Prunillites and Goranites and at bequest of philanthropist Evander Burke, we will be holding an impromptu Day of Shared Inspiration a few months early.  What visionary and inspired creations will we see this year?  Come and see!

PS: Free Pie

Fixed Bugs / Brech Mountain Cave Spawns
« on: November 27, 2012, 11:13:29 am »
Location: Earth Giant Brech Mountain Cave

Reproducable: ?

Verified: N


Recently took a trip to the mountains of Brech were the giant cave is and noted that none of the spawns in that cave just past the crystal entity were firing except for the final boss giant.  Please doublecheck this area to make certain this was not just  fluke in timing, as there is some nice CNR in there which should have an obstacle between them and those gathering.  I believe it was titled "Earth Giant Cave" or something of the like.

General Discussion / Heads up: Razorback Questers
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:22:19 am »
Those "plague victims" were stock mobs that I didn't intend to shift. Please doublecheck your current alignment against your lore-page entries and make certain that your alignment is where it should be and was prior to the quest. The noblemen vs plague victims part was a scene from the psyche of the gnome, and not real plague victims, so they shouldnt have been shifting the party alignment. I hope I fixed everybody when we had the wrap up. Let us know if I missed anybody and we will get things back to moral normal. And please, don't remain silent if you simply WANTED to be more evil. For alignment shifts, we need actual RP, not opportunistic mechanic mistakes at work.

My apologies for the alignment strangeness that night.  Hopefully we have it all fixed up and back to normal.  Tune in next week for the grand finale!

Deities - General Information / no love for Grand?
« on: November 06, 2012, 03:35:06 pm »
Don't see him listed here...

Just for Fun / Copious Druid Levels
« on: October 12, 2012, 12:20:03 pm »

General Discussion / Out until October
« on: September 19, 2012, 10:14:38 am »
Sorry folks, RL is kicking hard and if the heavier work schedule wasn't bad enough, I'm scrambling to move into a new place by the end of the month.  As my current roommate is moving to another city at the last minute, I need to find someplace affordable and fast.  For better or for worse, this should be resolved by October 1st.  Apologies to leave you hanging on the quest series.  For now I frantically pack boxes and compare rental rates.

Just for Fun / Baby Wizard Conjures Cats!
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:27:50 am »

Guilds and Councils / Forum Access Request
« on: September 03, 2012, 09:36:12 am »
Vell has just joined up with Fehriel Callomiel and is requesting forum membership.

General Discussion / Razorbacks: Postponed 1 week
« on: August 15, 2012, 04:02:57 pm »
Sorry folks, Back to school is hitting us hard today and need to postpone this event until next week.  Not likely to get home tonight until 8-9pm, at which time I will be passing out after a 12 hour shift. I will also be working Saturday this week... :(

Rumour Has It / Mariner's Hold Voted Best Well Water in the Realms!
« on: July 12, 2012, 12:10:57 am »
In a world where aquifers grow mold and mad alchemists poison well with reckless abandon, it is good news to hear that Mariner's Hold tops the world in drinkable well water.  Residents attest that as of late the well water of this fair city has improved tenfold with an extra sparkle and zing to the taste.  Many gnomes claim this to be a result of mineral deposits within the aquifers, while Councilman Grue applauds the efforts of the local Aqueduct Maintenance Task Force (AMTF) for their vigilance and duty. Some residents have even claimed restorative powers while alchemists flock to the area to fill their tonics with this most splendid drink.  So said the local farmer Quintus Ogden, "My bunions, it done cured by bunions.  I swears it.  Two bottles a day keep your bunions at bay!"

In other news, Azattan and Aeridenite protestors clash with townguards today, debating the conditions of the local "Sanitarium", the criminal rehabillitation project put together by the local council.  Activists declare the ediface to be a "Tower of Torment" and residents living nearby complain of being kept up at night from strange screams from the building, located in the outskirts.  All messengers sent to the Sanitarium have yet to report back, and adventurers sent to investigate have been nonresponsive.  Overzealous protestor miiitant groups are suspected.

The Seas to the north of Hurm are abuzz today with reports of "Sea Monsters" and "Sailors turned to fishlords" today, according to many mariners interviewed.  "I saw it, the eyes of Evil.  Peered into the depths I did, the maelstrom came in a wave of tentacles.  My mind burned as it roared, me mateys dragged below the sea."  and "The eyes, the hate filled eyes...".  These poor men, rescued from floating debris my merchant ships are under close observation.  Enchantment is suspected, and foul play.

A Ship of the Line of the Prantz Armada has gone missing this month, somewhere in the vicinity of Lost Pirate territory.  Prantz officials are offering a 5000 true reward for any information that may prove useful in the safe return the lost ship and its crew.  Captain Slate of the Prantz Armada is a decorated figure for his efforts in pirate hunting in the deep seas, well beyond the safe territory sailed by most merchant vessels.  Says one merchant of the House of Gromor, "That man is a hero.  The lengths he has gone to keeping our routes open put money in my pocket and food in my childrens' bellies."

Just for Fun / A PSA from Self-Confidence Otter
« on: July 07, 2012, 07:19:00 pm »
Be Excellent to one another!

General Discussion / Happy Fourth, Pirate Crew!
« on: July 03, 2012, 10:21:59 am »
Wishing all you players and team members out there a Happy 4th of July!  Since this is time spent well with family and friends, pushing back the next installment of the Razorback Syndicate to next week, July 11th.

General Discussion / High Tides Postponed!!!
« on: June 20, 2012, 06:25:31 pm »
So sorry folks!  Tried logging in today after work and something seems royally off with my texture files.  My bottom row is blank with white boxes, and long stretches of the tilesets are blotted out gray or black, with very heavy chopping.  I tried reinstalling all of added hak content and rolling back my video card drivers, but to no avail.  Going to have to re-install the whole game.  We all know how long that takes...  So it seems I must postpone tonight's session.  Again my apologies.  Once I get this fixed we'll reschudeul for the earliest time possible.  Been far too long since the last session!


Just for Fun / Influences for the past few quests!
« on: June 07, 2012, 01:10:30 am »
Howdy Folks!  As you may have noticed, the past few quests have been heavily influenced by HP Lovecraft.  If any of you have heard that name or that of Cthulu, definitely pick up a copy of ANYTHING he has ever written and read read read!   Of course we do not have Cthulu in Layonara, but we do still have Aberrations!  Between Mind Flayers, Aboleth and Beholders, Lovecraft lives on, influencing generations of Fantasy afficiandos and gamers alike.  

The aboleth in particular are never given enough credit IMO for the sheer depths of horror and transmutative natural perversion that they spread, dragging sailors down below to be brainwashed and mutated into scaley humanoid horrors to carry out the tentacle lords' work on coastal lands and ships.  As you look into the waves, crags become waves, reefs become wind and sandbars seem traversable as open sea.  Then you run aground, shipwreck, and are hounded by mutants and tentacles dragging you down below to become food for the masters.  Or worse yet, their future aquatic foot soldiers, icky stuff!

Mind Flayers, or Illithid, go as far as to bear Cthulu's classic visage.  A slimey beast of the depths with a tentacled, lamprey mouth that sucks out your brain for sweet sustainance.  Their mind control powers rival that of the Aboleth, and their hierarchal structure is as alien as the Zerg.  Mother brains spawn these minnows which circle around in the tank eating brain matter offered from above.  Meanwhile, mother eats the minnow children too slow or witless to avoid her tentacles.  Only the strongest and most affluent minnow rise to the surface of the tank, to be taken by birthing thralls and implanted into slave skulls.  There, they feast upon the brains and control the host body like a puppet, until the minnow larva takes over the entire body and transmutes it into a united being.  This being will become the Mind flayers you see and fight in your journeys.  For further reading on this awesome and most under-used D&D classic monster, check out 2nd Edition's Slayer's Guide to Mind Flayers.  They even go into full detail into how they use the bodies of adventurers in their slave pits and gladitorial arenas.  (Imagine Battlebots with your defeated bodies as husks and your enthralled brains to eat the victory prize.)  

And then the Beholders.  The beautiful thing about a beholder is his vast intellect partnered with his enchantment skills.  Legions of monsters and humanoids serve them as witless thralls, you face a hundred "beef and potato" critters like bandits, orcs or critters before you find out BEHOLDERS are behind it all.  Entire merchant guilds bends to their whispers at night.  And that one central eye, larger than the rest?  Poof, there goes your stoneskin, barkskin, strength and death ward.  Although they are the pinnacle of magical beings (after dragons), some even gouge out their own central eye just to learn magic.  Their vast intellects allow them to excell in the craft, combining the 8 other rays of doom with a full spellbook of tricks at their disposal.  Most powerful ones also see true. (sorry shadowdancers!)  There is also an excellent Slayer's guide out there detailing this race of monsters.  Apparantly they float like a dirigable, from an air bladder of lighter-than-air gas.  This is how they fly in no-magic zones. (and in the view of their no-magic cones!)

All three of these beasts have exceptional mind-enthralling powers.  People driven either mad and frothing or quite and complacent into servitude.  The good puppets often blend into society, nobody the wiser.  They rule guilds, head houes or just blend in with the populace as eyes and ears.  The bad ones are injested as food, or implanted as husks to use as puppets for the young.  Topside? In the deep? Beneath the Briney Depths?  You will come to face one and find yourself locked into a fantasy world of your pitiful adventurer's ego against a mind tyrant.  No secret is safe, no thought is sacred.  What IS Real?!  They will use your own childhood against you.  This is why I LOVE them!

Those who paid attention to the rants and ravings of the mad cultists and the scaled guardians also may have noticed another influence.  Dethklok - Go Into The Water [FULL VIDEO CLIP] - YouTube  I shall attempt to invoke the spirit of metal in all of my quests.  Tonight, love was in the Eye of the Beholder.  Hope you had fun, in any case!

Now back to pirate goodness!

Rumour Has It / For the Stranded...
« on: May 31, 2012, 12:29:38 am »
Your nightmares grow every night you spend on this island.  You dream of sailing.  Across the ocean you travel.  You gaze upon the stars above, peacefully.  And then the ship beneath you pitches.  Young men and sailors pitch overboard as tentacles rise from the depths.  Seizing those they drag below, you watch them drown and become dead.  And then their eyes open with green light.  Calling out to your ship's mates, allies and friends, you are haunted with dead, drowned faces with eyes of green light.  You feel yourself drowning, grasp your throat and you are awakened.  Your ally stands above you, knowing in their eyes the same dream.  The most terrifying aspect of these nightmares are that you all share the same dream.

You grow to despise this island, and pray every night you may soon leave it.  Even in the waking hours you find yourselves with throbbing headaches and snappish towards one another.  Something in the darkness calls.

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