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Wild Surge Inn / The end of Celgar Magnus (brace for long reading)
« on: April 12, 2008, 01:38:16 pm »
The unknown bard shuffles his way in past every one as his elvish features let him be lithe and silent as he moved to the center of the gathering. In a quiet and respectful tone he speaks "If i may i was asked to tell the story of one of the few remaining dragon summoned that lived" he said quietly and waited for the eyes of the patrons to look upon him. After a long and almost forever silence he spoke up "I was told by one of the Lucinda followers, a Priest he insisted on being called" he slowly held his arms up to draw more attention to him and to give him more of a dramatic tone "His name was Celgar Magnus"

     The snow was thick and still falling but the old man leaned on his staff muttering a few choice words of the weather. He may loved the cold in his youth but time as taken its toll on his body and he was struggling to move thought the snow. "Mercy come here and help me get unstuck in this damned snow" he muttered to the wind. Loud thumping followed by a roar that was unearthly. Its tones were not made by any creature that was birthed on any of the many planes. It sounded more like stone grinding into each other. The old man stood still knowing that the noise was made by something far older than that of mortal lives of man. At first it seemed that a pile of snow covered rocks moving in the distance came shambling up to the old man and he smiled broadly as the shape of a stone golem came up to him.
"There you are Venerable friend," he smiled at the stone golem, he knew that the summing of golems from other planes was like playing dice in the inn. Chance was random and he seemed not to care. To him it was the same golem he summoned ages ago and didn't listen to the mages prattle on about how they were by luck or by hearing his call into service. The sounds of stone grinding had the tone as if it was asking him a question but its impossible to tell with these mindless creatures. "Help me get out of this, we're almost to where the priests back in Blackford have sent me to" he eyed the land growing more hate for those blinded and jaded by the foul rumors that were spilt by his name. "Petty fools who only think for them selves and ignore the true ways of Lucinda" he spat with venom remembering one such priest that talked about how him being a priest was a mistake "They care nothing for the weave and only them selves" he snorted again to him self as his golem helped him out of a snow drift "I am sure many wouldn't even consider dying for the weave if it would save it" he snorted and muttered to him self "faith is purest when it is unquestioned". Pulling his staff free form the snow he stopped to stare at it. It was a holy relic to him and he for most part kept it hidden from his fellow followers, if asked he would say it was a staff he enchanted when he was still in his twenties. He knew the truth behind it. Wild rumors stated that Lucinda held a staff that looked strangely like this one in the times when gods were mortal, or it was a staff bestowed by those devoted to Lucinda by her self or one of her many angels. To him the truth didn't matter to him, it belonged to his goddess and every morning he would offer his prayer of thanks for just having it, "Watch over my friends and may the weave always be there, mother" he whispered the prayer as he broke from his reveries. He never once ask Lucinda for any thing on him self other than the blessing he needed, ever since the "Port accident", he never put him self in to his own prayers thinking he was unworthy of her grace and always prayed not for foregiveness but for those he cared about.  Slowly started to walk down the path flanked by his stone golem looking for the town.
"There it it" he smiled warmly to his golem and patted its huge hand chanting the unsumming spell to relieve his soul the weight of it being on this plane. finding the paths the villagers made doing their daily errands he started to make his way to the tavern to warm up and get further info on his mission.
     the door slowly slid open with a gently push of his palm and he wandered into the tavern to warm up and rest for a bit. An Elvish bard in the middle of a rather brilliant ballad about the king of bard was interrupted by the old man who entered "Enough sing and praise about Ozy" he said with a wry grin on his face"
"You know of him?" the bard sputtered out in a surprised gasp as his eyes were looking like they were going to explode form his head.
"Know of him? He was like a father to me in my youth," the old man said as he moved to a table, bard in tow "I know of him and I know hearing your praise would of made him murder you where you stand!" he said stamping his staff down to make his point "He cared not of heroics you sing, he was a humble man and loved nothing more than a good pie and a good lass to lick with his forked tongue" he laughed watching the look on the bard's face turn in disbelief of his hero being talked about so harshly.
"But you are old and senile" the bard blurted out to the old man
"I speak the truth lad, heroes are far less glorious than the tails told by them. They didn't do their deeds for honor or praise but what is needed!" the old man said with a curt nod turning to face the bard fully. he eyes the bard for a quick few seconds and threw off his fur that he was hidden under revealing the most bizzare colored set of robes. Checkered patterned shades of blue dominated the most of his body while fine adornments of gold that held the lighting bolt of Lucinda were adorned on his forearms. His staff at this point started to glow with the aether of the weave to show that he was far than the every day old men.
"The crazed golem man of Lucinda" the bard shrieked as if seeing this person meant impending doom upon the village
"Some call me that, but only my friends do" he laughed with mirth and took a long bow "Celgar Magnus, Priest of Lucinda at your service" he said as he slowly stood up to his full hight. The bard eyed the six foot seven man with awe and fear knowing what happened ages ago with Celgar and a Port city. "I have been sent here by the priests of Blackford to aid in your need" he said slowly as the bard's eyes slowly moved to Celgar's hips where 3 swords hung on his hip then back up to his face to drink deep of this persons features. A deep scar ran form the left most tip of his left eye brow down past his eye and ended on the lower right most of his chin giving this man a more un-priestly look. Other than the massive damage to his face what took the bard's breath way was Celgar's deep brown eyes. They didn't look like that of a man that killed a whole city with a single word. his eyes looked full of compassion, and mixed with anger and resentment to him self. Just to see his eyes the bard knew the rumors were half truths and the jokes about him were made in utter hate for some one that has done wrong in their life.
Fixing him self and making sure he wasn't gawking at Celgar the bard spoke "What brings you here other than the priest telling you to come to this back water of a town....Celgar" he said resisting the urge to call him insane putting away the slang that he used when telling stories to scare the local children.
"News of some kind of sub sect of the Corath has been scryed here by a local mage. Said they were up to some plan to destroy the weave and to attack Lucinda" Celgar frowned a bit "I came to this tavern to rest my old body and to take a break" he said "I'm getting older and older" he whispered to him slef as he sat down at an empty table "I have chased them to this town about a day or so ago, I found their old hide out in a cave close close by but it seems they upped and left. So maybe have you seen travelers about?" Celgar looked to the bard as he just set his staff to rest on the table.
"I have seen many men and women draped in black move through the town and to the north"
"Predictable Corath followers" Celgar said and grinned to him self thinking inwardly to him 'like blind sheep they never hide them selves, the common folk need to understand that some times black isn't the best color to wear' he grinned in silence as the bard watched him
"Something funny sir?" the bard ask him and snapped him out of his thoughts
"Oh just how things never change in a world full of it" he nodded and snatched his staff up and almost jumped out of his chair "Seems I need to go hunting" he said as he moved to his pile of fur cape and shifted through it pulling out a old leather bag with odd runes on it.
The bard watched in total amazement as this small back pack like bag held something much larger than its own size being pulled from it. Celgar pulled his shield from this magical bag . The logo of Lucinda painted on with skill that would make an artiest look at it with wonder and he turned to the door "I shall be back soon" he said leaving his bag on the floor where he dropped it. "And Bard, look after my things please" Celgar said with a smile on his face tossing him a small sack of gold coins.
As the door opened to the cold the bard watched Celgar armor shimmer and run like water as it turned to full plate.

((More to come but i am tired now and need sleep))

General Discussion / Hello and goodbye :(
« on: April 12, 2008, 11:49:16 am »
Those of my old friends, those i will not meet, hello, I am the insane mind behind Celgar magnus.

 I have been away for a long long long time, and it warms my heart to see that this place is still running, with the passion I saw years ago when I first joined. It is with a said and very broken heart that i must make the dreaded farewell post.
     I have to leave this fine family and yes to those of you who are still wet behind the ears as my persona puts it is a family in whole. The GMs are like your fathers and mothers while the rest of the player base is your brothers and sisters, they watch your char grow with joy and cry with you when your char falls for the last time. :D
       As for the reason i am leaving. I have been overly busy with 2 of my life long friends running a star wars sim on a very infamous and rather misconceived game known as second life. before the flames come up and let loose unholy salvos of lag, sex, and other deprived things. I know, I have known and I try to ignore the bad and look at the good in it.Our sim has a very high ruling but is running at a mature rating for its guns, its a stupid little thing that has to be done in most if not all sims. (IE if you use guns on the sim you gotta give it a M rating, don't ask me why i didn't make Second life)
 Its a full on role play sim that was created for the geeks of Star wars and if you want to swing by there, take a look or see what the old bugger Celgar would look like as a mandalorian Twi'lek let me know drop me a line under my name Celgar Hax and the sim name can be searched for as Manaan. Yes we do have people that play Selkath.

  I have been here for 6+ years before there was an eastern server and the only way to get on was Pester Big L to open it or during an event.

I wish the holy machine spirits of of the servers that they run strong and long with out lag.

To my old friends I wish you the best of luck. to those i haven't met. Keep a good cleric by you at all times.

I think i shall make a nice RP reason why Celgar is gone here so keep an eye out.

Introduce Yourself / And the crazy one steps up
« on: March 16, 2007, 11:53:38 am »
I tend to be kept hidden about my life but I'll talk about it..
like most gamers i started out on an old "top of the line" back than 486/33mhz PC playing wolfenstine 3d. Then graduated to other first person games of legends. I didn't keep my self there, i played dark sun and other games and sealed my fate as a gamer. :D
As I grew up I learned how to build PCs on my own  and started collecting PCs that were thrown away and tossed out.
The turn point of my gaming life was about was about...1998 when half-life hit the stores I got it, beat the game got bored and got sucked into the Team fortress classic cult. for 3 years i was playing on a server called East coast with the clan NME2U (say it slowly) playing tournament matches were i accumulated money for playing games, heh.I been running that server all the way up in till the loss of WON and the change over to steam was started.
2003: Having been bored of most first person shooters I took up retirement from the clan matches only to fall back into it playing the leagues, hosting my own server, and "pwning" the nubs that dare to log on.

Long ago, and I don't remember how long ago, a friend of mine was throwing his stuff away and I found his copy of NWN gold hidden under his bed and unopened. After a long discussion on how he owed me money he gave me the game and once more I was addicted to D&D like I was back in my youth playing dark sun.

2004: I got into a car crash breaking my left leg and losing my job. I found an add in stating layo needed people. and the rest is history.
I still play first person games, I still run server but i no longer run in the leagues with the big boys, If i did, I would never have time to play layo as last year's winter (2006) has proven, my clan fell apart, I ignored layo and friends here for months on end.

After a recent rebuild (and prior shut down due to a few admins and the banning of me from my own server..)I reformed a small group that just plays for the love of the game.
I still play Layonara, its my second home, I went from fragging to just being a cleric how has a love for golems (because I have an obsession for mechs, I got a HUGE collection)

And well thats aboot it.

General Discussion / 24 years ago
« on: March 16, 2007, 03:06:07 am »
and 2 minutes beforei post i was born.

Just for Fun / since V3 is comming..
« on: February 27, 2007, 10:14:54 pm »
Its late when i'm making this poll. about 1:23 am

So who is calling out sick for work to do some late night crawling?

Just for Fun / Just for fun
« on: February 25, 2007, 09:41:12 pm »
A flame war! *grabs flame thrower* this is in the spirit of fun and only in fun.. If it gets out of hand I'll just have the whole thread deleted..

Final fantasy 7 is the most over rated game ever!

General Discussion / I need to get this off my cheast.
« on: February 19, 2007, 09:20:22 pm »
I am angry at our own player base. There are new players coming in as the weeks go by, yet no one stops to help them, no one guides them. Just recently I was made fun of for helping some one get to his grave after watching other players rank on him from dying. My view of Layonara being one big family is starting to die here...Just remember we were all newbies at one point in our time. Just because some one is strange or acts odd doesn't make it right to go behind their backs and laugh at them. Help them for the love of kindness. if you had a child that was learning to walk would you laugh at him and call him names behind his back? And what is up with this elitist morality that has started to grow?

I help new players, no one asked me to, no one told me to do it.. I do it because at one point i was a newbie here and i got help.. I think its kind enough to pass that along...

This isn't a flame war or finger pointing this is me asking to be a little more kind to your fellow player, no matter how insane they are or how newb-ish they get.

Just for Fun / Something that will drive ya nuts
« on: February 07, 2007, 01:52:15 am »

This is going to make you go MAD!

There are threes words in the English language that end in "gry"

ONE is angry and the other is hungry.

Everyone knows what the third one means and what it stands for. Everyone uses them everyday, and if you listened very carefully, I've given you the third word.

What is it? _____gry?

Just for Fun / FOR THE EMPEROR!
« on: February 06, 2007, 11:13:44 pm »

General Discussion / been a long while since i asked for DM help
« on: February 06, 2007, 06:49:13 pm »
I just need some one with free time to clean out my a few things of my home that don't belong to me. Its been over two years now and I'm pretty sure they wont come back

Just drop me a tell in game or a note here  if any one is open

Just for Fun / Time for the war of fluff...
« on: February 03, 2007, 02:48:15 am »
Ok after a 3 hour heated debat with a games workshop guy...

it seems there is a rumor that Sigmar is the lost primearch of the Emperor from 40K on some forgotten planet and that an eldar warpgate is the cause for the surge of chaos into the world.

That is why there is no history of an emperor on terra ruling the planet nor the fact that warhammer is set on terra...

there are a few characters that have POWER FISTS AND CLAWS....

Now then down to the dirty part...
The Elder are the cause for the eye of terror and  (can't spell her/his name right now) the birth of the mad god of pain, pleasure, and forbidden knowlege.. (sounds like xeen and lucinda into one doesn't it?)
Tyrinds were created by the necron to kill the orks

orcs were created by the elder to combat the necrons
Orcs have a mild Psyker ability... Like why their guns shoot better in their hands but seem crude and poor by imperal standards... all war machines made by the orcs are painted red because they think red makes it go faster thus their psyker ablity makes the thing go faster (look in the rules and make it orky)

The tau are not the good guys... they are like the Soviet union during the cold war, except they got mind contoling spores int he air, they will kill trators and using a malled fist to make peace isn't for the greater good...
onto the impreral side...
IG is a death sentance.... An Imp guard's life span is 15 hours after they are sent into battle. the main reason that Imp guard were fonded was A) turning 1 millon+ soldiers into super human marines was far to costly B) not every human can go through the geno process (the death rate is about 40% after training) C) planitary population control, when planets get to the blillon mark, your kids now work for the Emperor till it drops D) meat shield.

Space marines.
4 of the 13 (i maybe off here) Primarchs are still alive, one is hidden on the home planet of the dark angels becuase he tried to kill the emperor so that he could cast of his mortal shell to accend to being a god and destroy the chaos taint from the warp. 2 of them are MIA, Leman Russ of the space wolves.... and...........Sigmar (i never got what chapter he was from..) the 4th is Guliman of the Ultramarines he is healing in a stasis field in the chapter's cictadel.
The Emperor of mand kind MAY NOT be sitting on the golden throne...we was placed ther by guliman inoder to save his life after. 10,000 years of feeding of psyker souls he may of gotten healed up and a small rumor stating that he walk among his subjects as an old man or due to youth recovering drugs as a young Imp guard wandering about.

Space wolves have broken the chapter rule of hnot having over 1000 Marines... they number in the tens of thousands

Dark angles take children at birth into the chapter and start radical gene theripy (spelling?) at a young age

Iron Falcons are absoulte nuts... once in the chapter your right arm is cleaved off and cyber implants are used...

Ultra Marines the gunlates of ultramar used by Calgar are weapons stolen by Guilman when he fought one of his primearch brothers that was warped by chaos... and the guntlets are still taitned with evil from chaos..

Blood ravens who have no ties what so ever to the blood angels, were once part of the thousand sons legon and slowly are being turned into the next chaos legon (this was shocking to me.)

There are two space marine chapters on terra This iorn Fists and the Imperal Custodes (again spelling?) The the IC were last see fighting hourus they have never left the Emperor's throne in tibet they will not take order from the inqustion and will kill them on sight they will only take orders from the Emperor and are the only ones to look upon the golend throne.
90% of the imperal technology was stolen, traded and bartered off the eldar and infact the great farseer of the eldar helped the emperor in creating the space marines, primearchs, and the golden throne its self.

on mars. the Machine cult worships the 4th C'tan (necron leader) though put in a stasis field he could easly get out but is favoring the fleshy living ones (or using the humans for his down needs)
The machien cult does trade off psykers to the C'tan for information on building things from ships to titants to dreadnoughts.
tech priest can't cut off parts or replace their flesh with machine parts. they only "upgrade" when it is needed and it is a form of rank... the hight the rank you are the less human you are untill there is a brain inside the body of a robot.

there are only 4 emperor class titans in the whole legto Morta (titan army)

Even farl less titans controlled by chaos

and maybe one warhound titan by ocks per planet (though extreamly rare)

all of this is rumor and yet there is evidance pointing to them.

But nonthe less rumors are rumors and this is just fluff from warhammer

Just for Fun / Hehe
« on: January 22, 2007, 08:55:13 pm »
I've been puting this off for well over a year but now I've gone and done it...

with the gig and a half of warhammer art work I'm making layonara to warhammer 40K conversons..
I based it off the character's personality and tried my hardest to match them with the character that are drawn for 40K
click on oldest to newest and enjoy.

Oh there is Leanthar in there too :D

General Discussion / L.... I think you need to see this....
« on: January 18, 2007, 07:49:55 am »

When did Lucinda become the goddess of racing horses?

General Discussion / Where have i been?
« on: January 18, 2007, 04:01:57 am »
Well i should give you guys an update.

I lost my job working for lego around oh beginning of the year.

After the all night matchs with  my clan for day of defeat we kind of lost and ranked oh, 150 ouf of 200 clans.. ugh..

I found something new. I've been beta testing a new mod for half-life 2 called insect infestation.
Its a fun little breat from blowing people up and the endless ammounts of mindless violence. :)

I helped a guy out I met a few weeks ago with a intro and instruction video if any ones intrested..

As for my self i've been ungodly busy testing this game, finding a new job, working a failing clan, and trying not to kill my self while my girlfriend tears me apart from the inside out.

All in all this year started horrid, and I know by march things will be looking up for me.

Just for Fun / Calling all 40K and starwars nerds..
« on: December 05, 2006, 05:06:50 am »
I'm having one huge argument with a friend at work...

Firstt part of the fight.

A chapter librian could Crush a jedi

second fight

A full battle fleet of Imperal stary destroyers with support  (yes we'll add the super star destroyer, if you read the books there was 5 beofor vader lost his in return of the jedi )VS a full Imperal Battle barge bregade with support.

What we agreed on

Death star: no contest... Extermanutis cannons would rip it to shreads

lets be civil

General Discussion / This is myt lasty post on Litany of Fury.
« on: December 01, 2006, 07:23:10 am »
Today I just got a brand new pc.  And the fury is being retired to clan server duity ( which I think is the most human way of ending her run) after long works it seems the fan was not on right and was fixed..

onto better news.

At Lego (my new job) they had a 100,000 give away and I was the lucky guy to win 20,000

After I got a new doge magnum (used 2005) I sank roughly 4,000 into a new computer... Yes I am THAT INSANE....

Any ways. Azuse double duel core Mobo (it totals out to like.... four processers cranking 2.8 GHZ each), ATI cross fire XT1900 pro 512 ram cards (both cards work as one doubling the Video outout) and 8 gigs of ram. one terabite of memory (two Sata 500 gig HDs :3 ). All water cooled in a FREAKing huge tower.

I went insane
I got my X-mas shopping LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONg time ago done :P (Sept)

General Discussion / Ok, My love for the sprit is drawing thin..
« on: November 24, 2006, 10:59:39 pm »
New power supply was added but now the PC thinks its over heating and says that it's recovering from a and over heat... Just before its done loading windows it shuts off. If I turn it back on a warning sound comes off the HD and it shuts down after 10 seconds.

I was thinking of the thermal greese because the one time it made that noise the fan fell off the CPU and when I installed the Power supply I HAD to take the cooling fan off.

I trippled checked every thing the fan is in the CPU looks ok and there are no loose wires.

Just for Fun / How warhammaer 40K has affected my life so far..
« on: November 14, 2006, 06:17:16 pm »
I will not get on a forklift at my work till I have finished my prayers to the machine sprit (I swear to Lucinda this is true)

Every time I get out of my car I bow to it and thank it for my safe arrival.
I have given names to 3 of my robots that scurry around my floor with no useful pourpose.( titan, Agustus, And.... Von Brom)
When one fo the 3 robots that roams past me I look at them with reserved awe Then go back to what ever it was.
I plan on in years to come to get cybernetic enhancements (Crossing fingers for biometrics in 2030)
Wish every day for a mortal wound in combat so i could be placed in a deadnought

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