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Topics - Falreign

Pages: [1]
LORE Bugs / Sea Elf Page unupdated
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:53:23 pm »
It states that Sea Elf is a playable race here -- LORE: Races of Layonara

From my experience in the passed two months it appears that Sea Elves are unplayable. Not sure if it is a world issue or a Lore issue, I'll let you guys decide.


Just for Fun / Character Submission - Thomas A. Anderson
« on: August 28, 2009, 11:24:19 am »
Name: Thomas A. Anderson (AKA Neo)
Race: Half Sea, Half Dark; All Elf
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Assassin(10) First, then maybe Monk(11-40)
Age: 18
Diety: Pyratechon

Thomas A. Anderson was born on the 11 March 1962 in "Lower Downtown, Capitol City, FU, Dregar" according to his criminal record seen in the film. His mother was Michelle McGahey and his father was John Anderson. He attended Central West Junior High and Owen Patterson High.


The character Neo lives in the world of the Layonara, an illusory construct in which humans are neurally connected to a massive computer system that simulates the world of the late 1300's. This system has been developed by intelligent wizards to keep the human population as tools for the wizards' survival; the wizards use a form of fusion in addition to the bioelectrical energy of human beings as their primary energy source. Previously, the wizards had relied upon solar power; but after the war between humans and wizards broke out, humans cut off the wizards energy source by creating an immense, black cloud that blocked out the sunlight. Those who live their entire lives connected to Layonara are unaware that their reality is not in fact real, nor that there is a human rebellion by the few 'free' humans in the city of Prantz. From time to time, individuals are freed from the Layonara, a risky and complex operation. There is a legend or prophecy amongst free humans (which some believe and others scorn) that there was a human who, when connected to Layonara, could override its computer-simulated rules and perceive and manipulate its code directly. Thus, within the simulated reality of the Matrix, this person would appear to be able to perform miracles. This person is called in legend "The One". This person supposedly freed the founders of Zion, then died afterwards, but his return was foretold. His or her discovery is the subject of a lifelong quest by Morpheus, a hovercraft captain of the Prantz fleet, who hopes that The One will bring the perpetual war between Man and Wizard to an end.

When the nature of Layonara is revealed to him, Neo becomes part of the human resistance and he is revealed to be 'The One'. Layonara trilogy explores his abilities as The One to manipulate his wizard-simulated reality to his will, and his messianic mission as the savior of mankind.

The word "Neo" is an anagram of the word "one", but also for "eon". Neo is also Greek for "new", suggesting messianic overtones for his mission in Layonara. In Gnosticism, eons or aeons are emanations from or aspects of God, one of which was regarded by many Gnostics to taken human form as Jesus. The name "Neo" also might be a play on words from the middle posterior lobe of the cerebellum, also known as the neocerebellum. The neocerebellum receives input from the cerebral cortex and is involved in muscle coordination during movement and in learning skilled motor skills.


I understand the difficulty of having a character who is both Sea Elf and a Diety. It will not be within his domain to destroy things other than wizards. When leaving the ocean from his Sea Elf home, Neo takes up more weapons than just his assassin dagger. If he is able to harness the power of his own body underwater then he might be able to tackle things or maybe wrestle things with great efficiency. Above land he is the master of all other things, until he moves out of his beginner PrC at level 11.

Thank you for your continued patience in our character submissions.

Ask A Gamemaster / Creature Weapon Focus?
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:20:49 am »
Hey there, been curious about this as a feat for those who use creature weapons often.

I heard that it is possible for the Sacred Fist to acquire such a weapon focus though should Druids and Bear Warriors also take this feat instead of Unarmed?

Introduce Yourself / Coming back to Layo!
« on: December 31, 2008, 01:54:29 pm »
Hey guys! I'm trying to come on back to Layonara after a couple of years, you guys just keep making Layo more and more interesting!

My partner and I have been looking for a good MMO to play on lately and all I could think about was all the good times I've had RPing with you guys!

Anyone think they can PM me the password!? I can't wait to see what all has changed!

General Discussion / Snow day.
« on: January 16, 2007, 08:15:14 am »
I love snow, we don't get much here. Maybe one day a year, maybe, That day is today. Today is a good day.
  I love snow. Layonara, do you love snow to? Why or why not?

General Discussion / Everyone is still laughing and smashing!?
« on: January 03, 2007, 12:53:30 am »
Hey guys I'm back! Uhh yeah well I used to play here and remembered how awesome it was as I was checking out a box for that new NWN2 game and decided to install up my old NWN and maybe get back into good times at the Leilon Arms or some buzz.

Official Hello!

Also, I've checked out that LORE system you guys got set up and it sounds ingenius and I was curious if I need to get myself set up on that before gaming with you guys. Help is much happiness.

Hope to see you guys in game sometime in the near future.

Development Journals and Discussion / Nidual's Lab Notes
« on: November 23, 2005, 01:38:00 am »
*torn peices of parchment and other various things written in the drow script lie in a pile here*

I have begun recorded my accession of information and realizations here, hopefully in time I can learn more of what happen to my beloved Dhe'zhal or myself for that matter. This new town I have been brought to will be a much better place for my research than where I was before, I should owe the dragon my thanks enough for this wonderful crypt to find specimens. Enough to owe her aligance verse Blood, well I will try to do what I can for now however no promises on this. I shall use this first page to remind myself to understand not undergo the transformation Dhe'zhal once made, I will never allow myself to be consumed or tormenteded by the perfectly maliable magical forces.

Development Journals and Discussion / Linkerut Oakarm's Letters Home
« on: November 14, 2005, 08:22:00 pm »
Dear Creegan Bookbrain,

I'm glad I could find a steady place to start my quest from father. It seems I am needed to help defend the lands around here from some sort of evil. Although we both agreed to try and interfear as little as possible with the outside I am sure doing a few favors won't be a big effect. In thea mean time I have been working on gaining strength to complete my quest. It seems people create and sell magical equipment that can increase my muscles, though it will be some time before I trust my body to meddle with the stronger sorts of magic. I also ran into some sort of shifting girl she seemed like the type of people who worship Katia near our homeland but she was very upfront about her powers transforming into all kinds of things! I can hardly express my wonder on paper when she transformed into a wolf, a bear, even a bird though birds aren't quite as strong they are something that can do what I cannot! I hope to learn more of her ways without having to try kissing bushes and worshipping all day, perhaps you could look into this for me father?

P.S. As a man I have decided to call you by your first name, but please rememebr you will always be father to me.

-With Two Caring Shoulder Slugs, Link

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Lock Boxes
« on: October 29, 2005, 10:45:00 pm »
Is it possible or have we ever looked into boxes or openable items that are trapped or have locks on them? I think this would be a fairly interesting thing to put in. Please, discuss.

Wild Surge Inn / Fools Abound!
« on: October 27, 2005, 10:56:00 pm »
*A large picture of an old white haired man with the collar of a wizard and a smaller sized picture of a woman  winking with a headband is posted on the front of the west gate to Hlint*  *along at the bottom in large print*    [SIZE=20] [indigo]  Fools Abound! [/SIZE] [/indigo]

Development Journals and Discussion / Insights of the Strategist
« on: October 15, 2005, 10:59:00 pm »
The threads of knowledge course the lands dangling from each person as if a puppet with the god's hands dropping and raising as they feel it fit. This is a collection of the movements of the threads attatched to Nimo Rintov.

First Thread of the First Passing.

This is all too soon. Too much to worry about. Brought all the way to Mistone without even a day to prepare. The guild probably thinks of me dead. How will I return to Pranzis a dead man? Everyone, everything rather, here is so completely simple, these townsfolk with so many needs. Not even a chance to get my stash from underneathe the baker's barn. Looks like I will have to take as many jobs as I can here. Take up a quick trade maybe even try to remember what those fools taught me about making poisons. These ugly backwoods humanoids are even worse that those Prazians. I can command as much interest in a field mouse as these villagers. The demons in Xantril could teach these people a few things about how to talk.

Second Thread of the First Passing.

I can't keep rehearsing my hatred of these goodie-too-shoes, I am beginning to sound like that snivling old Magician. However I could do myself some good to remember what that blasted murg'ol of a man taught me. Strength in numbers, I must find a way to speak with these country bumpkins and cut deals with them, no intentions of making any friends with these simpletons. The joy of finding so many simple prey here is fantastic though there is little to steal, I must practice my sword play. Though I cannot cut a goblin in half I can certainly do well enough to stab its kidney, my wit will do much more damage than any of these brutes and their muscles.

Third Thread of the First Passing.

Such a simple life here. Do any of these coots have secrets for me to expand upon? Surely they have weaknnesses I must use them for my advantage the way the Magician taught me. Hope that old man rots on the outter plane of happiness-and-springtime, only justice to the way he has damned me to this place. Aha so this is my chance, I do see. A talking orc will surely love to have its secret kept and I will surely love to have payment for my silent service. All is well that ends well, maybe there are others with good paying secrets around these parts. This is what I get for being close minded like that old Magician, I must be more thoughtful and prepared for the unexpected. I cant control my giddiness, cannot wait to see what finds it way to me next, maybe a goblin with wings or a fat fairy.

General Discussion / Like putting water in a bucket.
« on: October 05, 2005, 09:29:00 pm »
Really now, I spend a few gold pieces and leave some water buckets in the water tub for everyone to use and as time passes low and behold they are no where to be found. Have we contracted bucket gnomes who collect them for us and hide them deep under the svirfneblin tunnels? I leave them their for everyone to use and they sell for 1 gold and get bought for 1 gold by the pawn shop. Its just for convinience really.

Recently I have seen an increase in the SoU Class based portraits and although it does a nice job of showing what your character represents it dosent help to let me know how you invision them. We got plently of pretty portraits in the NWVault and our own pack so I encourage people to make use of them.

I'm sure some of you agree with me, those are just my little rants. Take care all  ;)

Fixed Bugs / Bear Warrior Black Bear form
« on: October 01, 2005, 06:46:00 pm »
It got dispelled by a Paladin's Remove Disease ability which was used to remove my poison from a dire spider. No idea if other shape shifters get these problems.

EDIT : Also everytime after I transform and go into a new area I get spammed with "Cannot equip this item messages"

Oh yeah and the dire spider poison DC must be a glitch because no one can beat a 29 at its level range :P

General Discussion / A second chance
« on: September 06, 2005, 07:04:00 pm »
I have played on this server for a mere few weeks but have already caused large problems. Despite the joy and happiness this server has given me I haven't given it the respect it deserves. I fed greatly into the card exploit that several of us know of. I know of all the people who did this card selling trick they could not have done as much harm as I have and apologize deeply.

What seemed to be a quick way for a few gold pieces turned into a horrible habit for something that dosen't give as much as it really costs. I would not take even a whole million gold pieces in exchange for the joy of this community. Thanks to our respected DM staff I am granted a second chance here and wish only to make the best of it. I never had the inentions of disrespecting others or taking away from other's gameplay but I had felt content with personal gain inspite of other's who had worked much harder for what they earned. This was wrong, it was wrong because it takes away from the meaning of a community where we should all treat each other as we would treat our most respected of friends.

I plan to have a larger view of this and the way this server works, it isn't about gain or progress, it is about fun. Good clean fun where we treat each other in a utopian fashion, not because we have to but because we want to. Where we don't need to worry about anything but keeping our friends alive and hopefully brightening their day if only for an hour or two.

With no intentions to ever violate explotation and to read all the rules specifically I am glad to stay for my second chance on with this great community. I hope everyone can do the same and let me show the respect I have debted to you all.

Thank you again GM's and thank you to all you players as well who I have such a great time playing with.

Development Journals and Discussion / The Daring life of Ichitan Youbli
« on: August 29, 2005, 08:32:00 pm »
Off in a distant land where the halflings carve homes from the tops of trees is the Elder's Hut where children gather on regular basis and request to hear wise tales of past and present. Among the few tales is unlike others. A story about an adventurer who left not for the sake of his 'Change' but for the sake of his family and for his love for his people. Elder Spinningleaf sits in the center of the large room with her tobbacco pipe lit and her smile on her collar, she begins the story just as the last little one enters.

She puff out as she makes a loud crashing noise of thunder "Shashoon! The lighting crashes and the spirits of the forest grow greater. The humans have found more ways of destruction and take lives of their kin and of the Wise. A great Wise man stands atop a large mountonous plateau," trying her best to monument this great man. "With a spear in one hand and the dying brother of his father in the other, the hut burning a blaze and the man had the vicious attacks in simple sight. This caring wise man knew only one thing to do." pauses as she draws aw from the children. "Vengence!" she cries "Vengence for his kin, he knew the magics that had been casted upon his greatuncle's home and knew they were not natural. The human magic makers stood emotionless and continued to cast their spells at the dying man and that was when he pounce forth. This man was known for his fast and cunning attacks, he was named Ichitan for such great things, Ichitan for the sake of his daring bravery. Ichitan ran forward with his goad ready and spun it into the side of the most terrifying of the two attacks and was swarted to the side, for brave Ichitan was just a boy then and knew only the teachings of his dying greatuncle." she wavers a knowledgable finger to the children. "He was pushed out of the lions mouth and right into it's paw, straight down the mountain side." adds another dramatic pause. "But Ichitan knew this mountain well and how to avoid the dangers of harsh winds. He rose from the large cliff a half moon later to find his greatuncle savaged and left for the vultures. Ichitan could not bare this. His greatuncle was all he knew and all he trained with. Ichitan knew what his greatuncle would have asked him if he had a chance and Ichitan knew that was what he would do at all costs. And so he came back from the far away hut of his greatuncle and to his father's side. He asked for a great favor at his own ritual of change. The elder's considered his words and knew his disposition. Ichitan told them certain untruths that might swade them. The elder's knew well of his true plans and rightly allowed him passage from the great lands with respect from his people." she leans into the children. "So do not lie to your elders, for they will know what you truly intend." Sits upright and puffs once more before continuing "The once young boy sets out with all his supplies and knowledge. He ventures to Mistone and finds himself in touch with a dragon's calling. For this great beast warned many people and needed much assistance from the evils that lay before the land. Ichitan used his wisdom and promised himself to assist the dragons calling when he could. But as he left the dragons realm he came to the town of Hlint and knew little of his common speak. He troubled much learning the simple language however quickly found many tasks and many jobs to complete to help the townsfolk, as many such good willed Wise would do. He promised to the  local poucher the skins of the strongest animals he could find. Ichitan brought this man all sorts of animals and the poucher was pleased. However he requested for an even greater beast. The great bear of the forest."

"Ichitan knew the powers of this bear and made agreements with the poucher. For Ichitan knew that if he was to conquer such a fearsome beast without the help of others he would truly be at his full strength. And so Ichitan left for the deep forest and brought nothing but his armor and a spear. He knew this beast would be cunning and quick. Ichitan wandered for days to find this elusive beast tracking every step to another hidden trail until finally there it sat. Feasting on the carcass of a giant twenty feet tall. However this did not give fear to Ichitan for he was Daring and charged forward thrusting his goad into the bear's chest. The spear went in and the bear lunged forward unflinching. The bear was atop Ichitan and had his mouth an arm's length from Ichitan's head. The spear was in the bear beaing pushed into the ground, all that kept Ichitan from being another appetizer, he was quick and smashed his hand into the bear's eyes, pulling one out and leaving the other to dangle and confused the massive bear, Ichitan rolled away and cirlce to the confused monster's back, the bear would not give up any sooner than Ichitan would. With his spear already inside of the bear Ichitan had no weapon except his great strength. He used this and tackled the bear sending it flying into the open carcass of the giant. The bear was still crawling toward Ichitan and this had Ichitan worried, for if his great strength could not stop the thick skinned beast what would?" she shrugs and leaves a momment for the children to decide before she shouts. "And he saw it! The club of the giant sat right beside him. Even the greatest humans did not have the power to lift a club of that size however Ichitan roared as loud as the blinded bear did and lifted the club over his head and smack down onto the bear." she smacks her hands togeather and pushes out a wave of smoke from her pipe. "The bear was motionless. As Ichitan approached with his knife to remove the precious thick fur he was caught off gaurd by the bear's last ounce of strength he bit with all his might into Ichitan's leg, normally this would have severed the leg of even the greatest of warriors, however Ichitan flexed his might muscles and pushed the fangs off and broke them into many small peices of jewelry that he later made into a neclace. And now with every piece of the fur he made Wise use of all of the magnificent beast with whom he fought. Days later Ichitan came to the poucher told the poucher the story. This poucher was so amazed he promised Ichitan a well fitted suit of armor just for him, made of the bear. Before Ichitan knew it he had become the beast he honored so greatly with death. The head of the beast was his own and the words of his greatuncle echoed in his mind, greatuncle always said 'The strongest warriors, know best their enemies.'"

By this time the candles had run out of wax and the room darkened "Next we meet we will continue the Daring Story of Ichitan Youbli."

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