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Topics - Heyguysimbak

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Layonara Server / The truth of the Lucius Kaiser/Krell Himmler Ban
« on: April 03, 2008, 02:28:05 am »
to me
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    1 Apr (2 days ago)

Now you and I both know why you were banned. I am disappointed you are going around and dragging others in to this by telling them you don’t know. I do not want to make this public but I will if you force my hand.


You were banned because you were talking about suicide and that is not acceptable. You should not be doing that in any community (in RL or online). We should not have to deal with that (nobody should except for professionals) and most certainly players do not want to deal with that, they are here to have fun and play a game, not deal with suicidal thoughts and such. You need to get professional help, not help from an online gaming community and certainly not from the Layonara community, and it is simple as that.


You put us at great risk by doing that and I can’t allow that. You harm the community by doing that and I can not allow that. You harm your family by talking like that, get some help. You need to get professional help and not bring down the community. We can’t help you, only professional help can.

//He said he didn't wanna make it public and I'm guessing that was a threat? (you tell me). But this is for all the people who think I got banned for being mean/cruel or something else. Just so the team knows, feel free to post any game logs relating to this, in fact I encourage it. Or that I got banned for "griefing".

If you ban me and delete it I will post it again and again until the world hears the truth. Takes me thirty seconds to come back, about as long as it takes you to ban me.

To show that the person I spoke about it didn't mind (so I think) I will post the PM they sent me shortly before I got banned, with their name omitted. Thankfully  most of my PM's are saved in the email inbox.

---Quote (Originally by Krell Himmler)---
I gotta go, take care hun. If I see you I see you *hugs*. Thanks for
listening today.
---End Quote---

I will always listen sweetie or try to :) I will see you soon.

//for the record the person in question was concerned and as I believe went to him for advice/help and the ban was the result, although I'm speculating here so feel free to correct me.

//Now if you want to talk to me then of course add me on msn, I will be using it for a short period of time from now:

You can also email me at that exact address if you wish further details, I will answer all people.

//for the record, anyone whom I asked why I got banned, I genuinely didn't know as to be honest I really didn't think anyone would get banned for such a thing.

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