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Topics - Gann

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / A Hello
« on: August 04, 2008, 11:52:23 pm »
As the title states, I'm saying hello. *waves waves.* I've been currently seeking a indepth roleplay community of the D&D or any setting that honestly offers something different than what I've roleplayed for the longest time. I've roleplayed in WoW, for about as long as it's been out. Played Neverwinter Nights  till Neverwinter Nights 2 for as long as that period too.. And I'm really trying to get back into the D&D style. Lately I've been looking for a community, and I stumbled upon Layonara while in Google search, if you could believe it.

So, for me.. I'm not much, I live in a house in Ontario, Canada. I've been roleplaying for quite awhile, and I have a dog that is the most beloved thing to me in the world. I'm just wondering, and seeing if I can sneak a question or two in here for my search..

Layonara is a roleplaying community? Otherwise, I'm a total bufoon. x.x

And, is it active?

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