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Messages - Gulnyr

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The hierarchy in the Rofirein section of LORE is confusing and unclear.  As a hierarchy, the vertical position of each rank is descriptive of that rank's "power" and position in the chain of command.  If that is considered while examining the hierarchy, one finds that Protectors (the "standard" position of a priest of Rofirein) are on par with Unit Captains (an elevated rank within the Knights of the Wyrm, with plain ol' Knight being the "standard" rank).  That's weird.

Here's the argument I made a little while back:

Quote from: Me Somewhere Else
My understanding of the branches of the Church is that they are similar to the branches in a nation's military. Under normal circumstances, an US Army captain and a US Navy captain most likely aren't going to be dealing with each other. But sometimes they could find themselves together, in which case the Navy captain outranks the Army captain because a Navy captain is equivalent to an Army colonel.

So, in an orderly church such as that of Rofirein, a similar situation seems logical. The branches are separate to conduct their own business for the most part, but in a mixed group it would be clear who outranks whom so that order can be maintained. Thus, Jennara does technically outrank a lot of PC and NPC Clerics, though she would be out of line to order Protectors around within a Temple, say, as they are not directly within her chain of command.

An all-in-one chart for THE Church of Order should reflect that orderly concept and display each rank in its appropriate vertical position relative to the other ranks within the Church.  In other words, some space should be added or removed here and there so each branch of the Church can be compared to the others.  That will allow each player of a Rofireinite character to know where his character belongs, and help DMs know how to interact when using certain NPCs.  If there's any need for help determining which rank is where, I'd be glad to offer ideas.

Fixed Bugs / Useless Claws
« on: April 08, 2010, 02:12:01 pm »
On the Weapons page for Grimals, it says:
Their sharpened claws are kept dangerous through constant sharpening—anything short of a layer of metal can stop them.

This means a gauzy layer of cloth - or even bare skin - can stop their claws, making them not at all dangerous.

The word "anything" should be replaced with "nothing" to get the meaning I think was intended.

Ask A Gamemaster / Portals
« on: February 08, 2010, 06:27:32 pm »
I have some portal questions.[LIST=1]
  • I was going to ask if the destinations of housing portals are IC or just convenient, but the Portalling page settled that.  IC it is.
  • How do characters determine where they go in a portal with multiple destinations?  Does the portal read minds, or do characters say the name of their destination, or make a hand sign, or offer a slip of paper with the name, or interact with a floating text box (hehe)?
  • Can any regular Joe determine where a portal goes by looking at it or thinking about it, without having to enter it?  Can any caster?  Only Wizards?  Can anyone at all?  (I know players can tell by clicking on it, but I'm asking about characters.)

Ask A Gamemaster / What Are Mantras Anyway?
« on: February 05, 2010, 09:35:35 pm »
[post=1553532]As I was saying[/post], we're getting lots of nice information about the deities, but there's no information on just exactly what mantras are.  It sounds like they might kinda-sorta take the place of D&D-style alignments.  Maybe.  

Here are my main questions, at least for now:
  • What are mantras?  What does each term actually mean?
  • How should they be treated as we consider the MMO?  Are they binding and essential to followers of deities, or are they vague suggestions that might be worth considering for a faithful character?
  • Should we be concerned with mantras now, here in NWN?  If so, do the answers to the point above apply, too?

Roleplaying / Scripted NPC Dialogue
« on: January 19, 2010, 02:15:22 pm »
This is a specific reminder of the general concept that everything your character does in-game is in-character.

The NPC dialogues, despite being scripted and in a little box, are in-character conversations - no DM required.  Don't think of it as a vending machine but as another character.  If your character interacts with a shopkeeper and, say, Intimidates him, then your character actually did that.  It isn't just a menu choice for a discount, but an actual, "You'll lower the price or else!"  (The switchblade is optional.)  Make sure your choice of dialogue fits with your character's personality and alignment.

If you are nearby and someone else chooses an option that doesn't sit well with your character, have your character say so (if your character would - not every killer out there is hero enough to stand up to the guy bullying the shopkeeper).

Ask A Gamemaster / Moon Orbits
« on: October 28, 2009, 06:04:58 pm »
How long (timewise) is the orbit of each of Layonara's moons?  I remember one of them - Ausir, I think - having a twenty-eight day orbit.  Is that still right, or was it ever, heh?

The Dragon Storm Campaign / On The Way To Krandor
« on: September 15, 2009, 08:21:58 pm »
*While the group from Hlint is camped, Jennara explains more about what the Path is.*

About thirty-five years ago, I was made aware of an ancient book.  I should never have known of it, but it was taken by those who would misuse it and I was called upon to recover it by the Heavenly Servant.  With the help of many others, the book was recovered.

This book is the journal of Tuhral Araljan.  He was a general serving the dragons long, long ago, and fought against Sinthar Bloodstone in those ancient wars.  That was, of course, before Bloodstone was banished.  It is not simply a journal, though.  Tuhral Araljan was believed to have been killed several times, yet somehow always returned later on another battlefield.  By some magical means, the journal creates the Path of the Claw.  That is what we call it, anyway; it apparently has no real name.  The Path calls around the world, most strongly, I believe, to those who can change their shape by some more natural means, like the Druids.  It can attract anyone, however, and will pull more strongly on those who are closer.  The call is a lie, or perhaps it should be 'the calls are lies.'  The Path makes promises and offers...
*She shrugs.*  ... whatever is most desired by each, I suppose.  The stronger the mind, the easier the lies are ignored.  Perhaps certain personality types are more easily swayed, also.

Do not misunderstand.  The Path is not a fixed place.  You cannot simply go there the same way we are going to Krandor.  Decades ago, it was centered somewhere in the Mountains of Storms, most likely because the journal had been triggered nearby.  

The purpose of the Path is to create combatants.  Their description is similar to the description of Tuhral Araljan - especially strong and very dangerous in combat, almost impossible to overcome and kill.  Whole units of these skirmishers were fielded during those wars.  It also seems the Path will make a shapeshifter of any who are not.  It is a dangerous trial, though.  Only one person can emerge from the Path victorious, and many die trying.  I do not know if those caught in the lies are made to feel threatened and paranoid purposely by the Path, or if that is simply an unintended consequence that serves its purpose.

Much more recently...  
*She pauses and sighs, frowning.*  ... the journal was stolen by the Green Dragon Cult.  I can only guess how they knew of the journal, though that is not important.  A reasonable case can be made that the journal is what they came to Mistone for, but that is for another time.  A rather large gathering of adventurers and mercenaries gathered outside Fort Vehl...  Maybe you saw the postings several months ago on various message boards offering gold and danger.  This was an arrangement by another individual to prepare a... makeshift army to wait for some sign of the journal.  I had previously been informed by the Church that the journal had been stolen... again... and was then independently contacted by the individual and asked to address the gathered group, thus making this, in some way, my makeshift army.  *She shakes her head a little.*

We were too late, though.  The Path had been opened again.  Maybe some of you felt its pull.  We tracked it to the Hammerbound Peaks.  Near the foothills, an injured horseman was encountered and we learned of the Cultist army marching for Fort Hurix.  Our group divided, many going to help the city and the rest continuing into the mountains.  I will tell that story another day, and will tell this one much better, also.  For now, know that through great hardships... *She glances at Argali briefly.*  ... our group recovered the journal again, and that it has been taken elsewhere to be kept safely.

What is important from that untold story, for now, is that we were aware of three of our group and six Cultists entering the final trials of the Path.  I have spoken to two of the three from our group since then, neither of whom completed the Path.  I do not know how many others may have reached the final trials before we arrived.  We did not see the faces of all the Cultists, though most were clearly not shaped as this man.  
*She indicates 'Ben.'*  Two looked dwarven or deep dwarven, one was taller and broader than this man, one looked like a human or elven woman, and one was scaly, green, and winged.  If this man has been through the Path successfully, he could be the Cultist who spoke to us within the Path, or may be a druid or someone else who arrived before us.  He may, though, have come to have his current affliction without any experience of the Path.  Clearly, though, with the dangers inherent in one who has completed the Path, it would be good to know one way or the other, which is why so many have made so much mention of the Path so far.

Fixed Bugs / Prantz is Crooked
« on: July 17, 2009, 07:46:58 pm »
Description: This is low priority, but if you've got the time it would be nice to fix: Prantz is crooked.  When you look at the map of Dregar and travel in-game, you'll notice, if you travel north from Lor, that you approach Prantz from the south and can detour west around the city to Haft Lake, which is indeed west of Prantz.  

Prantz itself is rotated so that these directions don't mesh.  The south gate from Prantz (directly forward of the way one arrives at the portal there) leads to Haft Lake.  I'm not entirely sure where the other two gates go; they always confuse me because they don't point the right way.  I think the west gate goes north and the east gate south, but that's just a guess.  

It's easy enough to just run to Haft Lake - whether from the portal or north or south of town - and be properly oriented to know where I'm going, so, like I said, low priority.  I've been doing that a long time and not worrying about it, but I was giving directions today and had to go back and make corrections.  I hope no one gets lost, heh.

Location: The main square/main gate of Prantz, and possibly the other areas of Prantz


Reproducible: *nods*

General Discussion / That's Sergeant Party Leader To You!
« on: April 07, 2009, 02:39:39 am »
I've been playing around with bits of the graphics for a while just for the heck of it.  There's been some stuff that's awful and a lot of things that are so-so, but I made one a few days ago that I think is actually pretty cool and worth sharing.  I replaced the crown symbol used for the party leader with a set of sergeant's stripes.  You can see Steel as our party leader below, and the .tga file is attached if you'd like to use it.  Just toss it into your override folder (and backup the original just in case).

Fixed Bugs / Generic Donation NPCs Do Not Accept Gold
« on: April 06, 2009, 11:13:58 am »
Description: When speaking to a generic donation NPC, there is no option to donate gold.  

Jennara had over 30,000gp and tried to make a donation for Tilmar in Lor, but the only choice available was the 'nevermind' option (her donation box is empty).  I then tried the other options to check and got the same result.  I ported to Port Hempstead and tried again with the same result.

Location: I only tried in Lor and Port Hempstead, but my guess is all the generic donation NPCs operate the same way.

Reproducible:  At least in Lor and Hemp.  


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Ghostly Glow of the Living
« on: April 02, 2009, 08:51:12 pm »
Is there any chance of removing the glow effect from recently respawned/raised/resurrected characters for the next update?

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Harvesting Tool Durability
« on: March 29, 2009, 02:31:21 pm »
I was just doing a little oak chopping and got a bit irked.  Jennara had three axes.  The first did pretty well and got a few branches before it broke, but the second and third broke in quick succession having barely scratched the tree.  Grr, y'know?

I was thinking it would be nice to get at least one branch per axe, but realized I did better than that if my branches were averaged over the axes (about one and two thirds each).  Still, it doesn't really feel that way, which might be why the system is so irritating to many people.  

So I came up with a different idea: why not have gathering tools (axes, shovels, gem chisels...) have a smaller range with a higher minimum and maybe an upper cap?  It would work differently and need to be recoded, but each tool would produce some resources so it wouldn't feel like a complete waste when it finally breaks.  And IC, it would 'break' because it was no longer sharp (or whatever applies) and need to be repaired or replaced.

The big problem I see with this idea is that each tool would need to be tracked similar to the way normal weapons are tracked for bangs against ore, and that could be excessive.  Maybe there's a better way.

Understand, please, that I don't mind tools breaking.  That's fine.  It just feels bad when they break without doing anything.

Ask A Gamemaster / Evil Dorandites?
« on: March 03, 2009, 02:41:31 pm »
Are Evil Clerics of Dorand allowed?

I was checking out something about Hammers on the Dorand page and noticed that Neutral Evil isn't listed as a Clerical alignment choice.  NE is only one step from TN, so I was wondering if this might be an accidental exclusion from LORE.

General Discussion / Failure to Screenshot
« on: January 28, 2009, 09:38:05 pm »

I'm having a problem with screenshots recently.  Specifically, no matter how often or when I hit the key to take a screenshot, they aren't saved in the NWN screenshots folder or anywhere else.  It was working about a month ago because I've got some screenshots from Jennara's WLDQ, but it doesn't work now.

I don't have any idea what could have changed.  I tried changing the hotkey from Print Screen in case that one just wasn't working (even though the game shows that little stutter as if it did do something), but that didn't help.  Is there an .ini setting somewhere I can check out?  Has anyone else had this happen?

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Money for Equipment
« on: January 06, 2009, 02:47:32 pm »
Several letters similar to the one below, though individually targeted for each reader's area of expertise, are sent to various makers and suppliers of armor, hand weapons, crossbows, rations, blankets, and other soldierly supplies across Mistone and even some on Alindor:

Quote from: Jennara Creekskipper
Sir, greetings from Commander Jennara Creekskipper.

May this letter find you well.

I would make a purchase from your establishment.

Before said purchase can be transacted, I require information on the available stock of chain shirts and hauberks and of shields, and the prices requested for each.  Also, information on your ability to deliver or have delivered the items would be appreciated.

There can be little delay.  Please respond with haste.

May the Lord Protector shield you from harm,

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

//Jennara has a little over 95,000gp.  Though it isn't very much, she is hoping to make use of it for the good of Mistone and Alindor by helping to move equipment from warehouses and shops to the people who can put it to use in the defense of the continents.  In other words, she wants to get potentially disinterested or procrastinating vendors moving with some cold, hard incentive.  She probably can't afford much from any one vendor or in any particular area, but she'd like to try to get the stuff out to militia leaders and guard captains and such who can assign it as needed.

Ask A Gamemaster / Seasons
« on: November 25, 2008, 02:12:55 pm »
I think this is assumed to be true but generally ignored because of the speed at which in-game time passes, but I don't remember it being explicitly stated anywhere: does Layonara tilt on its axis similarly to Earth and are there then seasons similar to those on Earth?

I was considering that it's winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere right now, and it made me wonder if Layonara more or less coincides with Earth, so that in Hlint and Dalanthar it's summer during Jular and winter during Decilar, and vice versa in Mariner's Hold and Western Gate.

General Discussion / Weird Resolution Problem
« on: July 14, 2008, 12:51:51 pm »
As the title says, I'm having a weird resolution problem.  It's weird because it only affects Layonara pages (forums, calendar, gallery, server status, etc. but not LORE) but isn't affecting any other pages on any other sites.  The resolution has been increased on Layo pages for some reason, so everything looks tiny and some things are kinda hard to read.

I'm not sure what would cause that, and I'm not sure how to fix it.  It seemed to start a little while ago at about the time my niece wanted to see some pictures of "Jonana."  We were looking through the gallery and she hit the keyboard near the right Alt and Ctrl keys, but I don't how that would do anything to the resolution or why it would only affect Layo pages.  She's done it plenty of times before...

So, yeah, I'm confused.  And squinting a lot.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Ask A Gamemaster / Bindstoner Selection Process
« on: April 04, 2008, 02:38:10 pm »
I was considering the bindstones this morning, and how some characters can bind their souls and some either can't or don't.  I started wondering which it is, "can't" or "don't."

Way back when, there was a dragon calling people to serve, and the LORE page on bindstones* mentions that the bindstones became active again after some lengthy period of inactivity and that "the souls of those who have been summoned to the defense of Layonara" are tied to them.  It gives the impression that Ozlo and/or someone associated with him specifically bound the Dragoncalled to the stones.  It could just be that only those who could be bound were chosen, though, which explains why all Dragoncalled could be bound and still fits the description.

Whatever the case, it was fine before, with the whole unified cause and greatest enemy ever stuff, when people were actually being summoned to the defense of Layonara, but that isn't happening now.  Despite that, people who were born well after the end of the war are still being bound to the bindstones.

So, to think it through, first I took the viewpoint that people could choose to be bound, but don't.  They would just need to go to a bindstone and focus, like any PC does.  Well, alright, but that really doesn't explain why more people don't.  There doesn't seem to be any severe negative consequence to being bound, most people don't live lives that put them at risk of death every day, and there are bindstones everywhere just like gas stations and fast food restaurants in the real world.  So maybe your average farmer wouldn't, but why not all those Mistonian and Dregarian soldiers who went to help liberate Rohden?  Why not the Rohdenese before them?  Why not every soldier in every army everywhere?  Why would mothers not take their children as soon as they were old enough to understand?

That leads to a mess, obviously.  The world would be different than it is, so choosing to be bound can't be the way things are.  It isn't that people don't bind themselves, but that they can't.

So, most people can't, and some people can.  How is it determined who is in which group?  "Summoned to the defense of Layonara" doesn't really explain anything, as members of groups bent on the destruction of Layonara can still be bound.  Maybe it's a random thing - some people just have the special something when they are born, and can be bound to the stones.  Maybe some god or gods are involved (though I can imagine Aeridin doesn't approve), but wouldn't be telling anyone since gods don't do that; people would just have to find out they could bind their souls on their own, making it essentially random.

To go off on a tangent for a second, I can easily imagine that lots of people become adventurers (think of all the 'bored on the farm' type submissions), but that not everyone who does can be bound.  Some of those who can't may have lucky careers and return to a normal life, but most of them probably don't make it very far.  I can also imagine that there may be hundreds or even thousands of people with the ability to be bound who just work in more mundane careers and never even consider it.  I've got the random thing stuck in my head, but it just seems to work so well as an explanation given the diverse backgrounds and concepts of the various PCs.  And just to cover this, in case anyone's thoughts turned that way, I am not now suggesting and never will suggest that it should be random whether any player character can be bound.  All PCs can and should be bindable.  The randomness is just an explanation of what we see.

Anyway, maybe no one knows in-character, and no one is told out-of-character to prevent metagaming.  While part of me wants to shake a fist and yell "Cop out answer, you lazy so-and-sos," I'm mostly alright with that as long as there is a real answer stashed away somewhere.  I know bindstones are a method of facilitating gameplay, and therefore an OOC mechanic, but they are deeply embedded in-character, too, and ought to be fully addressed for the good of the world.  Maybe no character or even player will ever really know, but that doesn't mean the hows and whys of them shouldn't be worked out, y'know?

That doesn't mean I wouldn't like an answer, by the way, heh.

* By the way, that LORE page is more out of date than just not explaining the bindstones themselves, as it still mentions The Planes and souls traveling to them.

As hinted at [post=844842]here[/post] and [post=845092]here[/post], and announced officially and specifically [post=845062]here[/post], there are a few new spells that have their own new icons.

If you use a colored icon override, or if you might later, or if you just have a hankering for three fancy colored icons for some reason, there are colorized versions of the new icons attached to this post for your downloading pleasure.

Just to be clear, you do not need these icons.  The icons in the default color are already in there and ready to go.  These are 100% optional.

To use these, just save them to your override folder in your NWN directory.  I'm pretty sure they work.  They worked when I tested them a while back, anyway.  If they don't, let me know.

Ask A Gamemaster / Fatigue Effects of Using Magic
« on: January 25, 2008, 02:11:08 pm »
I decided to break this out into its own thread because it's a separate thought than the original thread it was in.  The original thread is here, and this new thread is specifically about the posts [post=794882]here[/post], [post=794972]here[/post], and [post=795502]here[/post].

These are the important bits from there:
Quote from: Gulnyr
That brings up Layonara magic. As far as I've seen, using magic in Layonara is not exhausting. It doesn't seem to take a lot of effort. A caster can cast three million buffs over the course of two minutes and run off like he just got off the couch. When casters are out of or low on spells, they aren't tired; they just say, "Nope, can't do that right now."

Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
To be honest, if I was writing a book on a Layo Quest, Sorcerers (Gandalf is "no conjurer of cheap tricks" but he has no spell book! he a sorc) would be worn out since they ARE putting effort into spells. Wizards are reading some words and making gestures.

Quote from: EdTheKet
Using magic in the NWN version is not exhausting, but that's a system thing., you just get your spells based on DnD rules and that's it. If NWN came with a mana or stamina thing, then it would of course drain from that. But it's NWN, so it doesn't.

I was in bed last night, thinking about what I had posted. *points up*  I realized that was really only half a thought.  It's true that casters aren't RP'd as worn out after casting a lot of spells in a short period of time or after all their spells are exhausted, but it's also true that frontliners wearing heavy armor and swinging heavy weapons, fighting for their lives, don't get RP'd as being tired, either.  Apparently, being tired on Layonara is just an excuse to log out, or at least get out of a boring conversation, heh.

So today, I read what Shiff said as I'm thinking that magic may actually be exhausting, and I disagree with his statement, but not in a directly opposite way.  Whether a Sorcerer or a Wizard, the caster is still manipulating the same Weave.  They both use sounds and gestures and components to do the same things.  It takes the same effort from each (or the same lack of effort, if that's how it goes).  The difference is that a Wizard has to study and memorize how to do it each day, and the Sorcerer just knows how to do it.  If one is going to be more fatigued than the other, it's going to be the Wizard - from eye strain, heh.  

Then Ed's post made me think some more.  In a sense, aren't the spell limits a kind of mana reserve?  A Sorcerer can only cast this many spells because he's only got this much "magical stamina."  Does "magical stamina" have any effect on normal, everyday stamina?

The real questions here are:
  • If it could be any way Leanthar wanted for his world, would using magic exhaust people physically the way running and swinging heavy weapons do?
  • Would it be mentally exhausting?
I know what Ed said seems to answer that, but it's unclear whether it would affect both a physical stamina level and a mental mana level.

I'm not asking this to change the way anything is done.  I'm just curious.  If it turns out magic should be exhausting and you want to RP that, awesome.  If you don't, awesome.  It's good either way; things haven't been bad so far, right?

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