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Messages - Script Wrecked

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Fixed Bugs / Re: Battle Rage
« on: September 25, 2007, 04:41:31 am »
Quote from: stragen
PS: Script Wrecked, do you have any idea how to fix the other BattleRage bug?

Looking inside "feat.2da", you can see the SPELLID column value is 307 for all the rage feats:

IDX     LABEL                                          FEAT     DESCRIPTION SPELLID
293  BarbarianRage                                  1062     6084        307    
326  BarbarianRage2                                 6426     6084        307    
327  BarbarianRage3                                 6427     6084        307    
328  BarbarianRage4                                 6428     6084        307    
329  BarbarianRage5                                 6429     6084        307    
330  BarbarianRage6                                 6430     6084        307    
331  BarbarianRage7                                 6431     6084        307    

2543 BtlRage1                                       16789534 16789529    307    
2544 BtlRage2                                       16789535 16789529    307    
2545 BtlRage3                                       16789536 16789529    307    

Looking inside "spells.2da":

307  BARBARIAN_RAGE                    1062     ife_rage        V      P     s    0x00      0x09       NW_S1_BarbRage

you can see all these feats use the "NW_S1_BarbRage" script to implement the feat "effect".

Unless Layonara has changed the code in this script to check what feat is activating it (not sure if this is even possible), then currently, as implemented, the "Barbarian Rage" and "Battle Rage" feats are identical.

Further, I have had a look in the "spells.2da" to see if there is a potential spellfeat for "Battle Rage" that might have already been included but not referenced, but could not find any matches.

To implement "Battle Rage", it would seem like the following additions would be required:

1) a new spell script for "Battle Rage" (like "NW_S1_BarbRage", minus the "effect eAC = EffectACDecrease(2, AC_DODGE_BONUS);" part)
2) a new line would have to be added to "spells.2da" for the new spell script for "Battle Rage" feat
3) plus all appropriate reference changes to "feat.2da"

Hope this helps.


Script Wrecked.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Vlanin
« on: September 20, 2007, 05:07:45 am »
Vlanin sat in a quiet corner of the drinking hall, quietly observing the occupants. He considered the fate of the four orphans that had been delivered on the road from the Ire Mountains. The group he had been travelling with had successfully driven off the attacking orcs, but the mother had died in child birth. It seemed the father had already perished.

He watched a group of young dwarven males carousing in the halls. He wondered how many of them had been touched by the conflict, lost a father or perhaps a mother. He sighed deeply in resignation.

A young dwarven male raced across the drinking hall towards the group. "Ha'e yoo hear'd, ha'e yoo hear'd?"

"Hear'd wot?"

"Tha kung ha'e bin restor'd to tha throne o' Erilyn."

"Aye. Gude news, hey."

"Maybe thar rememb'r thar allies an' send uz sum help?"

In unison, the dwarves burst out laughing. "Aye, roigh'. An' maybe tha skies wull clear."

More laughing erupted from the group.

"But," the young male continued, "dud yoo knoo, ut were wun o' those half human, half orcs tha' lead those tha' restor'd tha croon?" He nodded knowingly.


"Hoo woold ha'e though'."

Who would have thought indeed, Vlanin considered from his corner seat. Such a simple thing to say, the crown was restored. But what untold efforts had made it happen? What had been fought and lost and won?

Vlanin touched his finger tips together and grimly considered the trials of his own circumstance.

Fixed Bugs / Re: BattleRager - ImprovedKnockdown
« on: September 19, 2007, 10:25:16 pm »
Quote from: stragen
I'm not sure where the labels to the feats are stored, but I suspect the layo version for the BattleRage1, BattleRage2, and BattleRage3 are pointing to the wrong places.  This may be why in game, you see BattleRage2xDay, BattleRage3xDay, and Samurai for each of the levels of the BattleRage feat.

Looking inside "cls_feat_brage.2da":

0   BattleRage1                                    2543      3    1              1      
6   BattleRage2                                    2544      3    3              1      
8   BattleRage3                                    2545      3    5              1      

Looking inside "feat.2da":

2543 BtlRage1                                       16789534
2544 BtlRage2                                       16789535
2545 BtlRage3                                       16789536

Applying the 16777216 custom TLK offset to the "feat.2da":

2543 BtlRage1                                       12318
2544 BtlRage2                                       12319
2545 BtlRage3                                       12320

Looking inside the "layonara_v19.tlk" file:

12317 Battle Rage (1x per day)
12318 Battle Rage (2x per day)
12319 Battle Rage (3x per day)
12320 Samurai

you can see the values are offset by one.

It appears the values in the third column of the "feat.2da" need to be decremented by one.

2543 BtlRage1                                       16789533
2544 BtlRage2                                       16789534
2545 BtlRage3                                       16789535

Hope this helps.


Script Wrecked.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Vlanin
« on: September 19, 2007, 07:23:59 am »
Vlanin watched from the back of the great hall as a mother and a small lass made their way to the entrance to the Vault of Heroes. The little girl carried a small pose of flowers.

No doubt to be laid in tribute at the resting place of a fallen relative, Vlanin considered. Perhaps, perhaps that of her father.

She skipped along innocently, blissfully ignorant of the weight of the situation.

Vlanin scowled. A child should not know of such things.


"Wot oth'r options do we ha'e?"

Agrim looked up at Vlanin.

"Ifn thus book wasn't deliv'r'd ta us ta be us'd aginst tha enemy, then wot uz ut fer?"

Agrim looked hard at Vlanin, "Perhaps ut were ta create division between a wiza'd an' huz apprentuce." He raised an eyebrow meaningfully at Vlanin.

"But," Vlanin spoke tentatively, "ifn yoo were ta supervise me..."

Vlanin briefly saw stars as his head suddenly snapped to the side, his face stung keenly from a blow. He looked back at Agrim; he couldn't tell whether Agrim had slapped him, struck him, or used a spell.

"Dinna ev'r think ay'm going ta pursue any such path o' vile dereliction," Agrim's voice broiled in anger, infuriated at his apprentice's inference.

Vlanin smarted both physically and emotionally. Straightening himself up, he withdrew from the room.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Items for Sale
« on: September 17, 2007, 11:28:31 pm »
Quote from: s0ulz
I sadly am not in need of a diamond. However I will give a HEFTY discount for a box of Walnuts.


I have a box of walnuts. What price for the ring?

*marked with a dwarven rune*

~ Vlanin

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Gather's required
« on: September 16, 2007, 10:53:06 pm »
If you are still looking for Skullcap, I can supply a box of the stuff.

*marked with a dwarven rune*

~ Vlanin

// 1 box = 7x5

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Items for Sale
« on: September 16, 2007, 09:15:24 pm »
Quote from: s0ulz
I sadly am not in need of a diamond. However I will give a HEFTY discount for a box of Walnuts.


*Vlanin reads reply, and grumbles about walnuts being more precious than diamonds*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Items for Sale
« on: September 16, 2007, 09:05:31 am »
Master Fenrir,

I would like to make an offer for one of the diamond fox rings. I do not have your price in true, but I do have a fine diamond which I have been told is valued at about ten-thousand true. If this is acceptable, let me know.

*marked with a dwarven rune*

~ Vlanin

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Vlanin
« on: September 13, 2007, 03:57:04 am »
"Och, matey. Ifn yoo were any loo'r, yoo'd be un tha Und'r Passage."

Vlanin looked up from his melancholy to see Hoondin grinning at him. "Hey, Hoondin," he half sighed.

"Why so troobled?" Hoondin pulled up a nearby chair.

Vlanin could think of half a dozen things that were contributing to his mood, but he wasn't willing to mention the difficulties that had arisen from him reading the book. He was keen to avoid further recriminations.

"Och, ay got clobb'r'd agin," he grumbled.

"Thus toime by yetis," Vlanin sat up, "an' all fer a color'd stoon.

"Ay were keepin' ta tha rear, stayin' oot o' harm's reach, when all o' a sudd'n, thus huge yeti appear'd oot o' tha whiteness an' gave me a gude whack." Vlanin put his hand to his head, remembering the blow.

"Ahh..." Hoondin considered thoughtfully, "Wot yoo need ta do uz take a leaf oot o' tha tunn'l runn'r's manual, an' keep oot o' harm's soight." He put emphasis on the last word.

Hoondin stood up, "Well, come on, an' ay'll show yoo a thing oo'r two."

"Whar ar' we going?"

"Tha tunn'ls," Hoondin beamed.

Vlanin grumbled as he stirred from his chair.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Vlanin
« on: September 12, 2007, 10:18:01 am »

Agrim looked up from the reading lecturn.

"...ay believe tha Pale path has tha arts ta make a warrior ummune ta tha deadly blows o' oo'r enemy." Vlanin took a breath. There, he had said it.

Agrim kept eye contact with his apprentice as he straightened himself up to his full height. For a moment, there was only silence. Then he spoke, not shouting, but projecting himself. The room almost resonated with his voice.

"Pow'r comes wid a proice, Vlanin. Thus sort o' poo'r ev'n moo're so. Those tha' pursue poo'r fer uts oon sake ar' easy prey fer such promises. Oth'rs, hoo think they can manipulate such poo'r, negotiate wid such poo'r, ar' foolin' themselves. Thar motives soon become tarnish'd by uts corrosive unfluence.

"Wot makes yoo think tha' yoo can navigate such a treacherous path an' come oot unscath'd, unchang'd?"

Vlanin tried to formulate his reply, but Agrim continued.

"Pow'r corrupts, Vlanin. Nay un an obvious mann'r, nay so tha' yoo ha'e a chance ta make tha roight choice. But slowly, unsidiously, while yer nay lookin'. Small decisions, small compromises tha' ar' tha furst steps towards a slippery slope."

Agrim stepped down from the lecturn in an almost threatening manner.

"An' ay can tell yoo thus. Wun thing we dinna need roight noo uz oo'r problems compound'd by a blast'd necromans'r on tha loose." His eyes flashed menacingly. "Oo'r worse, joinin' wid oth'r dark forces."

Again Vlanin stood in silence, unable to get past the words of his master. He could only think to himself, "But, ay woold loike ta try."

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Fine Diamond For Auction
« on: September 09, 2007, 10:46:13 pm »
Master Buddy Tenker,

Thank you for your kind offer.

I see I should have been more clear in stating my wants. I am hoping to obtain items "of the Fox" of the second circle. Apologies for this.

It may be that the price of these items exceeds the value of my diamond, in which case I will have to accept its value in true.

*marked with a dwarven rune*

~ Vlanin

General Discussion / Re: Sorcerer bonus feats
« on: September 09, 2007, 09:59:12 am »
You will need to create a new module in the Toolset, or open an existing module, like one of the "DEMO" modules.

To add the Layonara hakpacks, from the menu bar at the top:

Edit -> Module Properties

Click the "Custom Content" tab.

From the drop down list horizontally next to the "Add" button (with the little down-triangle), click it. This will bring up a list of all the hakpacks in your HAK folder. Amongst these will be a bunch starting with "layov2_*".

For each of these hakpacks, select the hakpack, and then click the "Add" button. The problem here is that the order hakpacks are added in can be important, but I do not know what order this should be.

In the "Custom Tlk File" drop down list, select "layonara_v19".

Click the "Okay" button. The Toolset will then compile the module.

Save the module (Ctrl+S).

Press "F9" to run the module from the tileset. The character used will be the "top" character (sorted alphabetically).

Alternately, run the module like you normally would.


Script Wrecked.

General Discussion / Re: A few thoughts...
« on: September 07, 2007, 11:49:51 am »
Quote from: Weeblie
With all that said, one has to consider that in quite a lot of quests, the NPCs are not of epic power. Actually, the NPCs might not be powerful at all. It's just that if one attends a quest aimed at epic characters... well... one kind of has to expect the baddies to be of epic proportions also. Take a random quest aimed more towards low/mid level (say "Pseudonym - Stand Alone Quest") and one suddenly notices the NPCs are generally rather weak to nature... :)

Even though they might not be epic, LynnJuniper's "grievance" stands, specifically if you have been on any of the aforementioned quests involving Pseudonym's Menestas protagonist.

While it may be annoying that your own spellcaster will never be able to shrink things down so small for a "Fantastic Voyage" type journey through one end of a cat and out the other, it was fun trip for the players, if not the characters. ;)

General Discussion / Re: A few thoughts...
« on: September 07, 2007, 11:03:44 am »
Quote from: LynnJuniper
So Why is it , that 'epic NPCs' (not the named ones even, Milara, Selian, etc) Can do all of these fancy things that PCs couldn't even dream of or try...but no one's ever heard of them? I understand quest progression...but it kind of miffs me when some random nobody from some quest that will either die in the end or isn't plot eccencial can do things that no PC will ever be able to directly accomplish....but their name isn't even on the maps?

Or conversely, how does the PC necromancer take over the world with his single undead summons, whereas his NPC counterpart has an army of undead? *shrugs*

That is one of the oldest paradoxes since the earliest days of the "D&D Boxed Edition", best not contemplated by us mere players.

Or, you can put it down to too much DM creativity. ;)

General Discussion / Re: A few thoughts...
« on: September 07, 2007, 10:15:29 am »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
I remember in Baldurs Gate, EVERY creature dropped what it was equipped with...  which led to there being over 1000 suits of armor you didnt want laying around, along with weapons, useless rings...  even the occassion boot.

I use to sell them. Didn't everyone? :D

General Discussion / Re: A few thoughts...
« on: September 07, 2007, 10:11:32 am »
Apologies for belabouring this point, and I appreciate that having a conversation face-to-face would be much easier than by posts, but hey, you're over there and I'm over here.

Quote from: Dorganath
Quote from: Script Wrecked
Either a spellcaster has the three eschew-materials feats, or they have spell components.

Ionnarin would seem to be making the point that NPC spellcasters don't have either.

"Shoes, clothes and other equipment" are not spell components.


Script Wrecked.

Of course they're not. That that wasn't the point. ...

My point was that spell components from a fallen spellcaster would be useful, and not in the same category as the aforementioned personal miscellania. Ibidem the pocket lint.

Quote from: Dorganath
I'm sorry, but this whole argument just sounds like the "if I can't see it, it doesn't exist" mentality. ...

Actually, its the "if I have to go through the grief of getting spell components or spend three feats on eschew-materials, then everyone should go through the grief of getting spell components or flash me their three eschew-materials skill badges so I feel better" mentality. ;)


Script Wrecked.

General Discussion / Re: A few thoughts...
« on: September 06, 2007, 11:53:55 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
Third, I have never found material components on the corpse of an enemy caster who cast spells with required components.  It's pretty annoying when players have to spend three consecutive feats for an ability that every NPC seems to be born with innately.

Quote from: Dorganath
Lootable components...did you notice you also can't take their shoes, clothes and other equipment?  Come on, this is such a silly argument and is based solely on how loot generation works and nothing else.

Either a spellcaster has the three eschew-materials feats, or they have spell components.

Ionnarin would seem to be making the point that NPC spellcasters don't have either.

"Shoes, clothes and other equipment" are not spell components.


Script Wrecked.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Vlanin
« on: September 05, 2007, 09:21:01 pm »
Vlanin sat sunk in his chair, holding the small wooden ornament tightly in the palm of his hand. Another barrier, he signed. This one far more daunting than the last. Agrim's disapproval and reproof of his actions. What to say to dissuade him, to show him what might be possible. Unconsciously, he was tightly squeezing the ornament, as though it might reveal the answer if he just listened keenly enough.

Agrim's opinion was so strong he wasn't so sure of his own course of action anymore. And yet the need had graciously provided a personnal reminder of the fragility of life, his own life.

He muttered to himself, "Stomp'd on by treants, suck'd unto tha earth, freed agin by satyrs." Vlanin snorted in ironic incredulity, paraphrasing someone else's opinion given, "Anoth'r fanciful tale, undeed."

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Vlanin
« on: September 02, 2007, 11:07:13 am »
Vlanin sat in the library in a sitting chair, reading a tome. As he turned over the pages, he became aware of his master's gaze burrowing down on him, becoming ever more intense.

"Alroigh' then, oot wid ut. Why dud yoo read tha blast'd book?" Agrim barked.

Vlanin started at Agrim's tone. Uncertain, he spoke cautiously, trying not to antagonize, trying to get through his explanation. "Ay though' ut moight ha'e an answ'r."

He looked at Agrim for his response. "Ay ha'e spent so much toime goin' through all tha oth'r tomes an' librams an' foond nowt."

Vlanin paused again for any tell-tale indication that he should stop. "When ay foond thus book, ay though' tha' ut moigh' ha'e sum answ'r, bein' such an poo'rful thing."

"An' yoo foond tha Pale path," Agrim sounded incredulous.

"Necromancy, Vlanin?" he snapped, "Wot do yoo think yoo'd be doin', raisin' an army o' tha dead an' take them unto tha caverns agins' tha enemy?"

Vlanin shook his head.

Agrim was getting more angry with each sentence he uttered, "'Hose bodies were yoo goin' ta violate? Tha bones o' tha prood warriors tha' ha'e fall'n ta thus conflict?"

Stung by his master's accusation, again Vlanin shook his head.

"By tha two gods, Vlanin, th'ar sum things tha' ar' nay worth wunnin'. Th'ar sum choices nay worth takin'. Bett'r ta die wid tha honor an' pride tha' yoo were born wid than ta stoop ta such means."

"Mast'r, ay woold nay do such a thing."

"Then wot?" Agrim shouted.

Vlanin stood there sullenly, looking down at the ground, unable to risk his hope before Agrim.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Vlanin
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:46:19 am »
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