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Messages - Script Wrecked

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 72
Should the [THREAD=284451]Character Submission and Approvals Policies--New Players Start Here![/THREAD] thread be (re)stickied?

Quote from: davidhoff
... otherwise we don't have defined terms and can't really make any headway discussing it.

Okay, so what is law in regard to the three Lawful alignments?

Taking law in its two constituent parts, the condition (crime) and the consequence (punishment).


Is Lawful Evil law harsh law? That is, punishment is severe, and out of all proportion to the prescribed crime.

Is Lawful Neutral law impartial law? That is, the prescribed punishment is in proportion to the prescribed crime.

Is Lawful Good law compassionate law? That is, as well as proportional punishment, the severity of the punishment can be further mitigated by the circumstance surrounding the crime.


Is Lawful Evil laws the detrimental laws? That is, the prescribed condition to be fulfilled is to the detriment or disadvantage of the individual, but if not complied with, an even more deleterious punishment will be imposed.

Is Lawful Neutral laws the "status quo" laws? All the "thou shalt not cause harm to your fellow being" laws.

Is Lawful Good laws the beneficence laws? Viz, if you are in a disadvantaged position, you are entitled to some prescribed assistance.

Breaking the law down into these two parts creates (3x3) nine "flavours", without even considering  the three alignments and such modifiers as equality before the law.


Script Wrecked.

Rumour Has It / Fort Vehl: Local Lord Murdered!
« on: September 29, 2011, 03:35:33 am »
In what appears to be a bungled burglary, Lord Rastimaud and several of his house servants were found murdered in the Rastimaud estate. The Merchant Guard were able to track the culprit down to a nearby crafting hall. In the fierce fight that ensued, several of Vehl's finest paid with their lives. A dwarven Knight of the Wyrm, assisting the guard, was also overcome in the fighting. The murderer, one Jartok of Krashin, recently released from prison, was cut down.

Fixed Bugs / Persistent Chests And Temple Donation Boxes
« on: September 24, 2011, 07:42:32 am »
Description: A Temple Donation box and its contents (temple donation receipts) were lost after being stored in a persistent chest across a server reset



Reproducable: haven't tested yet

Rumour Has It / Fort Vehl: Squire Training Program
« on: September 18, 2011, 04:15:29 am »
Posters appear about Fort Vehl:

Rumour Has It / Knights Of The Wyrm Fall To Dark Elf In Silkwood Caves
« on: August 19, 2011, 09:11:49 am »
Rumor has it, two of Rofirein's finest, Sir Justice and Sir Naldin, fell at the hands of a dastardly dark elf in the depths of the caves of the Silkwood. Fortunately, their druid companion was able to make it to the surface again.

// Thanks to Nym'roos Claddana (Dremora/Semper-Fi_Hoo-ah) for playing the villain. Shouldn't there be an arrest [THREAD=283619]warrant[/THREAD] out for him, or something? ;) //

Fixed Bugs / Orc Basher's Delivery Chest Bugged
« on: August 10, 2011, 01:04:58 am »
Description: The Dellivery Chest in the Orc Basher's shop reports being "empty" when it contains stuff. This may just be a bug in the description change functionality for persistent chests.

Not sure if the chest is still persistent across server resets.

At the very least, I suggest the chest being "pulled up" (as a furniture item) and "relaid".

Location: Orc Basher's shop in Port Hempstead


Reproducable: Tried with another item and got the same result.

General Discussion / Studded Leather +2
« on: July 22, 2011, 07:59:34 am »
Does anyone know if generic/vanilla Studded Leather +2 is available in-game?


Script Wrecked.

Fixed Bugs / Timeout For Spider Corpses Too Short
« on: July 14, 2011, 01:39:52 am »

The timeout for spider corpses is too short. By the time I've killed the last spider, the other spider corpses have "evaporated".

Location: Gloom Woods



Development Journals and Discussion / Naldin
« on: June 08, 2011, 08:42:07 pm »
[THREAD=283256]New Character Submission[/THREAD]

Rofirein Forum

[LORE]Lawful Evil[/LORE]


CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Yep...
« on: June 07, 2011, 10:39:13 am »
[INDENT]Given your level, you have a 25% chance of successfully crafting this recipe:

You successfully made 1 item.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 15.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
You successfully made 1 item.
Failure.  You rolled a 15.
Failure.  You rolled a 13.
Failure.  You rolled a 8.
Failure.  You rolled a 13.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 8.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 4.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 13.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 1.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 3.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 2.
Failure.  You rolled a 12.
You successfully made 1 item.
Failure.  You rolled a 15.
Failure.  You rolled a 7.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 11.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 9.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
You successfully made 1 item.
Failure.  You rolled a 14.
Failure.  You rolled a 7.
Failure.  You rolled a 9.
Failure.  You rolled a 5.
Failure.  You rolled a 7.

From 40 attempts, 4 successes. It should have been 10!

Maybe that should read "you have a 10% chance of successfully crafting this recipe", or, "you have a 40% chance of the reported 25% chance of actually crafting this recipe". :rolleyes:

[SIZE=10](yes, I'm having a bleat; it makes me feel better)[/SIZE]

After speaking [POST=1720656]with[/POST] High Protector Daniel Poetr, Naldin seeks to make an appointment to speak with High Justiciar Reus regarding the Rofirein temple patrolling the streets Vehl.

Would Reus, or someone acting in his stead, be available for such a meeting?

How would this be handled? A CDQ? In-game meeting, IRC, PMs?


Script Wrecked.

Rumour Has It / About The Temple Of Rofirein In Fort Vehl
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:28:19 am »
... a young dwarf is seen on a semi-frequent if irregular basis. When he visits, he makes brief, somewhat clumsy prayers to the All-Seeing. He often asks the temple staff if he can lend a hand with anything, or if the temple needs guarding.

General Discussion / City Exterior Reskin Override
« on: May 23, 2011, 03:08:28 am »
For those who indulge in such frivolity, here is an override for the City Exterior tileset that I can personally recommend. *cough, shameless self promotion, cough*

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted For The War Effort: Stone And Lumber
« on: January 28, 2011, 01:24:56 am »
[INDENT]For the war effort against the Green Dragon Cult, wanted the stone[SIZE=10](1)[/SIZE] and the lumber[SIZE=10](2)[/SIZE]. Please be donating to your local agent[SIZE=10](3)[/SIZE].

Please be mindful from where you are collecting, and not to be ravaging the environment.

~Argali Trueaxe
Blackford War Council

[SIZE=10](1) powdered limestone as the collectible
(2) planks, any type
(3) I am hoping donation to the "Mistone Defence Fund" will be sufficient, unless "Hilm Defense" or "War Against The Green Dragon Cult" gets set up[/SIZE]

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Blackford War Council - Ports And Golems
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:03:13 pm »
// So as not to clog up and/or confuse the [POST=1712778]current[/POST] discussion. Also, this would likely occur after Argali returns from this. //

Argali addresses the War Council, asking for any objections to pursuing the following four points:

  • Send a message to the Tower Academy for magickers who have any expertise with golems.

The Roughlands in the south of the Hilm Protectorate are littered with broken golems. With the Cult occupying Sundance, we need something to harry them with, even if we are not yet engaging them on the battlefield. The golems could provide a suitable distraction.

  • Establish an east port on the point on the coast of the Hilm Protectorate due east of the Fort of Last Hope (aka Fort Gorge) (see map).

This will necessitate finding a path through the coral for the ships. To that end, contact the Children of Shindaleria at the temple of the Bay of Carocsa, the temple at Lan's Port, and the temple at the Fort of Kings to ask if they would provide swimmers to find a path through the coral.

  • Establish a south port on the southern coast of the Hilm Protectorate (see map).
  • Start collecting stone and lumber to build the piers at these two sites.
Argali awaits any response.

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: Very, Very Dangerous Traps
« on: January 23, 2011, 10:51:47 pm »
*posted throughout the various trade and crafting halls*

[INDENT]Wanted: the very, very dangerous traps[SIZE=10](1)[/SIZE]

If, over the course of your travels, you have accumulated the very, very dangerous traps, and are willing to part with them in exchange for some service or fee, please be leaving the message here.

Note: villains, scoundrels, and others that would thwart the efforts against the Cult, need not apply

~Argali Trueaxe

[SIZE=10](1) that is, epic level traps[/SIZE]

Rumour Has It / Seeking Information Regarding Slain Gnomes
« on: December 10, 2010, 06:03:31 am »
*a note is posted about the various taverns and crafting halls that adventurous types are known to frequent*

[INDENT]A gnome and his group are known to have perished in a spider cave of the Silkwood forest, and a thief, or perhaps murderer, to have taken their possessions.

This may be connected with driders looking for poison being found dead in caves in the north of the Silkwood, and dark elves stealing away the driders' bounty.

If anyone is having further information regarding this, please be leaving the message here.

~Argali Trueaxe

Rumour Has It / Seeking The Gnome Known As Perl
« on: November 30, 2010, 07:25:52 am »
*a note is posted about the various taverns and crafting halls that adventurous types are known to frequent*

[INDENT]Seeking the gnome known as Perl, Berylite priest, last known have gone into the Deep for emeralds.

If you are having the information regarding his whereabouts, please be leaving the message here.

Ask A Gamemaster / Vorax GM Question: Rainstorff's Axe
« on: November 19, 2010, 07:32:04 pm »
Argali has [THREAD=282022]travelled[/THREAD] to the Voraxian Temple in the Ulgrids Fortress to inquire about Rainstorff's Axe.

In the battle against the scourge that is the Green Dragon Cult, she is particularly interested a weapon potent enough to turn the tide in battle against the anticipated minions of said Cult, and is hoping that Rainstorff's Axe might be able to do this. If not, then she makes it known that she is interested in information about anything else that might be useful either on the battlefield or in the ongoing fight against the Cult.

Are the clerics of the Eternally Vigilant able to provide such information? And/or point her in the direction to gain such/further information?


Script Wrecked.

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