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Messages - Script Wrecked

Pages: 1 ... 66 67 [68] 69 70 ... 72
... Argali Trueaxe visits the Temple of Vorax where she asks to speak with a priest of the Eternally Vigilant. As and when she gains a meeting, Argali explains.

"The storrm brrews across Layonarra. Therre have been the many battles against the foe whom we have not been able to ztem the tide. We arre needing the means to be able to be holding them, and eventually, to be turrning them back.

"She seeks information regarrding one pozzible weapon. A weapon that has been lost to the kin forr many yearrs.

"The Axe of Rainstorff."

The Dragon Storm Campaign / After The Council Meeting In The Great Forest
« on: October 24, 2010, 02:08:43 am »
Not long after Lance comes coursing [POST=1706917]back[/POST] from the Great Forest, there is a post-meeting gathering in Hilm, perhaps attended by those who were present at the Council Meeting in the Great Forest, and perhaps also attended by those who might have wanted to attend said council meeting, but couldn't quite get there in time and only got as far as Hilm Castle[SIZE=10](1)[/SIZE].

An [POST=1706845]account[/POST] is given of what transpired at the council meeting (hopefully by Andrew Reid himself). After everyone is given several minutes to digest the discourse[SIZE=10](2)[/SIZE], Argali addresses those gathered.

"Thank you for coming zis day. What transpirred at the Counzil Meeting in the Horrn Kingdom has the important consequences for all of Layonarra. If Kuhl had made alliance with Horrn, that would have left them in partnerrzhip with two of the three kingdoms on Belinarra[SIZE=10](3)[/SIZE]. It iz not harrd to be imagining the Cult would then be turrning its attention to the remaining kingdom (Hilm) in the morre overrt and marrtial mannerr. And zhould the Cult gain control of Belinarra, who knows where theirr vile tentacles would then be zprreading.

"But, forr the moment, that has not eventuated. The question iz, what arre we doing next? Nice meeting, no alliance between Kuhl and Horrn, but no alliance between Hilm and Horrn eitherr. Howeverr, we arre learning zome important things that we should be acting on.

"Firrstly, although alliance between Hilm and Horrn was declined, that does not mean we should be giving up. It iz like the firrst refusal at the dance, no? Do not be so easily diszuaded.

"Furtherr to that, we believe..." she gives a slight nod to Lance "... we should be making contact with the tigerr-walking motherr halfling. Larrina iz the Drruid of the Hilm Protectorrate. She has zimilar pozition to us conzerrning the Cult. She hopefully gives us betterr access to Belinarra drruid hierarchy and to Horrn Kingdom. Argali hopes through herr we will be able to forrge alliance between Hilm and Horrn.

"Zis brings herr two zecond point. The Mortimerr, Drruid of Kuhl. He iz obviously being squeezed between rock and harrd place. We zhould not abandon zis man to zuch a fate. She iz surprised otherr high drruids have not interrvened on his behalf. Howeverr, if they won't, we zhould. Firrstly, we need to deterrmine if he iz still alive after his outburrst.

"She proposes we zend drruid sponsorred delegation to be zpeaking with him within Kuhl, assuming that iz where he iz to be found. Hopefully, the Larrina will make such a sponsorrzhip. The Kuhl will be harrd pressed to refuse such a request. And if they do, it furtherr undermines theirr position with the drruids and with the Horrn.

"Zo, arre therre any drruids prrezent who can contact the drruid Larrina on ourr behalf?

"Alzo, does anyone know what became of the Aerimorr zpeaking with the High Drruid?[SIZE=10](4)[/SIZE]

"Oh, and by the way, the 'woman with eye patch' who was talking to the Listerr, iz likely the [POST=1466542]Cyn Chen[/POST], head of the Drrach Tesak, the Cult's secret police.

"Oh-alzo, arre therre any zcouts prresent? She has job forr you."

[SIZE=10](1) yes, that's your "in" ; also, those attending Hilm Castle can see it is at a heightened state of readiness, with increased activity in and about the castle walls
(2) if you're like me, you may need to read it several times; there's a lot of good stuff in there
(3) Nesar being the other partner
(4) at the end of Andrew's account[/SIZE]

Layonara Server / Quest: Argali On The Warpath
« on: October 19, 2010, 11:11:53 am »
Sorry for the short notice regarding this event.

If Argali has worked with your character, and if they haven't had ideological differences[SIZE=10](1)[/SIZE], then if your character happened to bump into Argali in Hilm or on her way to the nearby swamp when this event occurs, then it is quite likely she would invite you along to "trry and find zis perrzon in the swamp".

Note, this event occurs out-of-bubble to the current problems concerning Horn, Kuhl and Hilm.


Script Wrecked.

[SIZE=10](1) if you're thinking "what ideological differences with Argali?", you're probably safe; if you're thinking, "maybe that time...", you're probably right - dwarves never forget a grudge :rolleyes: ; if you're really in doubt, send me a PM[/SIZE]

Ask A Gamemaster / Making Something
« on: October 18, 2010, 10:06:31 pm »
Argali wants to make something using her crafting skills which would be somewhat similar to/derived from/based on an existing craftable item (recipe). To whom would I speak about making this so?


Script Wrecked.

Rumour Has It / Body Snatching In Hlint
« on: September 05, 2010, 09:35:32 am »
An individual(1) was reported to the Rofireinites in Vehl for procuring the supply of corpses.

Another individual going by the name of Finn Ralan (description provided) was reported to the Rofireinites for supplying said corpses, and also to the Captain of Hlint, from whence the theft took place.

(1) Marrent Aylomen

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Watchers Of Kuhl
« on: June 30, 2010, 08:22:59 pm »
Subsequent to the release of a certain [THREAD=278772]missive[/THREAD], a message is sent to all the former [THREAD=218052]Watchers[/THREAD] of Mistone requesting volunteers to proceed into the Kingdom of Kuhl to ascertain the current strength and disposition of all the forces within. Of particular interest is the breakdown between regular soldiers (i.e., natives of Kuhl) and Dragon Cult forces.

This will mean visits to Sulkin, Ash, Phal, Tammil, Tulam, Westgate, Zolinar, Amaria, and Vilsa, and a thorough scouting of their surrounding areas. It is suggested that each watcher travels alone, and visits only one of the above towns/cities so as not to arouse suspicion. They are warned that the Green Dragon Cult may be in possession of mind reading magics, so the emphasis is on blending in and being unobtrusive.

The message is signed,

Yours in vigilance,

~Argali Trueaxe

*a simply drawn bird with a plain crown follows*

Ask A Gamemaster / Sewers of Lor
« on: April 23, 2010, 08:59:50 pm »
Does Lor have a sewer system? How extensive is it? How navigable is it? Is there an in-game map of it (that is, does the city council has a (semi) detailed map of it)? Is there access and egress to it?


Script Wrecked.

Ask A Gamemaster / Flag For Lor
« on: March 03, 2010, 09:29:35 am »
Is there an in-game flag (like a deity flag) for Lor?

Conversely, is there a flag for Prantz?


Script Wrecked.

Ask A Gamemaster / Parchment Folder Availability
« on: January 12, 2010, 07:43:13 am »
Are parchment folders still available for purchase from the General vendors? The option to purchase one in the conversation doesn't seem to be appearing.


Script Wrecked.

General Discussion / Being Lawful
« on: January 08, 2010, 07:27:51 pm »
Quote from: willhoff
In a rescent event, Vrebel had to stand by and not help two Diets in harms way because it would have been againt the law of Rael to intercede.

I don't think being lawful means conceding the field because someone has written down a few rules and called it The Law([SIZE=10]TM[/SIZE]).

Rael is a tyrant. He uses The Law to control people, to impose his will upon them, to further his own purposes (Lawful Evil). This is the antithesis of what law is for a Lawful Good character, which is for the betterment, benefit and protection of all.

There is nothing wrong with a Lawful Good character resisting, opposing or breaking bad laws.


Script Wrecked.

General Discussion / Top Tip: Rushing Out - Don't!
« on: December 31, 2009, 01:32:26 am »
So many times it seems after a long expedition into the depths of a dungeon, just as the party is about to leave successfully leave... someone dies.

One of the contributing factors is that, by the end of an expedition, people have had enough and are in a hurry to get out.

The problem with this is that by rushing ahead, the party gets strung out, and the people rushing ahead spawn the encounters around the people caught at the rear. This is effectively ambushing the members of your own party.

Further, because everyone is strung out, the ambushed part of the party is quickly overwhelmed before those that have rushed ahead can get back to render aid.

Another point to bear in mind, by running ahead, the people that are caught behind can never catch up to the head of the party. So if you're at the head of the party, the least you should be doing is walking so the other member of your group have the chance to catch up, thus avoiding the strung-out party problem above (note, if you're at the rear of the group, you should be running. :) ).

Remember, the Soul Strand not lost one day might just be yours.


Script Wrecked.

Ask A Gamemaster / Citizen Of Lor
« on: December 11, 2009, 07:53:38 am »
Given that there is no player accommodation in Lor (or in any other non-resideable town/city), how would a character become a resident (of said town/city)?


Script Wrecked.

After the visit to Kuhl, Argali visits the ledge overlooking Haven once more. She discusses the events with whomever went, or those who were unable to attend but would like to know more.

"Well, it zeems Argali's idle [POST=1467112]zpeculation[/POST] was just that. The Bastion did not die from the Dragon Poizon. He died frrom the wounds inflicted by the Tarrnished Death. Zis iz the drragon, alzo known as the Ractrafieroz. He was the one Argali [POST=1466522]mentions[/POST] who had Brrenuth laid siege to by the giants to ask who iz opening the Path of the Claw.

"As many zuspected after the visit to the Deepening Dark, the Shadrixkayl has been in league with the Cult of the Green Dragon. But not just that, the Shadrixkayl is in partnerzhip with the Ractrafieroz, and togetherr they werre in league with the Cult.

"Zis included the Ractrafieroz brreaking down the gates of Westgate for the Cult, which iz cauzing the final fall of Kuhl."

She pauses to allow the gravity of this to sink in.

"Yes, drragons helping the Green Drragon Cult, the verry zame Cult who iz poizoning and enzlaving otherr drragons."

She furrows her brow and rubs her temples in response to this seeming grand act of betrayal.

"The stakes to commit zuch an atrrocity must be high, no?

"And indeed, it zeems they werre. Farr higherr then many of us arre apprreciating. Forr what would they do zuch a thing? The Tearr of Orrn, no less."

She pauses again to allow the gravity of that to sink in or perhaps explain the implications(1).

"However, the return of the Tearr of Orn to Fisterion zeemingly brroke the barrgain between the Cult and these two drragons. And as we have learnt, drragons do not like to have theirr bargains brroken. The attack on Lerrigard by the Snowtooth attests to that. Zo, in retaliation for the Cult being unable to zupply the Tearr of Orrn, Ractrafieroz attacks and kills the Bastion."

She shakes her head at the machinations and acts of skullduggery. She then takes a slow breath.

"And who do we have to thank forr zis inforrmation?"

She grits her teeth despite herself, before answering.

"The Black Wizarrds, it would zeem. And, and not only that, it zeems they arre keeping trrack of the numberr of times they have helped us(2), and at the very least it would zeem they conziderr us in theirr debt, orr worrse, perrhaps even allies."

[SIZE=10](1) for those who don't know, she explains the Tear of Orn is one of a pair of scrying devices. Orn's Tear allows the holder to scry across the lands. Orn's Tear is "traditionally" held by Fisterion and was stolen from him and used by the Cult to track down dragons to poison and enslave. It was subsequently returned to Fisterion after the attack on Molvaren's castle (but only just). Its partner, Ausir's Tear, blocks such scrying. Ausir's Tear is "traditionally" held by Shadrixkayl. This distributed ownership helps maintain the balance of power between Fisterion and Shadrixkayl, who are rivals. It was suspected that the Cult has had access to Ausir's Tear, and if Shadrixkayl has indeed been in league with the Cult, this would seem to be confirmed.

(2) if asked how the Black Wizards have helped, she says they take credit for showing us the way to Shadrixkayl, and for this latest bit of information. She points out that it has been suspected that the Black Wizards were behind the Cult, or allowed them use of their Bloodpool of the creation of the half-dragons, but these suspicions have so far been unsubstantiated.[/SIZE]

Ask A Gamemaster / Graceful Plea Usage For Ability Reallocation
« on: October 29, 2009, 05:55:28 pm »
Are Graceful Pleas now(1) available for ability point reallocation?

Quote from: Carillon
Your other request, to move two ability points from Strength into Intelligence, is approved with the use of a Graceful Plea, as these points were added after character creation and we can edit your character files to make this change. This requires some database edits and changes, and will likely take some time to take effect, so your patience during this time is appreciated.


Script Wrecked.

[SIZE=10](1) I say "now" because I have not been able to find mention of this in the Combined Disputes, Grievances And Reimbursements Policies. This is something I had wanted to do for my character a few weeks prior to the release of the updated policy, and could have pursued it under the new policy had I been aware of the possibility.[/SIZE]

Trade and Market Hall / Wanted: Boxes Of Hops, Thistle, Pears
« on: October 09, 2009, 01:17:06 am »
Price paid per box:

Hops: [STRIKE]1250 Tr[/STRIKE] 1500 Tr
Thistle: [STRIKE]1500 Tr[/STRIKE] 1750 Tr
Pears: [STRIKE]2000 Tr[/STRIKE] 2500 Tr

~Argali Trueaxe

General Discussion / Are There Characters In Need of Accommodation?
« on: September 03, 2009, 02:58:25 am »
Are there players with characters who would like some sort of accommodation but have been unable to get it?

Would they or you be interested in a room in something along the lines of a boarding house?

The implement of this idea is dependent on:
  • transfer of ownership of 136 Leringard to my character(1)
  • the "number of placeables in an area" restriction(2)
  • the volume of demand for this :)

Initial floor plans attached.


Script Wrecked.

[SIZE=10](1) as yet unrequested
(2) this is currently 200; with 10 boarders (plus 2 for the house itself) that would be a maximum of 17 placeables (chests, beds, chairs, plants, et cetera) per boarder, which could get used up very quickly depending on how expressive or how much of a hoarder or crafter you or your character is[/SIZE]

Ask A Gamemaster / Deep Dwarves Ambushing True-Kin
« on: August 26, 2009, 03:17:50 am »
Would the GM who ran Deep Dwarves Ambushing True-Kin let me know who they are. :)


Script Wrecked.

Fixed Bugs / Deed Lost When Furniture Limit Reached
« on: July 28, 2009, 03:44:29 am »
Description: I used the furniture deed "Deed - Crate Large" to create a storage chest. I got the message "You have reached the limit (200) on how many pieces of furniture can be placed in area PH_00!"

The bug is that the deed is lost when the furniture limit is reached.

Location: 136 Leringard

Verified: See attachment.


Implemented Ideas / The Color Of DM Text/Speech
« on: June 09, 2009, 09:22:55 am »
Is it possible to have the color of DM text/speech to be something other than the default white (I'm thinking something along the lines of yellow)?

Too many times it seems I miss information because I have to look down at the keyboard to type, and when I look up again, I may or may not be able to pick all the points that have been said since I looked down. For PC conversations and emotes, its bad enough, but when you miss something critical by the DM, you can be left scratching your head for the rest of the session.


Script Wrecked.

Fixed Bugs / Floating Tree Of Battlehelm Moors
« on: June 09, 2009, 02:44:15 am »
Description: Near the CNR spawn point closest to the northern transition of the second Battlehelm area (counting from the Dappelgreen Outskirts), there is a tree placeable object that is partially floating above the swamp due to the terrain dropping away half way underneath it.

Location: Battlehelm Moors, second area.


Reproducable: Yes

By the way, the Battlehelm Moors are linked together northerly (starting from the south, going to the north). However, the Dapplegreen Outskirts (which provides egress) is north of the Battlehelm Moors.

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