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Messages - Chuckles_McChuck

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 28
NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / If Wilhoff/Davidhoff are
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:56:37 pm »

If Wilhoff/Davidhoff are either stumped or unavailable this weeks round robin, I have an idea for the next round robin.

General Discussion / yes it does, thank
« on: December 31, 2016, 07:07:31 pm »

yes it does, thank you.

so what is vfx ?  I only ask because you mentioned Layo doesn't have it at the time (originally assumed visual effects).  Does it offer many more options for gear appearances and is just not supported by Layonara yet?  Will it ever be?

General Discussion / On a side note, is there a
« on: December 31, 2016, 02:40:06 pm »

On a side note, is there a way to have the wizard hat animation on Lia via the hood she wears, but requires DM involvement or is it virtually impossible?

Or would I have to sacrifice a bit of my robe look to have it?  I cycled through all the options I think and didn't see it, which is why I'm wondering if its a gender thing.

General Discussion / Acacea wrote:Not a fan of the
« on: December 31, 2016, 02:20:35 pm »

Quote from: "Acacea"&cid="2761956"

Not a fan of the various hat-heads, really. I think most of them are tacky and just clutter up the selection... hehe.

do you mean the actual helmet selections or do you mean the special ones you cycle through when you customize your main cloths?  If its the former I do agree, there are not a lot of non helmet options which is just not suitable for a wizard like character.  If I recall it was something that was hard to implement because Bioware made the game in a way where helmets completely took over the face animation, which is why there were no open faced helmets in the base game.  I just wish the open faced options that were added into Layonara via haks were accessable through the helmet options.


Also, if I recall, some cloths looks are exempted to certain races and genders

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / sorry I wasn't around for any
« on: December 31, 2016, 01:14:14 pm »

sorry I wasn't around for any low-levelness.  I was pretty tired when I got back, so decided to go to sleep instead of play.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Unfortunately too low a level
« on: December 30, 2016, 04:11:10 pm »

Unfortunately too low a level for that and I have other plans during those times.  I hope to be on much later in the evening though if anyone want to do some lower level adventuring.

General Discussion / Yes, Merry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2016, 05:00:39 pm »

Yes, Merry Christmas Everyone!

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / I will not be around for this
« on: December 23, 2016, 01:28:06 pm »

I will not be around for this Round Robin due to Christmas Events.

Jenna will be though said she will arrive basically just in time so no one leave early :P

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / I should have probably asked
« on: December 16, 2016, 02:14:34 pm »

I should have probably asked this earlier because it is my turn this Friday.

Is there anyone who does not want to do the big Chakar run, but still want to do some kind of event via round robin?

It will be a low level thing as I gather all high levels will be doing the Chakar run.

Dragon Retribution / She nods weighing everything
« on: December 13, 2016, 05:24:10 pm »

She nods weighing everything she hears then adds in Elvin, "Risk my life?  I assume you mean the journey is dangerous, otherwise you think there is risk that I contract this disease myself by exposing myself to it.  If the later, I knew the risks before coming here, if the former..."

She smiles slightly and begins to rock back and forth on her feet, attempting to look as amiable as possible, "I'm sure either of you can handle yourselves individually out here.  Perhaps one could continue on the task you set out to achieve here while the other escorts me to assist with the Redferns?"

"I still have a few questions that could be answered while we are on the road."

General Discussion / Just to get this straight, we
« on: December 13, 2016, 05:05:01 pm »

Just to get this straight, we are simply expecting this to carry over through Saturday morning as well right?  I might not do this depending on how long it will take since I have to catch a flight Saturday morning.


Yeah, just looked at my flight info and the plane takes off at 0545 EST.  So if the event starts at 1800 EST and we are expecting it to be at least 6 hours long I'm pretty much going to get no sleep before my flight, so I think it would be best if I don't attend this.  Everyone else have fun though.

Rumour Has It / She shakes her head, "Noh Hyi
« on: December 13, 2016, 04:42:23 pm »

She shakes her head, "Noh Hyi deh not.  The honleh thin Hyi can think hof doin his yo get teleported hon the hother sid, then physicalleh break hor disrupt the circle hon the hother side then yo teleport yorself hout.  Com back hehr hand test teh seh hif that worked, since yo can teleport hout hagain hif hit didn't.  Hyi honleh suggest that because the circle hon the hother side sehmed mediocre hand should beh heasier teh disrupt hin comparison teh this portal.  Hif there his no focus teh teleport hus teh, then this portal his rendered hyuseless."

Rumour Has It / As the discussions continue
« on: December 12, 2016, 08:27:50 pm »

As the discussions continue Lia directs her attention to Armand and Jenna, “Hyi’m mor then willin teh studeh this magic further.  Hyi’m particularilleh hinterested hin the henchantment hif yo can direct meh teh hits workins.  The prioriteh his hof course teh disable hit, but hit does not mean weh can’t learn ha bit from hit has well right?”

Dragon Retribution / Lia listens intently as
« on: December 12, 2016, 08:13:10 pm »

Lia listens intently as Daniel imparts with her his involvement that lead to our current situation.  At first she looked surprised, but her expressions eventually move more toward consideration and contemplation (there is a hint of a smile on her lips as well).  When he offers to let her bring him in to the authorities, hinting that it would also be under the duress of Lana, Lia raises a brow appearing slightly confused.  She backs off quickly when Lana continues the conversation with her threats, and then Lia raises an arm slowly and motions the two to stop as she shakes her head.

In elven, “I have no intention to bring you in; I never had the intention to bring anyone in.  Knowledge is what I’m seeking and who better to get it from then those who caused this plight.”  Giving him a slightly perplexed look she continues, “You have at least accepted some accountability for your actions if you are willing to let me bring you in, whether or not that was my intent.  You know very well I couldn’t by force, but at the same time here you are.  What is stopping you from just bringing yourself in?  Is it because you think you would be more useful dealing with the aftermath?” 

A dark thought invades her mind concerning the clear threat from him as well concerning Lana, ‘Not very noble of him to justify his lack of resolve through her’, her attention then moves to Lana, “Another’s Hubris you say?  Could you give that individuals name?”

She continues as if speaking to both of them, “This is beginning to make a lot more sense to me, with the minor exception that the power dragons possess are well beyond my comprehension and thus the workings of this plague… by the Pits, I still haven’t even seen its effects yet.  If what you say is true and you have successfully slain this Black Dragon, then how is this plague in effect?  Who would punish these lands on its behalf?  Is it possible to consider that you might not have finished the job as previously assumed and it is the Black Dragon itself that created this plague?”

She takes a deep breath before continuing, “I’m no expert, but you might want to consider revisiting its lair and if it happens to still be alive or you find whoever is causing this, perhaps plead for mercy for these people.”  There is a slight pause, “Tell me, do you know anyone who might be an expert on the subject of dragons that I might be able to converse with or the location of a library that could bear books containing anything about dragons?”

Finally she considers the list of ingredients, “I’m still planning to visit the Redferns temporarily to see this for myself.  Any chance you have a small batch of these early treatments that I can bring with me?  Due to its size I’m guessing the Redferns might be having the least amount of help right now.  I’m sure procuring even a small amount might bring some optimism in that small town.”

Trade and Market Hall / [Lia]Left: 28 Ingot of Glass
« on: December 09, 2016, 01:09:08 pm »


Left: 28 Ingot of Glass [28 x 73 = 2044]

Old Balance: 1296 tr

New Balance: 3340 tr

Dragon Retribution / Due to the natural ease of
« on: December 09, 2016, 12:28:28 pm »

Due to the natural ease of speaking in her native tongue, Lia decides to continue in Elvin, “Rumors spoke of a few areas affected, such as Lewich Castle and the Redferns.  The Redferns should be small enough to not keep me locked inside, but I don’t think I have enough supplies to make the trip and back.”

“If I proceed that way I would prefer to not go empty handed, perhaps we can trade some information.  Rumors spread that the Regent of Hurm swore an oath to make those responsible be held accountable for their actions and names were being called out.  I tried to acquire the aforementioned names, but I’m unsure of the accuracy of such rumors reaching as far as Port Hempstead.  I wrote them all down though; perhaps you recognise some of the individuals or at least heard of them.”

“Anything you can tell me about this Wasting Death would be appreciated.  What it is, where it came from, and most of all is there a cure?”


//I’m thinking we continue this via PM adding a GM to see the conversation so we don’t flood the forum with our chat.

General Discussion / Unfortunately for this, I
« on: December 08, 2016, 05:48:23 pm »

Unfortunately for this, I will be spending the holiday's with my wife's parents this year.  They have very traditional family values and thus would not be impressed with me spending a few hours playing the game during the time I'm there instead of spending time with family.

... They also live close to ski mountains and I (we all) plan to get my ski on as much as possible up there.

Rumour Has It / Coupled with hus breakin the
« on: December 08, 2016, 03:37:53 pm »

Coupled with hus breakin the circle hin the hotehr location, hit might work.  Weh might not heven have teh mak hanother circle hif there his no focus for hit teh lead teh.

General Discussion / This is over my timeslot for
« on: December 07, 2016, 06:32:39 pm »

This is over my timeslot for friday which makes for a great alternative.  Unfortuantely my character is only level 7 so I don't know if I could join in on this adventure.

Trade and Market Hall / [Lia]Left: 24 Ingot of Glass
« on: December 04, 2016, 09:36:27 pm »


Left: 24 Ingot of Glass [24 x 73 = 1752]

Took: Scrolls (Expeditious Retreat [250]; Combust, Web, Eagles Splendor [3 x 350]; Negative Energy Burst, Gust of Wind, Bestow Curse, Charm Monster [4 x 650]; Evard's Black Tentacles [1500]; Total = 5400)

Old Balance: 4944 tr

New Balance: 1296 tr

Placed 540 tr in chest.

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