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Messages - cbnicholson

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Trade and Market Hall / Contracts for Birch bark and gum arabic
« on: December 11, 2009, 12:47:12 pm »
I am seeking a box of stacked birch bark and a box of stacked gum arabic.  Payment is 9000 trues cash for the birch bark and 5000 for the gum.  Contact Ben Poetr.

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking contracts for spider silk and Iron.
« on: December 11, 2009, 11:21:48 am »
*Benjamin posts a large sign in the Markets*

Seeking Iron in nugget or ingot form, paying 80 true fer either in quantities up to 40 at a time.

Seeking boxes of spiders silk, paying 2000 true per box or 75 per silk. All True transactions.  For the Benefit of the Arms Rebuilding Effort.  

 Contact Ben Poetr In Hempstead at the Angel's Guild or 189 Wayfare.

//Tells are fine

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking oxloads of hickory and Oak
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:27:59 am »
I am seeking 35 branches of oak and hickory.  Will pay 1000 true per oxload upon delivery.

Ben Peotr.

Rumour Has It / Ben is seen at the orphanage
« on: November 23, 2009, 08:49:44 am »
Benjamin is seen having a  discussion at the Hempstead Orphanage asking about children under two seasons that need a home.  Despite the suspicious looks from the workers there, he says quietly that his wife is unable to have her own and they'd like to share their home in Wayfare.

"Its fer me songbird, Lana, ya hafta understand, I know I'm old fer kids, but I ken give em a roof, clothes, and food and Lana will love the lil bugger, ya ken be sure of that. Sides, I need ta give me landlord, Tod, somethin ta complain about - like wee muddy footprints through his livin room," He winks.  Whether or not the woman in charge agrees, he gives her several loaves of fresh bread and whatever true he has on him and leaves without a fuss.

Ask A Gamemaster / Question about weight allowance and strength
« on: November 03, 2009, 01:10:48 pm »
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but Benjamin seems to have an upper weight limit of 613 lbs..regardless of gear / Jewelry used and or spells.  Specifically, when I max out his str jewelry and str gear his weight allowance is 613 and then cast bulls on him several times, there's no adjustment to this allowed weight - Even though his strength goes up by more than 2 pts from 25 to 28, 29 *I assumed his str went up, confirmed otherwise*.    Is there a static place in weight allowance at that  range or is something wrong? I don't know. :\\  Thanks for any input.

General Discussion / Hi Ho Silver!
« on: October 01, 2009, 12:43:34 pm »
Happy Birthday Silver Draco!:)

Layonara Server / Character Benjamin Poetr unable to log on
« on: September 25, 2009, 02:02:54 pm »
I'm getting a "too many feats" message with this char when I try to log on.  One of my alts was fine. yeah..bioware id: cbnicholson

Ask A Gamemaster / Housing, pcs and players
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:24:07 am »
I'm looking specifically for the rules that relate to character housing and multiple characters.  Can someone provide a link please? The reason for this is due to an rp situation that has developed between Ben and Aylana Pandorn.  Specifically, he asked her to marry him but there's an issue with property.  Ben doesn't own his own home outside of sharing one with Sala Stonehill - 181 Haven or the Guild House in Haft Lake which is also accessed by Ferrit.  My question is does chest logging enable Ben to share a key for the Haven house with Aylana or should we seek a third alternative such as purchasing a separate home?

General Discussion / *gasps*
« on: September 24, 2009, 03:08:42 pm »
Nobody is going to wish the layo loremaster a happy birthday?!!  Have a good one, Ed. :)

General Discussion / She must be gettin "Sneaky"
« on: September 15, 2009, 03:02:25 pm »
Happy Birthday Honora! :)  Was a return to Layo your birthday gift?

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for a box of hazelnuts
« on: September 09, 2009, 08:05:48 am »
I'm willing to pay 3000 true fer a box.

Ben Poetr.

Fixed Bugs / Bows in Training
« on: July 31, 2009, 05:36:48 pm »
[SIZE=16]Bug Report[/SIZE]
 Description: Ben was training his personal bow with Iron tipped Mahogany with Raven feathers and had his bow to 9500 arrows and decided the person he was giving it to wouldn't care for black so he took to the Fletcher's station for a new paintjob.  After a successful change of color, all training on the bow was gone! I found a workaround.  Simply train more arrows on the bow, the training comes back *phews* :)
 Location: Crafthall, Hempstead
 Verified: Arbiter verified.  
 Reproducable: Single time so far..I'm off to reproduce it, only with less training this time. >:/  Just did with another Yew bow *my replacement* 100 arrows trained and wiped with a simple color change.

Ask A Gamemaster / Removal of XP
« on: July 10, 2009, 03:16:29 pm »
Character: Chestnut Tanglethorn

bioware Id: Cbnicholson

So, I voted here.  and got to thinking, why submit a new char when I have one languishing on the server now. (yes, I'm that lazy. :p) All he needs is to have his levels removed to 1 (He's lvl 6) and he's ready for a lvl 1 quest.  I was contemplating having him deleted anyway since I almost never play him anymore.   I don't plan on making any significant changes to his class or advancement the second go around.  Thoughts from a DM on this? Allowable or not? Thank you.

Rumour Has It / After some preparation and a short journey
« on: June 29, 2009, 09:17:42 am »
Benjamin finally finds himself at the Aragenite Temple in Bydell Castle dressed in his apprentice wizard robes, "Scuse me," he says trying to catch the attention of one of the collectors or recorders. "Who ..erm Whom do I speak to about presenting a gift to the temple and possible access to the archives? I'm looking for information or stories about demon lore from a period starting roughly a thousand years ago."
 Benjamin unbundles a largish bag filled with several stacks of well made blank paper, blank leather bindings made of finely cured skins, several vials of strong ink, and falcon quills cut to precise angles for writing.

Rumour Has It / Giants in the hunnerds!
« on: June 28, 2009, 01:54:31 am »
Benjamin is overheard telling a tale about how he , Hedessa, Layl, and Verideth barely escaped Auderia with their lives with hundreds of giants fought through and more pursuing them. "Stupid merchants, tryin ta keep a pet giant, serves em right" He scoffs well into his third cup of ale.

*Benjamin posts a note*
 Fer you aspiring scribers,clerical and practitioners of the Al'Noth,  I'm pleased ta offer greater scribing papers in quantities of up to ten per order at a cost of one thousand true a scroll.  I also offer maho scroll paper at two hunnerd a sheet, oak at hunnerd, and hickory at fifty.  
 I am also able to make the primary ingrediants fer Lucinda's touches, Essense of Knowledge and Wisdom, but require the following ingrediants to do so: Essense of Knowledge - peppermint leaf, 4 chestnuts.  Essense of Wisdom - pecan, 4 almonds.  Prices to make these items are 100 true with you providing the ingrediants.  Feel free to contact any member of the Angels with you order.
 Ben Poetr.
 //a pm is fine as well.

Ask A Gamemaster / Point me in the right direction, please
« on: June 18, 2009, 08:13:33 am »
With fairly recent changes in layo policy, I thought it best to ask.  Would Benjamin need a cdq to begin taking magic user classes?  

For some background, In game he has always maintained an interest in becoming a wizard.  From the start that was one of his goals but he got sidetracked by a lack of finances and took up thievery to cope, this is documented in his cdt and orginal character submission.   Since becoming more 'respectable', Benjamin has recently taken on a mentor in Elohanna Dawnstar and joined the Wizard's Tower in Hempstead.  RPwise he has participated in two different magical investigation events, one related to an alleged bloodpool under Storan's and the other a dead magic area near Miritrix, both lead by Storold Doesscha.

I don't mind submitting for cdq or making a  simple request in the char submissions, just not sure where/how to proceed or if a cdq is required.  Thanks for any advice - direction in advance.

Rumour Has It / While taking his occasional drink
« on: June 07, 2009, 10:17:17 pm »
Benjamin listens to the rumors in the port cities of Hempstead, Kartherian, Leringard, Hurm, and Lor.  He also makes very discreet inquiries to known thieves as to where and how the assassin band called Yorsthurb could be contacted for a job.

Fixed Bugs / Trainable oak arrows?
« on: May 20, 2009, 04:23:19 pm »
Description: Out of curiosity, Ben's been testing to see if various arrows can be used to train a bow, when I try any oak shafted arrow I get the message - only mahogany and hickory will hold the enchantment.  Is this by design or an oversight?  I was able to train with maho/hickory on various bows but not yew.
 Location: Guild hall target range
 Verified: yes, in same location
 Reproducable: Attempt to train a bow using oak shafted arrows, any type.

Trade and Market Hall / Looking fer a painter of portraits
« on: May 19, 2009, 11:37:59 am »
Reasonable  compensation is assured.
 Contact Ben Poetr, Angel's Guild, Hempstead, Mistone.

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