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Messages - tobeelijah

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Just for Fun / RE: Real Life to AD&D Stats
« on: May 04, 2006, 02:12:06 pm »
That was kinda neat, and surprisingly very accurate, I like my results, though the strength category coulda been boosted a point or two .. I don't think I would deserve a -1 check in real life strength check.

my results were:


Guilds and Councils /
« on: May 29, 2009, 02:04:47 am »
I recently stole some stuff on my rogue Telini... I was addressed by a DM and told to take care of this issue.. The guild I stole from is The Orc Bashers... I plan to make progress in addressing this issue on Monday or Tuesday when I have time from college and work...  Thanks in advance for your patience in this issue if in fact it is given....


Introduce Yourself / Returning Layonara Player
« on: May 22, 2009, 12:10:37 am »
Hi guys... I am a returning player to the PW... When I try to log onto my old characters I am getting booted.  Can I still play these characters or do I need to start a new one via the character creation thread or what?... Any info would be appreciated

General Discussion / A Job Well Done!
« on: May 11, 2007, 04:26:46 pm »
Hi guys,

I just recently returned to the great world of Layonara of which I have been away for about a year.  I started playing about a year ago and only stayed around for a month tops.  I didn't leave because I didn't like the place I left for other reasons but anyway I am back.  I remember thinking to myself as NWN installed this last time how I hoped that you guys were still around.  I forgot the name of the server actually and had to remember the website forums and remember my log-in information from a while ago but anyway I found the place downloaded the required files found the website and put in my request for another two characters.  Anyway I noticed that there was layogear now on the website and thought that was pretty coll and just overall felt that this place had probably grown while I was gone.  I noticed things on the website the Dragon's Whisper Magazine, which I thought were freakin' awesome.  Anyway my character finally got approved and I jumped right in.  It was probably the funnest experience I have had with NWN ever actually.  It was actually the first time I had played NWN with a DM being involved too so that probably had a lot to do with it.  But I tagged along with my rogue Telini Artima on a CDQ with Beli Stonesoul, now Stonewill, and his friend Grohin.  I was there strictly for moral support and to watch everything they did I thought it would be boring for me while playing but thought I could write up something cool from it in the forums for my character dev.  Anyway I very much got involved and loved the roleplay, and just want to say to everyone that has anything to do with layo great job with making me feel at home my first day.   It brought back great memories of the real pen and paper DnD.  The GM (Makashi) who ran the CDQ was very good at what he did as I am sure the rest ofthe GMs are..... Hopefully I will get to find out first hand.   Anyways guys great job with the game, great job with the server and forums, and well just an overall great job with everything.   I am really glad a community exists like this, and thankful that I can be a small part of it.  *Smiles*

Wild Surge Inn / Bumblebee
« on: May 10, 2007, 05:03:51 pm »
*This note is tacked on a wall close to the exit of the Wild Surge Inn*

I am trying to track down  Bumblebee, apparently he goes by Bee as well if anyone knows where I can find him.  Jot it down on this note or you can tell me if you see me.  Beli told me of him and some sort of newspaper that he produces.  I am wanting to inquire about working with him on this project.

Telini Artima

//attached is my original character bio.

"Brave Adventurers" Part 1
"Beli Stonesoul and the Road to Lyn"

     It was quiet in Port Hempstead that day.  The key word there being was, for it didn't last long.  I was chatting with a newly made acquaintance by the name of Beli, when Grohin a dwarf acquaintance I had met only that day came strolling up beside a dwarf that went by the name of Tegnar.  He had bad news to report. Tegnar bearing the bad news, exclaimed to the other two dwarves how Lyn had been over ran by giants.  They talked among them selves of the present state of the farmlands of Lyn, mainly mentioning that they should formulate a plan and get over there to help.  Tegnar let them know of a caravan that had left a few moments before bearing supplies on its way to the starving people of Lyn.  He left them to formulate a plan and left to catch up with the caravan to see it safely to Lyn.  The two dwarves, Grohin and Beli decided that they must help, for if they didn't, who would? Right?  So they started out of Port Hempstead, me in their wake, on the journey to Lyn to see what help they could give to the dwarves of Lyn.  

     The first hour of the journey was uneventful.  The first bit of excitement came soon after taking a brief rest in Storam's Watch in the Hammerbond Peaks.  A zombie lord raced toward Beli, who swung his fists with great strength and speed, and caught him square in the jaw, or what was left of it.  Beli quickly struck a second time not letting his guard down in the slightest.  The next strike felled the zombie. There were more in the distance which could have ben delat with but these two were on a mission which did not invilve these undead creatures.   So they pressed on up the peaks toward the Conflict Lands.  The road through the Conflict Lands posed just what it's name might suggest, many conflicts.  Ironic right.  It wasn't long before we came upon the first group of foul creatures wanting to knock the heads from our bodies.  There were ettins, mountain giants, ogres, and many other giants bearing the symbols of a clan unknown to me.  

    Fearlessly Beli and Grohin charged in, while I hid in the background nearly peeing myself, but not willing to look away, afraid to miss something.  The two exchanged blows with the creatures many times not even being struck at all, and when they were they barely showed signs of pain or fear.  The battle raged for what felt like an eternity but could not have been more than 2 minutes.  The only thing that remained after those two minutes, was two tired dwarves standing among a mound of mangled flesh belonging to their foes, the giants and ettins.  They caught their breath then took what that thought might be valuable from the corpses.  They wasted no time pressing onward to Lyn.

    There were boulders flying all over this part of our journey.  I was warned about them before but thought it would be nothing, compared to what I saw it was now.  A few of the smaller ones struck me as I followed as close to the two dwarves as was possible.  It wasn't long before I saw the source of these flying boulders that were being hurled at us.  Giants were tossing rocks, and they were good at what they did, I can see how tossing rocks would and could be very effective.  But, now that Beli and Grohin were within melee distance they stood no chance.  Hurling boulders and rocks at that distance was sparesely effective.  They scurried for their short swards and axes as fast they could but it was too late, lucky for me.  Beli and Grohin had laid waste to the rock tossers perched atop a cliff, shortly after they saw them coming.  This made a clear path for me, which was always a good.  

   Moments later we came across another group of giants, frost giants to be more precise.  It was four versus two.  The odds were stacked in favor of the foes, however once again Beli and Grohin surprised me with their strength, endurance, and steadfast will to win a battle.  One swung its large fist at Grohins head who barely moved it away in time and countered with a slice at the giants chin with his axe.   That was probably as high up on the giant he could get to anyway.  The ogre screamed in pain but other wise brushed that attack off and slugged Grohin in the chest.  Grohin seemed to lose his breathe but only for a moment.  Rage in his eyes he struck the giant down with one more mighty swing of his axe.  This one struck the ogre in the neck, he fell causing a loud thud upon hitting the ground beneath him.  The dwarves would have traveled to Lyn non-stop if they were physical capable of doing so.  As it was though, they needed to rest a bit, and recover from some of the more serious wounds that they had received in the past few hours.  It was while they were resting and I was the lookout, if you will, that I happened to see a mean blizzard blowing in.  We decided to press onward before it had gotten worse.  The snow had caused extremely reduced visibility and I tried to listen to where they were heading afraid to get too close and get caught in a battle that I could not survive.  I was not there to fight, only to tell their story, I was to play no part in their tale, or so I thought.  The battle must have been a short one because I never heard a struggle or anything but at my feet lay at least three more of those rock tossers, it had to be the work of my dwarven friends.  I looted a few coin that they left behind or cared not for in their rush to Lyn, and hurried to catch up afraid more rock tossers may be close.  I caught up to Beli and Grohin stopped atop a side of a valley talking and grumbling of what they would do next.  

    This is where my part in this tale would be played out.  Come to find out our journey had come to a brief halt.  It seems that an ogre was looking toward Beli and Grohin on a bridge, chanting what probably was spell of sorts.  One of my dwarven companions decided it a good idea to cut the bridge down, the ogre falling with it, unable to finish his incantation.  Come to find out this was the same bridge that we had to pass over in order to get to Lyn and help where we may, mind you.  How would we get across.  After much debate and talk of what me might do we decided that I was to be lowered down into the valley retrieve the side of the bridge closest to us that had fallen, and be hauled back up, where they would secure this end of the bridge ensuring safe passage.  See, I told you I would have a small but detrimental part to play in this tale.  I was lowerd about half way down then noticed an extremely mean looking ogre starring up at me, drool falling down his chin.  I had Beli pull me back up and told him of the situation.  Grohin then stepped in and readied his longbow.  He then let two lightning arrows fly. That was all it took.  The ogre was dead and it was now safe for me to retrieve our end of the bridge.  This time I was lowerd all the way down and had the bridge in hand and was on my way up.  I fumbled though and dropped it.  I was lowerd and grabbed at it again.  This time I made it farther up but the pain was getting to me.  My waist and right arm in dire pain from holding the rope that Beli was pulling me up by and my left hand beginning to lose the bridge end.  The weight was beginning to be too much, after all this was a massive bridge had to have been at least 60 feet long.  I then realized it was now or never.  I wrapped the rope connected to the bridge around my body, which was now being tugged in two directions, straight down to my assured death and up to the peak where Beli and Grohin were waiting.  They pulled me up as quickly as possibly being as gentle as was possible too.  I made it to the top!  Grohin then untangles me from the mess of rope, took the weight of the bridge and quickly fastened it in place.  The two of them then reinforced the knot with some needle and silken thread.

    I struggled to push through the pain and catch my breathe.  I gasped for air and guzzled some water that froze to my lips.  The bridge was now safe to cross though, and it was because of me.  I had never been prouder.  I knew at that moment that I was made for this adventuring stuff.  

Lyn wasn't but another 30 minutes or so a hike away.  We arrived just outside Lyn, where we were informed by a Lyn dwarven sentry that the place was not faring well at all.  He mentioned that the supplies from Ulgrid arrived safely, which at least was a bit of good news among the bad.  We entered the city a few moments after chatting with the sentry.
He was right, the place didn't look good at all.  There was a fire blazing a ways away, which we soon realized was a pile of burning dwarven corpses.  I could tell that my two dwarven friends were hurt and shocked, as was I even though I knew nothing of these dwarves less than a day ago.  Beli put the flames out thinking them being burned by the giants when an dwarf happened upon us and set the corpses ablaze again.  We then realized it was his doing and that this was just the dwarves buring their dead.  The dwarf beckoned us to follow which we all did, to Tagnar awaiting with the caravan on the other side of the farm.  Tagnar heard a bit of our adventure to this point and of how I came through and was able to assist in getting the bridge back up so that we could pass and get to Lyn at all.  

  Tagnar put a band of dwarves at the disposal of Beli and Grohin for the fight against the ogres attacking the people of Lyn.   He then informed them that they should get going and finish their quest, to free Lyn of this giant problem.   This adventure to this point was greater than I ever thought.  I knew it would be a great chance to share my story of the bravery and heroics of these two dwarves.  However I was beat and knew that I could press on no more.  Regretfully I chose to stay behind while they finished their mission.  I quickly ran off and found a quiet place to rest.  

to be continued.....

"Brave Adventurers" Part 2
"Lyn Saved!"

I wish I could have been there to experience it first hand, rather than have to hear about it.  

//to be completed after I find out how the story ended IC.

Development Journals and Discussion / Musings of a dwarf.
« on: May 06, 2007, 08:24:55 pm »
I arrived in Port Hempshire today and everything seemed very quiet.   I didn't really get to meet any talkative people.  I acquired a few items from nearby merchants and travelled some of the surrounding areas and nearly got killed by a griffon, thank goodness the guards were nearby and killed the beast before it did me.  I was exhausted from the trip and asked a guard about a place to settle in for the night. He pointed me to the tavern, but before he did asked me to help with something. He said that there were some kobolds nearby that had acquired some sort of magical stick, that helped them to defeat some guards he was worried they might use it on the commoners near town and asked if I could find it and give it to him.  I found the tavern and turned in for the night excited about what the morrow might bring.

Ask A Gamemaster / I can't DL
« on: May 06, 2007, 05:45:26 pm »
Ok ... for some reason i see no download link (button) to download the layonara all in one hak file or the tlk file  I am not sure if its a browser problem of mine or soething to do with the site aany info would be great so i can get in the game

General Discussion / Great to be back
« on: November 22, 2006, 02:43:45 pm »
Well guys after researching the website to find my username and get my password I am here after a very lengthy away period and am about to log in as my character Telinar Artimo.  I forget a lot about him so will probably start a new character sometime soon but anyway just wanted to say its great to be back and am looking forward to seein yall in game again!

Development Journals and Discussion / Eliza Smith's Journal
« on: May 06, 2006, 08:28:13 pm »
-Entry #1

Today is the day of my first journal entry. It was only a few days ago that I arrived in Hlint after talking to a dragon about a man named Bloodstone.  I do not know if I will become of any help to this dragon later on in the future and be a savior of sorts, and quite realistically I doubt it. Who knows though.

-Entry #2

I met a drow ranger today, I must confess that this is the first drow I have ever met. I can not pronounce his full name, but I call him Nepp. He betrayed my thoughts of the drow being of evil alignments only. He over heard me inquiring to Rhynn about the whereabouts of bats so that I could get a pelt from one for Johan the Fur Collector. He approached me and gave me the pelt, and later helped me kill a few badgers to get their pelts to Johan as well. We later slayed many goblin scouts for their ears, and returned them to Quartermaster Talon for a small reward. I also later found the tax records off the corpse of the ratman in the Hlint sewers and returned them to someone that was looking for them in Hlint.

-Entry #3

I ran into Nepp again today and he hooked me up with a deer pelt and told me that Johan would likely want one in the future. He also told me where I could find a badger in the Sielwood Forrest.  We went to the crypts in hopes of finding a lesser darksoul essence. There we ran into a brave warrior who likely saved my life afer foolishly rushing in on several skeletons. It is a shame I can not remember his name, though I remember his face and the armor he wore quite well.

-Entry #4
I went to the Sielwood Forrest this morning in search of the badger pelt for Johan.  Shortly after arriving in the wood I ran into a small humanoid covered in barkskin while I felled a fire beetle.
Come to find out the humanoid was a svirneblin who went by the name of Starr Sapphire. He was a powerful caster, though I couldn't figure out if his magic was arcane or of the gods, though he did speak of a goddess he referred to as the High Mother if I remember correctly. After talking to him for a moment, he said he would help me find a cave in the Sielwood Forrest that a bard in the Wild Surge in said he lost a necklace in. We slayed many goblin, kobold, and gelatinous goo, in the cave and finally found the necklace the bard was looking for.  Starr also helped me find a badger to skin.  After saying farewell, and properly thanking Starr for his help I returned to Hlint to give the bard his necklace and Johan the badger pelt.

General Discussion / Character dev
« on: May 05, 2006, 02:51:36 pm »
Just a quick question.  I am falling in love with Layonara and its community, and I recently stumbled along the character development forums. I am assuming after reading a few threads that this is made as a journal of sorts, a place where characters log things they did everyday. With that said I was wondering if it would be opportunistic to post here often for if the need arizes somewhere down the road I can prove something, or if this is more a fun way of a player keeping up with his characters past, or if its a place that GM's etc, often look to see if players are active and RP heavy or whatnot .. anywho thanks for the future replies.

General Discussion / Talinar or Telinar
« on: May 04, 2006, 05:43:08 pm »
Just a little small thing that's bugging me, I have a character named Telinar Artimo not Talinar Artimo, but when reviewing posts and such I look over to the left of the screen at my name and such and am haunted that it says that my characters name is Talinar Artimo. It's just trippin me out for some reason ..... Must be my obsessive compulsive order kickin in.  Can someone please fix that?

Poetic License / Hunting
« on: May 04, 2006, 04:40:07 pm »
Losing myself in imagination as always I came up with this poem after being inspired to write one of my own characters thoughts, after reading  few of the others the rest of you have shared.

~Think on these words before abusing the wood, or slaying an undeserving child of nature~

The race is on.
The trail is hot.
Will you escape?
I think not.

I can not see you.
Though I know where you are.
Don't be foolish,
You can't get far.

Today you've played with fire,
Messed with the wrong ranger.
No matter where you hide,
You're still amidst danger.

I pull back on my bow.
Keeping it steady.
Take a deep breathe.
I hope you're ready.

Now I can see you.
But you can't see me.
How easy can this possibly be.

Releasing my fingers,
Letting arrow fly.
You're so oblivious.
You're end is nigh.

The blink of an eye
Is all it took.
To end your life
With mine unshook.

Too bad you're dead
And won't hear me say,
"You've messed with the wrong
Woodsman today."

~One of many thoughts that race through the great Telinar Artimo's mind while hunting enemies of nature, or anyon he feels deals undo pain to the balance of nature~

Written shortly after killing an archer who took the life of a friend, a bear Telinar held dear.

General Discussion / Druid bio question.
« on: May 04, 2006, 03:25:42 pm »
I was thinking of making a druid, and my mind began to race about my new characters bio. And in part of my biography, I was hoping to add a little something about an animal approaching me in the wood with a small message from the Hierophant. Nothing too out there but some small message to get the point across to my character that I am destined to be a druid and that I should be true to myself and true to nature and everything in it. I was just going to check and make sure that this would not be a problem, or if this will pose a problem because a Hierophant would not want anything to do with an newly druid, and would only use an animal to approach others higher in status among druids.

General Discussion / Ranger 1st Level Spells!
« on: May 04, 2006, 02:02:28 pm »
I was just curious as to why, if NWN is based off DnD 3.5 ruleset, that once I hit level 4 as a Ranger, I didn't receive my first level spells such as Animal companion. Is the level raised on this server or what. I actually have no clue as to why I didnt get the spell at level up, but I can however buy the scroll and summon a hawk companion. Any help with this issue would be highly appreciated.    

                                                           -Telinar Artimo 4th Season Ranger

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