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Messages - Guardian 452

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Development Journals and Discussion / Dot watches the instructions
« on: October 18, 2013, 11:03:41 pm »

Dot watches the instructions closely... and when prompted to she moves into positon at the target dummy. The ground work already instilled from Vrebel is evident immediatly. Her stance is perfect her swing motion is every bit as perfect... again evidence of all the training she has gone thru thus far. Her slow motion walk thru of the forhand and back hand swing are good. So she moves in on the dummy and attempts to replicate the strike.

Her distance or "touch" if you will is off. With one swipe she barely misses, another is right on and the next she goes too deep affecting her follow thru. Mildy frustrated she curses but does not stop trying. She continues to swing back and forth across the dummies neck. Slowly she gets the range down. Dot never really used a strike of this manor before. She typically would just thrust her blade deep into her target, slash across it not trying for such precision, or simply try and muscle her way thru armor, muscle, bone... whatever was in the way of her blade. However since her training started with Vrebel he has taught her how to use "touch" and not just pure arm strength. Her work prior to this strike is paying off... she seems to be getting "dialed in" now. Had Vrebel started her training with this move... it may have been a complete disaster.


*she awaits Vrebels instruction or critique of her strikes before continuing on to the whirlwind move, or to keep working at the single target*

Ask A Gamemaster / I see a similar post there I
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:09:04 pm »

I see a similar post there I think

So wait to see what comes of that one before submitting something that may be the same issue?


Just for Fun / Its from Elder Scrolls V
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:06:33 pm »

Its from Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Be glad I didnt link the one lady that sings it... omg its aweful! lol

Layonara Server / Perhaps I was reading part of
« on: October 16, 2013, 05:48:21 pm »

Perhaps I was reading part of this wrong. The part where you talk about adjusting the rate up or down depending on various factors.

I read this to say if you feel a person is gaining fortune too fast, trying to exploit the system in some way etc. that you could adjust said persons rate at which they gain Fortune.  If I read that correctly would the person be made aware of the change, why, and for how they would remain at the adjusted rate?

Now, if I read this incorrectly then never mind the question. (My second question remains, I'll look for word on that later)



Layonara Server / If a characters Fortune rate
« on: October 16, 2013, 04:40:38 pm »

If a characters Fortune rate is adjusted for any given reason (up or down) will the person be made aware of this? If yes, will they be told why? and for how long the rate will be adjusted?


What is the best place for me to give feedback on my fortune rate for one (or all of my characters) to help the team out?

Development Journals and Discussion / \\\\looks like the forum crash
« on: October 15, 2013, 11:22:45 am »

\\\\looks like the forum crash ate at least 1 post from this CD thread. :(


Dot stops by Vrebles place to brag up a recent trip she took to The Great Forest with one of the Stargazers. How just the two of them defeated many of the giants in the forest. She asks him when he is going to teach her more moves, skills etc. 

General Discussion / Aphel wrote:I'm not sure if
« on: October 11, 2013, 04:18:47 pm »

Quote from: "Aphel"&cid="2751414"

I'm not sure if the database permits it, but maybe there can be batches for those who still have a dragoncalled character or been in the forums and with Layonara for a long time. Just a thought.


that at would be cool.... 1, 2, 3 year etc badges.

General Discussion / Skyrim flashbacks... Dragon
« on: October 11, 2013, 02:59:27 am »

Skyrim flashbacks... Dragon called = Dragonborn.  heheh


Fus Ro Dah!

General Discussion / How about the various
« on: September 16, 2013, 06:20:03 pm »

How about the various animated works of Studio Ghibli? Howls Moving Castle is a great fantasy world movie. And many others are mostly based on earth but with a fantasy twist to things. Other Ghibli works I'd reccomend, Nausica, Princess Mononoke, Kikis Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Ponyo, Secret World of Ariety.


Layonara Server / It does answer my question. 
« on: September 10, 2013, 11:52:32 am »

It does answer my question.  Apparently I thougth a level 20 character was given more Quest XP because of the massive mountain of XP before 21. Therefore beleiving this I expected a level 20 fortune XP trade in to reflect the same thing. You're saying a level 20 gets the same XP per quest hour (or whatever the jargon is now) as a level 33.... while I dissagree with this. At least I now know how it's going to be. Thanks

Layonara Server / Does a level 20 character
« on: September 03, 2013, 01:16:39 pm »

Does a level 20 character gain more XP when rewarded for going on quests because of the vastly higher amount of XP needed to reach level 21?

If yes, does a level 20 character recieve a larger amount of XP when exchanging "Fortune"?

Layonara Server / Does being in combat effect
« on: August 28, 2013, 08:45:46 am »

Does being in combat effect the Fortune system? I noticed with AutoXP that if I were in combat when it was time for it to kick in it would not until its next time to do so.

General Discussion / (Reposted on the proper
« on: August 28, 2013, 08:48:00 am »

(Reposted on the proper thread, delete this if needed)

Important Layonara Announcements / New site looks good.
« on: February 26, 2013, 07:28:00 am »
New site looks good. Accessing the forums is a chore on my android phone. It's tricky to get the community drop down menu to work properly.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Reworking the Sneak System?
« on: February 14, 2013, 07:29:22 am »
Where does Enzo sign up for this new feat!? :)

*posted clearly on the hallway chest*

Mushrooms - Black, Red, Yellow, White - 15

*you also notice the purple mushroom chest has a new sign*

Purple Mushrooms - 50

//Purple mushrooms never seem to be enough on hand. A higher value (i hope) will encourage more folks to bring them in for trade. Also this is still cheaper than the old 2,000 for a box for those who are getting them from saddlebag :)


Quote from: Guardian 452

Secondly a mystery chest has appeared in our main hallway next to the 2 Free spell components chests. PLEASE DO NOT PLACE furniture in the shop (or anyones house without permission from its owner(s). I have re-labeled this chest so its pretty clear it isn't to be used. Items placed in it will be tossed in the trash and no credit will be given.

Turns out Alazira did place it... (ty Redeemr for the research). It was just never labeled in any way. I will re re label it later.  LOL


//Hi all. I have a few OOC issues I need to get to the folks using the Saddlebag Pawn.

CNR - We accept 36 (chest capacity) of said item only. Do not put more in a chest next to it or anyplace else that you see has room leftover. When its full its full. You'll have to wait for someone to take some out. We do have multiple chests of some things (clay, sand, corn etc) but when all marked for that item are full... again we wont accept anymore.

We only accept 2 identical  "gear type" items (swords, bows, armor, gloves etc.) Exceptions are anything consumable: scrolls, food, ammo, potions, wands, and the like. Also we WILL take more than 2 Oak Shortbows.

Why only 2? this keeps us from having a chest full of 36 of the same items that has a high value yet no one wants. Riven made this newer forum thread when he moved to a new shop he forgot to re post this rule from before (see link for this rule in his older post).

Just right click the chest and you can see everything inside. If you see 2 of the item you wanted to leave in there already... then we wont accept a third

I have several items that will not be accepted and the credit for them will be removed from the totals for those who dropped them off. I'll be posting here and PM'ing those of you who are affected. These items are property of whomever dropped them off. And the items will be left in the chest by the door marked "items not accepted" once the owners of said items have been contacted.

Secondly a mystery chest has appeared in our main hallway next to the 2 Free spell components chests. PLEASE DO NOT PLACE furniture in the shop (or anyones house without permission from its owner(s). I have re-labeled this chest so its pretty clear it isn't to be used. Items placed in it will be tossed in the trash and no credit will be given.

Riven (the Saddlebag creator) is missing in action... has been for a very long time. Calylith isn't active in game either (though she is still on the forums). My character Dot was hired to help out at the shop by Calylith. I myself have been dealing with a lack of interest in Layo recently. Though I do try and remain up to speed on the forums. Sadly when I checked the shop in game today I saw that things had gotten out of hand in a few chests. So I figured it was time to post about it. I love the concept of this shop and it clearly is being used by players... so I hope to keep it going as long as possible.

If you have questions please PM me and lets keep this thread for posting transactions.


Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Restrictions restricions
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:59:36 pm »
ty for clearing that up.

A shame, here I was going to try and create a Good - Ranger/Fighter/Barbarian/Pally  O.o

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Restrictions restricions
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:50:46 pm »
So "good", overrides being one of the classes listed? IE working as intended?

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