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Messages - Weeblie

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 59
General Discussion / Re: Congratulations ...
« on: July 25, 2008, 11:00:26 am »
I put in my veto...




... really! :)

Roleplaying / Re: IC Opinions vs Server Descriptions - YAILWAP
« on: July 25, 2008, 10:04:43 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
As for Hempstead's alignment, any city which has a death penalty for tresspassing and sent all the dockworkers out of their rightful homes on a trail of bloody tears is NOT Good in any sense.  I could certainly see such things flying in LE Prantz, where praying in the streets or casting spells gets you locked away for life, or CE Arnax infested with bloodthirsty Demons, or even corruptable Kartharian, but a goodly city with a CG sponsor god Deliar acting like the Spanish Inquisition?  I think not.  Now maybe the city has been corrupted by forces within, maybe the Sisters changed over the years.  But please let's stop pretending that the city is still good.  It's not.

All your characters are evil. Every single of them. Every single PC character that your own character knows are evil too. Definitely! In fact, every single character above... say... level 5 are evil. Just consider the amount of lives they have taken during their course in game. 10,000...? I bet the average is even greater than that!

Surely mass slaughter cannot be considered non-evil, especially if one adds the fact that for almost all of the deaths, no one has ever "seriously" tried to persuade the other villian... erh... victim to lay down their arms first? Or... um... showing even the tiniest feeling of remorse after the 500th kill? I didn't think so either!

Hmmm... maybe it isn't all that easy to define what's good and evil in a fantasy world heavily involving killing in all their forms and shapes.

So please lets stop and pretend that one alone is fully capable of weighting all the factors against each other and decide something is not so. For... has one actually considered what else Hempstead has done for its population (i.e. good/evil isn't defined by a single action) and what the actual good effects of banning the half-non-good races during the nuclear-winter crisis were?

The full charges are currently being drawn and investigated upon. The current accords include but are not limited to:

* Willfull murder of two members of the city Silverguard while in the performance of their duty.

* Ignoring previous warning(s) of entering the city or attempting to do so.

Time of the tribunal is currently scheduled at this time and date.

- Port Hempstead Authorities

Just for Fun / Re: Stupid Email
« on: July 23, 2008, 01:39:21 pm »
The 55% is actually true.

The rest 67% wouldn't even bother... :p

Server Rules / Re: Dead Magic areas
« on: July 23, 2008, 12:00:48 pm »
Aha... hehe... should have looked more closely before asking. My question was a spontentous one after the Turn Undead question...

Server Rules / Re: Dead Magic areas
« on: July 23, 2008, 11:14:32 am »
What about other Paladin/Cleric related feats?

Divine Might? Divine Shield? Protection Domain Powers? Trickery Domain Powers?

As Turn Undead isn't allowed, one gets the feeling that logically, these others are banned also. :)

Fixed Bugs / Re: Rift question / possible bug
« on: July 13, 2008, 02:27:00 pm »
Though... Drow should be labeled Dark Elf... ;)

Fixed Bugs / Re: client and server variations dont match
« on: July 13, 2008, 11:48:40 am »
The solution can be found in the second post in that thread.

If one is gifted enough to reliably detect the exact spells (whether due to the effects or something else), then one should really invest skill points into spellcraft (the primary usage of spellcraft is not to manipulate magical power, or it would be locked to the caster classes, but rather to do exactly this detection). :)

And when one has put skill points into spellcraft, one would quite automatically start to get the OOC-feedback without having to peek on the graphics only! I consider this on par with that one should put extra skill points into spot if one has really keen eyes. :)

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday s0ulz
« on: July 04, 2008, 11:46:23 am »
Happy Birthday!

General Discussion / Re: You're HOW old?!
« on: July 02, 2008, 06:10:59 am »
Alleina was created as 97 and now has progressed to a full 130. :)

Years really don't touch elves...

Fixed Bugs / Re: Text Bug in Latest Layonara Update
« on: June 07, 2008, 12:06:47 pm »
This is, with a 99% certainity, a server side problem. :)

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Are Animal Companions Allowed in Cities?
« on: June 07, 2008, 12:03:58 pm »
It is also known in the real world that veterinarians are quite good at taking care of animals, with snakes and similar being no more dangerous in their hands as a housecat would be in a normal person's.

But if the said veterinarian, even with badges and everything quite visible, would walk around in the town with the said snake around his arm, do you really believe people would not be afraid? Perhaps even calling the police? :)

Whether a creature is truly harmless or not doesn't really matter... appearance is everything here. Something that is perceived as a threat, is a threat, and hence must be kept outside. And... heh... Rangers and Druids are most likely considered as "weirdos" by the general population. An outsider that should preferable be left alone to his/her own busniess (creepy Aragorn-in-the-inn feeling?). Trust is a little bit shaky at best...

Fixed Bugs / Re: Text Bug in Latest Layonara Update
« on: June 06, 2008, 12:27:04 pm »
It has to do with the text coloring system and will be fixed as soon as one can catch Dorg. :)

Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
Ummm Huh?  I just pulled some numbers...  Didn't Base it on anything...  really ust felt like posting the forumla for reference....  If a Level 30 Fighter had 30 str the DC would be 35.  10 + 30/2 (15) + 10 (30 str has a mod of 10).  Anyway...  Sure, with Magic Rings and stuff you could raise the DC over 40, but that wasn't the point of that post...  Anyway...  Enough of me...  back to ...  discussing

*Smacks forehead.* Of course you have to count the buffs. There are no reasonable strength based fighter who is not trying to max the strength out (i.e. get another +12 to strength, effectively giving another +6 to the DC). If you wish to compare things, you really have to take everything into consideration. :)

Your claim was that the DC would be no higher than a mage with all three spell focuses in a specific school, and I'm trying to show that it's not an accurate claim. Even a wizard with a base 28 in intelligence would only have a DC of 40 (10 + 9 + (28 + 12 - 10) / 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 40). A base 28 intelligence character at level 30 would have to have a character creation intelligence of 21 (it's reasonable to assume that the Greater Intelligence X feats are not selected, due to their limited use compared to the other epic feats).

I believe my estimation of a dev crit character at level 30 having a DC of 40 is very sound [that in turn is based on the assumption of a req 28 for dev crit, which I would think is also a sound estimation of the lowest possible req it can possibly be changed to].

Edit: But in either case, it does not matter. Unless the DC is really, really low (about 20?), the core problem isn't the DC itself but rather the unlimited nature of dev crit.

Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
To my understanding, (though the Bioware engine may make a liar of me on this,) you nail the Crit if you Threaten in both the initial roll and the confirming roll.

E.g. a normal Rapier threatens on 18-20. You'd absolutely hit (and, thusly, score the crit) if you rolled Threat Roll: 19 + x = Y (Confirm: 18 + x = Z).

That should be a negative, judging by experience. Weapon masters with 50% threat range do not tend to have a guaranteed 1 in 4 chance to hit against super high AC monsters. :)

Side Note: To further comment on my comments about instant death spells. Well... while they are of weaker power, I still don't find them reasonable, heh. I hate all sort of instant death stuff and think all should be ripped out.

Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
Oh and Weebs, the DC for  Dev Crit is 10+ 1/2 Char Levels + str Mod

So a Level 30 Fgt/WM with 30 str is only 10 +15 +10, so 35.  high, sure, but its no higher then a Mage with Focus in the right school casting Weird or Wail, I believe...

Your estimation is basing on that dev crit only has a str req of 18 which is quite flawed, I would think. Even lowering the str req to 28 (down from 30), some simple items and a buff would put the strength to 40, giving you the DC of 10 + 30 / 2 + 15 = 40.

Wail/Weird are indeed affecting more than a single monster, but from them, you get Spellcraft bonuses to saves and similar. Dev crit doesn't have that "flaw". Finger of deaht and similar spells would have even lower DCs than Wail/Weird due to the lower levels of the spells. And... well... if picking them, then you are sacrificing other important capabilities of mages (and they would still be very limited in the number of uses).

Dev crit is effectively 1 instant-death-roll/round. A single normal epic level rest period of 30 minutes, one can at least assume that 20 of those minutes are in combat. That would give an estimation of 200 instant-death-rolls/rest period... with a DC on par, if not (much - if the user haven't spent 2 normal feats and 1 epic feat on spell focus for that school) better, than wail/weird.

WMs are already increadible monsters in combat [damage wise]. Even without dev crit, they are the ones capable of dealing superior amounts of damage each round. It's a build matter, though... that's true.

Now... if dev crit was working like the Quivering Palm and being limited to once/day, then I wouldn't mind decreasing the restrictions to probably even 18 in str.

There is a considerable difference between instant death spells and Devastating Critical: The last is rolling a save for each crit (which with a reasonable melee WM character is at least 30% chance... approaching 50% when optimized). It would be like a character having unlimited numbers of wails/weirds.

The DC from dev crit is also increadible. A level 30 strength (duhhh...) based character would have a DC of around 40... Poisons have very, very much lower DCs and their effect is no where near dev crits (heh, instant death is pretty much the best effect possible).

In my opinion, dev crit shouldn't exist at all. Or exist with a "at that level, against creatures of that level, quite useless" DC of 10 + str mod.

In its present shape and form... anyone ever getting this feat will be a true monster.

General Discussion / Re: Happy birthday Weebs :)
« on: June 01, 2008, 04:58:37 pm »
Thank you very much, everyone! :)

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Dmoe
« on: June 01, 2008, 04:04:29 am »
Happy Birthday!

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