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Messages - Lance Stargazer

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Rumour Has It / *Upon observing the situation
« on: January 09, 2017, 11:32:29 am »

*Upon observing the situation and with his current observations Armand lets the golem cover the retreat as he heads a bit south of the lake towards the Outpost of Center*

*Once he reaches there, after some rest, he is seen asking around for able bodies to help to solve the situation around the lake* 


Rumour Has It / *As if it is not enough for
« on: January 09, 2017, 11:28:05 am »

*As if it is not enough for the tribulations in the world, the outpost is once again riled and deprived of peace *  

- What is this time?  *One man at the market is heard saying*  Witches?  orcs? Bears?  

*The woman selling apples replies*   - Nah, just that crazy man with the metalic arm asking around people about elementals, or something. You know that had probably too much sugar as a kid, he just seems like has lost one good ole screw in tha head.- 

*The man replies*  - Ah, Aye,  I heard that he was like asking to everysingle able body that passes thru here, if they know about elementals or so,  Is that about the ferry?  -

*The woman cleans the apple again and gives the man an evil eye* -  Yes, about the ferry, you buying or not?  -

*The man gives her a nods*  I am but not paying what you asking for this apples, where do you think you are?  Hempstead?  


// Hi guys, Found something interesting in the game, and would like to involve some more players to solve this, If want to get involved on this for some ig event, send me a pm to work on the times, depending on the reply i'll start a thread to help us to organize it. 

Trade and Market Hall / *A note is penned*  I bid for
« on: January 09, 2017, 02:36:59 am »

*A note is penned*  

I bid for the 

Courtesan Blade dagger - 5000T

Cloak of Fortification (Second grade of power) - 10,000T

Gloves of Care - 1000T


//  Ausir Stargazer


Rumour Has It / Oh this is going to take
« on: January 07, 2017, 01:14:25 am »

Oh this is going to take awhile then - 

*He puts the golem on guard a bit forward as he focuses on the area around the first ship, trying to discern thru the changes in the ambient, if this creatures might be comming from somwhere else or if is as it apper just the water being .. alive now*  

// I understand that might be a bit far from the action , but basically trying to do a Detect magic in the area, to see if he can catch a glimpse of any sudden changes in the al'noth . Still its the first probe. 

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / // That time i'll be just
« on: January 06, 2017, 11:19:19 am »

// That time i'll be just  getting out of work myself, So i'll be able to catch up wherever you are. once i arrive home and see things at home.   

General Discussion / MERRY  CHRISTMAS   O FELIZ
« on: December 24, 2016, 04:17:08 pm »



Rumour Has It / *After the meeting , the
« on: December 22, 2016, 10:23:13 pm »

*After the meeting , the gnuman goes back to the Leringard Arms, probably to look for Jenna again, he seems a bit distracted of late, mostly wrapping his mind around the events that he just lived, he would be in the search of Rof for the next days he stays in the inn, maybe just before vanishing, dissapearing from his room during the night * 

// Thank you for the rp. was really enjoyable. 

Rumour Has It / *He looks at Rof's actions he
« on: December 22, 2016, 10:39:54 am »

*He looks at Rof's actions he does the same, using the same hand  ( Despite if it is the armored one or no ) *

* He studies with critical eye, on what would be the reacion of the symbols to his touch * 

// Sounds good to me. . but not sure if you mean tomorrow as in Friday or today , Anyway  if its today I'll be home probably around 7:30 pm CST.   

Rumour Has It / *The gnuman looks a bit
« on: December 22, 2016, 12:30:20 am »
*The gnuman looks a bit amused to the exchange then replies* 
Oh i had not started to say anything yet, *nods once sagely*  I am Armand Dawson, engineer extraordinaire, and am here in the look for someone in the college, *he awaits for the reply from the eye*  Its really this much secrecy needed?  *The man speaks without ill intent though, sounding perhaps a bit naive *

Rumour Has It / *He arches an eyebrow at the
« on: December 21, 2016, 03:01:47 pm »

*He arches an eyebrow at the whole interaction with the door*  Its usually that whent he sun is out .. and until the dusk .. *nods matter of factly*  Having a problem with the door?  

**He examines the door for a lock or a pull or the way it works mechanically , he also looks for any marks or signs in the alley he is and of course the door*  

Rumour Has It / Oh...  *The gnuman looks a
« on: December 21, 2016, 12:04:13 pm »

Oh...  *The gnuman looks a bit crestfallen once he manages to get the dots actually connected* ...

I see. ..  So.. i might be able to find about her too in the Bard college?   If that is so, please lead the way there

*The gnuman gets thoughtful at the facts*  And who is this Miss Victoria that you spoke before?  

**he start to look for something on his traveling and handy pack hanging to his side*  


Rumour Has It / *The gnuman nods slowly * Ah
« on: December 20, 2016, 10:08:04 pm »

*The gnuman nods slowly * Ah i see ... yes it seems something i would like to do,  But before that. . do you know someone by name Aritsa?- 

*The man awaits for his reply *


Rumour Has It / *The gnuman looks at the boy
« on: December 20, 2016, 05:38:58 pm »
*The gnuman looks at the boy and can't help but to follow his gaze to the arm and then realizes something his eyes goes wide open for a moment then says to the boy * 
- Er... one moment - **he pulls out a strange looking dagger one that has the tip a bit to flat and without proper edge and with it adjust something on his arm, as the arc slowly stops lowering intensity, with a genuine look of relief he returns his atention to the boy * 
- Phew. . well. . so where we were.. 20 Gold of the queen?  But i only carry trues - he mentions  looking abit disappointed*  - And who is Victoria?  I am looking for one man by name Matteo, heard of him?
*He waits for the reply of Rof* 

Trade and Market Hall / //  Edited. .   Misread sorry
« on: December 20, 2016, 03:33:04 pm »

//  Edited. .   Misread sorry for the confussion . 

Rumour Has It / *The gnuman looks at the boy
« on: December 20, 2016, 11:42:18 am »

*The gnuman looks at the boy and replies excited opening his arms in a gesture that demostrates pure ( Though exagerated )  joy, apparently being carried away by the enthusiasm of the boy  * 

-  Yes , I am!!  - 

*After the initial moment passes the gnuman realizes that he actually it not quite glad or even know the boy, and continues* 

- Er... and who are you?  - 

*The gnuman looks at the boy while a small arc of electricity visibly traverses the surface of the arm * 

Rumour Has It / *After a couple of days of
« on: December 19, 2016, 11:56:49 pm »

*After a couple of days of spending the time around the city, he finally realizes two things, Matteo is not going to be found the way he has been looking , and two, apparently milk has a negative connotation when requested at pubs, several attempts of this have come to the conclusion that ... humans are just crazy *

*Upon the introspection of the night, he wakes up early, loads the arm and moves thru the city, asking if there is a district when one could find instrument crafters or masterwork creators, he looks for this information first at the market and to people who might see like a musisician, spefiically if they use lute's as part of their show * 

Trade and Market Hall / *Armand gets into the
« on: December 19, 2016, 04:12:47 pm »
*Armand gets into the pawnshop and gets out with a bag full of icky glands * 
Bought  : 
36 Glands of Ettercap  @50 =  1800 
Credit : 17791 - 1800  = 15991   
Deposited 180 trues at the thisle Chest.
// Armand Dawson

General Discussion / Lance Stargazer wrote:Might
« on: December 19, 2016, 04:08:02 pm »

Quote from: "Lance Stargazer"&cid="2761764"

Might depend on the time, I might or might not have the day off that day, If i don't have the day off  i could probably attend after 7 pm CST, If having free day obviously will be way more posible.  but just throwing that at the hat. 

On an upcoming update,  I'll be off work that day, so mostly depends due the time , Still need to get my cat her vaccines though.  But if this is still on certainly it has more posibilities now. .. just saying.  

Rumour Has It / *It was obvious that this
« on: December 18, 2016, 06:37:03 pm »

*It was obvious that this  search was not going to be an easy walk, he had said to himself that he was using the chance to perhaps visiting Jenna on the Leringard's Arms, a small something was bothering him on the back of his head, but anyway, to find more about what that Matteo, had priorities. . Later he'll see about Jenna there. *

*It was obviously not his confort zone, as he skimmed in the bars asking now and then, Deep fishing .. it woudl be way easier with a huge net he would think, his mind distracted himself for a couple hours thinking how would be that imposible thing to design, he put the project and the schematics into his "Proyects in work" journal , while contining the search * 

// PM sent 

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / I sadly will be available
« on: December 16, 2016, 03:44:02 pm »

I sadly will be available till about 8 pm central time  , so probably not attending to the Chak' Great north thing. .  But can't say at which time will be free. so there is that.  

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