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Author Topic: *A Gnuman in Leringard*  (Read 2016 times)

Lance Stargazer

*A Gnuman in Leringard*
« on: December 17, 2016, 11:30:00 pm »
*A man of meek constitution and a shiny armored arm is seen over the Pubs and taverns of Leringard, looking around the Pubs and taverns of the town, he seems a bit out of place at first, specially while ordering juice instread of ale on some of the establishments, * *He seems interested mostly on the taverns with music, and has been seen asking speciffically about someone by name Matteo *     
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Armand finds that searching
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2016, 01:51:00 pm »

Armand finds that searching for a Matteo in a major city of Trelania is as difficult as fishing in stone. Come to think of it, Gliders and such swim through the rock itself and are rather like fish in that way... big fish. Does that make hunting them a sort of... Deep sea fishing? The mind boggles. 

Gather Information for pub crawling, please :) 


Lance Stargazer

*It was obvious that this
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2016, 06:37:03 pm »

*It was obvious that this  search was not going to be an easy walk, he had said to himself that he was using the chance to perhaps visiting Jenna on the Leringard's Arms, a small something was bothering him on the back of his head, but anyway, to find more about what that Matteo, had priorities. . Later he'll see about Jenna there. *

*It was obviously not his confort zone, as he skimmed in the bars asking now and then, Deep fishing .. it woudl be way easier with a huge net he would think, his mind distracted himself for a couple hours thinking how would be that imposible thing to design, he put the project and the schematics into his "Proyects in work" journal , while contining the search * 

// PM sent 


Lance Stargazer

*After a couple of days of
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2016, 11:56:49 pm »

*After a couple of days of spending the time around the city, he finally realizes two things, Matteo is not going to be found the way he has been looking , and two, apparently milk has a negative connotation when requested at pubs, several attempts of this have come to the conclusion that ... humans are just crazy *

*Upon the introspection of the night, he wakes up early, loads the arm and moves thru the city, asking if there is a district when one could find instrument crafters or masterwork creators, he looks for this information first at the market and to people who might see like a musisician, spefiically if they use lute's as part of their show * 



Armand soon gathers that
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2016, 01:54:55 am »

Armand soon gathers that there are a few different luthiers near the bard college -- it's reasonable to assume there may be others elsewhere, but this seems to be the first to come to mind for those willing to entertain the question. The directions, however, are not particularly useful, often a general wave and a nod or a "nearabouts where" relative to some other unknown. As luck (?) would have it, though, just as he is losing steam and wandering about he finds someone not only more talkative but difficult to keep from talking. 

"Wrong!" comes a voice after one gesture, though no one comes forth. "Wrong again!" after the next, but they've gone again. 

After the third, a child interposes himself (as well as he may, at any rate) between Armand and any others he may wish to try. He is human, very simply dressed but covered enough for the end of Janra, and of fair but already weathering complexion. He looks frequently between the gnuman's face and his metal arm. "Boy, are you glad I'm here." 


Lance Stargazer

*The gnuman looks at the boy
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2016, 11:42:18 am »

*The gnuman looks at the boy and replies excited opening his arms in a gesture that demostrates pure ( Though exagerated )  joy, apparently being carried away by the enthusiasm of the boy  * 

-  Yes , I am!!  - 

*After the initial moment passes the gnuman realizes that he actually it not quite glad or even know the boy, and continues* 

- Er... and who are you?  - 

*The gnuman looks at the boy while a small arc of electricity visibly traverses the surface of the arm * 



The boy crosses his arms,
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2016, 03:33:03 pm »

The boy crosses his arms, tearing away his gaze from the strange display as his expression settles on a flavor of boredom. Seen it all before, his world-weary face seems to say. His eyes occasionally flit back to the arm, however, as if of their own volition. 

"Rof." Obviously, his expression suggests. 

"I can get you to Victoria's for -" briefly calculating, a hint of avarice, his chin lifts, go for it! - "... twenty pieces of the Queen's Gold." He bites his lip despite himself.


Lance Stargazer

*The gnuman looks at the boy
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2016, 05:38:58 pm »
*The gnuman looks at the boy and can't help but to follow his gaze to the arm and then realizes something his eyes goes wide open for a moment then says to the boy * 
- Er... one moment - **he pulls out a strange looking dagger one that has the tip a bit to flat and without proper edge and with it adjust something on his arm, as the arc slowly stops lowering intensity, with a genuine look of relief he returns his atention to the boy * 
- Phew. . well. . so where we were.. 20 Gold of the queen?  But i only carry trues - he mentions  looking abit disappointed*  - And who is Victoria?  I am looking for one man by name Matteo, heard of him?
*He waits for the reply of Rof* 


"It's all spends the same,"
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2016, 07:42:58 pm »
"It's all spends the same," he answers, after recovering his facade of ennui, then adds with the certainty of a 9 year old, "It's just something people say."

"We got a Matteo at the orphanage, but everybody just calls him Teo. Like how nobody calls me Rofero except Miss Lyn when I'm doing what I oughtn't."

"Anyhow, you wanted to get to the bard college, right?"

Lance Stargazer

*The gnuman nods slowly * Ah
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2016, 10:08:04 pm »

*The gnuman nods slowly * Ah i see ... yes it seems something i would like to do,  But before that. . do you know someone by name Aritsa?- 

*The man awaits for his reply *




The boy squints at the name
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2016, 10:48:46 pm »

The boy squints at the name and shrugs indifferently, then brightens again. "N- oh, I think that's how they call Ari." His tone takes a turn for the worshipful at the name. "She used to apprentice with the others, but now she's got fancy because she plays a better lute than the Queen's own bard!" This last seems almost boastful, as if taking some measure of pride in another's accomplishments, fanciful or not.


Lance Stargazer

Oh...  *The gnuman looks a
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2016, 12:04:13 pm »

Oh...  *The gnuman looks a bit crestfallen once he manages to get the dots actually connected* ...

I see. ..  So.. i might be able to find about her too in the Bard college?   If that is so, please lead the way there

*The gnuman gets thoughtful at the facts*  And who is this Miss Victoria that you spoke before?  

**he start to look for something on his traveling and handy pack hanging to his side*  




Once the gnuman has made his
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2016, 02:22:00 pm »

Once the gnuman has made his decision, the boy starts off at a jog as the day fades, badgering Armand to keep up. "It's her place! All the best people come to Leringard, we have the best swordsmen and the best archers and the best markets and the best minstrels." He darts into an alley as a "shortcut" and, rather than introducing Armand, rattles a door on a street near both the ocean and the city wall. It's quite locked.

"It's still light out!" he complains at the door.


Lance Stargazer

*He arches an eyebrow at the
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2016, 03:01:47 pm »

*He arches an eyebrow at the whole interaction with the door*  Its usually that whent he sun is out .. and until the dusk .. *nods matter of factly*  Having a problem with the door?  

**He examines the door for a lock or a pull or the way it works mechanically , he also looks for any marks or signs in the alley he is and of course the door*  



A large sign beside the door
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2016, 06:08:00 pm »

A large sign beside the door bears the image of a flute crossing a mandolin. On the wall to the right of the door a spiral flower pattern with an eye at its center was painted in a fetching shade of red that gamely survives the weather... mostly. As Armand examines the lock, there is a sliding noise and a small eye peers out of a peephole. "It's second dog watch, Roferito." The eye ignores Rof's aggrieved expression (though whether at the words or the nickname, it's impossible to say) and swivels to examine Armand. "Who're you?"

Before Armand gets a chance to answer, Rof protests, "we're not at sea and it's not dark yet, we've got plenty of time! He wants --"

"Shhhh!" The eye swivels back to the gnuman. "You were saying?"


Lance Stargazer

*The gnuman looks a bit
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2016, 12:30:20 am »
*The gnuman looks a bit amused to the exchange then replies* 
Oh i had not started to say anything yet, *nods once sagely*  I am Armand Dawson, engineer extraordinaire, and am here in the look for someone in the college, *he awaits for the reply from the eye*  Its really this much secrecy needed?  *The man speaks without ill intent though, sounding perhaps a bit naive *


"Oh, well, alright then,"
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2016, 01:30:54 am »

"Oh, well, alright then," answers the muffled voice, and after a few clicking sounds a panel slides away on the door to reveal a small indented series of symbols. "Just touch there, please! Also," in a more prim-sounding tone, "it's not SECRET, it's CURIOUS."

Rof sighs and bounces the side of his fist off of the runes, for his part, and there is no reaction. 

(Going to be fairly busy in the next week, can wrap this IG tomorrow if you like.)


Lance Stargazer

*He looks at Rof's actions he
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2016, 10:39:54 am »

*He looks at Rof's actions he does the same, using the same hand  ( Despite if it is the armored one or no ) *

* He studies with critical eye, on what would be the reacion of the symbols to his touch * 

// Sounds good to me. . but not sure if you mean tomorrow as in Friday or today , Anyway  if its today I'll be home probably around 7:30 pm CST.   



Neither is there reaction to
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2016, 07:15:00 pm »

Neither is there reaction to Armand's touch. He can see that they are multi-disciplined and has enough time to recognize some of the arcane persuasion which form the structure the others are contained in, meant for detection and reaction, but after observing that they remain inert the voice says, "Okay! You may enter!" and the panel slides shut. 

Shortly after there are a few clicks and rattles and a sliding as the door is unburdened.

((Sounds good.))


Lance Stargazer

*After the meeting , the
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2016, 10:23:13 pm »

*After the meeting , the gnuman goes back to the Leringard Arms, probably to look for Jenna again, he seems a bit distracted of late, mostly wrapping his mind around the events that he just lived, he would be in the search of Rof for the next days he stays in the inn, maybe just before vanishing, dissapearing from his room during the night * 

// Thank you for the rp. was really enjoyable.