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Author Topic: The sinking of the Lucinda's Star  (Read 1050 times)


The sinking of the Lucinda's Star
« on: October 21, 2016, 12:21:23 pm »
((OOC Note: Let me know via PM if the accent is too strong.  I mention this because I want it to be noticeable, but not misunderstood.  If it’s really hard to read what I’m saying then I want to tone it down a bit.))                 Looking quite exhausted and disheveled an elf stumbles upon the small haven of Center.  While passerby’s showed signs of curiosity for her current appearance she beeline's to the Bull’s Eye Inn, neglecting their concern.  She slumps into the first available bar stool and demands a drink.  The bartender queries her, stating that it looks as if she has a story to tell.                “Yah’, head west hyof’ here, hoff’ the coast’f Windjammahs bah.  You will find hremnants’ hyof’a shipwreck.”  She pauses to down her entire drink in one mouthful, “Don’t know hef’ thah’ will be ‘nough drink’n the wohld’ foh’ meh hright’ now.”                As the evening progresses her story continues, telling all who would listen.                “Hyi’ was the ships Quartermastah’…  Wasah’ good crew, but hyonleh Hyi’ mahdit’.  Weh’ were hyattacked’ yeh’ seh’.  Wizahds’ feh’ sure.  Two ship’s yeh’ seh’, well hyorganized.”                “The Lucindah’s Stah’.  Weh’ were supplyin’ goods hyof’ magical nachah’, supposed teh’ beh’in Poht’ Hempstead beh’ now Hyi’m sure.”                Day’s go by and she continues to tell her story to merchants, adventurers, anyone who is simply passing by that can spread the news.  Especially those heading to Port Hempstead, she makes sure to keep mental note to eventually write down names and descriptions of those who seem particularly upset about her predicament and/or showing desire to investigate the situation themselves.
                “Hyis’ thah’ wohk’ the’ beh’ had hehr’?  Don’t look hyat’ meh’ like that, Hyi’ve plenteh’ time teh’ grieve.  Meh’ livelehood’s gone hyand’I nehd’ wohk’.”  She was simply directed to the main notice board.
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A very tall person in simple
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2016, 11:06:16 am »

A very tall person in simple gray robes approaches the woman telling of her plight and subsequent lack of work. The robes include a deep hood, so that it isn't until the person is rather close that she can make out the peculiar if shadowed features.

"What sort of work are you looking for?" The voice is deep and unearthly, somehow matching the nature of the red eyes observing her from beneath the hood. 



((OOC.  I've received a
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2016, 12:25:13 pm »

((OOC.  I've received a couple of PM's that the accent is hard to understand, here is a reply I gave to help understand what I'm going for... of course any suggestions would be appreciated via PM.

Thank you, I've wanted to tone it down myself actually because it’s a pain to type it as well, I constantly have to think how to type the words as I'm typing them.

My goal with the accent is she finds it hard to say sharp vowels, so words that use vowels such as “ee” (see, bleed, tea, etc.) sound more like “eh”, “ah”, etc.

She also finds it hard to say words that start with vowels, so instead she basically breaths it out, starting with an “hy”, “h” or no vowel at all (like Hyi for I, heven for even, or pinion for opinion).

I also decided to make r's hard to pronounce, but I find that one is the most difficult and might just get rid of that part all together... Hopefully with r's back in sentences it will be easier to read and type.  Also pronounce "ing" with just "in" which is pretty easy to understand (I hope).))

Lia looks at the individual rather curiously before she begins her answer, “Givin the hadventurin lif ha chance.  Gatherin, helpin, fightin… yeh nam hit.”


