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Messages - Ke' Koa

Pages: [1] 2 3
Roleplaying / Re: Rebuilding the village of Vale
« on: May 27, 2022, 12:18:40 am »
*KeKoa wanders in to see the progress, briefly reads the note and sees that more wood is needed, digs through his pack to make sure he has a few wood axes and heads north*

*Mumbles something about tall trees and short legs of a Dwarf*

// Also want to donate the rest of the FP for the build.  Let me know when is a good time to meet online, or feel free to take the remaining off of KeKoa
The following users thanked this post: Tobias, Chazzler, Riven, willhoff

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: August 26, 2021, 01:51:11 pm »
Muar steps in and see fine bags of lion hide for sale.  Picks up 3 and leaves a note that he will bring back the coin in the next couple days, but would like a 4th bag and wonders if there was a discount for the purchase of 4 items.

Muar picks up a 4th bag, and drops 12000 coin in the chest.  He leaves a note that he will return with the rest on his next trip through town.

Muar wanders in and drops the remaining 6348 coin owed in the chest.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: August 22, 2021, 02:54:17 pm »
Muar steps in and see fine bags of lion hide for sale.  Picks up 3 and leaves a note that he will bring back the coin in the next couple days, but would like a 4th bag and wonders if there was a discount for the purchase of 4 items.

Muar picks up a 4th bag, and drops 12000 coin in the chest.  He leaves a note that he will return with the rest on his next trip through town.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: August 07, 2021, 12:48:32 am »
Muar steps in and see fine bags of lion hide for sale.  Picks up 3 and leaves a note that he will bring back the coin in the next couple days, but would like a 4th bag and wonders if there was a discount for the purchase of 4 items. 
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Muar opens up a line of credit:

5 Oak Branches (50) ~ 250T

Picks up:
Nothing yet

New Credit:
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Roleplaying / Re: Rebuilding the village of Vale
« on: June 21, 2021, 08:01:16 pm »
Kekoa empties his packs and deposits 230 nuggets of coal.   

*Thanks to himself, that should about do it., Off to find some oak and mahogany.*

//Last chest is almost full, whenever someone can clear them out, I got iron to go get!
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler, Hellblazer, willhoff

KeKoa checks the clay chest, takes the 12 there, drops 300 True on his way out the door.
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck

KeKoa swings in and picks up all the owl feathers (99) and leaves 1485 True in the chest.
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck

Roleplaying / Re: Rebuilding the village of Vale
« on: May 06, 2021, 12:40:33 am »
KeKoa lightens his packs...

1 nugget of coal
1 ingot of Platinum
63 ingots of iron

Hope this helps.

KeKoa Holyaxe
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler, Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: April 27, 2021, 05:40:50 pm »
KeKoa and Gorm discussed the sale over an ale and KeKoa returns with agreed upon price for the Mithril Battle Axe.  Put the coin in the payment chest.

The following users thanked this post: Chazzler, Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: April 14, 2021, 05:35:10 pm »

Gloves of Fury 1,554
Boots of Striding +1 1,185
Amulet of Endurance 2,140
Copper Full Plate 1,917
Swordsman belt 2,245
Total: 8,041
True given: 6,000
Owed: 2,041

Muar, notices the door swings more freely now....

Drops off Copper Full Plate and boots of striding +1 and gathers, Iron Full Plate and Electrical Enhancement II. 
*Leaves note* I will return quickly with the True, what will you give me for credit for the Copper and boots?

Muar enters and drops off 3500 to cover money owed, and pending bill of Iron Full Plate(2500T?) and Electrical Enhancement II(3140T?).  Looks for note left for turned in items...  Will look again next time through town.

Owed: 2041
Payed: 3500
Credit:  +1459
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: April 11, 2021, 02:20:34 pm »

Gloves of Fury 1,554
Boots of Striding +1 1,185
Amulet of Endurance 2,140
Copper Full Plate 1,917
Swordsman belt 2,245
Total: 8,041
True given: 6,000
Owed: 2,041

Muar, notices the door swings more freely now....

Drops off Copper Full Plate and boots of striding +1 and gathers, Iron Full Plate and Electrical Enhancement II. 
*Leaves note* I will return quickly with the True, what will you give me for credit for the Copper and boots?
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: April 08, 2021, 12:08:27 pm »
Muar *gently* pushes in the door...

Leaves 6000 true and takes a ring of Endurance and the rest to whatever he may owe.

Leaves a note stating the above, and places an order for a 1st level strength ring and a level 2 acid enhancement for his axe.

signed M.N.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler, Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: April 07, 2021, 12:37:36 am »
Muar kicks in the door....

Gloves of Fury
Boots of Striding +1
Amulet of Endurance
Copper Full Plate
Swordsman belt

*Scribes a note*
I was wondering if there were materials I could gather to offset the cost, but as it were, let me know what I owe and I will drop coin off. 
Signed M.N.
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Roleplaying / Re: Rebuilding the village of Vale
« on: March 18, 2021, 02:22:18 pm »
Passing through wayfare and KeKoa drops off coal he has gathered.  119 lumps for the vale rebuild... and some coin for the cause as well.  (100,000)
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler, Hellblazer

Roleplaying / Re: Rebuilding the village of Vale
« on: March 16, 2021, 03:12:34 pm »
KeKoa swings by and drops an additional 5 stacks of gum arabic. 
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: March 08, 2021, 05:36:04 pm »
KeKoa excitedly finds a blue stone he is interested in...

Drops 16125 true in it's place.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler, Hellblazer

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Stacking
« on: March 05, 2021, 02:48:44 pm »
Just bumping for visibility...  is it possible to get potions to stack to 99 like all other drinks do?
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: October 30, 2020, 03:10:22 am »
*Tacks note on top of old one*
Dropped off 36 as requested. 
Thanks for the credit
The following users thanked this post: Serissa, cbnicholson

General Discussion / Re: Stopping by the forums to say howdy.
« on: October 27, 2020, 03:37:32 pm »
You can play on Mac and Ipad has a version too! 
The following users thanked this post: Guardian 452

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