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Topics - Sol_seeker

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / It's not that I don't -want- to play...
« on: August 19, 2009, 06:33:39 pm »
I have the feeling that I am going to get busy soon.

Tomorrow (ack! so soon!) I start my career as a PhD student. I was accepted into a communication disorders program, and while I think this is super cool, I don't know much about the field so far.

For those that I enjoy playing with (which is everyone I come in contact with), I just wanted to let y'all know it isn't you, it's me ;)

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for Lucinda's Touch
« on: May 03, 2009, 09:54:46 pm »
I seek a handful of Lucinda's Touch.

Please contact me if you are willing to sell these.



// This manuscript has water spots in a spray pattern, almost as if something  large had sneezed on it.

Fixed Bugs / Kobolds "dropping" horse skins
« on: September 13, 2008, 06:54:55 pm »

Iris (played by me on ianlazzaro) had just killed a kobold. When trying to loot, she discovered a horse skin. She was not allowed to take it off of the body.


The "Dirty Clay Kobold Camp" near Port Hempstead.


I have a screen shot if needed.


Only encountered once so far.


Introduce Yourself / been over three years
« on: July 26, 2008, 03:10:13 pm »
I wanted to come in here and say hi, to anyone who remembers me and everyone else.

I revived my character, but she has a bit of a memory loss. *points to development thread for anyone interested*

I look forward to RPing with everyone!

Poetic License / Lonely Loving
« on: January 14, 2005, 07:30:00 pm »
Makes me feel kinda old when I can say that this was published over a decade ago...

Lonely Loving

Lonely unrequited love is near
That time of season that I fear
A time to dream of lovers past
And not true friends who ran off fast

So dream of love I do today
A love I know that will not stay
Blown from seasons, time to time
My fickle love that seems to climb

The highest mountain, to the top
Knowing not when, save too late, to stop


Development Journals and Discussion / A treasured gift
« on: January 06, 2005, 05:13:00 pm »
*on the first page of the journal, in a handwriting of mixed printing and cursive*

Well... I am not sure what to write here... I suppose I will explain what this is, and where I acquired this journal.

Today Quin gave this to me as we were sitting outside the temple of Toran in Pranzis. I had sat outside the temple as he prayed. We talked afterward, and he showed me a book that he had with a "Q" engraved on the outside. He explained that the book was his journal and he let me read it. I read the entiries, starting with how he first met me in the mountains, to when I was around more and finally ending with a poem that he had written the night before...

Then he showed me another book, this one with an "M" engraved on the cover, and gave it to me. This one, he said, was for me to write things that I may not want to tell him, or for things that I wanted to remember...

So this journal is dedicated to Quin... my Quin.

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