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Topics - Lilswanwillow

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Last Goodbye, Goodnight and Sweet Dreams
« on: February 10, 2006, 01:52:17 pm »
see-ya later!!! maybe not here, but ya never know...

General Discussion / goodbye-another one, huh?
« on: July 08, 2007, 05:24:17 pm »
well, since I'm now also offended about the whole fiasco that just took place... goodbye.

this was not in any way shape or form a planned attack by another server.  a lot of posts just suddenly up and disappeared that were against layo.  No, I'm not saying that they were appropriate, and most of them were idiotic to say the least in accord to Zergon's.

Zergon was talking on that thread in an idiotic way, yes.  But in no way, shape, or form was it a planned attack.  Because he KNOWS someone, it must be a planned attack?

I have been working on 'the other place' for awhile now too.  But no, I'm not here to advertise it.  Many of the people that I RP'ed with have left layo, censorship is getting the best of the place.

yes, there were things that did not need saying, but deleting his threads and saying it was him when it wasn't is wrong.  Deleting other peoples stuff is wrong.  Maybe if someone had talked to him and asked him to modify them slightly to get rid of the other sites webpage would have been much better.

This is actually a very sad way to go.  I hope that everyone does well, and that everyone is happy at the end of the day.

I'll go get my stuff out of the house I've been renting, and then byebye.  you can delete all of my characters by the end of the night... I'll have everything gone by then.

Wild Surge Inn / Meet and greet
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:52:43 am »
Lets have a singles meet and greet night.

Just a fun little shin dig, all of us without loves in our lives can meet.

sign below if your interested

General Discussion / thanks for the impromptus
« on: May 16, 2007, 10:47:05 pm »
as the title says, thanks for those today.  The Arbiter turned a normal run around and bash things with RP mixed in (with a fight rp style in too, quite amusing!) into a fun mini quest.  Got to show a few of the new players what can happen on layo, some great RP, and everything.

I even had fun dieing BOTH times today!  from you.  on the impromptus. both impromptus.

I have GOT to learn.

Roleplaying / what is a half elf?
« on: May 12, 2007, 07:31:54 pm »
Another player and I were discussing something... what is a half elf, and what isn't.
sound clear cut, right?  HAHA

Ok, we have 1/4 elf=human
1/2 elf
and maybe theres a 3/4 elf walking around somewhere, =elf.

got that.

Now what happens when the 1/4 elf is with a full elf.. and they are makin babies; is that a half elf or is it full elf since its more elf than human (doing the math, its 5/8th elf)
and vice-versa.

Ask A Gamemaster / multiclassing question
« on: May 02, 2007, 05:58:17 pm »
well, I was in a discussion earlier about what I'm going to do with my monk.  The issue came up about multi-ing into a PrC.  At what level do you have to multi into a PrC.  I thought I'd be able to go to lv 20 as a monk, but now it was mentioned I may have to take a CDQ to multi into a PrC sooner, at lv 15.  Which, may I add, REALLY messes up my plans, but I can function with it.

I hope that makes sense.  My other question I should ask out of the forums, because some secrets are just too juicy to not metagame ;)  well, I can allude without asking.

The PrC I've been dreaming of would keep my monk lawful, but I'd have to change alignments just to be one.  Would a CDQ be able to handle both at once, because to multiclass before 20 I'd have to do both alignment and PrC CDQs... within a level of eachother.

General Discussion / just a thanks
« on: April 07, 2007, 09:26:35 pm »
Since V3 came out, I must tell everyone thank you.

The RP has exponentially grown.  My experiences have become much richer with the characters that surround Layo now.

I love the world much, much more now than V2, it just seems, more complete, compatible...  I just can't say enough about the players and the people playing.



Fixed Bugs / Beil has bugs
« on: April 07, 2007, 07:20:48 pm »

only bug: died in one spot, grave in another, and I can handle that

Introduce Yourself / wow, I suppose
« on: March 31, 2007, 01:44:35 pm »
I haven't logged in in a bit, so I suppose I could re-introduce meself.

I'm... me.  I live in Northern MN.  Names Jodi, by the by.

I have a thing for pets.  Birds in particular.  Went to college for Biology, ended up working at an old folks home.
Have two kids, Johnathan is gonna be 6 soon, Matthew is gonna be one sooner-both have april b-days

ummm... I have a almost-fiancee... you know how it goes, right?  Oh, I'm a GIRL.  YUP thats right, girl.

theres me and my youngest.  in the snow that we didn't get this year (grrr)

Hmmm, I like books.  Pets, things like that.  
pets, since I keep saying them.  I gots meself a cat named Squishy, 2 dogs now, Lotus is an Akita, and Rosie is a beagle/chow mutt.  Parrots, I'm in the process of getting a lory named Blueberry, have a budgie named Cloud.
will be getting poison dart frogs this summer. (SOMETHING needs to be sellable round here, the dogs and bird sure ain't doin it)

I play Beilidel, Lava, and Baji (well, one of them... hmmm)
I started with Supin.
As a kid I played DnD PNP style until my parents said no-they were all boys, I was a girl, it wasn't ladylike... bleh.
I was always an elven assassin.. go figure.  I was a good assassin though!!!

what else? I loved diablo-both forms.  Everquest stinks.  ummmm, I sit onthe computer a lot.

any questions?

General Discussion / light a candle /OT
« on: December 31, 2006, 07:12:04 am »
bristol myers is donating a dollar for every time someone lights this cand;e to hiv aids research

please go light, and pass it on, since it can only be lit once by your computer...

Wild Surge Inn / wanted: a brewer
« on: December 19, 2006, 09:51:43 am »
I need a teacher.  I have found my love for ales, and would like to learn how and where to find ingredients to brew my own  If you are willing, please find me  ~Beilidel
  edit oocly: I'd like to set up a calender event for crafting so, if there is a want for something like this for us oldies that never got into crafting, or newpeople that want to learn, maybe we can talk some of the more experience into teaching us various things

General Discussion / exploring the past quick clarification
« on: November 18, 2006, 03:48:31 pm »
are we to meet on the quest server in Krandor, or meet in Krandor then scoot over to quest?
I'm pretty certain its the first option, but... I'd rather ask than not

Development Journals and Discussion / Beilidel Awakenings
« on: November 18, 2006, 02:05:45 am »
I am almost happy here.  It has been a few months.
I am alone here, noone to depend on me for my fists, my support.  It must be better that way, and noone dies because of something I did.

There have been a great many people here.  I have met them.  Some are like the clerics in the sanctuary I come from.  Others are nice, and treat me with the respect I give them.

There are a few things I should note in passing.  There was a large Demon in the town of Hlint once that brought me and two other women to a inn somewhere.  It was a fun night, he wanted to know how to impress his woman.  I told him to go destroy a town, but that was in jest.  She came back to him, so there was no harm in  saying something so... outrageous around here.

Some others brought me to a long trip to the isle called Dragon.  It was a strange place.  Never did see a dragon

Then, I was travelling the mountains with a large giant like man, and we found a trail of blood.  He wanted to eat goblins, and there were goblin entrails everywhere.  We followed until we found a large group of adventurers, deep in a cavern trying to be rid of these large stone tablets that made them... crazy.  I swear my god sent them! I could not push them over, and sat on the floor and laughed at them while they tried to push them over.  It was quite humourous to watch.  People started attacking eachother, and general mayhem ensued.  I am traveling with them, to watch what other antics happen.  We are now stuck at a rock wall, trying to figure out how to get THROUGH the rock.  It is so interesting watching people that are so angry at eachother do things like this.  We randomly kill things, and nature lovers.  I do not attack unless I am attacked myself though, so it is QUITE fun to watch them... be idiots.

General Discussion / another help I'm stuck
« on: September 10, 2006, 06:15:13 am »
and, its also on the ship..
I swear I asked if we log off here would it be ok!!!!!

General Discussion / someone told me something they shouldn't have
« on: September 08, 2006, 07:43:29 am »
happy 21st IDii!!!! hahahahahahaha

shoulda never told me...  your in trouble now!

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / big issues-advice needed!!!
« on: August 22, 2006, 10:34:05 am »
ok, so I was approved in this thread for wizard classes

I started a cdq with rasterick/oggie...half done.
that was march.  we never really talked again... then I lost i-net connection for 3 months.  come back, and hes gone.
because of my being gone so long, I'm RP'ing partial memory loss...  what was happening during my CDQ would have changed ALOT of things partaining to elves.  I have notes on paper but not in journal of it.  much has changed, people are gone, and main relationships with my char have been drastically altered.  hence, it was easier to lose my memory.

so I see a few options that I need someone to think about with me, go over, and see what to do!!!  my CDQ was never finished.

1) wait and wait and wait (game time, it will be a LONG time) for Rasterick to come back and finish... even without the other people in my CDQ
2) grab a new DM in a while after I get another group of adventurous people together
3) go ahead and take the levels since I don't NEED a CDQ-at least, I don't think I do since its not a prestige class. (correct me)
4) another part of the memory loss: at any time, Oggie/rasterick can come up to me, and we can finish... heck, in a year or two RL time even.  it was an awesome start to the CDQ, and I wish that it was finished!  but at the same time, if life interferes, unless my memory is jogged, I can conveiniently forget eveything that happened.  BUT RPing is fun, I just would like to beable to go out an level up...
5) anything I didn't think of????

General Discussion / we need more female dwarves
« on: March 17, 2006, 06:48:15 pm »
my GOSH, first time being on and interacting with dwarves, and I must say, ya'll are STARVED for women!!!

haha- once ya'll get to know me, in dwarf form, and she gets the edges smoothed out, this'll be fun.

but gosh, stop making me want to play like a elf... ya'll have NO idea how hard its going to be...

Wild Surge Inn / To whomever Knows Supin
« on: March 14, 2006, 07:49:39 am »
Written very curtly, and in small print, as if Not for everyones eyes

I may be needing help soon.  Very soon.  Operations, quiet ones. I am not around often enough to say hello that often anymore. Lost touch, I believe.

I will be needing help from other forest walkers like myself, but only ones I know!!!  If you feel you can help me, please get ahold of me one way or another.

//CDQ, and since I'm not on often enough to invite people personally, go ahead and reply here, so I know who I can count on... it would be around 2pm EST, 9pm GMT...  dunno the exact day yet, and it may be pretty horrific, depending on what Rasterick has planned... and you know me, I'm like minded enough for most people ;)

just kidding, you'll probably have to put up with Celgar if he ever FIXES his computer.

General Discussion / ok, since the news is kinda out
« on: March 12, 2006, 01:49:27 pm »
yes, I really am a girl, REALLY...

I'm about to pop... literally.  I'm due in three weeks, and thats why I'm not on here like I was when I first started playing.  I kinda mentioned it when I was walking away from a quest, that I might not be here for the next installment-well, at least I hope I'm not-I'm done... its over, I want THIS THING OUTTA ME!!!

for all of ya guys-I'm pregnant.  HEHE  oh, and its my second, if ya'll were wondering that too.

and I don't need a page of congrats either...  bah humbug!!!  but, now that I'm on maternity leave, I may be on here at odd hours, just not doing anything... insomnia has hit, and I'm SO restless, my boyfriend is going through, well, some bad crap!!!  feel sorry for him!

so there, now ya'll know

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / on the calender
« on: February 11, 2006, 04:57:34 pm »
make a little forum within the calender so that we can post quick questions about the quest... ie: (using one off the calender-bear with me)

Mists Retribution
Description :   If you do not have a good IC reason to be here then you will not be allowed to continue on.

This is to seek revenge on one that would defile the temple of Mist.

7 pm gmt
2pm Eastern

Event Time :   This event occurs once on 2/15/2006
7:00 - PM
Event Owner :   IceDragonDuvessa
Signed up for this event:
Unavailable for this event:

Add yourself to this event | Add yourself to the unavailable list
post comment

[]comment box-just a little one, max characters 50 or so.  That way, quests could be updated, and people can ask the GM running the quest questions that others may want to know, but are afraid to ask
my example isn't good for this, but they could ask "well, my friend is Taislin, is that a good IC RP reason to be there"

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