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Messages - Ar7

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General Discussion / Re: A blast from the past
« on: November 09, 2008, 11:26:47 am »
Quote from: Chongo
They're few and far between.  Though there are a lot of middle of the road types, and from where I'm sitting I think it'd just take a good leader to start guiding some of the epic LN and NE types in the right/wrong direction.  It's hard for evils to get started as most play the bad-guy from the start and get beat down to the point that it's no fun.  Whatever happened to charismatic evil leader who could feign the nobility and righteousness of a paladin.. just in another direction?

At any rate, sorry bud.  I turned down the offer to come apprentice for you darker sorts.  And to think, you could've had a little gnomish apprentice.  Think of the outfits!

I mean it though.  It just needs a little charismatic leadership.  Come play!

So tempting, yet so impossible *sighs*

In the course of the next month I will be working in Russia for two weeks and in the remaining two weeks I will have another smaller trip within my country + in these 14 days I need to find a new place to live and hopefully write some of the final papers needed to finally get the Uni degree, not to mention that the usual work projects also continue. And then many more smaller things.

Thank you for the invitation though, judging by how you were able to write this tempting email you will be able to guide the evil folk of Layo and sway a few paladins from the right path along the way :)

Since it is a rainy day here in Estonia and I am feeling a bit tired from a fun night I will say goodbye by posting a music piece that I believe fits the mood of both the current day and Layonara.

General Discussion / Re: A blast from the past
« on: November 02, 2008, 02:21:41 pm »
Quote from: LynnJuniper
hehe, I don't really play anymore either, I just have been lurking the forums. I haven't been able to get into any characters since Rhynn disappeared/died/planehoped/got eaten by Squishy/imploded. Its been almost exactly a year since I've RPed here..whoah

Happy funeral anniversary? :)

General Discussion / Re: A blast from the past
« on: October 27, 2008, 04:52:16 pm »
Took me a while to conjure up a reply, work got in the way again. But I am really happy to see that things are lively here. As for Rufus coming back, I think that some things are better left as memories, though I have to admit that reading the development blog that Ed posted is pretty intriguing. Is it going to be like a totally freestanding MMORPG not based on any other single player game?

Akata, I now remember why I charged you 75k per ring. At the very end of my playing I read a topic about inflation and that people had a lot of coin on their hands, so I thought that my prices were unchanged for too long and decided on an increase. I think it is very likely that you were the only person to pay the new price, sorry ;P

Lynn, Rhynn would have been a much better person :) And did you not know that there are level 40, even I know heh.

Thank you all for the replies, I really appreciate them!

But, two things interest me:

a) Any interesting plot developments (nothing secret though), last time I was here the Dark ages began, with all the main bad guys dead and the last "relative" of Blood in Pranzis.

b) Any bad PCs around these days, Corathies active?

General Discussion / Re: A blast from the past
« on: October 25, 2008, 06:07:47 pm »
Quote from: akata
Varka is dead, you can find his story in the halls of heroes :) and 50k.... get Rufus back in here, I wanna know why I payed 75k then :P

From what I remember you got two for 75 :P

Quote from: Dorganath
Varka is now a statue in Bloody Gate.  Ozy and Rev have left, IDii hasn't been around for even longer.

I told him to wear pants, he didn't listen *grins*

And I never thought Ozy would leave!

General Discussion / Re: A blast from the past
« on: October 25, 2008, 05:36:07 pm »
Quote from: akata
*waves* hey, still remember Rufus, just seing his name reminds me of his pants comment to Varka doing the hunt :D, to bad the evil mage had to leave (with the price he took for setting my emerald rings he had to be evil) anyhow nice hearing from you and best of luck with the career.

Heh, I remember that, is Varka wearing pants these days?

As for the emeralds, 50k a piece, they were my bread and butter!

Quote from: Dorganath
Hey hey!  Nice to see  you!

Yeah, the mansion is still there, and as for the first to 40th, it was Angela, followed by Alantha. I believe those are the only two.

Oh, I simply saw both of them online and thought that there should be more. Though I always thought Ozy or Rev would be first. My next bet would have been IDii, he had a gift for producing level 20+ characters heh.

General Discussion / Re: A blast from the past
« on: October 25, 2008, 05:17:19 pm »
PS: That's a lot of level 40ties, who was first?

General Discussion / Re: Best song ever?
« on: October 03, 2007, 08:43:29 am »
Quote from: Xirion
Hehe... kind of brave to post a song like that in a mostly rock/metal ruled thread :p

People who listen to Trance/House/Electro/insert another EDM genre are kind of used to the fact that the majority listens to something else.

Makes us feel special *grins*

General Discussion / Re: Best song ever?
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:26:43 am »
Going to throw a different kind of music out here. I always have problems picking a favourite song, I once sat down to listen to a few favourites, needless to say, I didn't get out from behind the PC for a long time.

Anyway, here goes, no clip for this one, so enjoy the music and watch the beautiful colours:

DT8 Project - Hold me till the end

YouTube - DT8 project - Hold me till the end

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: A whisper
« on: September 27, 2007, 11:19:46 am »
Hours into the road saw a small stream appear in front of the rider. Being more annoyed with the trip than tired, the elderly strider decided to let his horse enjoy the fresh grass the stream had nurtured on its shores. For himself, he chose a different kind of meal, a piece of dried and spiced meat along with a loaf of fresh bread he had ordered in the tavern.

Taking a few steps to the right side of the horse, he laid down a piece of silk clothing, which had probably seen a lot better days judging by the way its fancy decorations had suffered from time, and then arranged the food on top of it. Doing so with such precision that the whole process began to resemble a ritual. Even the horse kept its eye on the man, as if overtaken by a human sense of curiosity, on the other hand, it probably had more to do with the fact that its master had set up his table too close to the horse’s pasture and the bread was now drawing away the animal’s attention from, what earlier seemed like, the best grass in the world.

With a lot more effort than it took him to saddle his horse hours earlier, the elderly man sat on the grass. He raised the meat to his nose and took a deep breath, “pork,” he whispered silently with a smile on his face. Taking out a dagger he began to cut the spicy meat into thin slices, amazingly enough, the entire process was surprisingly easy, as though it was warm butter and not dried chewy pork.

Giving his dagger a quick look the man was left stunned. The way the light played on the smooth polished surface of the blade left no doubt, in his hand he held mithril, having probably taken it by mistake instead of the ordinary iron one.

Suddenly thoughts began to rush through the man’s head, with his eyes running around as if trying to find a haven to hide his soul in: “That’s the same blade….it was supposed to be hidden….and I cut pork the way I cut through…” The man bolted up, as though forgetting his age, and shuddered, nervously cleaning pieces of pork off the blade, as if wishing that this would help him wipe memories from his mind.

A mere moment later, the blade was wrapped in rugged cloth and hidden in the bag.

Yet the given event created a feeling of thirst so powerful, that the man felt he would suffocate if left without water for even a second longer. Rushing to the stream, he kneeled down before it, but instead of drinking he stared at his own reflection.

The wrinkles that he had shed off near the inn had now crept back to his face, the lively energy taken from nature coming to an end. As if pulled back to reality from a sweet childhood dream the man came to realize the pain that ran across his elderly body, no doubt caused by the sudden movements made earlier.  

His elderly hands shaking, the young mind fighting the reality of an ageing, withering body, the man hits his own reflection and returns to his meal……

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: A whisper
« on: September 27, 2007, 04:45:06 am »
Seems the forum doesn't like this particular computer and cuts the message down in size, shall be corrected in time *grumbles*

General Discussion / Re: Hello all
« on: April 16, 2007, 06:38:49 am »
Thank you for the replies all, I guess I will try to accomplish the impossible (well for me that is) and will go with both Rufus and a new character. Every answer was valuable and helped me decide, but I won't use the "thank function" 18 times, as that may anger some of the forum gods :)

Now I am going to plot and think as to develop a new idea and give the nearly 90 year old Rufus a kick in the rear to liven him up a bit.

See you soon!

Roleplaying / Re: How Technologically Advanced Are We?
« on: February 18, 2007, 11:39:43 am »
Jearick Hgar - 2/18/2007  5:48 AM

The first. Uh ya Romans very well had chariots. They also used them all the time, The romans were very famous for their chariots as it was stated. They use dthem in wor, they used them in gladiator battles, and they used them in races. Hate to site Hollywood as an example, but Gladiator is based on ancient rome, and they ahd chariots. And no i don't believe anything Hollywoods says, just that's one place chariots show up in rome history, search the web a bit and you'll see ti there too.

Two different things here, one is to use chariots during races, triumph parades or gladiator matches, a totally different thing is to use them on the military field. The Romans did not use chariots during battles, it is absolutly absurd when you look at their military strategy, I mean they even treated regular cavalry as support units and often relied on mercenaries in this area.

Even if we imagine that they indeed did use chariots, then where would they get them from? I believe the only people widely using chariots at the time of the Roman Empire were the celts and that combination seems once again absurd.

To finish my post I shall bring a short quote


In the Roman Empire, chariots were not used for warfare

Roleplaying / Re: How Technologically Advanced Are We?
« on: February 18, 2007, 01:27:41 am »
darkstorme - 2/18/2007  12:10 AM

Romans were famous for their use of catapults and chariots, I rather doubt firearms were within their reach, even at the Empire's height.

The Romans never ever used chariots!

I also think that saying that Layonara is as advanced as the Roman Empire is overdoing it. I mean if at one point we say that only the selected few have plumbing and then compare Layo to the Roman Empire, then it already doesn't match, as the Romans not only had plumbing, but also heated floors and complex ventilation systems. So I would agree with one of the previous posters and say that Layonara resembles the Europe's Dark Ages, rather than the Roman Empire, or Rufus is going to install some very advanced things in his mansion :)

General Discussion / RE: Who else has a MySpace page?
« on: February 04, 2007, 10:29:22 am »
Chrys Ellis - 2/4/2007  8:27 AM    
Ar7 - 2/4/2007 3:31 AM *an 80 year old wizard waves to the 90 year old monk*
 *Xiao feels his body for signs of softening* "Am I 90 already?!?!?!?  I don't feel that old!"  *Waves back to the Wizard, unless that is a tree he is mistaking for the wizard*
 *Mutters something about the damn monks being fit at the age of 90 and his acking back, waves again to show that he is still more alive than a tree and heads back home to finish his undead body*

General Discussion / RE: Who else has a MySpace page?
« on: February 04, 2007, 03:31:43 am »
*an 80 year old wizard waves to the 90 year old monk*

Just for Fun / RE: Real-Life Alignment
« on: December 08, 2006, 04:59:40 am »
I am Lawful Evil and my views on the world are pretty much what Rufus' are, if anybody even remembers him.

This post is absolutly correct, gossip causes only problems and frustration. Yet however you frown, curse, forbid or scold, it shall always remain. Gossip is one of those things that follows people where-ever they go and there is nothing that can be done about. Most people drop the habbit only when they either understand that it is wrong, but they have to do it themselves, telling them won't work, or they face the concequences of gossip on their own skin, then they drop the habbit as well.

People have a built in failure to fail to understand each other perfectly, so for as long as we are human some of us shall gossip. Though I hope that more and more shall drop the habbit.

General Discussion / RE: A Short Analysis on Levels and Layonara
« on: October 21, 2006, 02:40:19 am »
I am a firm believer in two things, based on them I fully agree with Yllyrryon about the raised issues.

A) People should receive only what they have earned!

If a person can dedicate more time to play online it is only just that he receives more benefits, denying this or resticting this ability would cause many players to leave. People play to gain, to win so to say, if you continually restrict their ability to "win" you cause the game to loose its purpose and appeal.

Based on this I disagree with all sorts of Xp restrictions or system which allow people to level without actually playing.

B) Normative rules make matters only worse!

The most efficient rules are the non enforced ones. When people themselves are interested in regulating the world, those are the so called bad looks and question like "How did you level so fast?" They actually do work, people get shunned if they are labelled a powergamer and as such try to avoid abusive behaviour on their own.

If you apply a bunch of enforced normative rules then the people will simply find ways to avoid them, as it is not in their interest to follow the said rules. So this will result in a number of conflicts and a large number of tied up GMs, who instead could be running quests.

It is true what has been said earlier, the system we have now works. People are quite aware of what happens in the world and they regulate themselves while playing, I mean how many powerlevelers are there actually? The same thing can be said in regards to those struggling to get passed a certain level. They are exceptions and there always will be exceptions, enforcing a number of restrictive rules only based on these exceptions is a wrong course.

Just for Fun / RE: Where are you from =P?
« on: October 16, 2006, 05:48:26 am »
Europe, Estonia...I would definately rather be in Australia *sighs*

General Discussion / RE: Points of Interest
« on: October 11, 2006, 09:39:28 am »
Thank you for the answer  :)

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