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Messages - PsychicToaster

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Back after absence
« on: July 25, 2008, 11:55:25 pm »
Hehe, wow, you have a great memory!

I still remember the opening of the Leringard Arms Inn with the bardic night, being the opening act for Acacea (the character :P)

As for the EL/WL thing, I know how that goes. The concept behind the server I played on/ran(briefly) for NWN2 was that players were the movers and shakers, the people who ran the government. Player initiative was king, and the primary method of advancement between 12 and 20. Essentially every level you gained a "token" for running something as a player that involved other players.

That system ended up getting bogged down by one-upmanship in which each person wanted to do something bigger, and DMs started expecting greatness from level 12's on par with level 19's. It also slammed the builders because players invariably wanted their efforts to change things in the world, which was the intent, but there was always too much work to be done.

General Discussion / Re: Sand Krows
« on: July 25, 2008, 01:31:51 am »
I see you've made something of yourself around here ;)

General Discussion / Re: Sand Krows
« on: July 24, 2008, 10:25:49 pm »
He was playing on an NWN2 server I was running last year, oddly enough.

Just for Fun / Re: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:07:22 pm »
Currently, Griffins.  They make general travel a pain since you can't see them coming, even after lowering the camera angle.

However, after having spent several hours on level 9 of Eye of the Beholder loading and reloading because of Rust Monsters, they have a special place of hate.  :P  I loathe the day I meet one on Layo where I can't just reload after losing a +3 Greatsword with acid.  0.o

Roleplaying / Re: Dark ages
« on: July 31, 2006, 08:54:49 pm »
I believe that was the madness Niles was refering to, the ferocity inspired by competition during a time of resource shortage.

General Discussion / Re: RANT
« on: May 09, 2006, 07:40:54 pm »
I was refering specifically to the street selling, not ditching trash just because you're lazy. :P

General Discussion / Re: RANT
« on: May 09, 2006, 03:14:48 pm »
It was my understanding that the lag from items wasn't from just a few things, but that quite a few people had lots of items stored on the ground in their houses.  A few items isn't going to slow the server down.  And certainly not more than a player character that is actually moving and interacting with the world will.  :P

General Discussion / Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:52:58 pm »
I just find it irksome that we have to dance around the word "Hunting" as a naughty word even though that's exactly what people are doing.

General Discussion / Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
« on: May 08, 2006, 11:11:47 am »
Even after all this time I'm still in that same position.  "Cleansing X area of Y evildoers" gets so old its irritating, but even in groups it has to be done so often to gain that next level you want to puke.  I usually end up sitting in Hlint until I log off because everyone's talking about plots I have never heard of, or the wrong combination of people is around to do anything.  i.e. no cleric/fighter/rogue(for Storan's)/etc. . .  A lot of times, anywhere groups want to "go" involves at least 1-2 hours, and I don't always have the time to join them since travel time to a lot of places can be upwards of 30 minutes.

Roleplaying is nice, but *just* sitting in Hlint all the time gets old.

General Discussion / Re: 325 gold
« on: May 08, 2006, 05:57:29 am »
Well, it was eliminated from NWN for a very simple reason: Does adding coin conversion to the game add to the fun of the game?  Not really.  Over time the value of copper drops so far beneath the notice of adventurers that they just start dealing entirely in platinum anyway.  In the real world it is handy to have currency of different denominations to reduce weight and size (ever fit 50 or 100 (or 1000/10000 in some countries) bills in your wallet?  However, in a fantasy video game setting, none of that hassle exists, so adding it for a sense of realism just distracts from the adventuring focus.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts on NwN2?
« on: May 07, 2006, 07:02:06 am »
iceyfire - 5/6/2006  10:52 PM

Im pretty sure the team that is making Nwn2 has a lot of the Ex- Bioware employee's that worked on NWN.

Obsidian is made up of mostly the old members of Black Isle Entertainment.  They were the ones that did Planescape: Torment and worked with Bioware on the Baldur's Gate series.  

All the quality assurance in the world can't make a rushed game into a polished gem.  So don't judge them too harshly on KOTOR 2.  Think of it like this.  Star Wars is forced to release three months early in order to make it in time for Christmas sales, so they don't have time to shoot the final battle and the trench sequence.  Luke has to "use the force" to shoot the torpedoes from light years away turning it from heroic to cheesey in the blink of an eye.  :P

Even if the OC for NWN2 sucks, there are already less hard coded features and more options for modding.  That alone is worthy of an update.  The more power community developers have, the more they can fix themselves after release.  If your favorite PrC/spell/feat wasn't feasible in NWN, it might be in NWN2.

General Discussion / Re: Poll on transition to NWN2
« on: May 05, 2006, 02:44:53 pm »
I voted for a full wipe.  I think it should be far enough in the future to ensure the death of every character has come and gone, adventurers have thwarted any liches' attempts at immortality by then, and the most epic of the heroes and places are now legends and spots on a map.  At the very least anyone who could potentially still be alive in the new world are simply NPCs.

If people are allowed to recreate their same character from level one, what is the point of wiping them in the first place?  The second incarnation of Layo should be an opportunity to start over completely fresh.

General Discussion / Re: Some confirmed Prestige Classes of NWN 2
« on: May 05, 2006, 02:19:04 pm »
I think I saw Eldrich Knight in the video from the IGN site.

Wizard + Fighter's BAB at the cost of any fighter/wizard bonus feats and 1 caster level.  Unless you still every spell you plan to cast, you're still a rag doll.  You're just a rag doll that actually knows how to swing that weapon everyone is carrying.  We all know how important BAB is in 3.0/3.5 D&D compared to prior incarnations.  

I'm also a fan of Mystic Theurges.  Keep in mind, because you need to take levels in both Wizard and Cleric before becoming one, you'll never be as good as a wizard character and a cleric character cooperating.  You're also limited to 1 spell per round (2 with haste) instead of 2(4 with haste).  With the limit of 10 MT levels before epic levels, even though you can become an MT at 3Wiz/3Cl, you'll be at least 5/5/10, so your caster level for each "side" is only 15 at level 20.  You also don't get all those free metamagic feats, your turning doesn't improve, your familiar is always weak, etc.  

So while on the surface you get *access* to all those spells, you sacrifice 4(?) free feats, 15 levels of turning ability, 15 levels of familiar improvement, and a whopping 5 caster levels which can count for a *lot* when facing monsters with spell resistence.  You also have to divide your primary ability score (int/wis) which is another blow to both spells per day, and DCs.

These two and Arcane Trickster are really just revivals of the AD&D tradition of the Thief/Mage, Fighter/Mage, and Mage/Cleric, revised for 3.0/3.5's uniform experience tables and multiclassing methods.

LORE Ideas, Suggestions and Requests / Re: LORE "market" folder
« on: May 03, 2006, 07:21:46 pm »

I got tired of that too. 10 STR doesn't leave a lot of room for carrying anything beyond necessities.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: locating a fellow player
« on: May 03, 2006, 07:20:13 pm »
Is this like the Rhizome quest?

Another petition here.

If this doesn't get defeated its more ammunition for those who support international oversight of the internet.  Or added impetus to speed up the rollout of Internet2.

It runs completely counter to the democratizing nature of the internet, allowing merit to dictate a website's capability of reaching an audience/customers rather than startup cash to pay for increased routing capacity.  It turns my stomach.

Plus, copyright legislation in the US is so borked right now its insane.  The most dangerous parts of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act have nothing to do with copying/sharing the files themselves (i.e. copyright violations).  

Just for Fun / Re: Real Life to AD&D Stats
« on: April 24, 2006, 06:02:54 pm »
Str: 5
Int: 17
Wis: 11
Dex: 11
Con: 13
Cha: 9

Hm.  I'd say that's scarily accurate, aside from the Str part.  I could probably push it up to a 9 or 11 rating on this test but they didn't specify whether it was a single push, a normal set, or indefinately.

Why not let the AoE list names then?

X worships an ally of Toran
Y worships an enemy of Toran
Z worships an enemy of Toran

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Vampires
« on: April 24, 2006, 10:57:12 am »
In other settings it is typically held that the faithful (paladins/good clerics) are protected by their devotion and simply die rather than arise as a vampire.  That explanation could be extended to devotion to nature meaning druids or rangers that have gained enough natural awareness to cast like druids.

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