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Messages - Kindo

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General Discussion / Re: Global Warming
« on: May 05, 2007, 06:51:58 pm »
Quote from: hawklen
Plus,the earth doesnt care about it. It will go on and continue to create life. Its only humans that care.
Yeah, actually, the planet does care about its condition and the destruction we cause to it. I thought it was obvious to everyone that we're not magically building it up and making it "feel better", but we are, rather, slowly consuming it. What environmentalists and certain politicians try to do is to simply try to minimize the damage we do to the planet, or to rectify damage already done to it. I'm not commenting on global warming, except to say I believe it does exist, only I cannot say to which extent. My point is, we are consuming it. It's not like the nature is consuming itself.

Sir David Attenborough said something along the lines of; 'We have a unique power to do what we want with this beautiful planet. We can either destroy it, or we cherish it.'

General Discussion / Re: SpiderMan 3
« on: May 05, 2007, 06:39:09 pm »
Very informative.

I just saw it. They introduced and built on a lot of characters, who were interesting, but the film definitely needed more than a measly 2h20, in which they could further expand and prolong certain scenes and events. The build-up to the grand finale was too short and hasty in order to grant that sense of "this is it! Hold on to your pants!" So, while I found it extremely enjoyable to watch, I would not go further than to call it a "good" one. It could have been much more and deliver more depth. Not sure if they're planning on an extended version to remedy this, however.

Either way, it's okay and a lot of fun to watch. At least I think so.

General Discussion / Re: Heh. Guess what..
« on: May 02, 2007, 12:24:41 pm »
Well done.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Eye of Storm Suggestion
« on: May 02, 2007, 10:12:16 am »
*Cough* A Loom in the Eye of the Storm?

Quote from: Dorganath
Great idea!

But we're already planning it.  :D

It's going to be part of that whole "Character Fixer" thing.'s on the list.

Just for Fun / Re: What's the Dmg Multiplier on a +5 Physicist?
« on: April 28, 2007, 12:46:08 pm »
I love Hawking. <3

General Discussion / Re: So, the time comes swiftly...
« on: April 27, 2007, 02:38:10 pm »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
<<;; I'm still around,  guys. I'll even be in-game from time to time.

Though my super-duper-busy working-time has been extended a month... Thankfully, I'll at least not be in school after May, so I'll have roughly the same kind of time I do now. Or did a week or so ago.

I'm rambling.
Great news! <3

General Discussion / Re: So, the time comes swiftly...
« on: April 27, 2007, 07:46:59 am »
Sorry to hear that, Stephen. I hope things will calm down enough for you to find some time for this place again, soon. We all love you!

Roleplaying / Re: If Cha is your dump Stat.....
« on: April 26, 2007, 07:14:05 am »
I personally go almost entirely for personal strength and social skills when I think about Charisma as a character attribute. I have two characters, both of them have 8 points Charisma. I imagine them both to be about, or just under, average in "attractiveness" (honestly, we all have different taste, so it's wrong to say that anyone with high charisma would be considered "gorgeous" by all), and I would answer that if anyone ever queried me about my characters' appearance, but their social skills are horrendous and they are not at all motivational leaders. I think Charisma as a social stat, rather than physical appearance stat, is much more interesting, and thus, I play it like that. Attractiveness through words and character, rather than flesh, is the way to go.

Quote from: kenty191
Karn has a charisma of 19 unmodified...
Hotness overload!

General Discussion / Re: how are the reminders on the calendar...
« on: April 26, 2007, 06:19:45 am »
The reminder system has not worked for me either, lately. When V3 first came up, it did work the first time I tried (I was sent an e-mail an hour before it started, just like I set it to), but after that... it hasn't worked at all. At first, I would get the reminders many hours before what time I had set it to (about 8-12 hours too early), while lately, it has not sent a reminder at all.

General Discussion / Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
« on: April 25, 2007, 10:02:35 am »
Quote from: kenty191
*Steals Kuja and hides him in a basement* Mine I tell You!
*Glove slap* I challenge you to a duel! The winner gets Kuja's heart. Heh, by far one of the most colourful and amazing villains in the series, only rivalled by Kefka (and possibly Sephiroth). Either way, I don't feel like ranting about FFIX for now. It is my undisputed favourite in the series, however.

In any case, dear Ionnarin, The Wind Waker is a visual masterpiece. While most game designers try to create yet another photo-realistic WWII-shooter, and people were expecting another Zelda in the style of Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, Nintendo (or Miyamoto, in particular) went out on a limb and created a masterful piece of art with never-before-seen cel-shading graphics. Nintendo has always been about  re-invention and re-building old concepts from the ground up. The Wii is a perfect example of what Nintendo is all about; revolution. They have always been holding the reins for the entire gaming industry. With The Wind Waker, they created beautiful art no other company would even dare to do. New games are not supposed to just be souped-up graphics of other, already-made games.

Games are creations of people's souls, and supposed to be re-inventing, tugging at our hearts, leaving us thinking "I can't wait to see what will happen next, or what they will do in the future!" The Wind Waker is one of those legendary pieces that will live on in history, simply because it dared to step out of line and walk its own path. Just like Ico or Shadow of the Colossus. The Wind Waker is gorgeous, and an absolutely fantastic game. It's sad that you won't get to experience it the way I, and so many others, have. It is by far one of the best entries in the whole Zelda-franchise.

General Discussion / Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
« on: April 24, 2007, 07:33:03 am »
Quote from: kenty191
Yay Gamecube!
Plus, its small, its a cube and it has a handle! What more could you want?

PS2 is only good for Final Fantasy *Sobs over not playing any FF's since FF9*
Hehe... Yeah, GameCube!

I hear what you're saying about Final Fantasy. Although, truth be told, I somewhat lost my flare for the series ever since Final Fantasy X (it... was not in my taste at all). The games took a completely different direction, one that I do not approve of completely, with Nomura's boring character-design where everyone looks like the same fifteen-year-old Japanese girl (Amano is a true artist!). I prefer the limitless look of Final Fantasy IX - which I hail as my favourite game in the series. Sure, I have heard only good things about Final Fantasy XII, as both my friend and my sister are playing it. Naturally, I will look into it some day, but I still couldn't care less about all the horrendous FFVII-spin-off's or how shallow the characters feel. But that's just me.

General Discussion / Re: Gamecube or Playstation 2?
« on: April 24, 2007, 07:26:06 am »
I'm Nintendo all the way. If you're going for the former generation, despite the fact that you can play all GC-games on the Wii (I admit, the GC is really cheap at the moment), there are plenty of fantastic titles for the 'Cube, and definitely not all are "childish party-games."

Beyond Good & Evil
- Single-player. A fantastic, albeit somewhat short, adventure game. There are some Zelda-influences, but the setting is unique and the overall atmosphere of the game is altogether fantastic. I love it.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - Single-player. Epic, psychological horror. The story is unheard of in any other game, and it features a revolutionary "Sanity Meter", which will cause severe hallucinations and other oddities as it drops and as your character grows more and more insane. One of my favourite games ever. Period.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Multi-player. It will be somewhat expensive if you don't have friends who own their own GameBoy Advance, but looking past that, this is one of the most fun multi-player games you can find. The setting and style of the game is one of my favourites in the series, even though it can be argued that it differs a bit too much from the original instalments to bear the name. It is still a fantastic experience.

Killer 7 - Single-player. Now for something completely different. Killer 7 has insanely weird and psychedelic graphics and gameplay. You're a schizophrenic old man who can take the shape of seven different assassins. I'm not sure what else I can say about this game, really. It's crazy and completely out there. Unique, for sure. Just check out the previews or trailers and you'll see.

Mario Kart: Double Dash!! - Multi-player. It's not the best Mario Kart, but it's the game-to-get if you're into four-player fun on the GameCube.

Mario Party 5 - Multi-player. Well, the Party-games are a bit difficult. The new releases have a couple of new features, but at the same time they remove many of your favourite mini-games from earlier games in the process. Arguably, Mario Party 5 is the best in the series (not counting the original for the N64). At least until they release Mario Party 8 for the Wii. In any case, it can be a ton of fun if you're playing with friends.

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - Single-player. Ah, the original MGS (not counting earlier instalments for the NES) in re-vamped graphics and new controls. It looks good, it feels good, but there are still people who argue that the PlayStation-version is better. The story is still just as good, although told in a more cinematic way, in line with the story-telling in the sequels. Either way, give it a try if you're into MGS.

Metroid Prime / Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Single-player. Together with Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime is cheered on as the true masterpiece of the GameCube. It brings the classic Metroid-series into the third dimension, and does it so well with wonderful graphics, controls, and atmosphere. Its sequel is just as amazing.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Single-player. I think of Super Mario RPG as one of the best darn games ever released, so how can its sequels be any worse? It's Mario. In an RPG. With a unique style of graphics. It's wonderful.

Resident Evil 4 - Single-player. Hailed as one of the absolutely best games of the past generation. It's wonderfully engineered, and by far the toughest action/horror-games out there. It's already a classic, and if you're not getting the port they are making for the Wii, get it for the 'Cube.

Super Mario Sunshine - Single-player. While not as revolutionary and outstanding as Super Mario 64 was in its day, the Mario-adventure for the GameCube is not at all to be overlooked. A lot of fun, with many interesting new elements.

Super Smash Bros. Melee - Multi-player. One of the best multi-player games ever made, featuring famous Nintendo-character duking it out in a high-speed fighting-game. A sequel is in the making for the Wii, with a special appearance by Snake himself. Nothing but pure goodness can come out of that.

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures - Multi-player. As with Crystal Chronicles, it can become a very expensive game if your friends don't own a GBA each, but Four Swords Adventures is a lot of fun with tons of fast-paced action.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Single-player. Nothing needs to be said about Zelda. The Wind Waker has awesome cel-shaded graphics and fantastic gameplay. Not to mention the hilarious use of facial expressions to convey how Link is feeling. Next to Majora's Mask, it's my favourite in the series.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Single-player. Again, nothing needs to be said. Some claim the controls are better, albeit a bit less fun, on the GC-version. However you look at it, it's an amazing game.

I'm sure I have missed some titles, but all in all, I think there are tons of fantastic games to choose from for the GameCube, and I will always favour Nintendo over any other game-company, myself.


Familiar Sights

At long last, I am back in my homeland. I arrived to the village of Firna in the late afternoon today. Everything is pretty much the way I left it. While children have grown up, others have taken their place, frolicking around in the fields and the nearby woods, their laughter and light-heartedness giving life to their surroundings. As relieving it is to return and notice nothing has really changed, I still admit it is a bit odd. As if time has been standing still for all these years. Nevertheless, it is good to be here with my family. Despite the fact that my real home is with Ariel, since that is where my heart lay, I will always consider this to be where I belong. At least geographically.

Mother and Father were joyfully surprised and happy to see me again. Father is still in the business of pipe-weed, saying it is still profitable, in the despite of the current state of the world. When I come to think of it, it does not seem like much has suffered here, yet. Firna is still more or less self-sustaining, from what I hear. It pains me to think of how this may change, however. Not even my idyllic paradise will be able to hold out forever.

As for my little sisters, I have heard nothing but good news. Both Linn and Ferona have married. Ferona actually has three husbands, in fact. No doubt bossing them all around quite ruthlessly. Linn's husband works as with wood-craft, building everything from chairs to wagons for the ponies. Little baby Siri has continued with her glowing interest in astronomy. She is something of a loner, actually, spending most of her time nose-deep in books or research reports. She has not displayed much of an interest in finding a husband, saying "He would only distract me from my work! What I do is far too important to be pushed to the side by some love-sick banter!" when I asked her about it. Apparently, she is on to something vital to our future, although she keeps any specifics a secret. I never thought she would turn into such a dedicated, young woman.

The questions I receive are too many to list. They all want to know everything about anything, why Ariel is not here with me, and so on and so forth. I had to excuse myself, telling them it had been a very long and taxing journey to get here, and that I needed some rest. I promised them I would fill them in on my adventures and whatever has been going in the morning, once I feel a bit rested. It is good to be here, although I miss Ariel more for each day that passes ever since I left.


Fixed Bugs / Re: Lighted Globe - Black, not Yellow
« on: April 21, 2007, 02:43:53 pm »
Yes, it is as I thought then.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A Question about Voice-sets
« on: April 20, 2007, 03:56:29 pm »
Yeah, it could be done, but is probably not the highest priority. As Ionnarin said, post it in the disputes and grievances forum, and I'm sure they will look into it when they have time.

Just for Fun / Re: A Very Metal LOTR Moment...
« on: April 20, 2007, 02:17:18 pm »
Dude... Shakira is not to be bad-mouthed! *Hides*

Just for Fun / Re: A Very Metal LOTR Moment...
« on: April 20, 2007, 01:25:38 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
I Love Rhapsody of Fire and Luca Turilli with a passion, their orchestration is unmatched, just their vocals grate on me a bit sometimes. Of course my friend Adam can't stand the viking death grunts of moonsorrow, so it's a tossup... I've gotten used to them. For operatic progressive metal vocals similar to Rhapsody, I like Kahn from Kamelot and Hansi Kursch from Blind Guardian. Let me dig up some examples of them in action...

Hansi Live performing Valhalla live: YouTube - Blind Guardian - Valhalla
Lord of the Rings set to movie footage: YouTube - Blind Guardian - Lord of the rings

The Haunting by Kamelot: YouTube - The Haunting ( Somewhere In Time ) - Kamelot & Simone Simons
Forever, live: YouTube - KAMELOT - Forever
Center of the Universe, live: YouTube - Kamelot - Center of the Universe (live)

In my opinion, these two have some of the most extraordinary voices in the business. Too bad my home country is more obsessed with lackluster American Idol kareoke stars than promoting any really impressive bands.

Awesome! I'll listen to them all later, but I'm finishing off an exam at the moment. Woo!

Quote from: MJZ
*Shudders* You goinks LIKE Rhapsody of Fire? I... please, it makes me shoot red wine out my nose laughing.
Pfft! You're just jealous of our honesty. You know you love it as much as we do. It's just not "cool" to listen to anything but modern pop, right?

Just for Fun / Re: A Very Metal LOTR Moment...
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:52:15 am »
I'm sorry, but when it comes to epic metal, nothing can beat Rhapsody of Fire. They even have legendary Christopher Lee with them on their latest album! Honestly, one of the coolest bands ever. Amazingly epic fantasy, unbelievable guitar-solos (just listen 8 minutes into the song), and fantastic singing!

Heh. I proudly admit I love them!

I agree the price should be lowered. Writing in-game is already quite a pain, but the RP-value is tremendous.

(Jointly written by Kindo and MJZ)


Cederic is at home, clad in an apron in the kitchen, working on a huge pile of dishes that has accumulated after this evening's supper. He has developed a system over the years, and is quite proud of the level of efficiency he displays as he is cleaning off the plates and utensils one by one. His mother is tucking in little baby Siri, while Linn and Ferona are playing some sort of game in the common-room. His father is comfortably sitting in his favourite chair, puffing on his own home-made pipe weed, as he does every day after supper. He claims it to be purely for business purposes, however, saying "It is every man's responsibility to make sure his wares are of highest quality."

Then, suddenly, a familiar humming is heard from somewhere outside the window. To Cederic's veiled delight, it is Ariel, undoubtedly having left her own house, leaving someone else to clean up after their evening meal. The humming suddenly stops and is replaced by a few moments’ silence, before Ariel lances in through the open window, barefoot and windblown.

"Hi, Ced!" she announces rather loudly, picking herself up and tugging back her long hair.

“Ah, your feet! They are all muddy! And I’d just cleaned the floor!"

Ariel looks down at them briefly, and makes a sound as if to say “so they are!”

“What happened to your shoes?” he queries, only a child and yet already chiding.

“Oh, who needs shoes, anyway. Come on now, Leah says she’s found some elf-bolts in the glade.”

"- And what have you done to your dress?” he continues, “I thought you got that only last week, and it already has a rip in it?"

"It does? Where?” she mumbles, twisting and turning towards the torn part of her frock with a slight frown on her lips. "Oh dear. We’d better get Ferona to stitch it together again before mother sees. But not right now – come on, to the forest!”

"I can't," Cederic replies. "I am still not done with my chores."

“Yes, yes, good little Cederic, always minding his p’s and q’s and sweeping and scrubbing and so on and so forth. Come on now!” she tsks, already halfway out the window again.
"You can do your dreadful chores when you get back, since you love doing them so much! Anyways, we won't be long, I promise!" The dubious look on little Cederic’s face suggests the spry girl’s promises are not always to be trusted.

"But Ariel,” he draws out each vowel in her name in an attempt to detain her, “what if mother finds out?”

"What do you mean what? What’s she going to do?" she retorts from the other side of the window.

“She will be most unhappy with me,” he returns the half-done pot to the pile of dishes, rather reluctantly.

“Oh, pfft, is that all?” his young friend scoffs with a roll of indigo eyes.

"No, that isn’t all – for starters she would-" he begins, but naturally Ariel interrupts him.

"Exactly. She’s not going to do much of anything, and you’re just sca-ar-ed like always, you cowardly custard.”

"I am not!" he retorts between gritted teeth, already moving towards her.

"Yes you are, cowardly, cowardly custard! Cowardly, cowardly custard!" she sing-songs, pulling him on invisible strings.

"I am not a coward!" he tosses the dish cloth at her, and she dodges it easily, that mischievous laugh of hers starting up.

"And you’re slow as Aunty May’s maple molasses on a frigid Decilar day!” she taunts and starts to bolt away.

"Just you wait..." he threatens, un-strapping the apron and leaping out the window to give chase. "You've never been able to outrun me!"

"But you've never been able to catch me, either!" she shouts back as the two of them disappear in the distance.


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