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Messages - tubasolo

Pages: [1]
Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Connecting from same network
« on: August 06, 2007, 12:47:57 pm »
Great! Thanks everyone for your quick answers. I'll also do the firewall thingy to avoid any issues.

Fixed Bugs / RE: missing game items
« on: March 02, 2007, 11:03:35 am »
Doh! Did it and all is well as far as that goes. Thanks again.

Fixed Bugs / RE: my head is missing
« on: March 02, 2007, 09:02:02 am »
fixed. thank you very much.

Just for Fun / RE: Just for fun
« on: March 02, 2007, 08:33:26 am »
Haha! I get to make negative comments without consequences (well maybe heh). The entire Final Fantasy franchise is severely over rated, over used and entirely too cartoon-ish to be taken seriously in any way. Woohoo I've always wanted to say that and then not get ganked by all the FF mavens. On a side note breathing is a luxury and is over rated as well.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Book of Sammas
« on: March 01, 2007, 02:42:37 pm »
I've recently relocated to Port Hempstead. I found the city to be agreeable to me. However my trip there was far from agreeable. As I was nearing Fort Vehl I and my pack ox were set upon by half a dozen or so dwarves. Before I could do more than pull out my maul my poor ox had been slashed across its throat and was down. The dwaves quickly overwhelmed me. Thankfully no mortal blow downed me, just a hard knock to the head. I have sense purchased a helm, which compliments my plate quite well. Anyhow, the dwarves seem to have taken everything from the packs on my poor old ox. Left with but what I was wearing, my extra clothes and a few odds and ends I quickly made my way to Fort Vehl where I took a room at the inn there (forgot the name of the place, just as well the place with filthy and run down). After a couple of days I felt well enough to venture on. A day later I made my way into Port Hempstead. I can't wait to find a decent meal, half cooked venison doesn't sit well.

One major setback from the ambush. I have to make Sty wait a bit more for his payment. I truly hope he understands but fear he wont care.

General Discussion / RE: My thoughts on PvP
« on: March 01, 2007, 01:05:27 pm »
I stand corrected, Thank you.

General Discussion / RE: My thoughts on PvP
« on: March 01, 2007, 09:13:26 am »
I have to voice a concern over a few sentiments posted here. The loss of a soul strand is not something your character should even be aware of. In my opinion it is OOC and therefore metagaming if the potential loss of a SS is what dictates whether a PC engages in battle with other PC's. I don't want anyone to think I am picking on them, I'm not.

Just for Fun / RE: Names, Where Do They Come From?
« on: March 01, 2007, 08:44:29 am »
tubasolo was a word a friend and I put at the bottoms of our letters. Just for whatever heh.

Sammas Gondo comes from "Samas" my very first D&D character back in 1975, he was a fighter as well. Gondo comes from "Gondol", a name I used for my favorite Middle Earth Role Play scout. Gondol means rock head in sindarin.

General Discussion / Re: My thoughts on PvP
« on: February 26, 2007, 10:03:33 am »
In my experience player versus player combat in MMO's boils down to just a few things. With a few typical reactions. You get a very tiny number of folks who can enjoy player versus player fighting and not take it beyond the game. Then the vastly larger numbers of folks who like to fight other players to prove some sense of superiority to themselves, and by proxy to the defeated, or so it seems. Then you have the largest portion, those who revel in 'killing' other characters to ruin another persons fun. The predominant attitude of these last two groups of folks is that winning is everything. No matter how that victory is achieved. Regardless of the effect it has on the other person. These are the people who claim they are just pushing the envelope so that they can feel challenged (I call "horse pucky" on that.) So from all that you get the hurt feelings, the anger and eventually no player base.

I enjoy fighting other players for the simple fact that it is more challenging than whacking away at some ogre. After I defeat the ogre, however, I don't have to deal with its friends hunting me down months later. Or a merchant type, who is friends with the person I defeated, who will no longer do business with me. I do enjoy the repercussions of my actions, it is what drives me to role play. Also to face situations I couldn't possibly face in real life.

I know I am rambling but... In the thirty years I have been playing D&D, in its many incarnations, I never killed another players character until I played online. It was an aspect of the PnP games that we just knew better than to get involved with. Instinctively we knew that would lead to hard feelings towards one another. However, online, that attitude seems to have died a quiet but messy death. Many folks revel in the thought of 'killing' another players character; in the hopes that the dead characters player will be angry or disheartened. These same folks prey upon the characters much weaker than their character. It's the anonymous nature of the internet and MMO's that allow this type of behavior to surface. Patience I'm getting to it. Now I'm not suggesting that the DM's here come to your house and whoop you for griefing, although I'm sure they've wanted to a time or two. What I am suggesting (preaching to the choir probably) is that you look at yourself and hold yourself accountable for what you do online and in MMO's. That's what your parents tried to drill into you, responsibility. To behave appropriately even when there are no consequences for not doing so. Meh, I've taken enough of your time.

Ask A Gamemaster / Connecting from same network
« on: August 05, 2007, 11:41:34 pm »
I and my son wish to play Layonara from the same network. I am of course tubasolo with Sammas Gondo as my character. He is natertomater with the character Cenden Hoqoun. That is if y'all allow this sort of thing. Let me know if you need more info.

Thank you.

Introduce Yourself / Hi hi hi! Back again
« on: April 24, 2007, 12:41:33 pm »
Hello all, I am back from a long stint in a Russian gulag ;) I was captured while using my time travel belt to check on ice age mosses growing in Siberia. After many long vodka sessions, interrupted by obsessive bouts of glove making, I managed to drink my captors into submission and escape. After arriving home I briefly toyed with the idea of traveling back to before I left and talk myself out of going. But then I realized I didn't want to argue with myself, I can be quite stubborn, So I left things as they were/are.

So be on the lookout for the obese maul wielding wanna-be mercenary running about trying to figure out where he is.

edit: The first version which was not well thought out and made no sense ;)

Fixed Bugs / missing game items
« on: March 02, 2007, 09:11:34 am »
After I entered the portal to take me to Layonora proper (I chose Port Vehl to avoid as many pc's as possible) I lost many items. Aside from the stuff normally lost my wemic (kohi) also lost the dicebag, pvp widget, remembering orb, emote wand, lens of pricing and the ears for wemic and animal languages. I was loathe to bother the dm channel again today. So I decided to post here first. Thanks in advance.

Fixed Bugs / my head is missing
« on: March 01, 2007, 08:42:40 pm »
I just made my wemic character, using the human race and Wemic as the subrace, and the head does not show. I have the correct body type though. My bioware login is tubasolo as well as on Layonora the character name is Kohi. At present he is saved in the Eye of the Storm area.

Let me know if I need to provide more info. I am unsure what all would be needed.

Fixed Bugs / Fort Vehl crypt
« on: February 28, 2007, 02:51:42 pm »
In the first long hallway in the Vehl crypt, about halfway down there are two sections with very high elevations. The character will run to the edge and then will pop up to the next section after a second or two.

Development Journals and Discussion / Book of Sammas
« on: February 27, 2007, 04:51:33 pm »
Well I've been in Hlint for a few weeks now. Odd place. Odd folks running about. I do have to say I enjoy the local inn's chefs special. That and the deer are plenty for easy hunting. No lack of food here. One issue I have is the prodigious amounts of ox dung lying about all over town. That and one needs to keep a sharp eye out when walking.

Over the past few weeks I've managed to keep myself busy. Mostly smashing goblins in the nearby mine. Also I've found it difficult to locate a proper mentor. Folks I have talked with lack the skills with the maul. In fact most are amazed that I can even wield it properly, much less bash some stinking goblins head to pieces.

One foray I remember in particular. I hooked up with Jacee with a bit of mining in mind. From Hlint we made our way towards Haven. I must say that Jacee is very inquisitive. Through the entire trip she deftly asked questions of my past. Once in Haven, in front of the mines entrance, Jacee tells me to prepare for ogres. Hey what? All I knew of ogres was what my mother would tell me as a child to get me to behave. With a great deal of trepidation I followed Jacee into the darks of the mine. We were quickly set upon. In this first wave I did fairly well, swinging my great maul with abandon. After this we traveled in deeper. This is where it gets very touch and go for me. After taking a particularly hard head bash from some mad, frothing ogre I could barely keep my eyes open and my arms up. After this the rest of the trip is sort of a blank. That is until we made our way out and Jacee helped me treat my wounds. A spot of food and a swig or two of water and I began to feel myself again. I got the impression that good ol' Jacee was the sole reason I made it out alive. After we relaxed a bit Jacee offered to show me to Port Hampshire. In Port hampshire Jacee gave me a quick tour of the major attractions. After which we parted ways. I explored the port a bit more then took a ship to Leilon then overland back to Hlint. Not bad for a couple days out in the wild.

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