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Messages - Riven

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 38
Reyna returns to barter with the Saddlebag Pawn.

Drops off:
4 Lion Skins x 75 = 300
Kesha Snyderlin's small shield (Heal +4): 75% of lens = 357
7 birch x 40 = 280
20 wheat x 30 = 600
9 corn = 270
8 barley = 240
4 honey = 200
8 apples = 480
Total Dropped off = 2727

Reyna acquires the following:
small iron shield = 1000
50 topaz dust x 33 = 1650
Total picked up: 2650
265 True paid

Previous Credit = 4133
+ 2727 dropped off today = 6860
Minus 2650 purchases today = New Credit of 4210

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: July 23, 2024, 01:08:17 am »
Reyna picks up Stone's Boots of Protection: 75% lens = 3705
50% paid in True: 1853
50% paid in Credit: 1852

Old Credit = 3193
New Credit = 1341

Reyna returns to Saddlebag:

Drops off Bull Strength Amulet I: 2100
16 corn = 528
9 barley = 270
13 wheat = 390
7 honey = 350
1 silk = 100
Total dropped off = 3738

Previous Credit: 395
Total Credit = 4133

Reyna picks up:
17 topaz dust x 33 = 561
Vrool Gulix's mace (copper with fire) 30% of lens = 1178
Frem Angleshe's gloves (plain leather with fire) 30% of lens = 588
Total picked up: 2327

Paid 233 into chest.
Uses credit for the 2327.

New Credit = 1806

UPDATE: before i could leave Saddlebag I crashed, losing the mace, topaz, and gloves. So, I'm going to say Reyna has credit for those items:
New Credit = 4133

Reyna returns to Saddlebag.

Previous Credit = 395

Drops off:
45 corn = 1350
49 wheat = 1470
11 barley = 330
21 honey = 1050
8 walnuts = 480
10 grapes 450
8 elderberries = 240
5 hazelnuts = 425
Total deposited for Credit = 5795
+ previous credit of 395 = Credit of 6190

Picks up a Fire Enhancement I: 1500
Paid 150 into chest

New Credit = 6190 -1500 = 4690

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: July 16, 2024, 01:37:54 am »
Reyna returns to Cailomel:

She picks up an iron sickle: 500
Lion bag: 4587
Total picked up: 5087
50% paid in True: 2544
50% paid in Credit 2544

Dropped off bronze helmet: 50% true = 966
bronze sickle (with fire 2 dam): 50% true = 770
Total dropped off for Credit = 1736

Previous Credit = 5571
+ 1736 = 7307
minus 2544 = New Credit of 4763

She returns for a Fire I resistance: 3140
50% paid in True = 1570
50% paid in Credit 1570
New Credit = 3193

Reyna picks up a cat's grace I ring: 1750
and a Fire I Enchantment: 1500
Total taken: 3250
Pays 325 True.

Drops off:
8 wheat: 240
5 barley: 150
7 cranberries: 210
2 ginger: 100
Total deposited = 700

Previous Credit: 2945
+700 = 3645
Minus purchases of 3250
= New Credit of 395

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: July 10, 2024, 03:02:05 am »
Reyna returns and purchases an Amulet of Cat's Grace I: 2140 True

She pays 50% in coin: 1070
and 50% in Credit: 1070

Previous Credit 6641
New Credit = 5571

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: July 10, 2024, 01:15:44 am »
Reyna returns to build more credit by dropping off the following:
Redliight goblin krys: 50% lens = 766
One Trick Staff: 50% lens = 1322
Kobald Warlock Stick: 50% lens = 300
Bigrin Bannar's Ring (SR 12, Cleric lv 0): 50% of lens = 322
bronze mace: 50% of lens = 770
Total deposited = 3480

Previous Credit of 3661.
New Credit = 7141
She also drops a few things in the free bookshelf.

Reyna picks up an iron mace: 1000 T
Pays 500 True into the chest.
Pays 500 True with trade credit

New Credit - 6641

Reyna drops off some goods:

33 corn = 990
56 wheat = 1680
59 barley = 1740
5 limestone = 250
Total deposited = 4660

Previous Credit = 3105
New Credit = 7765

Picks up:
51 skeleton knuckles. 510
16 comfrey x 30 = 480
Total taken = 1000
Paid 100 True

New Credit = 6765

Returned to pick up:
2 graveyard dirt x 40 = 80
3 black onyx x 50 = 150
9 comfrey x 30 = 270
8 garlic x 50 = 400
8 pecans x 60 = 480
15 witch hazel x 66 = 990
25 aloe x 30 = 750
14 purple mushroom x 50 = 700
= 3820
382 True Paid

New Credit = 2945

Dev Journal 3: Training with Paprika Hedghog-Mane

During the first few grueling weeks of martial training at Castle Mask, she kept hearing rumors about an odd halfling named Pap who wore heavy armor, but chose to fight with only the gauntlets upon his hands and his wide boot-clad feet. Not long after, Pap returned to the castle with tales of scouting the Forest of Fog, and clearing some regions of giants. It was unbelievable, of course, that the fisticuffs of a halfling could trounce a huge creature. Yet here he was, clothing disheveled, armor slightly dented, a mass of curly tousled hair, dirty and tangled from weeks in the wilds, and grinning ear-to-ear. He seemed to bring a giant’s appetite.

Reyna bonded swiftly with Pap, otherwise known as Paprika Hedgehog-Mane. She brought him all manner of foods and drinks until he warmed to her and obliged her curiosity with tales of beasts, monsters, strange lands, and the customs of other peoples.

“But why fight with only fists and feet, Pap?” She asked, between mouthfuls of blueberry cinnamon muffins and ginger raspberry juice. “Would not a blade or mace be more effective?”

Pap closed his eyes, savoring the flavors of his first dessert of the day. After a long pause, he opened his green eyes, and with a quirky smile said, “Weapons can break, weapons can be disarmed, you can be captured and held prisoner, those are only some of the ways you may need to defend yourself and your kin with simply your hands and feet and wits. Prunilla blessed me with this body - fists, feet, and all! With training and diligence, my body becomes a finer weapon than the best steel you can forge!” He then demonstrated, to the incredulous Reyna, the power of his punches on a combat dummy, and how they far surpassed the feeble swings of her sickle.

“Can you teach me?” she asked? “Maybe,” he mused, “it takes a strong will and a resilient body! But if you have the discipline and determination to sharpen the body into a weapon, then I may be able to teach you. For now, train with both sickle and fist, until you are quicker and more precise with your fist than with your sickle. Train for a week, then journey with me or on your own in the world to test your mettle against the dangers that lurk. Then return for more training. You’ll soon learn what your capabilities are!”

And so she did. Between training weeks with Pap and with the priestesses of Prunilla, she was sent to Center, to test herself in the lands around Center, and to learn from Honey, the Lucky Clover of Prunilla. Honey knew much of the lands and wilderness around Center. Informed with knowledge, and the kind and wise counsel of Honey, and after binding her spirit to Prunilla's Bindstone in the shrine there in Center, Reyna explored north and south, and in all directions….cautiously exploring and testing herself against the dangers she discovered. And making friends along the way. But those allies and alliances are for another day’s tale.

Dev Journal 2: Farming and Training at Castle Mask

This is joy. The many hours planting, weeding, watering, and caring for the herbs, vegetables, and berry bushes with her halfling friends at Castle Mask. All anxiety and worries about the dangers of the world vanished temporarily through her bare feet in the dirt, and the sweet caring of the tender sprouts and growing plants.

Reyna signed, wiping a few stray tears from her eyes. “If only…..if only this could be my life. The simplicity, the sweetness….growing the tender sprouts into fruition, partnership and growing babes with my family into the kind beings that would nurture and provide for the family and clan. If only this could be my life. But I have made my choice, the choiceless choice, and can have nor regrets now. Regret is weakness, and Prunilla is my guide and strength now”

She soothed her anxiety by burying her hands in the weeds and pulling them, roots and all, from the recently moistened soil. “Not for me, this life of farming and crafting and sweet hugs and kisses. Not for me, other than to rejuvenate my spirit, other than to soothe the stress and strain of my path. I can return now and then and forget about the worries of the world, and the tough, sweaty, and bloody training that shapes my will and body. I can return to the peaceful enclave of my clan, or Castle Mask, and rest between arduous endeavors.” She sighed, again, accepting the seeping of more tears. Grief is part of the cycle of life. To be embraced. And she’d made her decision months ago, after a torturous few years of trying to fit in with her clan’s expectations. She nodded then, took a deep breath, and picked up the basket of turnips and parsnips. “Prunilla made the choice, not I. I surrendered. And that is as it should be. As hard as it is, I am proud to be a Sapling of Prunilla.”

Head high, eyes sad but determined, she walked past the door guards, with a nod to her friend Palty, and made her way past her clerical mentors Vaeran and Gine in the temple, to deliver the roots to Kasko, the head cook.

Her friendship with Kasko had grown the more she helped with the growing of vegetables, and the preparing of meals in the kitchen. Early on he had said, “Well, if you want to be a defender of your people, little Reyna,” Kasko said, “you’ll have to grow taller and learn how to use more than a hoe and a kitchen knife!” Taller was not an option! But she had befriended some of the guards of the keep and for the last few months trained for a few hours a day with them, and joined them on their patrols in the nearby areas around Castle Mask. Their weaponry felt clumsy in her hands, but she found that a simple small vine-cutting sickle seemed easy enough to practice with.

Why this tough path for her? The brownie clans too often were encroached and preyed upon. Uprooted, they would leave their homes and gardens to find another hidden grove, and replant, rebuild. For such a peaceful people, this violent uprooting was a scourge and cause of deep pain and loss. For Prunilla, she felt she had to aid her people in a more…martial way, than farming and raising children. Thus, she moved to Castle Mask several months ago to learn more about the ways of the world, of warfare, and of course, of the blessings and powers of Prunilla.

Her motto has become, “Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better, more and more capable, and more able to be an effective defender of my people.”

First entry: the Bio
Second and further entries: journaling of her adventures and studies

Name: Reyna Sun-Badger
Age: 30
Class: Cleric 10-14 levels, Sacred Fist 6-10 levels
Race: Brownie
Alignment: NG
Deity: Prunilla
Domains: Plant, Earth

Biography and Description:
Rebellious and strong-willed as a child, the hot-tempered Reyna was quick to defend herself and the younger children from bullies and beasts, generally with fists and feet. As a teen, she was outraged at the challenges the brownies faced in maintaining safe havens against the dangers of less peaceful races. Nurtured by the worship and culture of Prunilla, yet emboldened by her own fearlessness and stubbornness, Reyna seeks to become a defender of her people, empowered by the divine might of Prunilla. She seeks to strengthen her abilities as a guardian so she can ensure that the safe havens for the brownies can remain safe havens. Unlike her brethren, she realizes that to find new safe havens and learn how to combat evil, she’ll need to travel and ally with explorers, adventurers, and warriors - for their protection and knowledge of the world and threats.

Reyna grew up in a secluded enclave on the outskirts of the Forest of Fog, not far from Castle Mask. Initially, Her family did not support her mission, wishing for her to stay in the enclave and devote herself to gardening and family. However, her stubborn nature could not be tamed by their wishes. During a fight with her parents one night, in a fit of rage she swore to do away with her family name forever, devote herself to Prunilla, and take on the surname of Sun-Badger - symbolic to her of the type of tenacity and divine empowerment she imagined she needed to channel and become to fulfill her mission. She packed and left for Castle Mask - a place she had visited many times to deepen her prayers and training in the chapel to Prunilla and speak with and learn from the halflings tending the Mask Gardens. In the years since then her family has begrudgingly accepted her mission, though still worried for her safety.

Reyna sees herself as a protector of all that is valued by Prunilla - safe haven of homes and families, gardens, and the growing of food. Although she does not conform to the principles of humility and passivity, she values these in her family and tribe and seeks to empower herself so that her peaceful tribe can remain peacefully safe. At times she rests from her travels by joining with her tribe in the planting and harvesting and preparing feasts.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: July 05, 2024, 08:47:52 pm »
Reyna returns to Cailomel with some True and trade goods.

Current Credit = 234
One Trick Staff: 50% lens = 1322
one trick staff: 1322
bronze helmet: 50 of lens = 966
bronze helmet 966
New Credit = 4810

Purchases Dert Amolin's Helm: 75% of lens = 2298
Pays 50% in Credit:1149 (leaving a new credit of 3661)
Pays 25% in True now: 575
IOU 574 True.

New Credit = 3661

UPDATE: Reyna returns to pay her debt of 575 True. She speaks with Gormungard at the time.
IOU = 0
Still a Credit of 3661.

Reyna returns to Saddlebag to drop off some goods:
52 corn x 30 = 1560
9 wheat x 30 = 270
9 barley x 30 = 270
3 honey x 50 = 150
3 grapes x 45 = 135
7 white mushrooms x 10 = 70
fire bomb: 75% of lens = 3900
Total Deposited: 6355

Acquires Fire I Enchantment: 1500
Acquires Ring of Bull Strength I: 1750
Total Taken: 3250
Pays 325 True into the chest.

New Credit = 3105

Reyna returns to Saddlebag:

Previous Credit = 633

She drops off these items:
18 corn = 540
19 barley = 570
28 Wheat = 840
2 honey = 100
6 pecans = 360
aventurine 12
greenstone 21
phenalope 12
Total deposited = 2455
plus previous credit of 633 = New credit of 3088

She picks up Julia Colt's cloak: 75% of lens = 1980
She picks up 33 topaz dust  x33 T = 1108
Total acquired = 3088
Pays 309 True into the chest.

New Credit = 0

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: July 04, 2024, 11:25:43 am »
Reyna returns to the shop with coin.

IOU 715 from previous purchases.
Pays 715 True into the chest.

Acquires Landric Undon's Bracer: 75% of lens = 1677
Acquires Swordsman Belt: 75% lens = 1317
Acquired Archer Belt: 75% lens = 1317
Total acquired = 4311

Pays 50% in True: 2156

Offers trade goods for the other 50%:
bronze sai: 50% lens = 768
Bronze katar: 50% lens = 766
Redlight Goblin Krys: 50% lens = 766
Bonebreaker: 50% lens = 90
Total Trade Goods Deposited: 2390

Debt is paid in full.
Current Credit = 234

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Trade Board at Center
« on: July 02, 2024, 07:52:42 pm »
Reyna posts another small note in precise handwriting:

I am seeking to borrow for half an hour an item that grants a 7th tier clerical spell. Can you help out a Sapling of Prunilla? Find me in Center or Castle Mask. I'm a small brownie wearing brown and green, with clover symbols on my clothes. ~Reyna Sun-Badger

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: July 02, 2024, 02:49:43 pm »
Reyna peruses the shop, searching for an item that would grant the use of a 7th level cleric spell.

She picks up the following:
500 bolts enchanted with Fire I: 125
500 bolts enchanted with Silver I: 125
Paid 250 into the Bolt chest.

Note left in box:
Hello, thank you for having a few first tier elemental enchanted bolts! I purchased Fire I bolts and Silver I bolts, 500 of each, at 125 True each. Coin is left in the Bolts chest. Thanks!
~Reyna Sun-Badger

Reyna later returns, paying 200 T into the shield chest and picking up the Kesha Snyderlin's small shield. She adds a note about this to her original note.

Reyna drops off some trade resources at Saddlebag:

40 cotton x 10 = 400
11 honey x 50 = 550
71 barley x 30 = 2130
18 wheat x 30 = 540
19 salt x 10 = 190
10 white mushrooms = 100
9 raspberry x 45 = 405
Total Deposited = 4315
Previous Credit: 1548
New Credit = 5863

takes a bronze mace: 450
Bronze katar 300
bronze sai 300
ring of owl wisdom: 1750
T.H.'s bracer: 75% of lens = 2430
Total taken: 5230

Paid 523 True
New Credit = 633

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Trade Board at Center
« on: July 02, 2024, 12:03:26 pm »
*Reyna draws a four leaf clover on Charlee's post with a happy face*

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