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Messages - Amadan's Fool

Pages: [1]
Trade and Market Hall / Re: Milk Round
« on: February 20, 2011, 02:02:41 pm »
Craft hall attendant replies:

Just milk, the little feller said it was going to go sour too.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Looking for Mushrooms
« on: January 12, 2011, 08:29:24 pm »
*same snotty nosed kid shouts at you in the street somewhere that he hears there are now THREE boxes of purple n white shrooms if you contact Centre Trade Centre*

//- 3 boxes mixed purple and white shrooms (mostly purple) now ready for collection :)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Milk Round
« on: January 12, 2011, 02:27:03 pm »

//sold - to the dwarf in the tartan :)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cotton
« on: January 12, 2011, 02:25:02 pm »


Trade and Market Hall / Re: Looking for Mushrooms
« on: January 12, 2011, 11:52:44 am »
*note is pushed into Azira's hand by a dirty faced halfling child who promptly scampers off:

"Heard ya looking for 'shrooms. Ask at the craft house in Centre - they know about a box of mixed Purple n' White"

OOC- send Puck a /t in game and he will meet you wherever and make you promise not to tell anyone he is collecting fungus for a living.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Puck needs to get religion
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:03:57 pm »
All sorted now. Some v nice GM just contacted me in game and sorted it :)

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: theft
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:17:34 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
It takes a lot for coming up front and acknowledging what you've done

....em not when the chests all have an accurate record of who took what and when! I think it was a fair cop and had no choice :)

I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those pesky chests! ;)

Thanks though for the comments and tips. I'm enjoying it all thus far.

General Discussion / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:00:24 pm »
Here is the portrait for Puck.

See you all in game.



Introduce Yourself / Re: Hullo
« on: December 20, 2010, 08:48:27 pm »
Thanks for the replies. I have been having a read about Fort Vehl and Co'rys- helpful.

I may well take up one of the stable characters before trying to write a submission for another.

Thanks again.

Trade and Market Hall / Milk Round
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:49:32 pm »
Carefully written message left on the Centre Craft Hall Notice Board:




ooc- Puck has a LOT of Milk. Not that he will admit to messing about with cows jiggly bits personally. That would be foolish.

Ask A Gamemaster / Bank Chest
« on: January 20, 2011, 08:33:01 pm »
My internet connection dropped when I was using the bank persistent vault. The item I was trying to collect is now in my inventory. However, whenever I click on a bank chest I get the message "you are already using a bank chest".

Any way this can be sorted?


-Mr Troublemaker (Puck)

Trade and Market Hall / Puck goes shopping
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:47:28 pm »
Puck walks in to various outfitting stores (Angels Orc Bashers etc) and slaps a bank paper promising 3000 true down on the counter. He picks his nose and looks over the top of the counter.

What'll that get me? Looking for more protection from arrers. Also need to get stronger so I can carry more stuff about like.

Looks over. If that ain't enuff there might be more true coming.

//OOC- Got no idea re level requirements of various items. Need items to increase AC and STR. Happy to meet up in game and sort through kit making untidy heap of discarded items and picking nose a lot.

Trade and Market Hall / Cotton
« on: January 11, 2011, 10:06:10 pm »
Further note left pinned to craft hall notice board in Centre:

"Cotton. 2 bales. Get it before it spins off! - ask at the Craft Hall they will send a message to the vendor."

//2 full boxes ready.

OOC- send me a /t IG and Puck will meet up and make you promise not to tell anyone he is in the rag trade rather than proper fooling.

Trade and Market Hall / Milk Round
« on: January 11, 2011, 10:03:16 pm »
A note is left pinned on the craft hall noticeboard in Centre.

(Written in large characters in the style of someone not very confident with letters).

"All yer (sour- crossed out) milk needs met.

Get it while it still fresh!

Please ask for in the Hall. They know how to get me a message.

The Milkman"

OOC: they will let Puck know (so /t me in game or something- Puck is too embarrassed to let anyone know he working the cows so will RP it cloak and dagger).

//14 units at Present. can arrange more.

Ask A Gamemaster / Ask Loremaster: Bear Warrior
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:10:31 pm »

Was wondering whether there is any lore in respect of non-human Bear Warriors (ie elves or dwarf bear warriors? - I can see looking at the Lore pages that there is in game reasons for Bear Warriors to hale from the barbarian north and bear tribe in particular but wondered what position was for other races?


Ask A Gamemaster / theft
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:13:06 pm »

Puck has taken some scrolls from the Tower Academy. I burned some before being told that these were not there just for the taking. On IC advice I have PMed Elohanna's player IC and let her know what's happened offering to make amends and added an OOC apology to same effect.

I have returned everything taken (although possibly to wrong shelves.....) other than what I used :(

Sorry- didn't know that this was theft etc as open containers that didn't say don't take.... I've never played on a server where so much of the world is player owned etc and hadn't realised the established norms. Won't happen again.

I'll not be such an idiot in future.


Ask A Gamemaster / Puck needs to get religion
« on: January 08, 2011, 03:29:13 pm »
Forgot to set deity to anything when I created Puck.

Could someone now set it to Shadon?


Ask A Gamemaster / (improved) Expertise and casting
« on: December 27, 2010, 05:24:21 pm »
The Lore section says that "by default NWN allows spellcasting while using expertise" : LORE: Expertise

I am hoping to make a sorcerer for whom this would be useful. However, I understand that this default setting is often turned off in PWs.

Could someone let me know whether I will be able to enter expertise in combat and then cast spells without provoking attacks of opportunity etc? (Or have I just misunderstood the way it works anyway)



Introduce Yourself / Hullo
« on: December 20, 2010, 11:00:42 am »

Just registered.

Looking forward to making a character and starting to play in the next few weeks- have been lurking about and reading the lore etc for the last few days. Looks like an amazingly detailed world with loads of history etc- think I'd have to say well done to the creators and community before even starting playing.

Anyway, I guess I will have a load of questions before I start playing- think I am going to try and start with a fairly straightforward character who is quite lacking in knowledge about the world as a way of learning ingame.

However, one thing wanted to know- an easy character for me to play of a sort I have RP'ed before would be a peasant type who hates the lords etc. However, looking at the various lore pages although I can see quite a lot about conflict between races etc there doesn't seem to be too much about relations between lords/peasants etc. Any pointers to where to look would be quite helpful.

Sorry if it is isn't helpful to post a question in the "hello I'm new" thread.

Hope to see you ingame soon.


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