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Topics - Dorganath

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Layonara Server / Major update coming! -- Important details
« on: February 25, 2015, 09:00:37 pm »
Follow this link for important details regarding the impending major update:

Rumour Has It / Bad tidings
« on: February 24, 2015, 11:20:31 pm »

Ancients Legacy / Bad tidings
« on: February 24, 2015, 11:19:09 pm »
Lost it all...” says the sullen and clearly intoxicated patron. “but what in all the Pits was I s'posed to do?”I don't know pal,” says the bartender. “but you ain' gonna find it at the bottom of that bottle.” The patron just grumbles and takes another drink.Bloody dragons 're a menace,” says the patron eventually, noticeably slurring his words. “Thugs and thieves every one of 'em.”What are you on about?” asks the bartender.Dragons, I said!” replies the patron. “ dragon, but they's all slimey. This'n said it would protect our village from orcs and that, but it wanted half our livestock.”You're saying a dragon strong-armed you?” asks the bartender, not quite believing what he's hearing.Aye,” replies the patron. “but I stood up and said it can't have even one of my animals.”Oi, good on ya, lad!” says another, slightly nosey, patron next to him, who also raises his tankard in support.Ain't nothin' good about it,” snaps the first patron at the second. “The blasted beast took all my livestock, destroyed my farm and killed my crops. And then I got kicked outta town. Rest of 'em paid up like so many sheep.” The man sighs and throws back another drink, which he seems to no longer be tasting. Those around him go silent.In a few moments, the bartender puts a small pouch of coins onto the bar in front of the first patron. “Your drinking on the house tonight, lad,” he says. “Ain' right takin' coin from a man that got nothin' else.” The man, as gratefully and gracefully as he can, manages to place the pouch into a pocket and mutter something that sounded like a thanks.Tell you what...” says the first patron after a while. “Ol' Bloodstone had the right idea...”Nods and mutters of agreement follow.

Ancients Legacy / Within the Chamber
« on: January 24, 2015, 10:17:01 pm »
Inside the large chamber, Tyra and Kyle remain unconscious and in a heap on the floor (unless someone moves them into a more favorable arrangement) for several more hours (somewhere in the neighborhood of 4-5 hours). When they awaken, they are bruised and battered...noticeably damaged but not in a life-threatening way. Overall, they feel like being hit by the proverbial caravan wagon being pulled by a team of spooked horses. As well, there is residual achiness in the hand they used to touch the crystal...not unlike when a limb begins to regain feeling after being numb for a time.  This passes within an hour, give or take. There are no lingering effects for either of them, other than the physical injuries which heal normally.Andrew and Zigruum remain dazed/confused/stunned for the better part of a half hour before their heads start to clear. A pretty strong headache remains for each of them for some time after, but they are otherwise OK with similar bruises and scrapes to Tyra and Kyle, as well as the lingering achiness in their hands.Before they awaken and slightly less than two hours after it appears, the scorpion statue disappears on its own. There is no reaction or fluctuation from the crystal when it does. // Use this thread to conclude any investigations or actions within the chambers. This is not a time bubble, and we will enforce reasonable time limits on actions. Keep the thread as IC as possible.  Questions and specific inquiries should be sent to Rowana and I via PM.  Actions taken by individuals should be posted here but also ping us via PM to be sure they are seen. Actions made by the group (or group decision) should be discussed as possible here, but remember to give us a ping when things are finalized.

Ancients Legacy / Rael locked down
« on: January 03, 2015, 05:41:32 pm »

Added patrols and posted signs appear with increasing frequency at every border crossing into the Kingdom of Rael. Travelers are turned away without allowance under threat of lethal force. The posted signs read as follows:

Be it known that Lord Rael, the Benevolent, in the interest of preserving the health and safety of all Subjects of Rael, has decreed all unapproved entry into the Sovereign Kingdom of Rael to be illegal until such time as the threat to Public Safety posed by the so-called “Liquid Death” has been deemed neutralized. All persons lacking proper travel approval from the Benevolent Lord Rael Himself shall be turned away at our borders without exception. Any persons caught violating this prohibition or attempting to circumvent the agents of Lord Rael in the course of performing this duty to the People of Rael shall be executed on sight.


(( Please note that players may make use of the travel system, and we are not going to prevent people from mechanically accessing their homes located in the Rael kingdom (such as Prantz, Haft Lake), however your RP should reflect the travel prohibition rather than a clever circumvention of these travel restrictions. ))

Layonara Server / Holiday Bonus Event
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:13:23 am »
Hey all,As our holiday gift to everyone, a bonus event is now in progress. During this event, you will receive extra XP, gold and Fortune.  As an added bonus, we've encouraged the Soul Mother to take a bit of a nap... so enjoy!As with other events where we've disabled the Soul Mother, this is an OOC change and should not be RPed or acknowledged in-game. If we notice anyone abusing this fact, we'll re-enable the Soul Mother for the duration of the bonus event.This event will remain until at least January 4th, 2015, though it may possibly extend beyond that point.Enjoy!

Ancients Legacy / Return of the Missing?
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:20:10 pm »
“Oi tell ya, it's some kinna plague,” says a man sitting around a table near the back of the room in a tavern in Fort Vehl to the others sitting with him. “Loike that one that got 'em dragons back a ways. Ya hear 'bout that'n, aye? Only this'n turns folks to jelly!”“No more ale fer you,” says one of his companions, shaking his head. The others give looks that range from apprehension to disbelief. “Least no more o' that one. Someone spiked it, I'll bet.” Snickers roll through the few people sitting around the table.“B'lieve whatcha want, lad,” says the first. “but I heared it from me own cousin what jus' came down from that dwarven place in th' mount'ns...Brenuth.”“Meebe yer cousin 'ad a bit much o' tha' dwarven ale too, hey?” says a third person at the table. This earns him a swat across the side of his head from the first.“Now list'n ye idjits,” says the first, clearly getting a little irritated. “Me cousin says he passed through this li'l village tha' prolly ain' even got a name... said some ol' lady what's been missin' came back, all sick wit' somethin'. Said they put 'er to bed and the next mornin', weren't nothin' there but th' clothes she was wearin' and some kinna ooze they said smellt like a cow turned inside-out an' left in th' sun.”“Yer cousin got a lotta 'xperience wit' inside-out cows?” quips another, who is more out of reach of a swatting hand.“Oh har har,” says the first dryly and with a scowl. “Ain't 'is words. Was theirs. But there was also some young lad that dis'peared 'bout the same time as th' ol' lady. They foun' 'is clothes outside o' town, layin' on th' ground loike 'e jus' fell there an' vanished. Socks was in 'is shoes, belt 'round 'is tunic. Smellt th' same kinna awful, but was all dried up.” Some visible wincing can be seen among the others at the table listening to this tale.“So then what?” asks the third, apparently drawn into the story somewhat.“Well they burnt th' ol' lady's house t' ashes,” says the first. “No one wanted t' touch any of it. Built a fire 'round the lad, too.”“An' yer cousin saw alla tha'?” asks the fourth, squinting one eye slightly.“Nay, jus' 'eard 'em tellin',” says the first. “Said some was wantin' t' find some doctor, but iffn tha' doctor got any sense in 'im, 'e'll stay good 'n away from tha' place.” He ends with a nod and a long pull from his tankard while a couple of the others nod a bit. After a few long moments of relative silence between them, the conversation turned elsewhere.

Ancients Legacy / Plot status -- 11-Dec-2014
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:23:58 pm »
Rowana and I wanted to give everyone a quick update on the status of the plot quest and what's going to happen over the next couple of months. Also, thanks to everyone who has been involved and actively participating so far.The first and most important thing to note is that there will not be any main plot quests for the month of December. This is primarily due to generally full and/or hectic schedules people have during the holidays. The next main plot quest is currently intended for late January, and we'll get that up on the calendar when we're certain of it.Having said this, in the interim, there will be plot-related happenings serving as backdrop and potentially more information. Also, a few of you have some open threads of investigation...some initiated and some not. If we're waiting on you for information or to start the effort, please get that moving. If you're waiting on us, please PM us. Whatever the case, sooner is better.Lastly, some advice...Please remember this is a group effort. I know that some of your characters are not “team players” (you know who you are *winks*), and that is fine, but I highly suggest, if you are not already doing so, share what you have learned individually and do not, if at all possible, wait until the day of the next quest to catch people up. Likewise, if you are lacking information or wish to get caught up, try and meet up with someone else before the next session. Generally speaking, you'll “succeed” or “fail” as a group. Specific results may pivot on the decisions and actions of individuals, but remember this is plot-level, and the outcome of all of this will impact the world, for better or worse, at the end of it all. A few of you have picked up some important clues along the way. A few of you got some very important information on the last quest session, so, like I said, share.

Ancients Legacy / The next day in North Hampton, Vanavar
« on: November 20, 2014, 11:36:33 pm »
The day after their visit with Biela and Ilselferi Dsearilaêny', Daniel, Tyra, Katelyn, Grog and Stygian pay another visit to the home.  The door is answered by Biela, who is very clearly in a somber, reserved mood.  She invites you all inside and bids you all to make yourselves comfortable, apologizing for her home's limited comforts and offering tea and breakfast. She disappears into the kitchen before any answers can be made or questions asked, emerging several minutes later with a large tray heavily laden with a teapot and simple but apparently freshly-made pastries.She sets the load on the table and dutifully pours a cup for everyone. Taking a slow breath to steady herself, she thanks you all for bringing news of Era, however dire it may have been, and she informs you that the visit, however brief, brought some small joy to Grandfather on his final night. She says he woke sometime after everyone left and asked after you, expressing a wish to speak again of the past.  "He passed in peace in the night," she says. "exhaling the last breath of his life, never to draw in another."  Though she speaks with sadness in her voice and in her expression, there is also a comfort and closure in speaking such words. "He is with Aeridin now. What remains will be put to ground tomorrow."

Ancients Legacy / Into thin heir
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:56:45 pm »
"I tell ya what," says a merchant in a crowded inn to his table mate. "I ne'er wanted t' grow 'nother setta eyes more'n I do now, what with all the vanishin's.""The blazes you on about now?" asks the other, looking rather skeptical and even slightly confused by the turn of the conversation."Where ya been, lad?" replies the first, showing some disbelief at the other's response. "Ain' ya been hearin' about all thems that's gone missin'? It's a bloody edi...epin...Bah! Whatever ya call a sickess spreadin' all over like.  It's like that, I say!""Yer drunk, ya ol' sod," says the other. "People go missin' all th' time. Most of 'em show right on back up with a good reason.  They just ain' good at tellin' folks where they's goin'.""Nay, this is diff'' more of it," says the first. "I jus' got in from Khemit a few days ago. One o' them Silverguard cap'ns 'ad 'imself a quite right stack o' reports and goin' through 'em wit' 'er Second.  They was sortin' out the odd ones from the usual ones, if that ain' a kick in the pants. I heard half a fam'ly is just gone, one righ' after t' other, like.""'alf a fam'ly, ya say?" replies the second. "Mebee they's out lookin' fer the first one that went gone, hey?"The first grumbles a little and takes a pull from his tankard. "Could be...but it's all righ' strange, iff'n yer askin' me.  Bad fer business, I tell ya.  Bad fer me well-bein' too.  First the stars, then folks settin' stuff on fire an' such, an' now this.  Hate to say it, but somma dem crackpots mighta been onto somethin' from the off.""Now I know yer drunk," says the second, rolling his eyes a little. "or yer needin' another." Before the first could respond either way, the second is already flagging down the barmaid."Well I won' be arguin' that if yer buyin'.""Now yer talkin' some sense, at leas'.""Ne'er know when it might be my last...""..." 

Ask A Gamemaster / can not access any type of persistent container
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:26:13 pm »
On my character, "Jocoscus" I am not able to open and view any type of persistent container, be it chest or the like, if I could get some help with this it'd be great. The message reads, "You already have an open chest." or something of that nature.

Fixed Bugs / Bows of the Hunter Recipe
« on: October 16, 2014, 08:37:00 am »
The shortbow of the hunter requires 4 essenses of sight, while the longbow only requires 2. Are they swapped, should they both be 2?

Ancients Legacy / Ships in the Night
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:49:35 pm »
When Shindaleria's stars first moved months ago, shipping traffic all across Layonara ground nearly to a complete halt. Between supersition inherent in many who make a living on the seas and the distruption of their usual navigation aids, most captains became unwilling to brave the open waters and cross the oceans between continents, opting instead to stick with costal runs if they even left port at all.  Only the most experienced captains...those who knew other ways of navigating besides relying upon the stars of the gods...would brave the high seas.  Fortunately for them, the need of their services grew quickly, as did the price merchants and traders were willing to pay to have their goods shipped over those distances. For those who adapted quickly, the last several months have been very profitable indeed.Yet this boon was relatively short-lived, as gradually captains and crews adapted to this new normal, slowly put aside their supersitions as ocean-going ships returned to port safe, sound and loaded with cargo from distant ports, and learned other ways to use the skies to find their way at night.  Now, a few months after the last of the star movements settled into place, there is almost no sign there was any impact at all.But for the new arrangment of the skies, life at sea has returned to normal.

Ancients Legacy / Actions and reactions
« on: October 05, 2014, 11:38:30 pm »
In the two months that followed the first movement of stars, the fact that there was movement was a very popular topic of conversation. As weeks passed, word began to circle around that shipping is taking a hit. Major harbors are seeing a greater number of ships staying moored or anchored within. Only the most experienced (some might say desperate) captains and crews are braving the oceanic routes. Everyone else is either sticking to coastal runs or staying in port, claiming a change in the stars used for guidance and uncertainty about the oceans themselves.In more rural communities, speculation and fear about this year's harvests trend decidedly negative, though no outward signs of anything of the sort seem to be manifesting. In a few places, and particularly those with a town square where such scenes are common, doom-sayers and so-called prophets are beginning to draw larger crowds with their apocalyptic predictions. They frequently point upward, particularly at night, to the "proof" in the Heavens that dark times are upon the world.And slowly, a few people are starting to listen.

Ancients Legacy / OOC: Plot GMs, Contacts and Information
« on: October 03, 2014, 05:29:03 pm »
All,For the purposes of the main plot events, the responsible GMs are myself (Dorganath) and Rowana. We are co-running this plot and coordinating all events within.  We are also having a few GMs help out with various events here and there.When it comes to overall plot-related actions and inquiries and a PM is appropriate, please direct those to Dorganath and Rowana. If you forget and only send to one of us, it's no big deal as we're sharing all infomation and inquiries between us.When it comes to questions and clarifications on events that are handled by one of the other GMs, please direct your questions to them first.Of course, posting on the Ancients Legacy forum is equally appropriate and the applicable GM will respond in whatever way is appropriate. Please note that plot-related posts made elsewhere may not get the attention it deserves.If there are any questions about this, please ask below.

Ancients Legacy / OOC: On actions and responses
« on: October 03, 2014, 06:09:07 pm »
All,Just so everyone understands, we will be responding to actions and inquiries in an order that makse sense based on location, action taken, destination, etc.What this means is that somone making inquiries or investigating things local to where they are presently located will get a response quicker than someone who decides to travel for weeks or months for their actions/investigations.  In some cases, this may mean that world events happen before players get a response on something they started before said event.  Including your character's location and intended means of travel will help greatly in helping us to keep everything straight. Otherwise, we'll probably make assumptions that may or may not favor your character. This is simply an attempt to keep time in a straight line as much as possible.In some cases, there will be a series of events stacked on top of each other, relatively speaking. In other cases, the events will be spread out more. It is the former case where we will do most of our selective ordering in how and when we respond.I wanted to put this out there for everyone to understand our methods. We know some of you compare notes OOCly, and this is fine of course, but we didn't want anyone to feel marginalized or a victim of favoritism (or its opposite) when someone gets a response before someone else.  There is a method to our madness, so please try and keep this in mind as we try and get back to everyone in the most appropriate way.

Ancients Legacy / Stirrings in the Night Sky...
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:21:35 pm »
As night falls across the continents of Mistone and Alindor, astute skywatchers and members of Lady Comfort's faithful take note as Prunilla's Gift begins to move across the sky and away from its usual place around Traveler's Luck. By midnight, Prunilla's stars slow their movement and come to rest nearly directly overhead at midnight. Within minutes of this event, the Great Tide representing Mother Ocean's presence in the heavens breaks away from its place in the southern sky and rolls like a deep-water wave toward the same part of the sky now occupied by Prunilla. With the first touch of morning in Katherian and Spellgard, the two groups of stars begin to orbit slowly around a common point between them.

Ancients Legacy / About this forum
« on: October 01, 2014, 11:47:43 pm »
As the name suggests, this forum is for IC role-play and information related to the Ancients Legacy plot quest series.  Unless otherwise specified, the subforums and posts within this forum are considered to be IC. Please adhere to this as much as possible.

Layonara Server / New Plot - please read
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:24:57 pm »
Thank you all again for your collective expression of interest in the upcoming plot. This is going to start very soon, if all goes well, and we have one other question for you all, or perhaps a better term is an “election.”For this plot series, there exists a very real probability of character alteration in a seemingly small but actually quite important way. What is the nature of this potential alteration? We're not saying right now, however we'll give the following information:
  • This change is not going to be some sort of “shackle” that will inconveniently hinder a character. In fact, it may generally be viewed as positive.
  • This change will however effectively mark the character with the potential to be targeted by the antagonist(s)
  • There is an option (at our discretion) that the change could persist after the plot series has completed, if likely at a diminished level, so in a sense, it could be something of a reward.

So essentially, there is a risk/reward mechanic at work here, and by taking the risk associated with this potential change, the chance of a greater reward and/or more significant role exists.

What we're going to do is give every player who will/may be involved with the plot quest series to opt out of this potential alteration. This is to say, if you do not wish for your character to be altered for story reasons that do not stem from your own actions on the quests, please indicate below by simply stating that you opt out, and we will exclude you from being included in the list of potentially-altered characters.

We will repeat this request at the first quest session, and anyone who joins into the plot after it starts will be given the same option. Everyone will get to change their minds one time, meaning one can opt-out but change one's mind later (though that is no guarantee of character alteration) or do the opposite (opt out sometime in the middle of the plot), but one cannot keep going back and forth between the choices.For those who have not opted out, whether or not your character becomes altered will be determined by the roll of dice, so even deciding not to opt out is no guarantee one's character will be changed in some way. We are simply seeking to avoid any misunderstandings and hard feelings as the result of an unwanted breach of the so-called “Golden Box”.Please indicate below only if you will be participating in the plot quest series and you wish to opt out of any plot-related character alteration.

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