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Messages - lonnarin

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The Silver Buckle / Heard through the stone walls of the Buckle...
« on: September 16, 2015, 12:49:46 pm »
...a woman's voice, husky even at full volume. "EIGHT. YEARS!" A hand slap punctuates each word, flesh on solid wood, echoing in the dining hall. A dwarf slurping soup at a nearby table lowers his shoulders and slurps more quietly."Elaina. It's not the first time he's gone on sabbatical.""SABBATICAL." "...retreat? I don't know. It's his way.""Michael, eight YEARS. With NO. NOTICE." The dwarf slides his bowl across the table and takes a chair against a wall, eyeing the tall, furious ebony-skinned woman. Leeks, barley and broth dribble over his beard as he tries to feed himself without looking down."I never said he was sane. You knew that when you married me."Her voice drops an octave. "Gods in heaven. If his skinny rear says even ONE thing about anything you, I, or anyone else who has kept this place running for nearly a decade while he was off - off - COMMUNING with ILSARE, or whatever he was doing, it better be good - I swear to - ONE THING. Just let him complain ONCE." Two children, nearly teenagers with dusky skin and dark hair and eyes that favor their mother, are watching from behind the bar. The boy polishes glasses, the girl stacks plates. Neither seem fearful of the large woman's fury, although they do not interrupt. The tall blonde man facing her is similarly unruffled though his manner hints at long practice. "If he does, my wife, you and I will have to draw straws to see who gets to go first." One black eyebrow on her anger-darkened face rises a flea's girth. Her lips twitch, twitch again, then compress into a quivering line. She tips her chin up, cheeks betraying a held-back smile."Something we can agree on. Very well. I'll let the others know." As she heads to the Residence Hall, her muttering is clear to anyone within ten feet. "And if Elly doesn't rip his happy stick off for this stunt, I WILL." The dwarf slumps down as she passes, tossing a sympathetic look to the blonde man when she's gone."Daddy." The girl speaks as her mother strides out of earshot."Yes, Cassie?"She rolls her eyes at the nickname. "Should we clean our toys and things out of his office then?""That's a good idea." She nods, placing a Reid pottery plate down with a clink. "...but..." Her brother turns an ear to listen. "...but...leave some surprises. I'll let you decide what, and where."
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Rumour Has It / Disturbances in the Al'Noth
« on: September 09, 2015, 08:40:17 pm »

Rumors circulate through some circles that disturbances in the Al'Noth have begun to appear and disappear randomly. Those "in the know" have been advised to keep their eyes open for them as they can be unpredictable and dangerous...

//If a player finds AND repairs one of the anomalies; let me know via an IC post to this thread describing the harrowing event. It will be worth 1 fortune point.

The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

General Discussion / Apology To Candy Capers
« on: September 08, 2015, 11:06:35 pm »
Sorry everyone who participated in the Candy Capers mini quest. My internet is just going in and out right now and I am unsure whats wrong. Thank you everyone for putting up with me while I was there. I apologize for me in and out because it just ruins the roleplaying. I don't if its possible for a GM to move my character so that when I finally do get internet and can log back in I wont appear in the middle of the goblin den. Again I appreciate you guys allowing me to come in late, sorry for not being able to contribute.Sincerely, aka Finn
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

General Discussion / (Yet another) returning player
« on: September 06, 2015, 04:25:22 pm »

Hi folks,

I've been kicking around here on and off for a number of years now and despite extended absences there's something about this place that always draws me back. There's a real appeal about being able to step into a persistent d&d campaign that no other game can seem to match, and once again I felt the call. I'm hoping to finish up a potentially consequential cdq, and get back into exploring the world and its stories again. So if anyone is around on gmt evenings and feels like a little murder and mayhem, give me a shout! Just a couple of questions as well as I've noticed a few changes.

I see that a world campaign has just drawn to a close and I have no idea what happened. Is there a thread somewhere that covers the story?

I saw as well that in game, the player list now reads everyone as 'someone'. I like the new system, but I'm not sure how it works. Is there somewhere I can read up on how to use it?

Thanks all,


The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

General Discussion / Stepping Down
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:31:15 pm »
Hey there everyone,For personal reasons, I have decided to step down from GMing.  It's been a good ride, but it's time I focus on other things that have been occupying most of my time anyways.  I wish you all the best of luck.  Thank you for the good times and memories.~Alatriel/Diva
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

General Discussion / Community Update - Ravemore
« on: September 01, 2015, 10:20:10 pm »
Just an FYI... We had a large windstorm in the Seattle area over the weekend and I'm swamped at work... so there may be some delay in responses, ongoing IRC RP, etc. I do not anticipate having to reschedule anything though. So, if you're waiting for a reply, I'll get to you as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.-Rave
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue, Part III
« on: August 31, 2015, 11:43:15 pm »
Another two months pass before the Conduit is fully disassembled and prepared for relocation. Near the end of this, scouting parties have found what is believed to be a passage through the Deep that will lead to Mistone and eventually the Hall of Seven, however, it is not without its perils, and such a large group passing through with the added load of the Conduit pieces would surely draw unwanted attention. In the interest of expediency, it is ultimately decided to take the Conduit overland to Anger Bay and from there to sail for the subterranean docks of the Ulgrids with the aid and capacity of the Toranite troop ships, and eventually traverse into the Deep for the last part of the journey.The Conduit is moved in five main efforts, each conveying the parts for one fifth of the Conduit, based on the notion that should any section be lost, it could be recreated using their plans and the others as a template. A key piece of each section of the Conduit is taken and moved through another means. The gnomes refuse to answer questions about these pieces or how they are moved, referring to them only as “essence” or “heart”, though there seems to be some disagreement among them as to the correct way to translate the specific word.The transportation of the Conduit back to the Hall of Seven is every bit as painstaking as its disassembly, yet the challenges along the way remain well within the abilities of those serving as scouts, protection or both. Every consideration is given to the safety of the pieces. Reassembly within the Hall begins as soon as the pieces begin arriving. After the better part of a year from the discovery of the Conduit, all pieces arrive safely within the Hall. All those who aided in its transport and protection are thanked, offered provisions and a time to rest, but they are asked to depart as soon as possible. “Our work...” they are told. “for reasons given by the gods themselves, must remain secret. The Five will soon be reborn to disappear among the peoples of this world. Remember all you have learned. Respect what you were told. When the skies change next, you will know the meaning.”
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

General Discussion / Outstanding Quest...
« on: August 19, 2015, 12:20:45 am »
Thanks Brew for a fun time. Outstanding quest and well worth the time tonight! I appreciate the work you put into that.-Rave
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Rumour Has It / The "Rush" is on!!!!!!
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:14:52 pm »

Bring your Pickaxes and Chisels!!!!

Dillon, the “Great Merchant of Port Hempstead” will be trekking to the Bullseye in Center to offer a very lucrative mining contract! No written notices! The details of the order will be presented in person and mining teams and companies will have 14 days to complete the order… no more, and no less!

100,000 True! You heard correct…. 100,000 True! Come one, come all! //This will be a RP only session and will be on the calendar. Expect about no more than an hour or so. If miners begin working on this immediately after the RP session though, expect all types of baddies to cross your path when you’re out there in “there them hills.” Expect to get beat on…I'm going to be sticking around in GM mode for several hours. Quest reward will be given to those who are working on the order for the entire time I am online.1, 2 , or even 3 players WILL NOT be able to accomplish this task. You may not even be able to carry everything with that many people! You will need a full team working in cooperation. An in-game session will be put on the calendar to turn in your goods and collect you’re reward 14 RL days after this quest is initiated.The Key word here is "Teamwork." It will make you, or break you.

There will be tasks for all levels of players.... 1st through Super Epic!

*Note: I adjusted the time a little later due to a conflict with my schedule.

The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Ask A Gamemaster / Newb Questions?
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:06:34 am »
Sorry guys just have a few random questions.1. I have read the rules on harvesting, but I am a little unclear on the exact amount of time that would be appropriate to wait before to harvest. Should I harvest only one per time while I'm logged in or is it possible to do more?2. When collecteing resources such as wood or clay or worms, do you crafting xp for just harvesting, or is it just when crafting. Do you get actual XP or is it just crafting XP?3. Are there any good quest or area for solo adventuring , and if so where would that be?4. Of course I would love to adventure with others, is there a hot period of time on the game in order to try and meet some other players?
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue, Part I
« on: August 01, 2015, 10:23:38 pm »
With little warning, the fortress of Bloody Gate is suddenly a hub of activity. It began a short time ago with the arrival of several persons whose names would be recognizable by the stories told of them. Not long after, a brigade of soldiers bearing standards of Toran made landfall in Anger Bay. The force, numbering a thousand or more troops based on observations, began to march through the wilderness of Morholt, apparently taking pains to avoid centers of population by a wide margin, at least until reaching Bloody Gate. The troops settle into a camp just outside the walls, resting and waiting for something.The wait ends up being not long at all, and with a few more arrivals of storied (and even legendary) persons, the troops begin to mobilize. Joined by a sizable force of Voraxian troops from Bloody Gate itself and a small contingent of scouts sent by the Wolfswood Rangers, a coordinated march into the Mountains of Madness to the east of Bloody Gate begins, led by the same prominent individuals who arrived not long before. And so began the campaign into the mountains, with the mighty adventurers securing the path and the army of troops holding the lines of supply and communication.The expedition proceeded into a cave, and at that point, the details get spotty. From outward appearances, the activity and troop distribution would suggest holding position, yet only a few waypoint camps are established along the secured route, suggesting no permanence to the effort. Observations also suggest a regular rotation of troops through the lines of fortification, some going as far back as the camp outside of Bloody Gate. Rumors of an alliance with mountain giant tribes long left undisturbed since the long-expired truce with Milara circulate among the forces. As could be guessed, such rumors are met with varying degrees of acceptance.Likewise, stories circulated among troops rotating out of the caves speak of a large machine of some sort being secured and kept for study.Within a month or so of the incursion into the mountains, a half dozen gnomes arrive at Bloody Gate. After being allowed to rest and refresh from their journey overnight, the gnomes were escorted along the supply lines and into the cave. A week after the gnomes' arrival in Bloody Gate, a trio of riders bearing insignia and flags of Morholt arrive and demand audience with King Rory.Though precisely unknown at the time, the last recorded case of “Fastrot” occurs two weeks after the mountain incursion with a man who stumbles into Fort Homestead, collapses and almost immediately liquifies. (( more to come... ))
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Ancients Legacy / //// Be on the lookout....
« on: July 12, 2015, 07:10:14 pm »
.... for an Arms event to follow up this whole affair with story and song. I'm on vacation for a few weeks, but I'll be looking for a spot on the calendar for an IG event to commemerate the finale. ////
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Ancients Legacy / Hunting Milara
« on: July 12, 2015, 03:38:10 pm »
While dealing with the Conduit and securing the area, Commander Stormhaven checks to see if anyone can trace where Milara may have gone through the collapsed portal in his study by way of magical traces.  She dispatches a group of the Shining Hand to clean out any remaining undead or pit kind in the area as well as search for any clues to where Milara may have fled."Milara's gotten too comfortable.  I don't care how powerful people say he is, I want him brought to justice.  It's well past time."
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 After emerging from the caves and arriving back at Bloody Gate with others, Tyrra sees to penning a report on the events in the cave.  She addresses it to Commander Zephyros Kerry Moreau of Fort Angle.Commander Moreau,I have alarming news from the Mountains of Madness.  As I've previously reported, a group of adventurers has been investigating the implications of the strange stellar convergance.  In our efforts to solve multiple associated problems, such as the disappearances and the liquifications that have been noted around the world, we came upon an ancient task that was all but been forgetten, except by a cult of Goranites, in order to prevent Dragon Wars similar to those of the ancient past.I'd be happy to explain it all in person, but I need to deliver this message as soon as possible.  Milara has been involved and seems to have been trying to use this convergance for his own ends.  Many people have been rescued from a cave in the Mountains of Madness, and Milara attacked us when we found him attempting to make use of some sort of ancient conduit for Divine power.  The adventurers, including myself, engaged his minions and stopped his plot, but Milara escaped.Please inform the King that Milara may now find reason to renew the wars he waged for Sinthar Bloodstone.  This message should also be sent to Lusaxon.  They may be at risk of attack by Milara's allies.If my services are needed, I will be in Bloody Gate to complete what has been started here.  The Goranites are working with the machine we found.  I'd like to see what happens, and will report as soon as they are finished.Faithfully and Dutifully,
Warrant Officer Tyrra Dragonheart
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Rumour Has It / Rael is stalwart
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:01:13 am »
Inquiries made to Rael for lifting their much more restrictive quarantine in the interests of trade and travel are answered with an elaborate and formal response stating that research still continues and that the health, safety and security for all of Rael's residents is Lord Rael's primary concern. The kingdom's borders remain closed.
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Forum Discussion / Forums/Web Site Moving
« on: April 11, 2015, 03:14:32 pm »
Good afternoon folks,Just giving you the heads up that I'll be moving the forums to another server some time this weekend. I will have to take down the old server temporarily for about a half hour or so to transfer the latest db over to the new server. Once this is done the web site will be running concurrently on the old server and the new server while the DNS propagates over. If your DNS is slow to update then you will probably see a bit of a performance loss as you connect to the old web server which is interacting with the db on the new server.The new web server is faster and you'll notice a speed increase while browsing the site and forums. To summarize, you don't have to do anything, but you may experience some latency until your ISP recognizes the DNS change. At the most this should be 48 hours but in general folks should be fine very shortly afterwards.-orth
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Layonara Server / Version 3.54 is online!
« on: March 21, 2015, 01:14:42 am »

Version 3.54 is online!

A lot of performance improvements under the hood that probably wouldn't excite you much and a few new goodies.


  • Complete reworking of rest logic. No more double messages, nicer coloured feedback. Interrupted rests now only require player level/5 minutes before another rest. So a Level 15 would only have to wait 3 minutes. Any interrupted rests now reset the player's HP to what it was before resting. DMs can now drop a safe rest tent anywhere with =c makeplc dm_safe_rest

  • Fixed the spell tracking system to be much more efficient. Also spells should cast a fractionally quicker time

  • If a player is bound to a no longer existing bindstone then set it to Center

  • North Point Craft Hall stairs should no longer get players stuck

  • Fixed an issue with the Wildflower Heaven token.

  • Crafting Top 10 now shows active players in last 90 days in the top 10 not just those that have recently crafted (and gained crafting XP).

  • Server status now keeps a better track of players logged in instead of a lag before they're off it should be fairly immediate (well within the 1 minute refresh)



    Updated Cave of the Snake on Dregar[/li][li]

    New Spellbook Saving/Restore System, type =c sb or read this.[/li][/list]

Other updates:

  • Significant reworking of the database. I'd get into the nitty gritty but I doubt many people would be interested.

  • Move some variables from the database to the Gem of Rememberance

  • More performance improvements in many areas, crafting, death, logging in

Also thank Guardian-452 for the update area, hopefully more to come!


The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Layonara Server / Error with Oxen Logging In With Player
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:15:58 pm »
I made an error on the live db and accidentally removed some values thinking I was on my testing db. This is going to cause one's ox to log in with the player the next time they log in. My sincere apologies!If this causes you any out of sorts of grief please let me know. If you login to a place where you definitely do not want your ox then please log off and post asking for a GM to help port you to somewhere to tie it down.Edit: Also your ox's name will have been lost!Sorry!orth
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

Layonara Server / Version 3.52 is online!
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:33:03 am »

Version 3.52 is online!

Was going to do this tonight but the server was empty and despite not being able to get in game until later I've faith in my changes! (Read: everything's going to be broken) Couple of tweaks and bug fixes as the dust settles on the big update.


  • Fixed the player list showing Someone even after introduced

  • Delvers should not have been destroying weapons in the Mistone Deep

  • Fixed CNR skins not being created on occasion

  • Restored Pawn Shop to Fort Miritix

  • Added mangled titanium as a biproduct to failed arrowheads

  • Fixed a bug that was creating more RNQs than 6.



    If an RNQ NPC is awaiting a yes/no answer and the player says neither (or she doesn't understand) then re ask the question[/li][/list]


    Cleaned up a bit of the verbiage used for languages. [/li][li]

    Make sure GMs always see translated versions of language usage[/li][/list]

    Other updates:

    • More performance improvements, removed some unneeded scripts and reworked some persistent storage

    • No longer store the Layonara Date/Time on the db, instead we convert on the fly. 

    • Limit the storage log to only show the last 50 additions/removals. If more is needed for whatever reason let me know but it's a significant toll on the system.

    • The furniture system would loop through 40 times trying to add 5 new pieces of furniture, instead stop the loop at the count of furniture they have instead of the MAX 200. Bit of a performance increase.



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Layonara Server / Version 3.51 is online!
« on: March 01, 2015, 04:42:46 pm »

Version 3.51 is online!

This was a quick fix I updated with yesterday (and a hotfix on Friday) that I didn't get the chance to summarize the small details out.


  • Fixed a bug that had CNR loading really slow.

  • Fixed a bug with messages through the web site to characters not functioning

  • Fixed a critical bug with inserting containers into crates/chests

  • Allow for the new adventuring kits to be stored in banks or furniture

  • A couple RNQ (Random NPC Quest) tweaks and performance improvements



    Consecrate symbol no longer destroys the old amulet and creates a copy of the properties on the ugly yellow thing. It simply updates the tag properly and changes the name to include (Consecrated)[/li][/list]


    Created a new journal book called A Book of Fixes and moved some of the actions to there.[/li][li]

    Introduced a fix to the ultravision, true seeing and darkness bug where after it wears off you couldn't see any players any more. This was only corrected with a relog before but now you can just use =c fixuvbug[/li][li]

    The old emote wand used to be used to save a ton of variables related to spell casting but those vars were moved to the gem of rememberance. A new function replaces the wand with a clean one if they have one.[/li][/list]

    Other updates:

    • More db performance improvements

    • Integrated new incremental backup system with no noticeable impact on the NWN server



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