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Development Journals and Discussion / The Faith Quest of Amelia Sunray
« on: December 02, 2004, 04:41:00 pm »
I have recently arrived in Hlint. The town has a reputation for attracting adventurers of all sorts and so far it appears to live up to it quite well. During the first few days I was in town I heard of several raids from bands of Drow. I have no idea why they would be coming, but I've learned to look over my shoulder regularly.

There is a temple to Ilsare here in Hlint with a Holy Pool. The local priestess has  granted me access and allows me to use it on occasion. I have been building a stock of holy water and curative potions.

The crypt here in Hlint is teaming with undead. Fortunately they are more of a minor nuisance than any real threat, though they seem endless, as if some strong, darker power is raising them. I spend my days making regular sweeps of the crypt, cleansing it of it's evils. I even found what I believed to be the source of the problem. Deep within the crypt I found a Darksoul, though of the lesser variety. He commanded a troupe of ghouls, but I called on Aeridin's aid and wiped them out.

I felt at ease knowing the problem was taken care of only to hear rumors the next day of the dead walking beneath Hlint. I went down into the crypt and sure enough, the place was teaming with skeletons, zombies, and ghouls. It even appeared like their numbers had been multiplying.

Some day I will find the source of this evil, until then, I will continue to make regular cleansing sweeps and continue to stock pile holy water and healing draughts.

Development Journals and Discussion / The Adventures of Sago Spellfinder
« on: November 17, 2004, 09:52:00 am »
Sago here, Master Adventurer and Explorer Extraordinaire. The past few days have been so much fun and filled with excitement I thought I'd jot down some of the highlights in my journal while doing a little fishing.

A few days ago I fell asleep by my campfire and had the most amazing dream. There was a real live Dragon! Well, maybe it wasn't live, maybe it was just a dream. I don't know. I've never seen a dragon before. The next thing I know I woke up in the town of Hlint. I had heard of Hlint, but never had been there before. I quickly made my rounds around the town, meeting the locals and looking in every corner and peeking in every window. It seems quite a few of the locals have problems that need dealing with. Lucky for them I'm here now!

A fine lady asked me if I would try and find something for her down in the sewers. That sounded like a fine adventure and I headed down. The rats down there are enormous! I swear to you now they must be bigger than me head! I slew quite a few but they swarmed a bit and took a few too many bites out of me. I dragged myself out of there only to see some fellow adventurers talking by the road. I of course offered to help them down in the sewers if any of them needed help, seeing as I'm now a master rat slayer. They didn't seem to interested but one kind fellow healed me wounds right up. You'd never guess I'd had so much as a nip from those rats.

I decided to take a bit of a nap and when I woke there was another group of folks. I introduced myself all proper like and found out they were headed out on a hunt. They said they were off to Seilwood Forest filled with creatures and caves. They asked if I wanted to come and I jumped at it! I'd never been to this Seilwood. I heard there was a witch there; we never did see her though. What we did do was find a really great cave filled with all sorts of nasties. We saw this giant quivering cube of jelly and people started chopping at it. I stood back and threw some darts and what do ya know? I popped that jelly! Michaelis found a necklace in the muck and it looked like it might be the one that bard in the inn lost. He said she had asked him to find it and since she asked me as well I suggested we turn it in together seeing as I was most instrumental in finding it. Back in town that bard sure was happy to have it back, she gave me a spot of gold. She gave some to Michaelis too but I think I got a wee more, I think she might be sweet on me. I was starving at this point so I ordered up some food and drink. That hit the gullet just right!

When I came out of the inn there was yet another group of adventurers gathered. I saw a man in a skirt no less! His name was Wedge and looked to be useful with a sword. He and another guy were talking with a fine looking lady named Brisbane. Just then a man clad in a green robe approached. I introduced myself and found his name was Plen. He was looking for a good place to rest. It turns out he just returned from an adventure and was quite drained from, get this, raising people from the dead! Now that is a healer. What a priest. He claimed all it needed was a little faith, but I don't know about that. I've got faith in Lucinda, but ya don't see me raising people up from the dead. I have felt closer to her recently, but I can't even heal up my nicks and bruises.

Wedge thought some hunting would be fun and suggested a trip to Seilwood. All right! I am master of Seilwood! I just had that adventure there earlier and conquered the place. Plen and Brisbane declined to come seeing as how Plen really needed some rest. They both worked some mighty fine magic though! Brisbane turned my skin tough as a tree. Plen made flames leap from my blade and the both of them cast several other enchantments I couldn't discern, but they made me feel great.

So off we ran to Seilwood. While exploring the cave it seemed a bit haunted. Strange things kept disappearing or appearing. When we left the cave we found out it was no ghost! It was a wizard having some fun. He goes by the name of Alexander the Blue. We asked him to join and he thought that sounded like a fine idea. Turns out those woods are bigger than I knew! We went through a Ranger's grove and then deeper into the woods. I saw a cockatrice! I've heard those birds have a nasty bite but that didn't get me, no sir. We chopped them up nice and I pocked a few feathers as a suvineer. Just then we turned the corner only to see a band of ogres! They looked set on pounding us good so we whipped those fire blades around and took them all down.

Once we cleared the area, Alexander asked if we wanted to go even deeper yet so he could get some garlic. Sounded great to me, but as we all turned to go, the earth itself started rumbling. With a fantastic entrance of fire and smoke, a flying demon appeared! He was a tricky one and told us he had hidden 500 gold somewhere near by. 500 gold! Oh what I could buy with that. He said we could have it, if we could find it. We ran all over the woods peering up trees and under rocks. Meanwhile this devil was having some fun with us. He started up a snowstorm and darkened the skies. Creatures appeared and disappeared before our eyes. Some we managed to kill, others just vanished right before landing a killer blow. We finally found a corpse by the lake with a pouched full of 500 gold. I went to snatch it up but the tricky devil claimed it was too easy and it vanished from me very hands.

We began the search again; but this time the snow was really getting to me a bit. It was down right cold in these woods. After a mighty battle with some ogres, the demon taunted us some more, claiming the gold has been very close the whole time! Someone shouted, "Check your packs! He's tricky one and may have already given it to us." Sure enough, Alexander found an extra pouch with 500 gold in his pack. The demon cheered our brilliance and with a grand gesture healed all our wounds!

We headed back to Hlint to split up our bounty. I noticed during the walk back that Lucinda seemed closer to me. I thought I recalled her watching over me in the forest, but I thought I was likely muddled from all the excitement. I took a few moments to pray and give her thanks for watching over me. It was then that I felt I had gained her favor. I felt I could do some miraculous things if only I could some how focus her magics. I ran off to the local temple and bought an amulet just like the ones I'd seen the folks from the old temple wearing.

I grasped the amulet and thought of Lucinda. I tried to focus her magics and soon my blade began to glow! No, it wasn't fire like master Plen had made, but it was glowing nonetheless and I did that! Well, of course I did. I had Lucinda's help, but I am a master adventurer and all adventurers of any worth can work magics. I was so excited I blessed some water in Lucinda's name.

Oh my, I've written much more than I had planned and there is so much to see. I can't waste all day writing in this dumb book. The people need my master adventuring skills.

Roleplaying / Character Location Metagaming
« on: November 11, 2004, 02:30:00 pm »
This is a topic I brought up in Ed's wonderful RP 101 class today. I have found several times when logging into Layonara, someone will see the log on and then send a Tell asking for location. This is often done either because they want to set up a trade (as discussed on the forums) or maybe they just want to adventure together.  Some folks are rather blatant and the tell goes something like this: "Hey, what's up? Want to go adventure? Where are you?"  This tends to disrupt the gaming atmosphere.  There are some nicer uses of the Tell that achieve the desired goal, but are less obtrusive.  Orth's Plenarius character will often "Send a hawk out over the land in search of ."  The other player can then respond with something like " sees a beautiful hawk soaring over ."  Ed has suggested any variation on this works well. "Send a pigeon with a note." "Send Postmaster Vale." If you are a wizard, "Send your familiar in search of the person."  Remember, tells don't have to be completely occ and RP can be infused anywhere and everywhere.

Development Journals and Discussion / The Faith Quest of Amelia Swain
« on: November 11, 2004, 10:32:00 am »
I recently arrived here in the town of Hlint. I was brought through a curious, if not somewhat frightful, dream mechanism. I was not even sure at first if I was not hallucinating. After talking with several of the locals, it appears I am not unique in this situation. At times the gods work in mysterious ways and I can only hold to my faith that Aeridin feels he needs me here.

I have taken temporary residence in the local inn. This morning I awoke and left the inn only to find a small band of adventurers near the town well. They were barely clinging to life. Large wounds leaked streams of blood and they were covered in bruises. I quickly did what I could for them. I stabilized their condition some, but they still looked the worse for wear. Their leader, Fallon Archmaster, told me they had a run in with a nasty group of Ogres. Just the thought of those rampaging brutes made me shiver. Fallon thanked me for my help and assured me he and his crew would be quite all right with a little rest. I gave him Aeridin's blessing and went about my errands.

Later I found Fallon looking much better. He and several others, including a young sorcerer named Scion, had gathered and told me a local bard had lost a necklace and they invited me to help them find it. I agreed to come and do what I could to aid them in their endeavor. Our travels took us through a forest and a cave. Numerous creatures attacked us and we were unfortunately forced to put them down. I healed people as I could. Young Scion found himself in dire straights several times, but with Aeridin's blessing I healed his wounds in time. We found the bard's necklace and returned to Hlint to give it to her. She was so grateful, she gave us some gold, which I have used to purchase some supplies.

It is becoming quite clear that this is not a safe area and filled with numerous evils. I regret the lives my fellow adventurers and I must end, but I must believe Aeridin would rather me alive to spread his blessings and healing than dead myself from these foul creatures.

Development Journals and Discussion / Duur gud
« on: October 28, 2004, 02:54:00 pm »
Duur would like to say a few things about his journeys so far.

Duur sleep. Duur see big sca-lee. Big sca-lee say Duur go chop. Duur wak inna nu hom. Man say nu hom Lint. Man say Duur chop bad meenee git eer. Man say need git lee-tel chopur n meebee big chopur. Duur git lee-tel chopur n big big chopur.

La-dee say git papurs. Duur help la-dee. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop lee-tel sqweeek meebee tin sqweek. Duur chop big sqweeek. OW. Big sqweeek ow Duur. Duur sleep. Duur wak no inna hol. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop sqweeek. OW. Big sqweeek ow Duur. Duur sleep. Duur wak no inna hol. Duur see man. Man gud. Man Spur! Spur need chopur. Duur sho Spur chopurs. Dum Spur git lee-tel chopur. Duur n Spur go inna hol. Chopin sqweeek. Spur mak spark-lee!!! HaHAHAHa. Duur chop big sqweeek git papurs! Lad-ee giv Duur goldee. Spur go.

Duur go chop bad meenee. Ooo. Meenee kid-dees. Da say Duur no hurt kid-dee. BAD. Dees kid-dee meen giv Duur ow. Meebee Duur chop meen kid-dees. Duur chopin meen kid-dee tak eer wit lee-tel chopur. Duur go Lint. Man giv Duur goldee. Duur go.

Man say meebee Duur chop ded badees. Dum man. Ded badees no need chopin. Duur go inna hol. Badee no ded. Duur chop bons. Duur chop gray men. Duur git sik-kees. Duur go. Duur see la-dee. La-dee gud. La-dee Til-da. Til-da tak sik-kees. Til-da stop blud. Til-da blud stopur! Til-da lik bons. Duur giv bons. Til-da give goldee!

Man say Duur chop meen kid-dee inna hol. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop meen kid-dee meebee tin lee-tel kid-dee. Duur git hed. Duur go Lint.

Spur! Duur sho Spur sak. Spur lik junk. Duur giv Spur junk. Meebee bat doodoo. Meebee papurs. Meebee uddur junk. Spur giv Duur goldee! Spuur gud.

Duur see pee-pel meebee tin pee-pal. Dey go chopin scalees. Pee-pal say Duur ogr. Duur no ogr. Duur big man! Pee-pal say meebee Duur chop scalee. Duur gud chopur. Duur go chop sca-lee. OW. Sca-lee ow Duur. Duur sleep. Duur wak. No pee-pal. Duur go find pee-pal. Mor sca-lee. Duur chop sca-lee gud. OW. Sca-lee big bad. Sca-lee ow Duur. Sca-lee ow pee-pal. Meebee tin sca-lee. Duur sleep. Duur wak. Pee-pal! Pee-pal say go chop sca-lee. Duur no go. Pee-pal say meebee Duur go? Okies. Duur go chop sca-lee. Duur chop gud. Sca-lee ded. Sum pee-pal say go inna hol. Sum pee-pal say no hol. Duur no go inna hol. Duur go Lint.

Duur need beer. Duur git beer. Lee-tel gurl say meebee Duur git pri-tee. Gurl say pri-tee inna hol inna trees. Duur go git pri-tee. Duur chop bugs git guts wit lee-tel chopur. Duur chop spidee git guts wit lee-tel chopur. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop lee-tel scalees. Duur chop big jel-lee. Duur git pri-tee. Duur go Lint. Lee-tel gurl giv Duur goldee!

Man say Hi. Man is gud. Man is Lon. Lon say meebee chop big sca-lee. Uh, meebee no chop sca-lee. Lon say meebee chop ogr. Lon sho Duur ogr hol. Duur see pee-pel. Meebee tin pee-pal. Pee-pal meebee go chop ogr. Duur see lee-tel boy. Lee-tel boy gud. Lee-tel boy To-mee. To-mee say help chop ogr. Ogr big big bad. OW. Ogr ow Duur. Duur no sleep. Blud Stopur stop blud. Duur chop mor ogr. OW. Blud Stopur help. Duur go deep inna hol. Duur chop ogr meebee tin ogr! Spark-lees! Pee-pal chop Ogr. To-mee git hed.

To-mee say meebee go sand. Sum pee-pal go sand. Duur go sand. Duur chop wig-gel. Duur chop bug. Duur chop ogr. Duur go Lint.

Spur! Duur giv Spur junk. Spur lik junk giv Duur goldee!

Man say Duur big! Man say meebee Duur chop medul. Man say Duur git medul chopur. Man say Duur git pown-dur. Duur git medul chopur n pown-dur. Man say medul inna hol. Duur go inna hol. Dum meen kid-dee. Duur chop meen kid-dee. Duur chop medul. Duur go Lint. Duur melt medul. Sli-pee medul. Sum medul go inna fire. Duur pownd medul. Duur mak blokur. La-dee lik blokur. La-dee say meebee Duur mak blokur meebee tin blokur.

Duur help pee-pal. Sum pee-pal say Duur big. Sum pee-pal need chopin. Sum day Duur help pee-pal. Sum day Duur see Spur. Giv Spur junk. Spur lik junk giv Duur goldee. Sum day chop medul. Sum day melt medul. Sum day pownd medul. Sum day Duur giv junk. Sum day pee-pal giv Duur goldee meebee tin goldee.

Duur big man. Duur gud chopur. Duur chop baddee. Duur chop medul.

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