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Messages - Chazzler

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Introduce Yourself / The who and the what now?
« on: November 08, 2007, 06:29:03 am »
Well, it's me, Timo! (in a Mario voice)

A 25 year old computer shop worker doing part-time there, at a small town in Finland. Very near to the Russian border, about 20km to the border-station from here.

I was born near here too, or actually at this town, but I first lived at the border-station village (village, because it harbors something like 500 residents nowadays). And moved here with my old folks. I went to the local elementary school, visited the local high school for a year, then cut that, moved away and went through vocational school (computer / electronics), then tried my hands at another vocational school (arts). Neither the high school or arts-school really worked for me, the high-school was a because of difficult times, and the arts-school because I realized I wouldn't ever get a job / living out of that stuff here in Finland.

Then I tried a higher degree of computer-technology, for about 1½ years or so, but apparently I wasn't gifted enough in mathematics and so on, so I cut that off from my plans and am going with the vocational  school's papers now.

Military training: None, and I don't need to. Even though Finland has a forced upon military duty for every male after the age of 18, medical reasons can free you from this. Women can attend to the duty with free will. (Yes, this is against human-rights, the forced upon duty. Because if you don't go to the army, you'll go to jail for a year or so.) The medical reason for me: Schizophrenia and depression. (Don't worry, I ain't the psychopathic serial killer some TV-series and films of yore have epitomized schizophrenia patients to be) Nor do I have multiple personalities, those are a symptom of split-personality disorder, which has been documented upon a 100 persons throughout recorded history or so. ;)

And I live at my old folks home, heh, poor me. But it's a big place so I get a lot of room to fidget around, heheh.

Future plans? Some, including a steady job somewhere (not likely here, as there ain't but this one place to work at, and they don't have enough budget to hire me as is.) Maybe my own place (whee, bank loans!), and so on. Maybe make an album with a friend of mine. Me as the song writer and singer, he as the composer. Of course this would be just a studio album, with mixer drums and so on most likely. But with authentic guitars and bass and synthesizers.
Would be something in the line of black metal / doom metal.

General Discussion / Down to the Rift
« on: November 08, 2007, 05:23:19 am »
Just a heads up OOC, there's an event to go down to the Great Rift for CNR and loot and such, RP endorsed of course. ;)

Here's the link:

General Discussion / An event for tonight.
« on: November 03, 2007, 10:50:51 am »
All with a friendly disposition to the Explorer members and their friends welcomed heartily :)

Trade and Market Hall / Diamonds for sale
« on: October 22, 2007, 07:19:59 am »
Selling: 5 uncut diamonds in their mineral form, a free cut and/or polishing of the gems shall be given if the buyer so wishes, and as such, the buyer shall have the dusts provided with the end result gems.

Price: 45000 for the lot, or 10000 per individual mineral/gem.

--Godim Harjumaa

//PS: These gems are from an expedition but two-three days ago, alas I am not sure who was the initial organizer (Clarissa & Rose ?), so I can't really say if these rocks CAN BE sold without breaking the Loot Policy for which I have signed Godim to. If it does, please inform me and I will withdraw this offer.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Lucinda's Touch(es)
« on: October 20, 2007, 07:49:28 am »
I have for sale, Lucinda's Touches. Three of them at this moment, sold individually or in a bundle.
Price: 20000 True per touch (they doth take a diamond to make...)

--Godim H.

Trade and Market Hall / Buying: Glass
« on: October 02, 2007, 09:12:00 am »
Buying boxes of glass ingots, willing to pay 1000 per box, fair offers of trade & coin taken.

--Godim Harjumaa

Trade and Market Hall / Buying: Sapphires
« on: September 11, 2007, 01:46:14 pm »
Buying sapphires in mineral, cut or polished form.

Mineral:  250 True per rock

Cut:       200 True per gem
Polished:  300 True per gem

--Godim Harjumaa

Fixed Bugs / CNR: Tasha's Hideous Laughter and Cloudkill scroll recipes
« on: September 08, 2007, 03:47:18 pm »
Description: The recipe at the scribing desk says the Tasha's Hideous Laughter spell needs a lesser ink of evocation, but the spell itself is enchantment.

The recipe at the scribing desk says the Cloudkill spell needs an ink of conjuration, when the spell itself is necromancy.

Location: Crafting areas

Verified: N/A

Reproducable: Yes, it applies for everyone I suppose.

Fixed Bugs / A non-working Point of Interest on Central
« on: August 27, 2007, 04:07:34 am »
Description: Yeah, the same one that was not working in v. and was supposed to be fixed (?) :)
Maybe the in v. when clicked upon, the flag was tagged as "used", but didn't give EXP or a Quest Notice?

Location: N/A

Verified: Not tried with another character

Reproduceable:  N/A, refer to "Verified"

General Discussion / Happy birthday...
« on: August 26, 2007, 10:31:44 am » Masterjack! have a fun one mate.

Trade and Market Hall / Hazelnuts, and their oils
« on: August 08, 2007, 06:09:05 pm »
Looking to buy either a box or two of Hazelnuts, or a boxful of hazelnut oils.

Payment to be discussed, or make an offer.

--Godim Harjumaa

Trade and Market Hall / Auction, Cloak of Resistance +2
« on: August 04, 2007, 01:15:40 pm »
I would like to place this grand cloak up for auction, 'thelps against most things magical, and natural, saving thou from much harm. The starting price would be 40000 True, and incremental bids of 5000 will be taken into account for, the auction ends at 8th of this month, wedlar, when the bells strike midnight. //08.08.2007 21:00 / 9pm GMT// Or after one hour after the last bid, to prevent sniping.

//Cloak: +2 to Universal saves//

--Godim Harjumaa

Trade and Market Hall / Auction: Exceptional Belt of Cunning
« on: August 04, 2007, 01:11:11 pm »
I would like to place a belt of of cunning for auction, 'tis of an exceptional quality. The starting price would be 30000 True, and incremental bids of 5000 will be taken into account for. The auction ends at Wedlar, 8th of this current month. //Wednesday, 08.08.2007 21:00 / 9pm GMT// Or one hour after last bid, to prevent sniping.

//Belt: +2 Wisdom, +3 Hide, +3 Search//

--Godim Harjumaa

Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy, rods and a ruby
« on: August 02, 2007, 02:58:05 pm »
I would like to buy a ruby or two, still.

--Godim Harjumaa

Trade and Market Hall / Emerald Rings wanted
« on: July 28, 2007, 03:24:43 pm »
Looking to buy two rings, set with an emerald enchanted with Fox's Cunning spell, or someone able to enchant and to set two such rings, if the latter, the emeralds will be provided by me.

Also, a large possibility be that I will be looking for 2-4 dusts of emeralds after this.

--Godim Harjumaa

Fixed Bugs / Cloudkill Spell Description
« on: July 25, 2007, 03:50:36 am »
Description: The Cloudkill spell in my spellbook says that it infects the target with a large scorpion venom, but the spell itself acts just like the Bioware default Cloudkill spell.
Location: N/A

Reproducable: Not sure

General Discussion / *cough* advert *cough*
« on: July 12, 2007, 12:13:16 pm »
Nah, not really :)

Just a heads up there's going to be a Rifting party on Central tonight (gmt).

See the calendar for further detail. Cheers.

Wild Surge Inn / Red and green gems, the hardiest of metals
« on: July 09, 2007, 11:55:43 am »
I would like to try, and mayhap organize a group to travel to the the deepest of the eastern lands known as Belinara. The goal for this journey would be the gems and ores valued so much by us who craft from them.

I can not distress enough of the danger that lays there, so none who doth nay deem him/herself to be capable shouldn't apply for this. Also, the members of the group should nay be bickering amongst each other, as this type of thing leads to a most certain destruction of their very lives.

I am also looking for a leader for this group, as I nay recall the way from my last time down there, and he/she should be accepted as such by the whole of the group (if there shall be any). I on the other hand can manage the coordination of the date, applicants and such.

Please write thy name and a date appropriate for thee below. I also would like to meet the group as a whole beforehand, so we can all discuss our roles and the rules of the journey.

Suggestions are welcome,

--Godim Harjumaa

Trade and Market Hall / For sale, mineral diamonds
« on: July 05, 2007, 03:04:25 am »
I would like to place 5 mineral diamonds for sale. 10000 each. These can be cut and polished for an additional price of 500 per rock. If needed to cut and /  or polished, the dusts will go for the byuer.

--Godim Harjumaa

General Discussion / Lost malar bag
« on: July 04, 2007, 01:22:31 pm »
I have lost a malar bag, with a staff of the elements inside of it. The staff has had some use already but is in good shape still. There will be a reward of some type, depending on what you want for the return of this bag and it's contents. The most likely place of it's disappearance are the crafthalls of Prantz.

--Godim Harjumaa

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