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Messages - Spike

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 13
Rumour Has It / Re: Undead Hunting
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:41:24 pm »
A shadowed figure overhears a rumor of the doddering druid of Dregar and his vendetta against the undead.

And so again the feet of the indigni lead them into the shadows, to bring ruin to 'his' children? They should pray that I do not find them first to see that they join those they would destroy...

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / Re: The Troll King - (CDQ/GCDQ)
« on: January 15, 2013, 11:21:47 am »
CDQ requested for Jehoram, pm incoming.

Rumour Has It / Re: 2-Part Journey to the Deep
« on: January 13, 2013, 09:14:38 am »
And my sword - sounds like fun. I've always loved epic journeys like this (if my character is welcome of course, thought it best to check first).

Rumour Has It / Re: The Harbormaster in Katherian...
« on: December 22, 2012, 03:40:48 pm »
A conversation overheard at the local tavern near the Katherian docks.

"Did you hear about that missing ship that was meant to dock a few days ago? I heard it was for one of the great houses."

"Aye! I did, O'l jimmy swears that it was a sea monster that pulled it into the depths, a dark curse if you ask me."

"True that, that's not the only thing though. I heard only this mourning that they found a whole heap of hearts lying on the dock where the ship was due, what do you make of that then ehh?"

"Most likely a mix up, you know that Eric the butcher buys them in occasionally, pig hearts that is, he makes a tasty pie with them. Had one last week for me supper, delicious it was."

"That's what I thought as well! Only I just heard that they weren't animal hearts, but human!"

"Human? Ahh you're pulling me leg now."

"No I swear! Human! Over fifteen I heard! Just lying there in a bloody heap, for anyone to find. Tis' a bad omen if you ask me, dark times ahead for this city. I'm just glad me ol' ma didn't see them, she would have had a heart attack herself!"

"Har! You are pulling me leg! Now stop talking nonsense and go buy the next round."

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: December 22, 2012, 11:49:20 am »
11 uncut diamonds and 3500 True left for the Cobalt Fullplate (14,000)
5720 True left for a greater fire resistance (5,720)

Payment left in each respective chest


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Improving Layonara Experience.
« on: December 09, 2012, 07:20:05 pm »
This is something that's been preoccupying me as well, and I've been toying with a number of ideas to address this.

One of the main ones that's been on my mind is the role of the villain. I play a villainous character, and I very much enjoy playing a villainous character. However I've found that I can only really play the role of the villain in either class quests, specific GM quests, or on the forums. This is something I would really like to change, however I have the fear that if I was more openly 'villainous' I would be coming up against the vast majority of the active characters who both outnumber and out level me. Playing a Corathite is quite different from playing a normal evil character, simply because we are the worst of the worst, and very few characters have positive relations with the church. I'm not complaining of course, it's just something to think about from an ooc perspective.  

I mention this as Aphel talked about factions. I think player involvement with factions is a great thing for rp, it gives people an opportunity to work together for a common goal, and if it can be done against an opposing player faction, that's where the fun is (in my opinion). By anyway here are my two ideas:

1) I would like to offer my character (Jehoram) as a personal villain to any good aligned character of a similar level (19). I can work against you in CDQ's, or just make it my business to mess with your particular faction/home church. And of course this could work vice versa, with your character actively pursuing mine in an attempt to stamp out evil. This of course does not mean solely pvp, though I am not opposed to it if there is consent from both parties (It's why I mentioned the level thing).

2) My second idea would be to take the little independent Corath shop (The Arm of the Ram), and transform it into it's own faction. The idea behind it would be a sort of guild for evil characters (or characters that don't mind working with Corathites/Dark Elves etc). It's main purpose would be to introduce all the nefarious characters to each other and allow them to work together under one 'sort of' banner. Normally a collation of evil characters would just fall apart due to infighting but I think if the term 'loose' is stressed and with strong leadership, something awesome could be made. I'm willing to use my own house as a 'headquarters' for such an organization, if any one is willing to take me up on the idea.

General Discussion / Re: Katherian Quest
« on: December 05, 2012, 09:27:11 am »
Character Name: Jehoram (a.k.a. Jay/One-Eye)
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
Character Deity (if any): Corath
Character Level: 18
Character experience and/or relationships with the Katherian houses (if any): Pm sent to Milt
Any significant conflicts with consistent quest attendance/participation: None

Development Journals and Discussion / XI Return to Mistone? A year
« on: December 24, 2013, 05:16:10 pm »


Return to Mistone? A year ago I would have scoffed at the thought. The war consumed me willingly, I felt alive for the first time in years. To not have to tolerant the assistance of indigni is a rare pleasure, to see them flee before you, to taste their fear... I never dreamed of such power. But the war ended for me, as all things are want to do, and now other paths call me. I should not dwell on what once was, but look to the future of what will be. Already my influence grows, the Black Wizards gifted me a token of their benefaction which I hold close to me for when the time comes. Also the destruction of the Razerback Syndicate, and the ensured death of their leader as earned me more favour amongst the Wizards. I have been making friends in other camps as well; The dark elf Nastor has called upon my services one again. We must respect our allies, to build for our future. And so the Lord of Spiders has seen these events come to pass, and I will aid his follower to achieve his goal, so that our faiths might become closer through the result. Nastor seeks to establish his own house, making many pacts with creatures both mysterious and sinister. If he succeeds, we will have a powerful ally in the Deep. My true concerns lie along different paths however, to begin with there is the discovery of the Leringard Undercity to dwell upon. An excavation into its depths has revealed a coven of Vampires that have rejected the word of the Mortis Mentis. They will have to be brought to heel, I despise undead that have forsaken their father as much as I despise indigni. Payment, where payment is due. To further examine this occurrence I have purchased property nearby and am currently in the process of assembling barracks, in the hopes of making a more... effective move into the depths, after more excavations of course. The path of the Raven leads me onwards. Visions come to me frequently now, promises of untold power in reward for service. I will not list this true goal here, in case these writings ever fall into the wrong hands. These will not be an easy path, but the end of this journey is the only end I can dream of. I now have the favour of the Sanctus Mortis, the Black Wizards, the Mad Doctor, the spellweaver Nastor, speaker of spiders, Adder and his associates, and the Dread Blade. Rumours have reached my ears of the return of perhaps the most important ally I need, the demilich Mechidil, former apprentice of the Marquis Morgue himself. To follow this path I need the knowledge he possess, of what came before, both the history and the relics. I must temper my mind with knowledge and steel, to combat that which has yet to come. All paths lead to Silkwood.

Rumour Has It / Re: Haven
« on: November 22, 2012, 04:58:33 pm »
Jehoram pauses as he hears the rumors originating from Haven. A mysterious mist, disappearances, demons, undead, and perhaps most unnervingly canvasses? A name begins to form on his lips, a name that had had an aura of silence around it even before the war. He shook his head, he might be wrong but the chance his suspicions were right was too tempting. With a nod he urged his steed south, fully intent on discovering more.

There was unfinished business to take care of.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Nesar-Kuhl
« on: June 13, 2011, 04:43:19 pm »
//I think my favorite part of these write ups is that the Green Dragon Cult are the good guys :p .

General Discussion / Re: A Dark Cloud Looms over Layonara
« on: June 01, 2011, 11:22:29 am »
I thought you stopped ageing when you became a palemaster? ;) Happy Birthday mate.

General Discussion / Re: Big thanks to Dezza
« on: April 27, 2011, 06:38:25 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
I know when the plot quest concludes that we will all stand up a applaud Dezza for his works. I want to stand up in the middle of the chaos and say that the job he is currently doing is nothing short of amazing. He seems tireless in this effort. Dezza not only creates engaging write ups but he incorporates the endless stream of PC actions into every write up, which tells me he is also reading and replying to what must be a mountain of PMs. One of the great things that Dezza is doing with these write up is in how he portrays each PC so true to how they are played.

My deepest thanks go out to you Dezza for your work, creativity, and the energy you are putting into this effort.

Hear, hear!

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Nesar
« on: April 18, 2011, 11:14:06 am »
*Addressing both Alandric and Stygian*

"Before events start to accelerate I suggest we take council"

*He point to a nearby command tent*

"Meet me there within the hour."

//If we could move this back to the Corath forums for a while, a few things need to be addressed before we go gallivanting off ;)

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Nesar
« on: April 17, 2011, 04:19:11 pm »
*Jehoram snarls under his helm as he walks away. After a short while he catches up with the mad Doctor.*

"The head of this corpse is decaying. It may be time to start examining why. I'll be in touch soon."

With that me mounts his nightmarish steed and begins to ride south.

General Discussion / Re: A Darker Cloud
« on: April 09, 2011, 12:15:29 am »
I'll try to be there, is there an exact time though?

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Ask Loremaster: Prison's of layonara
« on: April 03, 2011, 04:13:29 pm »
Quote from: darkstorme

It was pointed out that Sulterio isn't at all on good terms with Lucinda, so a wizard would both be very, VERY rare and treading on dangerous grounds, but with extraordinary justification, it could be possible.

//off topic

Sorry for wading in here off topic but I'm curious why Sulterio not being on good terms with Lucinda has anything to do with the justification (or lack thereof) for the wizard class? Lucinda is by no means the Al'Noth, just a human goddess of it and many deities who are considered enemies of Lucinda have very notable and powerful organizations of wizards (Black Wizards spring to mind).

//end of off topic

Roleplaying / Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« on: March 21, 2011, 10:47:00 am »
A big thanks to all who participated on my long string of CDQ's. Namely the Dark Elves, The Dread Blades and of course, the boys in black. Also a big thanks to Mixafix for running it. Its taken over a year and the character has been cut up so many times he looks like a wad of scar tissue now, but its been fun (and insane) the whole time. This class has been in the works long before I even joined and I know that a lot of people worked hard for a long time to make it viable, so a big thanks to you folks as well.

Layonara has its first (hopefully of many) Unholy Champion. Chanda would be proud ;) .

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Chakar's bits and bobs
« on: March 04, 2011, 09:30:36 pm »
If you still have the Lesser Amulet of Health, I'll take it off your hands.


General Discussion / Re: They don't stop coming
« on: March 02, 2011, 12:17:52 pm »
Happy Birthday man!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Alatriel!
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:18:41 pm »
Have a good one ;)

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