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Author Topic: Nesar  (Read 1474 times)


Re: Nesar
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2011, 05:40:48 pm »
//Agreed. ;) Would be nice to find some IG time to discuss and RP too...


Re: Nesar
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2011, 10:04:49 pm »
// Please do so and let me know your plans. Realistically it will be at least a week before you have any reasonable sized army ready to march across the border.

Assume within 9 days you are in Kuhl and starting to move towards Vilsna.


Re: Nesar
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2011, 02:41:58 am »
Adder ventured deeper into The Sharawood, and it did not take him long to find what he was looking for. The two bandit sentries immediately aimed bows and released arrows when he materialized from invisibility. The arrows struck his stoneskin enchantment, snapped, and disappeared into the thick brush.  Adder said "do not make the wrong decision here boys. Your lives hang in the balance, and I have an urgent message for Shara." One them narrowed his eyes and said "Why don't we just kill you, take your coin, and drag your dead body to Shara?" Adder responded just as a very large half serpent, half human pit creature with four arms holding various bladed instruments appeared from invisibility several feet from him, "Because that would be the wrong decision, and Shara will want to hear what I have to say. Do not risk your death at my hands, and her displeasure." The bandit who spoke first said, "wait here" and disappeared into the trees.
About 10 minutes later a robed man accompanied by the bandit sentry returned. The robed man looked at the maralith cautiously and asked Adder. "What is this message you have for Shara?" Adder responded, "I am a representative of an army from Arnax massing in Nith, which will soon begin an expedition into the Kuhl borderlands. We have an offer for Shara. If she wishes to put together a sizable raiding force, we are prepared to offer her unlimited and sanctioned raiding and plundering. We will even provide her with wagons to haul loot back to her lairs and logistical support for her men. The force is to accompany our army, but is free to operate under its own command and at its own discretion along the way. They are to burn, torture, and kill all Kuhl civilian villages and citizens within striking distance of the main columns. The more men she provides, obviously the more loot she will be able to transport. If she has interest, her force must be ready and in Nith within 5 days."
The robed man states simply, "I will deliver the message." Adder heads out of the forest in the direction he came. When a safe distance away, he dismisses the pit creature and pulls an item from a bag. There is a soft popping sound and he disappears via teleportation and materializes at the Corathite temple on Mistone.


Re: Nesar
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2011, 10:42:44 pm »
// These events take place 5 days before the PC's return to the Fort of Last Hope with the important wagon train.

After several days of organising in Nith a large party of Nesar light cavalry (1500) arrives with the newly appointed General. A man formerly in the Arnax guards and promoted recently to the position of General of the Nesar armies to invade Kuhl.

The man appears to wear his new title with some discomfort. General Zan Rimous, formerly Captain of the Arnax Castle Guards is of middling years with a balding pate. He holds documents and orders from the Queen and co-signed by the Sanctis as he presents himself to the Mad Doctors camp.

After some brief uncomfortable exchanging of greetings the General outlines the Queen and the Sanctis's wishes for the army in the campaignmuch to the chagrin of the Doctor, One Eye and a few others the Mad Doctor invites to the meeting.

The General sems very uncomfortable in the Doctors presence but eventually manages to speak.

"I must admit..Doctor, I'm not sure in what capacity you are serving this army or what I actually refer to you as. Surely not the Mad Doctor? It seems at odds with our purpose here. I accept that the Sanctis has nominated you to head the Corathite components of this force but you will see in these documents you are still bound to her wishes."

Alandric listens quietly a feral glean in his eyes and a slightly patronising smile on his face.

"Just give us the facts General, we can sort out you inimical sentimentalities at a later stage if you like? I have a lovely couch you can stretch out on while I work on you...of course purely in my professional capacity."

The general swallows nervously then continues quickly, finding the Doctors presence and that of the odd assortment of individuals with him very unsettling.

"Yes, of course, to the campaign. Over the next week about 12000 soldiers, peasants and support functionaries will arrive in forward deployment camps we will set up across the river on the Kuhl border. Some of those will be engineers who will build a bridge across the river and another elite guards unit from Nesar will arrive once its in place to secure the bridge and ensure the Cult do not destroy it and cut off our supplies.

You Doctor will take half of your people and half of the armies and head directly to Vilsna with the goal to take the city back from the Cult and then build defences in order to stop Cyn Chen from retaking the city.

I will follow behind you with the remainder of the forces and leave you to assault Vilsna. From there I will travel up the man road to Amaria.

If Cyn Chen ignores your capture of Vilsna then after a month you are to leave a holding company in the city and take the rest of your armies along the road and approach Zolinar with utmost caution. Send word to me if you can and if we have capture Amaria and can leave a holding company there we will meet you on the road to Zolinar.

Once we hold Zolinar we take the path through the forest and march on Westgate. The Sanctis expects there to be rebel groups in the forests so if we can find a way to open dialogue with them we might be able to rally them with us in the approach to Westgate.

Or course this plan relies on the fact that the Cult have emptied their cities of soldiers to fight Hilm and we will expect little resistance, but you never know. Also the Cult have forces stationed at Sundance that might be told to re-enter Kuhl and engage us at any time. Not to mention that somewhere out there at the moment are upwards of twelve thousand soldiers under Cyn Chen that were headng towards Fort of Last Hope.

We will have a smaller force that will move slowly north from Fort Miritrix to retake Prim and then move north around the eastern edge of Tempest Lake and towards Sundance. They will face heavy resistance there and thus they are only to move slowly and provide a threat more than any real engagement."

He pauses for a moment as he hands Alandric a copy of the orders.

"Are there any other questions?"

In Fort Miritrix orders arrive for the Fort Commander Sir Polamic just as he is meeting with a handsome elf called Razeriem about the last few weeks of goings on around the Fort.

The Mayor is also present and opens the documents that have come directly from the Queen.  Within are instructions for them to assemble every available soldier, levy and press them into service and march for Prim to secure the town and then to move North and harrass the southern armies of the Cult, even entering Hilm is necessary. They are also instructed that under no circumstances are they to destroy parts of Hilm unless it is to deny those advantages to the Cult.  They are to advance to Lake Tempest and beyond if possible and slowly approach Sundance.

Further discussions go on and Sir Polamic grants Razeriem a Sergeants commission in the Nesar army as well as command of a thousand soldiers in order to move first to secure Prim and then head north to the Lake. The Fort Commander will ready the rest of the soldiers and march to meet Razeriem at the lake whereupon Razeriem will be released with his soldiers to find the women stolen from Nesar by the Cult in their several weeks of occupancy around Fort Miritrix, Prim and south to Holar.

At the end of the meeting a weary looking man with an air or chaos about him enters the Mayors rooms. Hardragh gives Razeriem a polite nod and introduces himself to the mayor and the Fort Commander.

"Whatever you're doing, I want in."

Razeriem looks him up and down. "I thought you were in the Fort of last Hope?"

Hardragh shrugs, "Too many prissy types up there for my liking, I figured I'd come south and hang out with some outrageous elf who has a sense of flair for the dramatics and a whimsical nature."

Razeriem grins, 'Well, looks like you found one. I'm heading to Prim to free the town and then I'm going to hunt me some Cultists. Care to help?"

For the first time in a while Hardragh smiles, "When do we leave?"


Re: Nesar
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2011, 07:32:46 am »
*Speaking to Hardraugh with a grin.* Prissy types?  Well let them have their glory, I just hope they hold that Fort.  

Can you believe someone put me in charge of an army?  *Whispers* Shh, don't tell them but I had my fingers crossed when they commissioned me.  

*Normal volume again.* Let's hope you do better on the battlefield than you do in the arena. *Winks at Hardy.* If you plan to get any sleep, get it now.  I have to see to logistics and then we are moving.  

*Talking to himself as he leaves.* I really need a new outfit, silk military cut shirt and jacket, brass buttons.


Re: Nesar
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2011, 03:27:36 pm »
*Hardragh scratches his unshaven cheek with a slight grin* "Could do with some sleep aye. Bloody drachs been kicking me from Miritrix to Last Hope and back again..."

*Before he exits the tent he turns around and adds* "Don't forget to take a good look at the troops assigned to you. After all, an artist such as yourself needs to know wat tools he has to work with."


Re: Nesar
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2011, 08:25:58 pm »
// Creating two new threads to continue these - Nesar-Kuhl and Nesar-Hilm
// Still finalising a few details with the Corathites before I make that post...

