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Messages - Riven

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Ysheera returns!

Previous Credit 944

20 Birch Bark into Riven's chest x 40 = 800 (takes 200 T)
8 spotted mushrooms x 100 = 800
13 purple mushroms x 50 = 650
4 sage x 60 = 240
Total deposited: 2490
Plus previous credit of 944 = 3434

1 lichen (price? 20?)
Cloak of Protection +2  2000
32 Hickory Branches x 25 = 800
Total Taken = 2820
Paid 282 T into chest

New Credit 614

UPDATE: Ysh returns shortly:

She drops off 2 spotted mushrooms x 100 = 200
5 birch x 40 = 200 (50 taken from Riven's chest)
6 aloe x 30 = 180 (90 taken from Riven's chest, aloe put in Lia's chest)
4 garlic x 50 = 200
Added total of 780 to credit, + previous 614 = New credit 1394

17 oak branches x 50 = 850
Pays 85

New Credit = 544

Barley lugs some wood into Saddlebag:

He purchases:
Cloak of Resistance +2. 9000
Silk Hood 1200
Total purchased: 10,200 (pays 1,020 True)

He deposits:
Cloak of Protection +2  2000
24 Hickory Branches x 25 = 800
1 lion skin = 75
Total dropped: 2875

Previous Credit 38,742
38,742 + 2550 = 41,617
Minus what he purchases today (10,200) = A total credit of 31,417

So it was time. Time to wander the world, and continue to grow my bardic Al’noth in my own way. And one day…..perhaps one day… the Al’noth through my bow.

Was it my “coming of age” into so-called “adulthood” that released the bardic magics to grow and strengthen? Or perhaps the exhilaration of freedom - wandering the world? Or perhaps Shadon decided he’d played enough tricks on my ability, and let it blossom? Whatever the cause, my bardic spells and song have increased in power over these last four months since leaving home.

I still sing to my bow and arrows, infuse them with the resonance and vibration of the Al’noth in my melody….but to no effect….yet. They do not strike truer or deeper. But they will...I know they will. So I carry on, singing, humming, …..and listening….for the deep silent presence of the Al’noth. Alone, in the forest, it is a delight and joy to discover new bardic spells and attune and weave the Al’noth through song and gesture.

With my newly discovered powers I visited my clan. Once, only once, since leaving. I showed off my abilities to my mother, and she was proud. And….kind, i guess, despite the unspoken rough edges of our relationship.

We spoke of her Arcane Archer path again, for the umpteeth time, and she grew a little cautious, but still chose to work with me. I tempered my impatience and frustration, and tried to soak up whatever I had forgotten from past teachings. Tried to glean more depth into what she demonstrated and described. But as the day wore on my irritation mounted. And finally, on a break alone I realized why. She was disappointed in me. Not in my skills or lack thereof, me. I realized that underneath my rebelliousness and frustration was a deep grief that who I am, my playfulness and lightheartedness, and yes my stubbornness and rebelliousness, all of me somehow added up to a disappointment for her. I had not grown up to be the dutiful, obedient, disciplined, pupil-child she had hoped would be her greatest accomplishment. I was filled with heaviness and sadness at this revelation, but I could not show it or speak to her of it. And by morning the weighty sadness had grown tough scales of independence and stubbornness, as usual.

I left home for perhaps the last time, after a lazy breakfast. I said my goodbyes, and intended to not return, maybe ever, or maybe I will, briefly, but not until I had mastered what Tireen Elyndar, my critical-eyed mother, was unable to teach me.

Ysh borrows two items to enhance constitution, and two items to enhance wisdom. She then returns them after some distasteful sandpaper-making.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: April 15, 2021, 10:42:55 pm »
Ysheera picks up a few items with her trade credit:

Gloves of Harmony: 2500
Electric Arrows I,  1000 = 125 + 125
Fire Arrows I, 1000 = 125 + 125
Silver I Arrows, 270
Total Picked Up: 3,270
20% multi-discount -654
Total owed: 2616 (to be paid by barter trade)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: April 15, 2021, 02:01:14 pm »
Ysheera drops off resources for trade credit, as per speaking with Ferrit.

51 lumps of clay x 25 = 1275
19 honey x 50 = 950
Total trade credit = 2225
(let me know if I miswrote the values of the items!)
~Ysh (Ysheera Elyndar)

...For something surprising, perhaps even miraculous, happened last night. And my heart and spirit are buoyed with more hope now. And I must speak of it before I burst!  But first, a little context, a little backstory…..

My youngest memories are those of astonishment, wonder, and admiration of my mother and her arcane powers. Her songs brought strange thrills and feelings to me until I could not stop myself from dancing, an awkward attempt in my early years to express the tingling thrill within my body elicited by her song. And I would coo and sing, trying to match her mysterious melodies.

Tireen Elyndar, she was a masterful bard, still is, and the only arcane archer of our small clan. Tireen Elyndar, the wordsmith, the lyrist, the defender. She negotiated with other clans and merchants, she healed with the Al’noth, and she protected the clan with Al’noth-infused arrows that pierced much deeper than other archer’s bows.

My youngest memories are that I wanted to be like her. I wanted to be her. “All in good time,” she would say, when I begged her to show me how to heal wounds, or stir the hearts with song. “All in good time.” But my child heart and child mind did not understand why now was not the good time. “Other things first,” she would say, and she’d sing of the legends, the history, the heroes. And at first, that was wonderful. I learned some of the ancient songs of our people. I learned about the different races of elves and of humanity, and other things. I practised the drills of meditation and focus and practised with my child-size bow.

But I longed for the Al’noth. And “All in good time,” began to eat at my spirit. My child mind began to think she was holding me back from the magic. Maybe she didn’t want me to learn her arts. Maybe she did not want another arcane archer in the clan. The seed of rebellion, stubbornness, and anger rooted in my being, and grew, clouding my spirit so that all the studies, readings, recitations and practise became a burden to escape from. And escape I did. To the halfling clans nearby, to play with my sister Eregryn, and the halfling children.

Every anniversary of my birth I begged my mother to teach me how to spin the Al’noth into my bow and arrows, and finally I was of age, she said. But first I must learn of the Al’noth before I learn of fusing archery and the Al’noth. She put her heart and soul into teaching me, but I had become such a headstrong rebellious child, full of frustrations and resentments. And she was so demanding and critical. I tried, and she tried. But eventually the studies, recitations, and practise became more and more of a burden. I desperately wanted to learn to channel the Al’noth, but I kept getting frustrated at my mother. For no apparent reason. I just could not do it.

She passed me off to another elven bard, Olgrid Aesir’ia, and that was easier on my heart. I didn’t break into outbursts of frustration with him. But try as I could, I was unable to channel the magic. I’d do the mind clearing exercises, the visualization exercises, “seeing” the Al’noth as light pooling in my belly and channeling into my hands and voice for the incantation, but….nothing would happen. I tried to feel the Al’noth, sense it in my bones and fingers, but I couldn’t. Olgrid was a patient teacher, and I threw myself into studies, now that I was free of my mother’s high expectations and critical eye. Night and day all I thought of was to channel the Al’noth into the simplest of spells.

I failed. And fell into deep grief. My sister Eregryn tried to cheer me up. She told my mother we’d go spend a few nights with the halflings. But part way there I begged her to go on without me while I headed to the little nest hideout we’d made not far from the elven camp. Alone, I vowed to myself that I’d not leave that nest until I’d succeeded in channeling the Al’noth. I tried, and tried, and tried. Everything I’d learned I threw into that focus and effort. I tried everything I possibly could...and I failed.

I fell into such deep despair and hopelessness then. I knew that I would never channel the Al’noth. I’d never follow in my mother’s footsteps on the path of the Arcane Archer. I’d never be worthy of the respect she receives from all of the tribe. I was a failure. Not fit to be her daughter. Not  fit to be of the tribe. Not fit to be alive.

In hopeless despair I left the nest and wandered the woods, not even thinking of bringing my bow or any supplies. An unaware moment, and I’d scraped my face on a branch, and cut my lip deeply. It stung, and throbbed. Finally, I collapsed on a mossy mound deep in the woods, and was ready to die. If wolves had found me and eaten me, I don’t think I would have cared.

To this day I know not what happened. I awoke from a half-slumber feeling oddly calm. It was as if I was looking over my shoulder at my thoughts and emotions. The sun was rising, no clouds were in the sky, and my mind was similarly awakening and cloudless. The slightest thought drifted by and my gaze upon it dissipated it. I realized that I was humming, effortlessly, thoughtlessly, and upon feeling the ache and throbbing of the cut on my lip my hands made the gesture I’d practised so often and my voice the incantation, and….the cut healed.

Astonishment tossed me out of the calm. I tried the incantation again on my scraped face...and failed. Again, I lay back down and calmed, and slipped into that new state I’d not experienced before - an effortless awareness. And in that ease I realized….the Al’noth was all around me and all throughout me. My breathe stirred it, the earth under my back hummed with it, I could hear the song of the Al’noth. There were no visualizations or even kinesthetic feelings of it, but I could hear it’s hum and vibration, and miraculously, I could match it with my own silent hum and vibration. Again, the incantation and gesture, and the cut on my face healed. I tried the other simple spells that had been drilled into me, and each flowed effortlessly.

Weeping, I stood, and sang. I found the Al’noth singing through me. How had this eluded me for so long? I realized that I had been in my own way. Yet now, something had come with the deep despair an hopelessness. In giving up, I had stopped being in my own way, and the Al’noth, unbidden, uncalled for, beyond hope, was now here and flowing. It had always been here, but I had been in the way of its flow with all my pigheaded efforts.

I ran like a gazelle back towards the clan. My feet were light, my heart was soaring, I couldn’t wait to tell my mother of this success! Ahead of me I saw Eregryn, my sister, talking worriedly with my mother. Eregryn held my bow. She must have gone to our hideout and seen that I was not there and that I had left without my bow, which I never do. My mother’s face was lined with worry, and she was gearing up to hunt for me. She broke into a sharp rebuke on seeing me, and  without thinking, all my frustration and resentment poured out in a shout at her. Flooded with anger, I tried to explain that I’d found the Al’noth, and I tried to demonstrate it. But the effortless ease was gone…..nothing flowed...and no spell spun from my lips.

It was months before I found the Al’noth again. I did not find that grace and ease and oneness as I had experienced that one morning, but I did find the Al’noth, tentatively, unreliably, tenuously, but it was there.

My teacher Olgrid apologized, explaining that he had failed me in his teaching. He said that most people find the Al’noth through focusing on visualizations. For those who fail, most find it through focusing on kinesthetic sensing. But a few rare individuals only find it through the auditory channel of hearing the silent Al’noth, and matching it’s vibration with one’s silent or auditory humming. I was of the rare auditory type of person, and he apologized for not recognizing that and coaching me on that path.

I demanded to be taught the path of the Arcane Archer from my mother, and would not take “all in good time” as an answer. Reluctantly, but in the spirit of trying to mend our relationship, she taught me the rudimentary exercises. She knew I would not be able to manifest the magicks until stronger in the bardic art, but she taught me the basics, and I threw myself into the exercises with a passion. But our connection had been shattered, and I could not stand being in her presence for long. I’d wander the forest singing the archer’s Al’noth threads, weaving the melodies with bow and arrows, channeling the timber of my voice into the timber of the wood. And, of course, I was not ready to manifest it.

So instead I practised the bardic arts. I studied again with Olgrid Aesir’ia, and learned the incants for many bardic spells. And even though I could not manifest the results of the incants, I knew that one day I would. So I learned the gestures and incants, and practised them in my forest wanderings.

Over the years I came and went from the tribe. The focused studies were interspersed with long periods of goofing off and play. I just didn’t have the discipline to go the distance. I also grew more distant with my mother. We still talked at times, and I still questioned her on things arcane, and of her Arcane Archer path. But I knew I’d have to build my bardic skills and apply what she had begrudgingly taught me in my own way, in my own time. Still, I had some hope and faith due to the experience that had come, unbidden, in my moment of deepest despair and hopelessness, when I had given up and was no longer in my own way. And that hope kept my heart alive and lighthearted.

When my sister fell in love and started aiming towards a life with a partner, I decided it was time to peel myself away from the clan. Throughout my childhood and teen years I had been seen by many as an irresponsible member of the clan, more interested in playing than taking on responsibilities in the clan. More interested in wandering the woods and singing, than harvesting food and herbs. More interested in making up my own songs, silly ditties that made the halflings laugh and the elves frown, than interested in learning the ancient ballads.

So it was time. Time to wander the world, and continue to grow my bardic Al’noth in my own way. And one day…..perhaps one day… the Al’noth through my bow.

Ysheera brings some goods:
8 birch to Riven's chest x 40 = 320 (takes 80 T)
5 purple mushrooms to Lia's chest x 50 = 250 (takes 125 T from Riven's chest)
5 aloe x 30 = 150 (lia's chest, takes 75 from Riven's)
6 silk x 100 = 600
7 spotted mushrooms x 100 = 700
2 purple mushrooms x 50 = 100
2 red mushrooms x 20 = 40
10 comfrey x 30 = 300
4 witch hazel x 66 = 264
9 wheat x 30 = 270
10 oats x 30 = 300
4 garlic x 50 = 200
Total deposited 3,494
Previous Credit 450
450 + 3494 = 3,944 Credit

Takes Oak Longbow 1500, Pays 150 T
Takes Gold Harp 1500, Pays 150 T

New Credit = 944

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: April 15, 2021, 01:10:42 am »
Ysheera purchases a few items:

500 silver I arrows: 270
500 fire 1 arrows 125
500 electric II arrows 333
Swordsman Belt 2500
2 Lessor Restoration Potions: 400
Gert Rydralles ring (acid 5/-) lens 228 x .75 = 171
Total Purchased = 3,799 T
- 15% multi purchase discount of 570 T
Total Owed = 3,229 T

Coin placed in the front chest, along with a note.
Thank you!

Update: Walked out of the shop and thought twice about it; walked back in and added more arrows to the purchase:
another 500 Silver I for 270
Fire II arrows for 333
Firfur Fenik's boots 850
Total = 1453 - 15% of 218 = 1235 T paid

Trade and Market Hall / Kitchen-Phobic Bowmaker Seeks Sandpaper
« on: April 10, 2021, 11:57:18 am »
// Small Note Tacked Up in the Craft Hall in Center //

Kitchen-Phobic Would-Be Bowmaker Seeks Sandpaper

Hickory and Oak to start with.
Name your price!

(that charismatic elf who just tied the bootlaces together on a sleeping dwarf by the campfire)

Ysheera drops off:

13 ginseng x 150 = 1950
14 ginger x 50 = 700
8 purple mushroomsx 50 = 400
Total to Lia's Chest = 3050 (takes 1525 T)

Drops 3 spider silk x 100 -= 300
12 pecans x 60 = 720
3050 + 300 + 720 = 4070 deposited
Previous Credit = 335 + 4070 = 4405

Takes F.G. Belt (75% of lens = 2205)
Takes Cat's Grace I ring 1750
Total Taken = 3955
Paid 396 True into chest

Total New Credit = 450

Link to Ysheera's bio/backstory:

Break out the drinks! Share them around. Keep those roasts turning on the fire, drip on the oil and crushed sage, sprinkle salt and pepper, we’ll be feasting soon!

In the meantime, sit yourselves down with a drink and I’ll share a bit of a story with you. Hey - no snide comments! Yes, of course the story is about me! What else matters?

OK, I know there’s something that matters more in the Toranite heart of you, SIR Hank…..of course! And I might even consider abandoning Shadon and joining your cult if I, too, could have HAIR like yours!!!

Tipsy, stop staring! Yes, Eileanóra and I look like twins, but looks can be deceiving! So pause on your fantasizing for a few moments, close your eyes if you need to, and lend me your ears!

Eilea, pause, if you are able, on the War of Religions. I know you Love the sparring (to each their own)! Let the Voraxians grunt and swig with battlefury (I don’t expect that dwarf to hear my tale, anyway, as his eyes are red misted; probably dreaming of spilling blood!), let the Toranites groom with precise lawful strokes, and let the Folians bliss out with their shrooms and pipeweed. We’re here to enjoy, not fight, and I’m here to tell a short tale! So, Shadonites - pause on pranks and ridicule, and for all other less fun-loving amongst us - savor the drinks, and lend me your ear!

Something surprising, perhaps even miraculous, happened last night. And my heart and spirit are buoyed with even more hope now. And I must speak of it before I burst!  But first, a little context, a little backstory…..

Calendar Events / Re: How about another Low Level Romp & Adventure?
« on: April 08, 2021, 07:04:14 pm »
Hope to see some low levels on tonight!
If so - let's have some fun!

Ysheera walks into Saddlebag.
Places 8 purple mushrooms in Lia's chest x 50 = 400
6 garlic x 50 = 300
Total 700 (takes 350 from chest)

also drops off
5 silk = 500
9 cotton = 90
12 wheat x 30 = 360
1 rice = 30
6 honey in alnoth chest x 50 = 300
6 walnuts x 60 = 360
2 owl feahters x 15 = 30

total dropped off: 2,370 for credit

takes ring of cats grace I -1750
pays 175 coin

Current Credit: 620

returns to drops off:
5 garlic to Lia: 250
3 purple mushrooms to Lia: 150
Total 400 (took 200 coin)

also drops:
25 cotton = 250
2 silk = 200
21 clay x 25 = 525
19 wheat x 30 = 570
7 birch x 40 = 280 (into Riven's chest, took 140 coin)
2 sage x 60 = 120
2 raven feathers x 15 = 30
2 black onyx x 50 = 100
5 honey into alnoth chest x 50 = 250
18 pearls x 20 = 360
4 sand x 40 = 160
Total dropped off: 3245
Previous Credit 620
= Credit 3865

1 lichen x 10 = 10
iron helm 500
archer's belt 2500
520 copper tipped oak falcon tail arrows 520

Total taken 3530
Paid 353 True into chest

New Credit: 335

Riven meets up with Eileanora.
She trades a variety of goods to the shop, and receives an oak longbow.
She also is left with 5080 in credit.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: April 06, 2021, 09:17:31 pm »
Aka'ashi cautiously enters the shop.

Items/Materials Brought in for Credit
She gently places a White Stag Leather Armor in the drop off chest, growling a sing-song prayer in the wemic language to the beast that used to wear this skin. (50% of lens is 2254)
She also deposits 42 bone fragments (x 20 = 840 value). "Does shop need bone?" she questions.
She places 7 birch bark (x 40 = 280)
and 19 corn (x 30 = 570)
"Tell Aka'ashi if no want any this."

Previous Credit: 1098
Total of items brought in today: 3944
Total Credit: 5,042

Aka'ashi purhases a Level 2 Electric Enhancement for her weapon: value 3140
Gloves of Harmony: 75% of lens = 2115
Total value purchased: 5255
Pays 50% in Coin: 2628
Pays 50% in Credit: 2627

New Credit: 2415

She marvels as the gloves of harmony adjust to her hands, and sings a wemic song of hunting, laughing at the clarity and delightful skill the gloves helped her attain. Then she follows her nose to the food shelves and devours some roast hound, purring contentedly.

Calendar Events / Re: How about another Low Level Romp & Adventure?
« on: April 06, 2021, 03:11:23 pm »
Anyone else want to chime in on the poll or suggest other days and times?
I know I'm often not playing as late in the night as many of you, but it looks like Thursday 8pm EST would work for 4 so let's aim for that, unless more poll votes come in sooner!

Calendar Events / How about another Low Level Romp & Adventure?
« on: April 05, 2021, 12:48:37 am »
Let's plan another low-level outing! We could take on a quest or two, and roam and adventure together!

Perhaps take on the lizard tower in the swamps near Hlint? Or some other quest?

If none of the days and times I listed work for you - propose others.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: April 04, 2021, 11:44:28 pm »
Barley picks up the last Lion Bag from the Bag Chest.
Value 4587
He pays 50% in True: 2294
He pays the other 50% in Credit

His previous credit was 2707
minus 2294
Current Credit = 413


Aka'ashi drops off some items and picks up some items:

as per conversation with Lia, these 4 into Lia's Chest:
12 greenstone dust  x 7 = 84
4 aloe  x 30 = 120
5 ginseng x 150 = 750
6 ginger x 50 = 300
Total of 1254 into Lia's chest (took 627 T)

also drops 2 limestone powders x 50 = 100
6 garveyard dirt x 40 = 240
Total dropped: 1594

Picks up
8 silk x 100 = 800
B.B.'s Stave, 30% of lens = 2110
Crag cat bag 2000
Total picked up = 4910
491 True left in chest

Previous Credit 8920 T
+ 1594 = 10,514 credit
minus 4910 = New Credit of 5604

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