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Author Topic: Finshing Hole  (Read 185 times)


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    Finshing Hole
    « on: June 13, 2006, 01:10:52 pm »
    I'm not too sure if this is the proper place for this but here I go...

    A friend of mine, E-Beast, and I have a proposition:

    We would like to stock the pond above Haven with fish. It's a very nice place, and it would be perfect with a little fishin'… just a little something to make the place even more enjoyable for all.

    We understand if you have a reason for why there are no fish in the pond. But if there is no particular purpose for this area, could we (and maybe some other PC's) add this feature to the pond?
    We were thinking a GM could run (or at least monitor) the “Quest for Fish.” But if you are too busy perhaps there could be other ways to make this happen. Here are a couple of ideas we had:

    Have a placeable that holds inventory (like a barrel), and we collect fish and store them in it until we have enough. We could also collect things needed to make the pond safe for fish and store them in like manner.

    Or we could beseech a REALLY good mage turn all of the ogres (or at least some of them) in the Haven Mines into little fishies. (Just a crazy-fun idea.)
    If a GM could reply and tell us if this is feasible that would be much appreciated.


    Re: Finshing Hole
    « Reply #1 on: June 13, 2006, 01:26:32 pm »
    Ooooh. Sounds fun... I'd suggest using the buckets you use to water your CNR, though. Considering that you should probably grab ten or so fish per bucket, as well... The weight'll be tough, and part of the challenge. But if you have someone to cast Empowered Maximized Extended Bull's...


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      Re: Finshing Hole
      « Reply #2 on: June 13, 2006, 07:59:52 pm »
      ohhh... I didn't mean to ruin the RP of this place, actually I was trying to improve it. I find a good bit of RP goes on when people are fishing (kinda like male bonding in RL we got to be fixing a car/ bike, watching TV, fishing, that kind of stuff). And there won't be many people fishing there if it's a common type of fish in the pond.


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        Re: Finshing Hole
        « Reply #3 on: June 13, 2006, 08:44:37 pm »
        Yes, the idea here is to add a little something to the pond, to give it more character. Having fish here would encourage more people to visit the spot and those already role-playing there would meet more people and so on. As and example of increased role-playing posibilities a few PC's could go there, set up a camp fire, catch some fish, and have dinner all the while discussing thier plan of attack for defeating the ogres of the Haven Mines. Or a couple could have a picnic there in like manner. It is a really nice place. We just want to make it more interactive.



        Re: Finshing Hole
        « Reply #4 on: June 13, 2006, 08:54:22 pm »
        I really just seems more like a place that's there purely for RP, with no other incentive... Plus, no CNR there cuts down on others trundling along in case your characters are there for privacy. As much as I love the Quest for Fish, I like the place as is.