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Author Topic: Star of Ilsare - Breaking the cage  (Read 150 times)


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Star of Ilsare - Breaking the cage
« on: August 17, 2006, 01:42:24 pm »
Rev leans against the end of the bed her arms crossed and looks at the other three in the room.

I feel like a puppet that's not quite sure if there actually are strings attached to her or not. We were told that she's a master of manipulation and I suppose she has to be as how ever hard I try I can't see much more than what is clearly apparent in her.

The situation is the same with this island. I was told that it would twist my senses and turn them into weapons used against me yet apart from the absence of the Harmony everything in here seems real.

It's quite possible that she is... controlling these creatures here, forcing them to tell us stories of her crying, knowing that such stories would appeal to me.

She sighs but then refocuses herself.

So, let us gather what we have and know and turn them into tools with which we'll break this cage.

As an afterthought she seems to add,

If there is one.

She stays silent for a while after that, clearly annoyed at herself for the final addition.

After a while she continues, somewhat abruptly.

It should be clear that she is avoiding explaining the full extent of the price I would have to pay for her tutelage. I find this peculiar if she indeed does have as great a need for my powers as she claims. Furthermore the things we have heard of her would make me believe that she could simply force me to accept the deal.

She must know that as things are I am far from being inclined to accept her offer, yet she refuses to discuss the conditions. This makes me worry.

I can not help but feel that perhaps this whole bargain is for the purpose of having me make a decision. She was offered something by the Goddess and I am under the impression that she felt like she was never given a choice. Maybe this situation is supposed to reflect her own fate?

Looking somewhat tired and strained she sighs and raises her fingers to massage her temple.

I am sorry... The silence is bothering me and I find it hard to stay focused. I am far too accustomed to the eternal melody to be comfortable when it's missing.

She looks up at each of the others.

What do you all feel is important in this? Could you name a few of the points you feel we should focus on?


RE: Star of Ilsare - Breaking the cage
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 02:29:53 pm »
*Daren leans against a wall, his hand rubbing the scarred side of his face as he tries to concentrate*

A'right...I dun't think I'm th' right sorta person ta 'ave 'long right 'bout now, sharper minds then what I'm stuck wit' are needed 'ere I think.

*He pauses for a moment, opening his mouth to say something, then frowns, thinking hard.  When he begins again, it is in a musing voice, even more quiet then usual*

Might as well jus' say it...I think she needs ye fer yer connection ta Ilsare.  Th' gift that she turned 'er back on all those years ago.  If'n thats th' case, I say ye tell 'er ta go take a hike.  

I know I dun't know e'erythin' 'bout e'erythin', so y'all gotta par'n me a bit while I ramble.  

I see it like this.  What'd we c'me 'ere fer? Ta learn a song an get a ring?  I dun't think th' song means squat since any gift given ta ye by yer godess an meant ta be shared an then horeded ain't no gift at all.  Ain't nothin' m're than a broken useless thang that ain't no good fer an'body now.  Fer all I care, yer Th' Harper...Ilsare likes ye, so jus' write up s'me new songs.  An b'sides, ye cain't tell me Ilsare canna fix 'er own mistake er do that whole smitin' thang if'n she really wan'ed ta.

So far as th' ring...I had my own thoughts on that, which I think y'all a'ready know.  Ain't th' best o' plans, an not one I'll e'er admit ta bein' proud of.  But I guess anythin' in a pinch.

*With these last words, he slumps into a sitting position, leaning against the wall, head bowed in thought and in softly muttered prayers*



RE: Star of Ilsare - Breaking the cage
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2006, 10:28:39 am »
*Brac’ar sighs*
  “Allright. We were told manipulation is her strength, so we are being manipulated somehow. Her offer of you ‘just’ binding you essence here and it’ll all be good and both her and you getting what you want must have some strings attached or some other effect she is not letting us in on.
  In fact, if you would do as she asks, you’d turn your back on Ilsare I’d think. Ilsare chose that island, it’s sacred to her, and I do not think you can just decide that this is now Harper’s Island without compromising your link to Ilsare.”
  *He strokes his beard a bit*
  “Also. We were told this island would twist your senses, and turn them into weapons used against you. You say you cannot sense the Harmony, that it is not there… What if it is, but your senses are so twisted that you cannot sense it.
  Remember, she told me when I asked her, that all that was keeping back the dust covering the skies above the island was her will. If she is able to twist her own Harmony and will something like the barrier into existence, she may be able to will you into not being able to sense the Harmony.”
  *He then tilts his head*
  “In fact, if you cannot rely on your senses, you will have to rely on faith. Faith in Ilsare, faith that even though you cannot sense it the Harmony is everywhere.” *He sighs again* “Or something…”


RE: Star of Ilsare - Breaking the cage
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2006, 12:36:58 pm »
Aye, I gotta go wit' th' lil red dwarf on this'n.  Might be th' only way ta get us outta this 'ere mess.


Re: Star of Ilsare - Breaking the cage
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 01:45:12 pm »
Acacea sprawls out on the single bed in the room, hanging her head off the edge to look upside-down at the others. Somehow being the smallest one there, she still seems to take up the large bed in a way that makes it appear that no one else would fit on it.   She tosses a pillow up into the air, catches it, tosses it up again... it seems like it's going to be that way for the night...  [INDENT]You know what I want to know, is why the lorekeeper told us that the celestials of the isle sent the fey messenger because they could not leave and things were getting less solid around there. We found out they did not, and now we know who did...I can perfectly understand her not knowing at all what we were talking about, but by whom was she misled? Somebody must have talked to her, right? Or is she more than what she seems somehow? No idea! I know she said that the members of her family were Watches of the Isle, I just yeah, wondered who... right, I said that!   Anyway as for the whole "I have Ilsare, I'll be fine," thing, like it's been said, Ilsare has a load of clerics and none of them can freely walk the ... What's the long version, Rising Starfall of Harmony's End and Immortal Beginnings?[/INDENT]  She can't not laugh as she rattles off the thing, and the pillow whacks her in the head as she just lazily swats at it.  [INDENT]Something like that, but right, none of them are welcome on the isle. Just one. As for Andúnë... it's not as if she is a happy person, perhaps she does cry for all I know. What is happy to her? Where did she ever receive her pleasure from? The only reason she accepted the first Harper in the first place was for the influence before she got clubbed with the love-stick, as it was usually her making people fall all over her. And sure then she loved... even wandered all over the place with him, but it's not like it would have been her choice--just look at her. She's the palacey manipulate from the throne type if you ask me...anyway.   Man... Caranthir has not had it easy though, talk about one thing after the other...[/INDENT]  Her voice is muffled against the pillow over her face, not noticing Rev's expression at the ramble.  [INDENT]I mean, first he's promised to marry a woman and is all happy and engaged, then BAM he finds Andúnë, who doesn't even want him... but he ends up breaking off the other lady just to be Andúnë's hired help... then she rejects Ilsare... then throws him to the wolves and he dies before his time with a kiss... Oi, seriously.  But the reason he stayed until she loved him was because he could see the true pain that was the reason for the giant arserag resentment and wanted to shatter the outside of it, right? She's as much said that the cost was more than she was willing to pay, and frankly I think that's as much about the first dying as her.  Like you were told... with you is the final key to her revenge, and why does she want revenge? She was one of the most talented clearly, and from how she sounded "Before," seemed beyond devoted at some point... but she does not want to share, she wanted to be the first in Ilsare's love and in the life of the Harper...  I'm not sure though how she proposes to "teach you the songs." She knows very well how the Harper is taught, how could she possibly propose to share them? She knows how she got them, and I don't think snuggling with you was on her menu, you know? The only way the songs are ever shared is through love.   ...Speaking of love! I wonder what her relation to the lech was, anyway, why he is the one who can send people to her. Old friend of hers, indeed! Sheesh. Oh well...I guess really we don't even want to know, but gods that codpiece...[/INDENT]  She starts giggling again at the memory despite the mood surrounding them in the guest quarters.  [INDENT]I guess we shouldn't get into that... heee. We just seem to be so clueless...   What other options do we have besides, "Yes," and "No," if any? Caranthir told you of the only way possible to regain the songs, and that is through Andúnë, and then pleaded with you to swear that you would not even consider it, because she is not capable of the love meant to be shared, that your very soul would be in danger, so to speak. To just find the ring and let it rest, that in a few generations the Harper would not be seen as "broken," and what was considered diminished would instead be normal...  Her...servant? Uh... what are they? I don't even know, it's a little strange, I'd like to know more about the ones here... but the whatever-they-are that showed us here said that Andúnë is often sad, that she worries when Mistress sad or hurt. The stars said there was hate, spite, resentment, that instead of loving her gifts and chosen, she fell in love with fear, of moving on, of passing, all that.   I am not sure if the Harmony is disguised from her or just missing or broken, Brac, if the song of this place is the poisoned strands of the isle, twisted and... discordant... I don't know, does that make it 'gone?' We're kinda floundering, aren't we? But I do not think it is on the Ilsarian itinerary to easily let go of dreams or give up on hope, so I suppose we are least in the right company, right? Heh... you can always take this as Ilsare giving you the chance to overcome your flaws!! ...Or something. Eh.[/INDENT]  She pulls a blanket over her head babushka-style and adopts a faux-elderly and apologetic voice.  [INDENT]I am afraid I have no answers for you child...![/INDENT]

