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Author Topic: Dragon grave yard  (Read 111 times)


Dragon grave yard
« on: May 26, 2005, 02:34:00 pm »
Yup this one come right out of the 3.5 hand book. Only the crazy and insane would dare to set foot in a dragon grave yard. The land is dead life less and plaged with Acid rain and eather and uncontroled (SP?) storms (one rule states there is a rain of magic missles every once and a great while from a level 22 caster i think. I may be wrong here.) Oh yeah add that time has no real meaning there too, add a dash of random dead magic and wild bagi areas. add a splash of portals to other worlds so that nasty out sider monsters are wandering about. The icing on the cake would be Oh.... 4 Draco liches (Dm controled of couse. they are dragons that are to protect the lands from invaders looters and what not but since a dragon grave yard is so vast and huge it's easy to sneek into one even if you got a neon sign over your head saying Over here you fool.)

Now i know you guys are saying why go in there... Well one thing... Dragon loot baby.

as for fitting into layo... Instead of piled upon piles of swag goodieness there could be say oh... Hmm maybe a few rare CNR stuff.

No yew plants can't grow there and druid type players should kind of steer clear of this place. by 50 miles or so...

It's just a suggestion for an Epic player playground. RP stuff and well a place for all them dead dragons that blood killed. Survors of Bloods out lash could of carried the bones to lay them to rest or old dragons of the pre dragon wars went to die..Maybe make it into a nasty aboveground blood well :)

Agin just a brief suggstion. I know L and Orth no time full plate. Maybe its some thing to consider.


RE: Dragon grave yard
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2005, 02:41:00 pm »
"...It's just a suggestion for an Epic player playground. RP stuff and well a place for all them dead dragons that blood killed..."
  Who says Blood is not already doing something with these bodies?  I mean, it was reported just recently that he and/or his troops took the corpse of a green dragon somewhere......
  I will leave it at that.


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RE: Dragon grave yard
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2005, 03:08:00 pm »

I love you L...

*Creeps slightly closer to the edge of his seat*


RE: Dragon grave yard
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2005, 04:31:00 pm »
Oh my god Nuzatch lives!

Well ok L If ya say so I was really thinking of a place for Epics to really sjow off how epic they are (As if east wasn't enough)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Dragon grave yard
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2005, 04:47:00 pm »
Celgar, no matter how epic you are, there is a place for you to die already in the world