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Author Topic: Dregar  (Read 615 times)


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« on: May 05, 2005, 10:17:00 pm »
I've decided to reintroduce this quest series, as I've said elsewhere.  You can see on the calendar that the Dregar series will be in a similar slot as it was in the spring, Thursday nights at 10 pm pst.  My idea is to use this thread as a place for players to share ideas and build objectives and strategies.  It will also be a place for GM/Player interaction regarding Dregar events outside of the game.  Let's hope things work more smoothly this time.


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RE: Dregar
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 09:34:00 pm »
See above

Talan Va'lash

RE: Dregar
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2005, 11:15:00 am »
Heya Rhiz,

   I'd like to participate in this series a bit more this time around.  I have always liked the concept.  One suggestion I would like to make though, is to have a bit more structure to it than there was when you were last running it.  

"There is no structure! thats the point!"

   Let me explain what I mean by that a bit.  A couple of the times I'd gotten together or was part of a group that got together on mistone with the intention of participating in the quest.  So we RP around about whatever it was that we wanted to look into, recruit some more people, and head out to dregar.  All of which takes quite a while untill everyone finally gets moving.  One of the things I remember happening a few times after getting a party over to dregar was that you were already running the quest for another character, or group.

   No one can run two quests at once heh.  Though you did try at least once if I recall ;)  Anyway, what I mean by this suggestion, which is getting much longer than I intended it to be originally, was to have some sort of expectation as to what was being done, or who was in the group.  I am not sure what the best way to handle it and not totally sacrifice the concept of the series... but, it can be an unfufilling experience for a group of players to arrive and after building up their quest goal talking on the way there, find that someone "beat them to it" as it were.


Edit: GYAAARR!  I can't make the time.  *sighs*  I really thought I'd be able to make this one since I'm MST now.


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RE: Dregar
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2005, 02:46:00 pm »
That's an excellent comment Talan, one that has been on my mind as well.  In part that's what I was hoping to use the forums for.  In other words, what I'd like to happen is if a group of adventurers wants to explore or investigate something Dregar related, they can talk about it in game and then post here about it.  I'd like the posts to stay in-character as much as possible and I'll respond in kind, with correspondence or scenes involving NPCs.  Then I'll look over the quest angles suggested in this thread and indicate in advance which one or ones will be the focus on a given night.  It may not be far in advance mind you, so keep checking the forums.
  If nobody posts here about quest directions in a given week, things will be even more open and I'll just go with the flow on Thursday night.  If nobody shows up on Thursday nights, as happened several times in the past, well then I'll just get upset and take it out on anyone logged in on West who is of high enough level to survive on Central *winks*.
  Thanks again for your suggestions.  Be well.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Dregar
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2005, 07:35:00 pm »
*Anoron paces quickly quite alert in the early morning though still feeling a bit sluggish from the heavy drinking the night before, he speaks quickly to himself while pacing between the bank and the smithy in hlint*

To hunt with a dragon... the greatest of hunters!  And a Red Dragon!  The greatest of dragons.... hmm

*he pauses leaning against the large tree between the bank and smithy and takes a drink of water*

I think that wood elf rodlin is missing an opportunity here... He doesn't seem to understand the hunt.

*goes back to pacing*

What was the name of that place?  Firesteep.. right... I wonder where in the nine hells that is.

*chugs some more water while pacing*


*wipes his mouth on his arm*

hmm.. I don't think they plan to even try to replace him with someone else... seem more interested in starting a war between the gods than finding a solution that doesn't involve people getting eaten.

*stops mid-pace and scratches his ear*

Well.. too many people.

*resumes pacing*

probably wouldn't take me there.. they were eying me funny... bah, what's that expression about a gift horse? Dont remember... hrmm.  Figured the bugger'd jump at the oportunity to save his skin.  Seems dead set on getting eaten.

*stops pacing and sits down leaning against the wall of the smithy*

I could just go... find the dragon... What!  Going looking for a dragon?  Crazy! no, stupid!  But... to hunt with the greatest of hunters....

*a young boy walks up and begins staring at Anoron who's sitting there talking to himself*

What are you looking at!  I'm just thinking thats all.  hmm, what was I saying *scratches his chin*  I could say I was there to replace the wood elf... if he doesn't believe me, well, then he might eat the wood elf too *shrugs*  Well, hopefully he doesn't.  Seemed a decent sort even if he doesn't know an opportunity when he sees it.  

*leans back and kicks out his feet in the grass*

Only problem's... walkin' up to a dragon and saying that before he decides to eat me. hmm.. well, that and finding the dragon, thats a problem too... well, and getting to this firesteep... don't even know where it is.

*looks up to the kid*

You know a place called firesteep ye eavesdropping bugger?

*The boy who had run off when Anoron first noticed him, then snuck back, runs off again realizing he was noticed*

*sighs* well i'd suppose not anyway.  Guess I should start asking... Maybe somone'll take me there... wonder if everyone else is thinkin' this dragon's as bad as the wood elf was thinking he was.  Hope not, might have trouble finding help getting there then... Time to get the day started I suppose.

*groans a bit as he pushes himself to his feet.  He walks out into the road in hlint and starts looking for a few answers*

//i'm going to go in now and pick up where this post leaves off.  Guess I'll see where it goes ;)



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RE: Dregar
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2005, 09:42:00 am »
*while in Pranzis working on a few exquisite gems she recently found, Yashilla thinks out loud about a recent journey to the depths of the Anuroch desert and particular elf who had what she thought were some very risky ambitions.*

*chuckles* "Not many eagerly seek to entertain Fisterion."

"I can't say its the wisest thing I've heard."

"Perhaps I should aid him and encourage others to do as well."

"It'd be nice to see if there are any fruits of labor."

*shakes her head* "I doubt it, not that it matters I guess."

*she holds up a clear, fine gem and then places it in a little box.*


RE: Dregar
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2005, 02:54:00 pm »
*Rodlin has been keeping an eye on Anoron since their last meaning at the campfire, watching the behavior of the bard. *

 *As Anoron stumbles from the tavern, Rodlin ducks into the shadows. He listens to the bard talk to himself.*

*Mumbles to himself* Doesn’t understand the hunt…this coming from a bard.

*Watches the bard pace back and forth with a sway in his steps*

*Thinks to himself* War? Why would there we a war between the gods. I want to warn the gods of Fisterion’s plot. The gods think for themselves, but they won’t listen to just anyone.

*Continues to watch the bard pace and stop just to talk again. Seem this bard can’t talk and walk at the same time.*

*Mumbles again* I am not concerned about my own skin. That is what got me here in the first place.

*And then wonders what a charred Rodlin would taste like*

*Shrugs* Probably chicken.

 *Watches the little boy approach and the interaction between the two*

*mocks Anoron silently* Bugger this and bugger that, geesh.

*Rodlin appears from the shadows and steps in front of Anoron and confronts the bard*

So you are as crazy as I thought you were a few days ago. I will give you your chance. But, fisterion will decide. We will meet again, shortly afterwards, I will show you the way to Firesteep.

*quickly disappears back into the shadows*

*from the shadows, Anoron hears* Wait until I come to you again before you get yourself eaten. Besides, I would kind of like to see it.


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RE: Dregar
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2005, 03:19:00 pm »
//Tonight's Dregar event will be pushed back a few hours.  Instead of starting at 10 pm pst, I won't be available until midnight pst.  I know that means many of you wont be able to attend and I'm sorry for that.  Circumstances beyond my control have made the 10 pm start highly improbable.
  Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Guardian 452

RE: Dregar
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2005, 03:38:00 pm »
// totally understand, and I will not be able to attend the later start.

hope all goes well and you have fun.  :)



Aryn Ravenlocke

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RE: Dregar
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2005, 08:34:00 am »
Thordan sits upon a knoll in the Grove of Folian S’pae, smoking a pipe and looking rather bothered. Though the are many gathered, when he speaks, it is to no one in particular, but rather as though he is thinking out loud.  

“Something about all of this still stinks. No one here is telling the whole story, not even those who have convinced themselves that they are. *sigh* My mind begins to have a hunch as to some of the whys of all of this, but not as to the whats or wherefores. One thing is fer certain though. It’s time ter start figurin out the details of individual pieces and stop tryin to solve the whole of the puzzle in one fell swoop. I think it might be time to go lookin fer a certain Druid most of us all know and talk with him a bit more. Not bloody likely that something so grand is a occurrin and he donnae have some sense of the direction it stems from.”  

He sits brooding a bit more allowing smoke to billow from around the stem of the pipe as he puffs on it contemplatively.  

“In fact, I think that it jus might be necessary ter leave Dregar behind fer a bit to go seek some answers. There certainly is one other that might have some illumination to shed on the subject. I might even have ter go lookin fer Serenity and see ifn she remembers anythin about this plot from her time serving the lizard.”  

Thordan frowns and seems to be troubled by the events unfolding in his mind.  

“Sumtin stinks. I’m a certain we’ve done right so far in what we accomplished and all, but – well…”  

Thordan takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, nodding as though he has come to accept the conclusion of a long deliberation.  

“Whatever we decide on doin, we’re gonnae have to start movin faster. It’s only a matter of time before Old Flamebreath gets his way. We kenna let that happen. It has ter be stopped. Tha has ter be our priority here. And in makin it so I rather suspect a few other pieces jes might fall inter place.”  

Thordan takes an angry pull from his pipe.  

“I’m hatin that lizard more and more everyday.”  



RE: Dregar
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2005, 04:46:00 pm »
Kavil lay prone, peering over the top of the hill towards another, larger hill in the distance. After a few moments, he spied a streak of light, and he watched as it approached him. As the light slowed, the familiar shape of a pixie formed, who descended lightly to hover near Kavil's face.

"So, Leva, tell me of what you saw," he asked her. He stood there, quietly listening as she described the things she had seen. Ogres and their kin in and around their camp, some very large bears, and not too much else. When she was done, he nodded.

"So things seem to have returned to normal here in the iron hills," he said, to himself as much as Leva. Her look was quzzical, clearly indicating that she did not understand. He recounted to her his last visit to these hills, when these dark druids and rangers appeared, seemingly intent on displacing the ogres from their hill and allowing some giants to live there instead. He concluded his telling with "We may not have dealt with this druid properly. We did not trust her when she offered to arrange a meeting with the giants, and so earned her anger. In the ensuing battle, most of us perished..myself, Esimon, Dorax and Rodlin. Only Kayla managed to escape unscathed."

He paused a moment, reflecting. "King Waylend mentioned something about dark creatures moving in central Dregar. Could this be of what he spoke? And is there any relationship between these druids and rangers and the ranger we found in the temple of Folian S'pae a few weeks ago?"  He shakes his head. "Too many questions, and no answers."

"I will not ask you to explore those dark woods beyond the hills, Leva. That is to where those druids disappeared, and I know not what traps or webs they may have in place. I'll not risk you without more cause."

With that, Kavil turned and strode away from the ogre camp, leaving the iron hills behind him.


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RE: Dregar
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2005, 04:24:00 pm »
//As it's my birthday *smiles* I may have a few extra family events going on this evening.  I intend to still be on time for the quest tonight, but might end up slightly delayed.  Thought I'd just let you know in advance.  Thanks for understanding.


RE: Dregar
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2005, 08:29:00 pm »
//Well, happy birthday! I think everyone will understand if you are late or end up cancelling. There should be no pressure in running this tonight if you are with your family.

Aryn Ravenlocke

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RE: Dregar
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2005, 08:31:00 pm »
Happy Birthday Doc! No wories. Family and friends first, always.


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RE: Dregar
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2005, 02:11:00 pm »
*making her way out of the dark forest Yashilla recalls something*

That sea elf wasn't kidding when she said chaotic times were coming.  What a mess these forests are.  

*she chuckles coldly out of frustration*  I don't know what everyone's problem with it is.  Someone's problem always has to end up a huge righteous endeavor.  At least it seems that way.  Now it's more elves and their cry for nature's balance.

*she pauses to stretch as she makes her way to the bay of Carocsa and continues thinking outloud*

Look at me...much older now than when I started this adventuring stuff.  Much wiser and really all together different.  I don't regret it one bit.  What's wrong with a little change after all...

*she continues the rest of the rant in her head opposed to out loud.*