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Author Topic: Deep Gnomes (Svirfneblin)  (Read 580 times)


Deep Gnomes (Svirfneblin)
« on: September 12, 2004, 02:50:00 am »
Deep Gnomes, also called svirfneblin in their own language, are not much like their cousins on the surface. They’re a gruff lot and very suspicious of other races; for good reason, as they’ve been betrayed or waged war upon numerous times by the other races that dwell in the Underdark, They are very good miners and gemcrafters and their jewelry are prized possessions, both in the Underdark and on the surface.
  Personality:  Deep Gnomes are distrustful, and treat every stranger as possible enemy. However, once they’ve given their trust, they’re loyal allies. They are not a passionate people unless it comes to gems and jewelry. They love metalwork, even more if it is made to bear gems, especially crowns, necklaces or rings. They’re expert crafters and don’t do half-jobs, since their culture is infused with perfectionism and respect for the work.
  Physical Description:  Deep Gnomes are no taller than 3 or 4 feet and have grayish skin, camouflaging them against the subterranean rocks. Their eyes are black or dark gray. Males are nearly always completely bald, but if they do have hair it’s more like white patches. Females usually do have hair, which also tends to be pure white.  
During the ages they’ve lived below ground they’ve grown very ugly in the eyes of other races.
  Relations with other races:  Deep Gnomes do not trust other races, and they rarely ally themselves with anyone, preferring to remain neutral and outside of every conflict. However, the drow hunt them with a passion, so conflict cannot always be avoided. With the guidance of their goddess however, they manage to stay hidden very well. This guidance, together with the strange magics of the Underdark have given the Svirfneblin some unique powers of hiding and resiting magic.
  Alignment: Usually neutral good
  Religion: Deep Gnomes worship the goddess Beryl, who shares their passion for gems.
Language: Common, Undercommon, Gnomish. There is no in-game equivalent for Undercommon. Player characters must have a minimum intelligence of 12 to be fluent in another language.
  Names: Names often have to do with gems. Common surnames are Gemcutter or Opalcarver. First names are a lot shorter than the names of their surface cousins.
  Adventurers:  Deep Gnome adventurers are not very common as they do not like to deal with other races. The occasional Svirfneblin that does leave his home settlement is usually a bold merchant.
  NWN syntax entered into Subrace Field: deepgnome, Deepgnome, DeepGnome, Svirfneblin, Svirfneblin
  As standard gnome except as follows: +2dex, +2wis, -2str, -4cha (ESA +2dex, -2con, +2wis, -4cha) Spell Resistance of 10 + 1/level Darkvision +2 to Search and Hide checks +2 Universal Saves +2 Dodge Modifier to AC Blur as a spell like ability Blindness as a spell like ability Light Sensitivity ECL: 3