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Author Topic: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name  (Read 594 times)


An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
« on: March 28, 2007, 03:01:57 am »
Shall I compare thee to a common thief?
Thou art more complex and more versatile.
Rough hands oft do thy name much grief
And most make you a stealer with a smile.

Sometimes too great an influence, the screen
With roguish grins, lawbreakers are they all -
So we fall victim to the things we've seen
And in this stereotype you sadly fall.

But you've still chance to make thy choices known,
And 'fluence those with bios still unwrit;
And cast as scout, or aught of sim'lar tone
Into a new alignment snugly fit.

So when you make a rogue I pray to you:
Think not of theft - there's more a rogue can do!

The gist of the above is that I've seen a disturbing trend of people tarring all rogues with the same brush.. or, gods help them, referring to a rogue's (or their OWN) profession in-game by the line: "Oh, I/he/she am/is a rogue!"

To borrow from the handbook:
Rogues have little in common with each other.  While some - maybe even the majority - are stealthy thieves, many serve as scouts, spies, investigators, diplomats, or simple thugs.  Rogues are versatile, adaptable, and skilled at getting what others don't want them to get.  While not equal to a fighter in combat, a rogue knows how to hit where it hurts, and a sneak attack can dish out a lot of damage.

The gist of this is that there are no "typical" rogue activities, nor a "typical" rogue alignment.  A thuggish rogue would likely not waste any skill points on Pick Pocket, Disarm Traps, and the like, and would likely have more of his ability points in CON and STR than in INT or CHA.

Conversely, the acrobatic lithe fighter who darts in and out of combat can also be a rogue, with a high DEX, and likely a high CHA, as this would be the gentleman who would Taunt opponents as he dashed around them, slipping a dagger in where it hurts.

There's the scout, learning to hide and hurt the enemy for their noble (or ignoble) cause.

The diplomat, with a high INT and CHA - capable in a fight, but much better suited to a duel of words.

Any of these are more likely to be suited to a Rogue character than virtually any other character type.  The upshot?  As before, Rogues are a very difficult character class over which to generalize.

By Any Other Name... Please?

Of all the classes, this is the One Which Is Not Named.  A rogue may be a thief (though he's unlikely to advertise as one, unless this is what the hirer is after), a scout, a trapspringer... or any of the occupations listed above... but the word "rogue" would mean nothing in-game, save its original designation: a scoundrel, unreliable, deceitful, and untrustworthy... and again, who would advertise themselves as this?

Monks are.. well, monks.  They could perhaps be "practitioners of the arts of unarmed combat", but that's stretching the point a bit.  A fighter can be a sellsword, a mercenary, a soldier, a guard.. or, let's face it, a fighter.  Someone who can wade into combat, blades flashing.  A Paladin is just that - it's in their title.  Perhaps the appellation Knight can be given.  Calling someone a cleric is fairly reasonable, likewise Rangers, and certainly Druids, Wizards, Sorcerers and Bards.  Barbarians could be called fighters as well, but their name is not misplaced.  Rogues are really the odd ones out, as a loyal scout of Mistone could easily be a Rogue.. but not be roguish in the least, and certainly not deserving of the name.

In Summary, and I'm Not Makeup, Darnit!

Rogues are incredibly versatile, so if you're planning a rogue submission, don't pigeonhole them into the "thief" persona unless that's what you wish them to be - with so much selection, a rogue can take almost any place if she's written right.

Rogues are not called rogues, as those who are wouldn't advertise it, and those who aren't would be offended.  (Though it is permissible to call the wittily quipping rogue "roguishly charming".  It may just get you smacked by anyone within arm's reach who's reading over your shoulder. :) )

And, please, Rogues are not Rouges.  The one is a versatile fighter/scout/thief/smoothtalker/whatever, the other is a powder.  (Granted, the former can become the latter if mixed with mages or dragons, but one would generally not wish to apply the result to one's face.)

And that's that!


(N.B.  Yes, I'm biased, with a primary rogue character, but sometimes I weep to see what is done with my.. erm.. noble profession.  *chuckles*)


Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 06:43:41 am »
Wish I saw this before I made Kinai :) It's very enlightening. Thank you!


Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 10:29:12 am »
Well formulated, with a good hint of wit and humour to keep the reading interesting. All you say is very true and I hope to see more "rogues" address themselves as something more precise and less... dishonourable.

Well said.


Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 11:39:14 am »
Oh, may character Jack is plenty dishonorable... he's a "thug" who knows how to get around locks and traps.  On the other hand, he couldn't sneak up on a blind and deaf person without a little luck.  He'd rather mug you than pick your pocket anyway.

On the other side, Aeoleth sees himself more as a scout and an archer -- stealthy, and locks and traps are obstacles to scouting areas, but he's not really a thief (though he has practiced his skill son the occasional NPC house).  His job is to sneak ahead to see what's there, and then provide close fire-support for the assault team.


Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 12:56:42 pm »
I see my not-yet-created-but-approved Kenelm Alan falling towards the role of a tactician. (Intelligence and Dexterity being the main abilities.)
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


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    Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
    « Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 06:31:19 pm »
    Great post, and something that has crossed my mind on more than one occasion. Whenever a new acquaintance asks what Gilli is/does, his response is that he is both a locksmith and a stealth specialist ;)


    Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
    « Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 09:17:20 pm »
    Quote from: Faldred
    Oh, may character Jack is plenty dishonorable... he's a "thug" who knows how to get around locks and traps.  On the other hand, he couldn't sneak up on a blind and deaf person without a little luck.  He'd rather mug you than pick your pocket anyway.

    And besides which, my point with the honourable/dishonourable issue was that Jack would never describe himself by saying, "I'm a rogue."  He might say, "I'm the guy who's going to break your kneecaps if you don't fork over that purse.", or simply, "I'm Jack.  Wanna make something of it?"  If asked for his profession, he might grudgingly admit that he could make his way past a lock or two, but the word "rogue" wouldn't, and, I'd go so far as to say, shouldn't feature.


    Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
    « Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 10:19:09 pm »
    Quote from: darkstorme
    Jack would never describe himself by saying, "I'm a rogue."  He might say, "I'm the guy who's going to break your kneecaps if you don't fork over that purse.", or simply, "I'm Jack.  Wanna make something of it?"

    Been reading my CDT?  ;)

    If asked for his profession, he might grudgingly admit that he could make his way past a lock or two, but the word "rogue" wouldn't, and, I'd go so far as to say, shouldn't feature.

    Absolutely.  If pressed, he might refer to himself as a "thug".  More likely, he'd make sure no one was watching, and then mug the questioner.


    Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
    « Reply #8 on: March 30, 2007, 08:53:51 am »
    Hehehehe...just being silly here so dont' get upset or anything, but:

    You'd -never- hear Emwonk refer to himself or anyone else as a rogue, of course that's partly because of his 'communications disfunction'...  He couldn't say the word if he wanted to.

    And my other point is:  Angus MacGuyver is a rogue!  Give him his Swiss Army Knife and a roll of duct tape and watch out bad-guys!


    Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
    « Reply #9 on: March 30, 2007, 03:58:01 pm »
    What an outstanding Post! Well thought out too...


    Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
    « Reply #10 on: June 12, 2009, 07:52:44 pm »
    Quote from: darkstorme

    A Paladin is just that - it's in their title.  Perhaps the appellation Knight can be given.  Calling someone a cleric is fairly reasonable, likewise Rangers, and certainly Druids, Wizards, Sorcerers and Bards.  Barbarians could be called fighters as well, but their name is not misplaced.  Rogues are really the odd ones out, as a loyal scout of Mistone could easily be a Rogue.. but not be roguish in the least, and certainly not deserving of the name.

    Earl's not a ranger, he's a NINJA!  Rangers use ranged weapons and hug trees, Ninjas get drunk, sneak up and cut somebody.

    Big difference.


    Re: An Ode to Rogues, or, a Rogue by Any Other Name
    « Reply #11 on: July 06, 2009, 06:08:43 pm »
    What can I say, good post. Glad I read it before I started my new character: and she NEVER, EVER refers to herself as a rogue.
     I can honestly say that I have had more fun playing this character than any other character I have ever played before. She may not be the most powerful character out there, but boy, is she sneaky and don't even get me started on her being manipulative...
     And thanks to all those players out there who have let her do it too - you know who you all are.
     ~~ duchess

