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Author Topic: Custom Text Macros  (Read 357 times)


Custom Text Macros
« on: October 18, 2004, 06:28:00 pm »
A lot of people are sending out accidental shouts on the Macros. So, Im going to post a little helpful hint I doubt many will ever see or read. Hehe. Anyway. Make sure to put /tk BEFORE the text you want your character to display. This will default it to the talk channel. So, an example of a Custom text macro is..

Title - Help!
Body - /tk Help!

Title is the first pop up, and is the text that will show up on the quickslot. Body is the actual text that is displayed. Wow. Hey. Even confused myself.


RE: Custom Text Macros
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2004, 08:03:00 pm »
Thanks for that. I asked a GM just the other day for that information and they were not sure.

Now I can stop apologising to everyone when I was playing with it trying to get it to work!


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RE: Custom Text Macros
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2004, 02:18:00 pm »
First time I tried I was shouting about taking off my armor  :o

Thanks for that 8bit...stayed away from it but now I know.  (now I wont have to type as much) ;)


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    RE: Custom Text Macros
    « Reply #3 on: October 31, 2004, 06:53:00 am »
    I've got a question about the shout channel. Is it appropriate to make IC shouts if you are trying to organize something? Something like a hunting party or w\\e. To send a short message IC saying something like....*Shouts are heard around hlint* And make a call asking adventurers to come to the inn or w\\e. Was told yesterday that it would be met with a DM hellball for whatever reason. So I'm wondering about DM opinion about this type of shout.


    RE: Custom Text Macros
    « Reply #4 on: October 31, 2004, 07:31:00 am »
    No, but you can certainly use the PM. I know it's a hassle PMing all the people, but we dont want any shouts except by the Gms


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      RE: Custom Text Macros
      « Reply #5 on: November 01, 2004, 10:10:00 am »
      hehehe... I remember the first time I tryed to set a custom Macro. I ended up shouting in Elven and I got PM's back saying "THAT WAS SO COOL!"  I was red in the face RL and changed it quickly. Ever since I have PM'ing people to help them when they shout.

      "Hey, you need to /TK space what you wanna say" the first time I helped the person was all
      "/tk*tips hat*" and it came out in a shout. I was laughing so hard and sent him another PM and he got it fixed.

      yeah I have seen it more and more... I guess people don't relize it.

      Oh hey.. A little help what is the mark for Party and whisper is it like /wh? I was just wondering... I would like to use them. I use /tk all the time when I'm in party talk I wanted to know if you could do it the other way so you could stay in Talk and just send the party something with out having to change it. :) YEAY!!! Thanks.



      Lucas Adorn

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        RE: Custom Text Macros
        « Reply #6 on: November 04, 2004, 09:28:00 am »
        somebody should put this in the newbie sticky poster.


        RE: Custom Text Macros
        « Reply #7 on: November 04, 2004, 10:30:00 am »

        The keystrokes are:
        /tk to talk
        /p to talk in party chat
        /w to whisper(one of my favorites)
        /dm to call the gm.

        I remember that I once had a small series of commands in the text macro. Like, /tk Greetings then bow. I might be dreaming that I used something like this, but it seems real. Ofcourse  it wasn't that wording, though. I will look into it and report back.

        Cole Etinfall


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          RE: Custom Text Macros
          « Reply #8 on: November 12, 2004, 01:44:00 pm »
          WOOO! I was wondering about that! I couldn't find it anywere in the manuals.. I think it might have been in the ST. Guild but I don't own them :)


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            RE: Custom Text Macros
            « Reply #9 on: November 12, 2004, 01:49:00 pm »
            I dont think I will every forget the time Kasha was saying (thought I was whispering) something about men being so darn stubborn to Quintayne and I accidently shouted it.  I dont think I will ever forget that.

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            RE: Custom Text Macros
            « Reply #10 on: November 12, 2004, 06:51:00 pm »
            "Hey, you need to /TK space what you wanna say" the first time I helped the person was all  "/tk*tips hat*" and it came out in a shout. I was laughing so hard and sent him another PM and he got it fixed.
             *blushes* that would have been me >_< *mutters something bad about the space bar*


            RE: Custom Text Macros
            « Reply #11 on: November 12, 2004, 06:56:00 pm »
            I was doing some up for Zup since he talks so fast, something like IamZupZupZandZawae and it was a shout, then got a tell from Guardian *Bless you*.  Still cracks me up to this day.  I felt so embarrased...heh


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              RE: Custom Text Macros
              « Reply #12 on: November 13, 2004, 12:02:00 pm »
              Enkor - 11/12/2004  6:51 PM *blushes* that would have been me >_< *mutters something bad about the space bar*
               *Giggles* That was really funny. But I have made that mistake before.  Yeah that Text Macro of yours is really cool and you still use it. ^_^  Thank you all for the other keys, they came in handy yesterday.;)

