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Author Topic: how to RP a Barbarian  (Read 239 times)


how to RP a Barbarian
« on: November 05, 2006, 07:57:52 pm »
I am thinking about posting a character submission that is a Barbarian, but I am curious as to what the comunity thinks about how the Barbarian speaks and some of the mannerisms.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.




RE: how to RP a Barbarian
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2006, 08:56:36 pm »
Tanman - 11/6/2006  2:57 PM

I am thinking about posting a character submission that is a Barbarian, but I am curious as to what the comunity thinks about how the Barbarian speaks and some of the mannerisms.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.



As an Aussie, I only see a small sample of the total barbarian population being played on Layo . . . but I really love all the barabarians I have travelled with. Those like Pig and Zug, ie the quintessential brutish, hulking barbarian.

Were you on when Dezza used to play Massanissa? A dark-skinned barbarian that was different to the 'normal mould'. I personally in PnP D&D have always tried to RP barbarians that have had a clse historical counterpart. Eg, A Native American type barb/ranger, An African barb/shaman, An Australian spearwielding aboriginal warrior, a wild and shaggy claymore wielding celt, ...? My favourite PnP character of the last few years was my saracen-esque fighter - a barbarian by many civilisation's standards but possessed of an iron code of honour and discipline. I also like barbarian type characters that defy the stereotype - I know you know Valdemar the half-giant - I really enjoy when other characters do a double take to hear him discussing topics of philosophy and religious interpretation .

I find this thread relevant (and funny)



Re: how to RP a Barbarian
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2006, 11:18:25 pm »
It is both relevant and amusing, especially the "yus walks like fishies" line.

I've played one barbarian and one Krashinite in my time at Layo... While Krashinites will typically be considered "barbarians" by most Mistoners, they're quite cultured and honorable, and their speech is all quite good, though admittedly accented. My Krashinite was a fighter, while my barbarian...

Honestly, my barbarian, Grok, is my favorite barbarian of all time, ever. He is the absolute stereotype of the class, being a half-orc with an INT of 6, who munches on goblin limbs when he gets hungry. My main rule of thumb with Grok is to drop all articles, keep words simple, drop pronouns, and emote in great detail. For example...

*Grok takes another large bite from the severed goblin arm in his hand, the bone crunching between his teeth. When he speaks, bits of meat and flakes of bone fly from his mouth, and he offers the arm to Malor.* Magic-hoomin want eats?

The reason I like him so much is the constant munching of monster-bits, but... Aye. Drop articles, pronouns, and names, and try keeping things simple.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE HOWEVER is that these suggestions are for a low-INT character, not a barbarian in particular.

Many barbarians are in fact quite intelligent and speak with better diction than I... They just tend to get angry from time to time. ;)


RE: how to RP a Barbarian
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 12:28:37 am »

You can go a lot of ways with barbarians really.

My favourite would be a barbarian from any type of culture, in which the rage and battlefrenzy is more of a ritualistic and traditional outtake on battle. These could be very intelligent barbarians with a certain philosophy concerning life and its battles.

Their speech could be as eloquent as a wizard. Of course, if you are going to give him an intelligence of 6 or 8, it should be visible in the way he's being rp'd.



RE: how to RP a Barbarian
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 08:07:33 am »
Pseudonym - 11/5/2006  11:56 PM

As an Aussie, I only see a small sample of the total barbarian population being played on Layo . . . but I really love all the barabarians I have travelled with. Those like Pig and Zug, ie the quintessential brutish, hulking barbarian.

I'm blushing...

Seriously, though, Zug's speech mannerisms are the result of a rustic upbringing and low intelligence.  I see no reason a barbarian can't speak Common passibly, though perhaps very bluntly and straightforward (simple sentence structure, basic/moderate vocabulary).  A true barbarian should be illiterate, but that does not necessarily mean non-conversant.  A Barbarian can stil have an average to high intelligence, but that does not imply any knowledge, only ability (see "Roleplaying Attributes", link below).

In terms of mannerisms, a Barbarian is going to be more in tune with the natural world than with settlements larger than a small town.  His or her worldview and experience is likely going to be very narrow, including only the areas (s)he is from and folklore of the tribe.  (S)he will know that the gods exist, and will likely follow one, but will not know all of their names and purposes; even the ones known will be in the context of their home land and tribal folklore.  It is unlikely a Barbarian will begin his/her adventures following a god of a different race or one not aligned with the ideals of the his/her tribe.

In terms of gameplay, a Barbarian is not just a specialized Fighter.  The pure Barbarian should consider sticking with light/medium armor, and going with a high enough DEX to dual-wield, since sheilds should be eschewed as well.  (Weapon Proficiency Exotic is a nice choice, though, for most two-sided weapons.)  The Barbarian is not a "tank", it is a damage dealer, pure and simple.  You will get hit.  A lot.  That's why you get the d12 hit points, damage reduction, and a lot of encouragement to bulk up CON.  Make friends with a Cleric, because you're going to need the healing.



Re: how to RP a Barbarian
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 10:00:57 am »
thanks for the hints. I am going to have do a bit of reading on this to get it right. Thanks for the guidance. Any more tips are appreciated.


Re: how to RP a Barbarian
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2006, 06:25:59 pm »
My barbarian/cleric is a barbarian in the sense that he has never trained to fight, and learned mostly from goblins, so his style is "Grab something heavy and get angry until it stops moving." Other than that he is quite normal and civilized.
