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Author Topic: Looting Policy  (Read 1308 times)


Looting Policy
« on: August 30, 2007, 11:36:18 am »
Looting Policy

Firstly, this is no way shape or form a comment on how any other group on the server wishes to distribute loot drops, simply what one group of players have decided to agree to and use on runs WE organise which I am posting so everyone knows before they join us.

Secondly, this is not a discussion.....Questions to clarify any aspect of the policy are fine but if you wish to discuss how loot is distributed, please make another thread.   As this post is to convey information not start a discussion if people take it off topic I will be asking for it to be locked.

Distribution of Loot drops

Where sensible the party will have 1-3 nominated looters who will be decided upon before the run starts and where possible pick the characters with the highest Lore to assist in identifying.  Where sensible and time allows loot should always be identified before being picked up.  Please leave all the looting to them as much as possible.

When it becomes time to distribute the loot items then items will be rolled for as normal BUT do NOT roll for an item unless you intend to actually use it.  By actually use it we mean on a regular basis.  If someone rolls for an item, stating they will use it and then we learn it has been sold within 3 months from the time they won it, they will no longer be invited on runs WE organise.

Should no one actually have a valid use for an item then all can roll for it and it can be sold as normal.

Rogues, Bards, UMD and Loot drops

Obviously rogues/bards with a high UMD can pretty much use anything.  Should an item be found that is CLASS specific then members of that class will get first refusal on that item period.  Should they not wish it then it will be rolled for by those that will use it, if no one will use then everyone can roll as above.  By class specific we mean that it is the ONLY class listed in the description as able to use that item.

Loot and High Level CNR

When a high level CNR run is organised, such as (but not inclusive to) emeralds, rubies, mithral, yew then slightly different rules will apply.

If there is enough of the CNR for everyone in the party to take a share then the above rules will apply.

If there is NOT enough CNR for everyone then the CNR will be rolled for as normal, again....Roll if you are going to use it, not simply to sell it.  Once the CNR has been rolled for and distributed then those NOT having got any of the CNR will get first refusal on any loot drops to roll among themselves as necessary.  Once that has been done then the above rule applies to any loot left.

Staying together

Running off and leaving the looter is both dangerous for the looter as well as often losing them XP from the next encounter.  Looters are providing the party a service and as such if you run off you will be given two warnings, if you continue to run ahead you will forfeit the right to roll for any CNR or loot.

Remember, if you roll saying you will use something and it is sold rather than used when another would have used it, you will not be asked to join the runs this group of characters organise.

Everyone in a group makes it possible for loot/CNR to be gathered and as such need should always come first in the distribution, then personal profit.

These rules obviously ONLY apply to runs any of these characters organise.  Each group has their own ways of distributing loot and when invited on their runs then we expect to follow their rules.  This is simply a heads up on what to expect on these character's runs.

The characters organising runs that this applies to are:

Emie Meadows
Beli Stonewill
Buddy Tenker
O'red Stonehall
Daeron Stormcloud
Quillwem Laylluanilm
Ralinda Allisan
Connor Garvill
Elladan Peters
Shamur Reatur
Shiff Dragonheart
Boon Loon
Caighd Brendimeere
Ireth Astendor
Wren Thendor
Cam Cutter
Kinai Ancalime
Pyyran Rahth
Ceviren Lightstaff
Ember Beau
Armolas Folian

Should anyone else wish to add their characters name to this set of rules as they would like to use it for trips they organise too, please PM me.  In fact, even if you’re reading this and thinking “That’s what I do anyway” please still PM me to have your name added.

Even if you don't organise trips as such but like and support this....PM me your name! :)
The following users thanked this post: Pandapuff7


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 12:14:51 pm »
Updated with additional names


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 12:40:37 pm »
Additional names added


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 02:05:32 pm »
Updated *sticks tounge out at Darkus Tornado*

Darkus Tornado

Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2007, 02:13:38 pm »
*grins wickedly at DMOE*


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2007, 06:51:18 pm »
More names added!!!


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2007, 07:30:04 am »
Another name added!


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2007, 10:39:03 am »
Even more names added!!!

Nice to see people signing up...Thank you to all that have and those who helped create this policy with me!


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2007, 01:42:33 pm »


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2007, 03:25:37 pm »
Updated again.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2007, 03:33:14 pm »
A relevant question: To whom does the totally unwanted loot go; i.e. star dusts, charcoal, the regular old boots, that mineral phenalope...?

And a suggestion. While it is perfectly reasonable for six-sided dice to exist, ten-sided dice are quite a bit harder to make. I propose that the rolls be changed from 1d100 to 5d6. The bell curve makes that extra-high roll that much more impressive, and the low roll that much less likely to beat out the rest. In addition, as suggested in the first bit of this, it's more likely for these characters to have sets of six-sided dice to add up than ten-sided dice to put together.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2007, 03:42:20 pm »
Most partys send someone off to the pawn shop with unwanted loot and throw the coins into the 'trues' pot before the split.  Other than that, it's pretty much up to the party....I've had groups tell Muir to donate it to her temple but then there was 3 Mistys and her favourite gnome in that group ;)

I'm all for good RP and everything but if it's 2am and I've just done a 6 hour run, I want to be rolling once and only rolling again if someone rolls exactly the same as me and we're the two highest.

1d100 while maybe not making the best RP sense, does make it quick and relatively painless so I'm not in favour of changing it.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2008, 12:56:53 pm »
I wanted to bump this back up for all the new folks to see.

Also if agreed by the majority of invested folks I would like to add a section on level requirements.

Level requirements should also be considered after all other things such as:

- Intention to actually use it and the ability to use it (if you cant use it dont roll for it if there are others that can use it and want it)
- CLASS specific gets first refusal on items over UMD period.
- If there are multi persons that fit all of the above (plus the other rules stated) then level reqs should be looked at. Dont take an item from a PC that can use it now if it will be more then 3 levels before you can use it.

Thanks all.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2008, 03:17:07 am »
Updated and what do people think?

Do we wish to add that you shouldn't roll for an item you can't use for 3 levels or more against a person who can use it now?


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2008, 03:19:32 am »
I agree with the use-within-three-levels thing, but not with UMD. If someone can use it now, they can use it now - UMD is as much a class feature as Turn Undead or the ability to cast spells.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2008, 04:32:27 am »
Quote from: DMOE

Rogues, Bards, UMD and Loot drops

Obviously rogues/bards with a high UMD can pretty much use anything.  Should an item be found that is CLASS specific then members of that class will get first refusal on that item period.  Should they not wish it then it will be rolled for by those that will use it, if no one will use then everyone can roll as above.  By class specific we mean that it is the ONLY class listed in the description as able to use that item.

That's from the original policy Stephen.

Note it only applies to items where it is specific to ONE class and ONE class only.

I'm not about to change that.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2008, 05:49:05 am »
Only tad problem I got with it...

I mean... seriously... you find some Enchanted Mithril Half Plate ( the rarest drop in the game)... and are only 3 levels away from being able to use it... and are told you cant roll for it?
Regardless of level on these " Uber rare item drops"... everyone would want to roll for them.
But... I signed.... so I agree.

As for the UMD thing... if an Item is say... "only usable by Ranger"... but a Rogue's got really high UMD... then the Ranger gets first refusale.

The very fact that a Rogue "can" use some items with UMD is the bonus of the Rogues class... but shouldn't give them the opportunity to have first refusale on basically every specific class item that drops.
If the Ranger doesnt want the item... then the Rogue has the bonus of being the only other person able to use it.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2008, 07:16:05 am »
Lord Cove....I am asking for the opinions of the people who signed to see IF we take Jrizz's suggestion...

If your happy with the policy the way it is and the rest who can be bothered to post are....It'll stay the same...

The UMD thing is NOT changing....It is how it is in the original policy and it's staying that way


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2008, 07:37:43 am »
Ahh... in that case...

- Intention to actually use it and the ability to use it (if you cant use it dont roll for it if there are others that can use it and want it)
- If there are multi persons that fit all of the above (plus the other rules stated) then level reqs should be looked at. Dont take an item from a PC that can use it now if it will be more then 3 levels before you can use it.

Since these two go hand in hand... it seems fair.

I just smell disgruntlement in the air when some extra rare item gets dropped and the only person able to take it just happens to be the "highest" level.


Re: Looting Policy
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2008, 07:59:46 am »
I do agree that I too can see disgruntlement in the air as you described....

Maybe it would be better to open it up to 5 lvls....
